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——— E2 } agen wx ton 560132 ate ar stot sree & Ace eet = oueeese([ [ae eee = gprs Gitar at A gpa (ot a) = get oben Safad od a Pr rah ST TT TEL — se Rten & ree aa (ewetinters a Ge a ST races 8) caver om) Tagen RS we oe EH ee | Fe Fe ee low sere sae weer 1 ene & PET 1 om te fe Plage seer to er | Rex ait wt wer ped 8 reread eurtyee ere wee wea et woe eA | 2 Ree cance onoy mma gener wt ce ree as er yeeond an ee Teepe verge tg we ew pete ave ver Fok Oa 8 ST \ Se cee mgt ot eek ene oer ao Re Sz en a eer ete HE | SES TS seh weer ee Bee STEN | 3 I eer at Esher ARE ok se et He,t See EY ee FN per Peek er eS aoe oh ATE ee UE zee ae GT | See eee ch ee Rare en & RR MEG, SN MEE ATE RE SST | sree a oot Reet wate eo GB AR FOE See ee nt end eg ate, ae fg, af ee et tN wt ere AS wont mm Fhe reggae, Seren a, mengf tres Feet wf are Gen, ore SP SB See ae fo 8 pee ee oR I we FE OS ee rae en boson BS a A tng we A Ge RE aT EA AT stom ¢ aa we | a aber etn abate, reas: ari, ae, eet hte TET we FS FY 8 aera econ re 8 ae ere RE ATA A SEN GRE eg BET ge wate a OH 1 eevee a 2 | WN eae wa a ETA eee ar sere sek at ar mch ahe 8 aE ak ae aA ee Beg eT ae SAE 3 ce eae ad att at | ctx OO @ O reacts O @ OO 4 Tere aE wc dees pears HM ged A go AB ed ge AA AR I He See ae geo ed Ree ST Cm ers aT aE oe At aT ES S| ee Fe ee ear x error ae S&S aa wa a een ares rh 2 5 sete EA | seer ak mag St er we we AG at ft |e meg A vt ee ea Nt = . A particle of mass 1 mg has the same wavelength as an electron moving with a velocity of 3 x 108 ms~. The velocity of the particle is (Mass of electron= 9,1 x 107%* kg) 2.7 x 10-¥*ms™* @) 9 x 10-ms* (3 x 10°*ms* (©) 2.7 x 10-?*ms“? Calculate the energy in joule corresponding to light of wavelength 45 nm : constant h = 6.63 x 10-*4 Js; speed of light c= 3 x 10°ms"*) () 6.67x10% (8) 4.42 x 10778 ( 442x107' ©) 6.67 x 10" In measurement of radius of a sphere, percentage error is 1%. What will be error in | | | | 9 SAM & we er st aee aT 3x 10a, > a 8 ae 3 9.1 x 1074 kg) 27 x 10-8, ®) 9 x 10-4Rya. © 3x 10a, © 27x 104A, | 8 were frrat mereeh 45 nm 8, Ht Got (Planck’s| ya 8 ef cai facie h= 663 x 10-*qra, werrminc= 3x10.) W 667x410 8) 4.42 10718 4.42x10-* @) 10. Ue thet ot Area at ant F often ae 1% at 8 | eae saat F ae ert 6.67 x 10% a volume of sphere ? (8) 3% ©) 5% (9) 3% (3) 5% © 7% 0) 1% (97% (0) 1% Past ‘1. A planet moving along an elliptical orbit is| + closest to the sun at a distance r, and farthest away ata distance of r,. If v, and vy, ate the linear velocities at these points respectively, then the ratio of O (3 oh © (sy tp 2 12 A p-n photodiode is made of a material with a band gap of 2.0 eV. The minimum frequency of the radiation that can be absorbed by the material is nearly 5 x 10Hz (8) 20 x 10%*Hz ©) 4x 10% Hz