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D (21223) BBA-V Sem. 18101 Date-Stamp to be affixed here BBA Examination, Dec.-2023 General English Question Booklet Number Code : BBA-504 Question Booklet Series S (To be filled in by the Candidate / Pra yfeiai steel zai a2) Roll No. (in figures) | Maximum Marks : 75 aewaias (sia 3) HD 75 Roll No. (in words) Sryppre (areal 4) [Time : 2 Hours Enrolment No. (in figures) (WH: 2 wwe Name of College Signature of Invigilator Sita oar wa Petters & aera Instructions to the Examine : whaieat & fre Pia: 1. Donot open the booklet unless you are asked 4 ges. ofera ah al ges Gh SET ST so. a 2, Thebooklet contains 100 questions, Examinee >. wer ofterer a 100 wer &) oterelt at ait 100 wet is required to answer all 100 questions in the @ daa at ag ome aacsie w a et Bers, OMR Answer-Sheet provided and not in the question booklet. All questions carry equal marks. 3, Examine the Booklet and the OMR Answer-Sheet very carefully before you proceed. Faulty question booklet due to missing or duplicate pages/questions or having any other discrepancy should be got immediately replaced, (Remaining Instructions on tasi page) srergftrar ox sail eat wet & si wae gI 2. well os ser siftsa ort @ od merger er OMR aimacate a areriigse ta al aye wer yiaor red go arr ert ae eet aT tO S afte ae Bo me ai or set Pet aa oR Stott a, a aed cao ail shy Aide HPA TS FR) https:/ 1, Choose the correct spelling: (ar Patcte (B) Palet (C) Palate (D) Pelate . Brothers must live in harmony. They Must never fall (A) off (B) out (©) apart (D) away 3. To end in smoke : (A) To make completely understand ~.- (B) To ruin one self (C) To overcome someone (D) To excite great applause 4. To be above board. {A) To have a good height. (B) To be honest in any business deal (C) They have no debts. (D) To try to be beautiful. 18101\8\2023 - He sent.a word to me that he would be coming late. (A) Sent word _(B)-had sent a word (C) Sent words (D)_No Improvement You are warned against committing the same mistake again. (A) To commit (BY For committing (C)_ Against to commit (D) No improvement Either he or I am going. (A) he or I are going (8) he is going or Iam (C) Tor he is going (0) No improvement Taxpayers are to be conscious of their privileges. (A) have to (B) need (C) ought to (D) is 10. 11. 12. With a thundering roar the huge rocket 13. soared up from the launching pad (A). flew up (B)_ went upwards (C)_ took off (0) geared up Why the dinosaurs died out is_not 14. known. (A). It is not known (B) the reason is not known (C) that Is not known (D}_ No improvement I will not go to school, if it shall rain 15. tomorrow. (A) it would rain tomorrow (B) it will rain tomorrow (C) it rains tomorrow (D) No improvement When the examinations were over Anil 16. and me went to our native town. (A) me and Anil p I - (By Anil and (©) land Anil (D) No Improvement 181011812023 (4) Busy: (A). Active (B) Occupied (C) Preoccupied {D) Diligent Bitterness: (A) Sourness (B) Acrimony (C) Aspersion (D)_ Hoarseness Sterile: (A) Dry (B) Barren (C) Childless (0 None of these Consequences: (A) Results (B) Conclusion (C) Difficulties (D) Applications 17. Select the pair which has the same relationship, DIVA: OPERA (A) Producer : Theatre (B) Director : Drama . (Conductor : Bus (D) Thespian : Play 18. Select the pair which has the same relationship. PAIN : SEDATIVE (A) Comfort : Stimulant (B) Grief : Consolation (C) Trance : Narcotic (D) Ache : Extraction 19. Ram was/senior to/Mohan in college : (A) Ram was (B) Senior to (C) Mohan in college (D) No Error 20. Everyone knows/that the. leopard is/ faster/of all animals. {A) Everyone knows (B} That the leopard is (C) Faster _ (D) Of all animals 181011812023 21, A mosquito Is flying ___ your head. (A) inside (B) outside — (C) over (D) on money. 