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Nama : Hanreza Yuniari Pranstika

NIM : 23100261163

Kelas : PPG Prajabatan – PGSD C

Hello, good morning everyone, permission to introduce myself, my name is Hanreza

Yuniari Pranstika, you can call me Zaza, from the city of Blora. I graduated from the
elementary school teacher education study program at the PGRI University Semarang
campus. I also want to introduce a little about my family, the first my father's name is
Supranto, he has now retired as a teacher at an elementary school and my mother is Siti
Cahyani, now she still teaches at an elementary school, and I also have an older brother who
His name is almost the same as mine, namely Handika Juniawan Suprantana. He now lives in
Slawi, Tegal City and works as a TNI officer who is currently carrying out state duties in
Central Africa. Our hobbies are volleyball and badminton which we do when we gather
together at home.

A little story about my experience in high school, namely that on the first day of
registration I was ranked 50th every hour and that day I and my family always monitored the
initial ranking for entering the favorite high school in the city of Blora, until the last day
registration closed at 12.00 WIB. My family and I started at 10.00 WIB and were ready in
front of the computer to always monitor the rankings because there were still many people
registering at the school. I felt scared and tense as it approached 12.00 WIB to determine
whether I would be accepted or not. At 11.58 WIT my position was at the bottom of the
number of students who would be accepted, that's where my family and I surrendered and at
exactly 12.00 WIT my position was still there and at the time of the announcement I was
declared accepted at the favorite school in the city of Blora, and after running the first
semester in my tenth grade ranked in the top 20 in the department.

That's a brief introduction to myself and my family along with my interesting

experience when I first entered the favorite high school in the city of Blora.

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