wh n (0 10 x 10 Hz 18. The root mean square velocity of a gas is doubled when the absolute temperature is (A) increased four times | | eae Scr EAE eee a, fret qi a apar gt afta =e eee wig we at wy, TT v; & ip wr aga & wm fe x)? m @) (cleat © ry)? @) Wp - ness 20 ey as at & ved Yate 1 ga vert eR aaztita Rien at sa angfer errr ert 5 x 1018 wet © 20 x 10% Bt 40 x 10 Feat 4x 10% Fest fort te a at yt ater a1 (rms) gr én, 9 ae ot wea aT (A eR Tat oa | (8) increased two times © don ami (©) reduced to half (0 aren Rear or 1 (0) reduced to one fourth ©) yo dng erm | Pages aor “NN +4, The IUPAC name of is feo ogee. at eet aa cea cto Co ateae is OH CHS OH (A) 4 hydroxy - 1 - methylpentanal ) 4 - ereghett (8) 2-hydroxy-3-methylpent-2-en-5-| (8) 2 - sregtett al H-5 (© 4~-hydroxy-2-methylpent-2-en-1-| (0 4 - atggreit al | R-1- (0) 2-hydroxy-4~methylpent-3-en-S-| ©) 2 ~ ergghaih al Ifthe) | rs 18. Geometry of BF; is (8 pr, @ waft tee ert ( tetrahedral (®) pentagonal | Wageeta ©) dapia (© trihedral (9) trigonal planar =| (c). rperatter | ©) erattarare Prater | ‘8 Twothin lenses of focal length 'f,’ and 'f,"/#6 19, ar’) Whee ghd & at vt are in contact and co-axial. The power of the] aay anit wa W ie eating combination is | Ht afer (oa) ert | | | | | | | | a | a) Ff [a w fe 8 [a | yi de fe ye t 0 (&+ &) o &+h (6+ f) 0 £+6 fh 2 f& 2 ‘ 1. Acidity of phenol is due to 1. eater Farce Set & (A) hydrogen bonding (8) phenolic group ) SES Ft & BROT ©) rater ae & RT (0 aim fet & are ©) wae wed & agae fener & oR | (0) benzene ring (©) resonance stabilization ofits anion mw OM ~ 2 Volume of H, gas occupied by its one gm | 21. TT SSS 18 The wave described by y = 0.25 sin | 18 (40 mx— 2 nt), wherex and y are in metre and t in second, is a wave travelling along the (A) +ve x direction with frequency 7 Hz and wavelength 2 2m (8) ~ve x direction with frequency 1 Hz (©) +ve x direction with frequency 1 Hz and wavelength ) = 0.2 m (0) -vex direction with amplitude 0.25 m| and wavelength = 0.2 m | 4 In an uniform electric field one oil drop of| 19. 0.002 miligram mass and 6 electronic charge is stable in ait, What will be intensity of] electric field ? | ) 2.04 x 10? N/c (9) 2.04 x 10° N/C ( 204 x 10° N/C (0) None of these 2. Complete the following reaction : 2. P,+NaOH +H,0 —> ? (9) PH + Na HPO, ©) PH, + NaH,PO, (© H;PO,+ NaO (©) PH, +Na,PO, equivalent at STP is WT oo wh & -y = 026 sin (0 mx— 2nt), Hy Ter y tee F wr wr tt. Fe | ae oe ae oe we arrere x fer 4, agit _ gest aa wereet 2 = 0.2 4 (2) Feomere 3 fen ¥ ager orate 1 eeot (0 errere x Ren 4, anght 1 gest wer mented) = 0.2 Hh () arn 4 fren 4, or 0.25 A wer aeTeeF A= 0.2 A 0.002 fear san at mt 6 weer & ante 8 yaa ve dat Bt Fe wer dys aa % Ree aeat 81 tgs aa a daa ert 2.04 x 10*° N/C 8) 2.04 x 10° N/C (1 2.04 x 106 N/C ©) geri tars