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Priority Training name Trainning Domain

1 Data collection Digitally - Mobile Monitoring and Evaluation

2 Development of MIS format Monitoring and Evaluation
3 Case study writing Monitoring and Evaluation
4 Report writing - activity, monthly report, Daily Soft skills
Computer basic knowledge - word, excle,
5 powerpoints, image, editing Soft skills
6 How to write report in English Soft skills
Agriculture knowledge - Pesticide, Seeds,
7 Fungiside, organic farming Domain specific
8 Multi layer agriculture - vegetable Domain specific
SHG functional managemet community
9 institution Domain specific
Personality Development - Meeting with office,
10 negotiation skills, community work Soft skills
11 Child rights Domain specific
12 Government welfare schemes Domain specific
13 AI technologies Soft skills
14 Activity planning as per budget Project Management

15 How to do planning for program implementation Project Management

16 How to link local production with market linkange Domain specific

17 Advance excel Soft skills
18 Canva and other editing apps Soft skills
19 social media handling Soft skills
20 Communication skill development Soft skills
21 Time management Soft skills
22 Team management and coordination Soft skills
23 Expenditure report Financial management
24 How to simplyfy the financial management Financial management
25 Documentation of financial expenditure Financial management
26 Report Presentation Soft skills
27 Panchayati Raj Institutions Domain specific
28 Program monitoring Monitoring and Evaluation
How to prepapre voucher and reporting for
29 finance Financial management
30 HR management HR management
31 Simplify the financial work Financial management
32 FCRA knowledge Compliance
33 ITR rule Compliance
34 FC4 knowledge Compliance
35 Audit preparation Compliance
36 Indentification of bills (origanility) Financial management
37 Identification of GST and Non GST bill Compliance
38 Logical framework Monitoring and Evaluation
39 meeting moderation Soft skills
40 Budget implementation Project Management
41 CASH Flow and Planning Financial management
42 IT complaination (FCRA and Non FCRA) Compliance
43 Data analysis Monitoring and Evaluation
44 Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation
45 Narrative reports Soft skills
46 Advocacy Policy Advocacy
47 Counselling skills Soft skills
48 Social mobilization Soft skills
49 Livstock management Domain specific
50 Assest Management Financial management
51 Gender Domain specific
52 Urban governance Domain specific
53 Local contribution Resource mobilization
54 CSR funding Resource mobilization
55 CSR rule Compliance
56 Individual Data protection Compliance
57 Email Use Soft skills
58 Information technology Rule Compliance
59 Personal file HR management
60 Activity plan HR management
61 Training HR management
62 Orientaiton HR management
63 Time Sheets HR management
Trainning Domain
4 Compliance Result
Domain specific
4 Domain specific Result
Financial manage

1 Financial management Result
HR management

HR management Result
Monitoring and Ev
1 Monitoring and Evaluation Result
Policy Advocacy
Policy Advocacy Result
1 Project Manageme
1 Project Management Result
Resource mobiliza
4 Resource mobilization Result
4 Soft skills

Soft skills Result

1 (empty) Result
Total Result
Training name
Audit preparation
FC4 knowledge
FCRA knowledge
Identification of GST and Non GST bill
IT complaination (FCRA and Non FCRA)
ITR rule
CSR rule
Individual Data protection
Information technology Rule
iance Result
Agriculture knowledge - Pesticide, Seeds, Fungiside, organic farming
Child rights
Government welfare schemes
How to link local production with market linkange
Livstock management
Multi layer agriculture - vegetable
Panchayati Raj Institutions
Urban governance
SHG functional managemet community institution
n specific Result
Assest Management
CASH Flow and Planning
Documentation of financial expenditure
Expenditure report
How to prepapre voucher and reporting for finance
How to simplyfy the financial management
Indentification of bills (origanility)
Simplify the financial work
ial management Result
HR management
Personal file
Activity plan
Time Sheets
anagement Result
Case study writing
Data analysis
Data collection Digitally - Mobile
Development of MIS format
Logical framework
Program monitoring
oring and Evaluation Result
Advocacy Result
Activity planning as per budget
Budget implementation
How to do planning for program implementation
t Management Result
Local contribution
CSR funding
rce mobilization Result
Advance excel
AI technologies
Canva and other editing apps
Communication skill development
Computer basic knowledge - word, excle, powerpoints, image, editing
Counselling skills
How to write report in English
meeting moderation
Narrative reports
Personality Development - Meeting with office, negotiation skills, community work
Report Presentation
Report writing - activity, monthly report, Daily
social media handling
Social mobilization
Team management and coordination
Time management
Email Use

Sl. NO Trainning
1 Compliance
2 Compliance
3 Compliance
4 Compliance
5 Compliance
6 Compliance
7 Compliance
8 Compliance
9 Compliance
10 Domain specific
11 Domain specific
12 Domain specific
13 Domain specific
14 Domain specific
15 Domain specific
16 Domain specific
17 Domain specific
18 Domain specific
19 Domain specific
20 Financial management
21 Financial management
22 Financial management
23 Financial management
24 Financial management
25 Financial management
26 Financial management
27 HR management
28 Monitoring and Evaluation
29 Monitoring and Evaluation
30 Monitoring and Evaluation
31 Monitoring and Evaluation
32 Monitoring and Evaluation
33 Monitoring and Evaluation
34 Monitoring and Evaluation
35 Project Management
36 Project Management
37 Project Management
38 Soft skills
39 Soft skills
40 Soft skills
41 Soft skills
42 Soft skills
43 Soft skills
44 Soft skills
45 Soft skills
46 Soft skills
47 Soft skills
48 Soft skills
49 Soft skills
50 Soft skills
51 Soft skills
52 Soft skills
53 Soft skills
54 Soft skills
55 Resource mobilization
Training name Priority
Audit preparation 5
FC4 knowledge 1
FCRA knowledge 1
Identification of GST and Non GST bill 2
IT complaination (FCRA and Non FCRA) 2
ITR rule 2
CSR rule 3
Individual Data protection 4
Information technology Rule 4
Agriculture knowledge - Pesticide, Seeds, Fungiside, organic farming 2
Child rights 1
Government welfare schemes 3
How to link local production with market linkange 2
Livstock management 2
Multi layer agriculture - vegetable 2
Panchayati Raj Institutions 4
Gender 1
Urban governance 5
SHG functional managemet community institution 4
CASH Flow and Planning 1
Documentation of financial expenditure 2
Expenditure report 3
How to prepapre voucher and reporting for finance 2
How to simplyfy the financial management 1
Indentification of bills (origanility) 2
Simplify the financial work 1
HR management 1
Case study writing 4
Data analysis 4
Data collection Digitally - Mobile 3
Development of MIS format 2
Evaluation 5
Logical framework 1
Program monitoring 1
Activity planning as per budget 1
Budget implementation 1
How to do planning for program implementation 1
Advance excel 4
AI technologies 4
Canva and other editing apps 4
Communication skill development 3
Computer basic knowledge - word, excle, powerpoints, image, editing 1
Counselling skills 6
How to write report in English 4
meeting moderation 2
Narrative reports 3
Personality Development - Meeting with office, negotiation skills, co 2
Report Presentation 3
Report writing - activity, monthly report, Daily 3
social media handling 4
Social mobilization 2
Team management and coordination 5
Time management 5
Email Use 4
CSR funding 1

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