22, People are mad <= (AY over (B) after (©) in (D) with 23. One who has no parents is called : (A) ‘Orphan (B) Abundant (C) Lucky (0) Careless 24. The popularity of the yesterday's superstar is on the wave. (A) atits peak (B) at rock bottom (C) growing more (D)_ growing less (5) 25. How long will the people put up with 29. Divide the chocolates the two the increasing economic hardships? sisters. (A) Between (A) Welcome (8) among (B) Take easily (C) to (C)_ Remain satisfied with © (0) for 30. Rama is good ____ dancing. D) Tolerate ©) (A) about 26. Children recited poem _{B) at in honour of Prime (C) on (0) for Minister, 31. Work is the one thing : (A) the, a, an, a P: _and.without it (8) a, the, the ,.the Q: that is necessary ” R: to keep the world going (€) ho article, a, an, the S: we should all die (D) the, a, the, the (A) QPsR 27. There is fish in bottle, (8) RPQS , the, th (6), SAPO ‘A) the, the > “ ~(D) QRPS _{B)"a, the 32. By this time : © aa P: at the railway station Q: reported mass looting (D) None : R: reports of violence were flooding 28, The wheel span the winning line it (A) back to S: which police dispatches . HAT RSPQ (8) under (B) SPRQ (C) past ~ © sQRP _{D) slong (BD) RSQP “onisiz023 https:/ 33. Education is : P: of the proper sense of responsi bilities. Q: the first need R: - ina citizen S: for the development ta) SQPR (B) QSRP €€y QSPR ~ / (D) PQRS 34. Find the correctly spelt words: (ayExcessive ” @)\ Excessive (C) Exxesive (D) Excesive 35. Find the correctly spelt words, (A). Humorous (8) Ganerous (C) Pupolous (D) Maretorious 36. Find the word that means opposite Foremost: _{A). Hindmost {B) Unimportant (C) Disposed (D) Mature 37. Writé the opposite for the word Protects : (A) Defends (B) Deprives (C) Deserts (D) Devices. 181011512023 38. Find the word that means opposite Widely : (A) Spaciously _{8)- Narrowly “oO Succinetly (D) Brod base 39, Find the opposite of the word Mighty : (A) Tough (B) Weak (C) Forceful _(D) Haughty 40. Tending to move away from the centre or axis : (A) Centrifugal (8) Centripetal {C) Axiomatic (D) Awry 41. A person interested in collecting, studying and selling of old things : (A) Antiquarian (B) Junk-deater (©) Crank (D) Archaeologist 42. A drawing on transparent paper. (A) Red print (B) Blue print (C) Negative (0) ‘Transparency https:/ 43. 45, 46. 47. 18 A remedy for all diseases (A). Stoic (8) Marvel (C) Panacea (DB) Recompense . This is a__on his character, {A) Blot (8) Blur (©) Slur {D) Spot We should ____ opportunities as they arise. (A)-Seize (B) Crease {C) Size (D) Sneeze He said to her, "What a cold day!" +4)” He told her that it was a cold day He exclaimed that it was a cold day He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was a cold day He exclaimed that it was a very cold day Select the pair which has the same relationship. Distance : Mile (A) Liquid : litre (B) Bushel : corn (C) Weight : scale (D) Fame : television 1011812023 48. 49. SL. 52. aS Roman Regions ____ the Mountains _____ of Masada for three years before they were able to seize it. (A) dissembled, bastion {B) assailed, symbol (C) besieged, citadel (D) honed, stronghold dillwas___ by her employees because she often them for not working hard enough. (A) defied, goaded (B) loathed, berated (C) disregarded, eulogized (D) cherished, decided . He sold his house for a song, (A) (B} at a reasonable price at a discount very cheaply (D) Vikram said that he has got a problem to square up with the manager. (A) Consider (B) Discuss (C) Settle (D) Workout The time is running out, you must look sharp. (a) (B) {c) (0) at @ premium be careful make haste be punctual be sensible 53. Select the correct word ; 57. Defer: fA) -Adulterate {A) Indifferent (B) Adeldurate (B) Defy (C) Adulterat (©) Differ 1D) Adul (D) Adultarate _{0}- Postpone 54. Jawaharial spent his chi Pent his childhood 58. Abandon: Anand Bhawan, : (A) Forsake ~ (A) at (8) Keep (8) in (C) Cherish (C) on (D)- Enlarge {D) across 59. Predominant: 55. Of old paintings is a job for (A) Lovable experts, (8) \Yinporta nt (A) Resurrection ~ * (C) Vague (8) Retrieval (C) Restoration (D) Assurance OF — (D) Resumptio 60. The workers are hell bi sumption 56. Fostering: what is due to them, (A) Safeguarding (A) hell bent on getting (B) Neglecting —{B) hell bent for getting ACY Ignoring ~{C) hell bent upon getting (D) Nurturing {D) No improvement ‘e101IS\2023 (3) 61. A person who renounces the world and practices self discipline in order to attain salvation: (A) Sceptic (B) Ascetic (C) Devotee {D) Antiquarian 62. Cease: _ fA) Stop (B) Begin (C) Create (D) Dull 63.. Choose the mis-spelt word: “ (A). Affidevit (B) Adversity —(C) Adulation (D) Adventitious 64. Ifthe room had been brighter, I would have been able to read for a while before bed time. __ AA) the room was brighter ‘(B) If the room are brighter RC) Had the room been brighter (D) No Improvement 18401\S12023 110] 65. 66. 67. A hater of knowledge and learning: (A) Bibliophile (B) Philologist (€) Misogynis. (D} Misologist The grapes are now enough to be picked. (A) ready (B) mature (C) ripe (D) advanced ‘A sad song: (A) Ditty (B) Knell {C) Dirge (D) Lay 68. Choose the mis-spelt word (A) Judicious (8): Skilfut (C) Guarantee (D) Accomplish https:/ 69. Will you kindly gpen the knot? (A}tntie (B) Break (C) Loose (D)_No improvement 70. He has People visiting him at his house because he fears it will cause discomfort to neighbours; {A) Curtailed (B) Requested (C) Stopped (D) Warned 71. Arrange the below mentioned jumbled words: Since the beginning of history, P: have managed to catch Q: the Eskimos and Red Indians R: by a very difficult method S: a few specimens of this aquatic animal AA) aRPs (B) SQPR tc} soRP (D) QPSR 72. He is too important for tolerating any delay. (A}- to tolerate (8) to tolerating (C) at tolerating (D) with tolerating 18101\S\2023 73. This is a good ——_ for a picnic, (A) plot _(B) spot {C) scene (D) landscape 74. Ram the prince of Ayodhya t 75. The Christmas tree was siblings: ~-fA) adored (8) adorned (C) abhored (D) vitiated with stars and other decorative items. fA) adored (8) endowed (C) encased (D) enticed 76. The doctor gave me a prescription [1] my cough. ~ (A) for (B) with (C) at (D) to 77. He gave a talk dengue fever. (A) of (B) on (C) for +f) off 78. My watch is the table. (A) in (8) at -(C) on (D) of the causes of 81. 82. "79. A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land: (A) Peninsula (B) Isthmus (C) Continent (D) Gulf 80. The study of ancient societies. (A) Anthropology (B) Archaeology (C) History (D) Ethnology 181011S\2023 83. 84. (12) The children were freed ____ the danger. (A) of 3) from (C) with (D) in For me, breakfast is best meal of the day. (A) a (B) an -- (E)" the (D) for Massive: (A) Lump sum (8) Gaping (C) Strong (D) Huge Germinate: (4) Decay (B) Breed (C) Produce (D) Sprout https:/ gs. Diligent: (A) Fool {B) Unhappy (C) Hardworking (D) Lazy . My sister is Timid in front of strangers. (A) Fast (8) Slow (C) Vivacious {D) Shy 87. The teacher showed a neutral behaviours in the fight of the students. (A) Unbiased (B) Non-aligned (C) Undecided {D) Indifferent 88. Government by @ small group of all powerful persons: A) Oligarchy (8) Monarchy (C) Democracy (D) Anarchy ‘WronNsi2023, 91. 92. (131 90. 89, Shallow: (A) Artificial (B) Superficial (C) Foolish {Dy Worthless My uncle decided to take ___ and my sister to the market. (a) 1 (B) mine (Cc) me (D) myself Cancel: (A) Abolish {B) Approve (C) Allow (D) Break A person interested in reading books and nothing else. (A) Book keeper (B) Scholar (2) Bookworm (D) Student. 93. Please, stop (A) to make (B) make (C) making (0) makes 94, To keeps one's temper. (A) To become angry (8) To be in good mood {C) To preserve ones energy (D) To be aloof from 95. To drive home : {A) To find one’s roots (B) To return to place of rest (C) Back to original position (D) To emphasise 96. According to the reports: P: were still trapped inside Q: bogies of the express R: the wrecked S: some of the passengers (A) PQRS (B) PSQR (©) RSQP (D) SPRQ 181011812023 $0 many mistakes. 97. Paintings: [14] 4) P: have been Q: which were submitted R: totally ruined by rain last night S: for the exhibition (A) PQRS (B) PROS (C) QRPS — (D) QSPR 98. I said to him, “Why are you working so hard?" (A) Lasked him why he was working so hard. (8) Tasked him why was he working so hard. I asked him why had he been working so hard. (0 1 asked him why he had been working so hard. 99. Choose the correct one. (A) Pessenger (B) Passenger (C) Pasanger (D) Pesanger 100. Choose the correct word: (A) Forecast (B) Forecaste (C) Forcaust (D) Forcast https:/

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