ae Pre siftiirar wh afte Py+NaQH +H;0 —>? (PH, + Na,HPO, (2) PH, + NaH,PO, (9) H,PO, + Nao (0) PH, + Na,PO, eagle & ame am we ow Ww Tm Weg or arate (4) 11.2 litre (8) 22.4 litre ; 1.2 off ©) 22.4 af. (9 1.0litre (0) 5.6 litre (0 10 of. 1) 5.6 af. TO J Page? 60132 | WIT SECTION =| PHYSICS & CHEMISTRY +. For the valence electron in copper, the four quantum numbers are w 1 n=41=-1m =) 8) 1 2 ic) 1 7] n=4,l=1m=+42,s 0) 1 a n=41=0,m=0,s= > 2 Which of the following statements is correct for the spontaneous absorption of a gas ? (A) ASis negative and therefore, AH] should| be highly positive. (8) ASis negative and therefore, AH should be highly negative. (€)_ ASis positive and therefore, AH should be positive. (©) AS is positive and therefore, AH should be negative. 3. Aboy standing at the top of a tower of 20 m ws - 1 dite sry ware fist ae (Cw ties gg a ant wares tem erft (a) 1 2 (8) 1 2 «) 1 2 (0) fea 4 a oe a oar Re ay & eae: castor Ht weft wes 2 W as worme & ae ay aaa earere er | © as mome ¢ am anaes seme SPT | (1 as wae & ome aH eee er 1 ©) as errere & oe aH UTS EMT 1 we aver feet 20 fee St ta a A height drops a stone. Assuming we rR fa 2 | qedu ae a B= 10m/s*, the velocity with which ithits) mr oma? 1 Ter wi we ‘the ground is far ara 2 (4) 20 m/s (8) 40 m/s 20 WA. © 40 me, (©) 10 m/s (0) 5 m/s 0 0 A ) 5 Me | Paez 33 4. The circuit is equivalent to oD NOR NAND NOT (4) OR gate (®) NAND gate (©) NOR gate (0) AND gate 5. The half life period of a first order process is 1.6 min. It will be 90% complete in (8) 43.3 min. (8) 99.7 min {0.5.3 min (0) 10.6 min ®& Of the following outer electronic configurations of atoms, the highest) oxidation state is achieved by which one of | them? ) (a= 1)d3,nst (© (@- 1)d?,ns? (8) (a- 4)d5,ns? (1 (n- 1)d°,ns? 7 At 10°C the value of density of a fixed mass of an ideal gas divided by its pressure aRva_wger erm ep NOR > NOT (4) OR gate 8) NAND gate (9 NOR gate) AND gate wer wie Bt aioe wr seh sere 1.6 fire @ | fort wr ¥ qe 90% Ph arm? 43.3 frre (8) 99.7 fire (2 5.3 fire ) 10.8 frre fra 4 oh 8 get edaghte fare aet Wa] ent sear sili sae wre Bt oA 2 (n- 1)d8,ns* ®) (@- 1)d5,ns? (0 (a 1)d?,ns? ©) (a 1)d°,ns? 10°; WR fret oet tee ww Aer we S ae wr we wT is x.At 110 °Cthisratiois ag x! 10°c ®% ae sama 10 10 x | en 110 | ow 10 ox (9 283 (o) 383 | iio * =x sx 383 (283 (c) 283 (0) 383 363 * 263 * | | | Pass Ta HINT —"— 22. A mass of diatomic gas (y = 1.4) at = pressure 2 atm is compressed adiabatically 0 that its temperature rise from 27 °C to 927 °C. The pressure of the gas in final state (4) 68.7 atm (2) 28 atm (0 8atm (0) 256 atm 23, The vacant space in bec lattice cell is jz (a) 23% (6) 32% | (©) 26% (0) 48% 24, The rate equation for areaction A-> Bis |2. K[AJ? If the initial concentration of ‘A’ is‘a’ mol dm, the halflife period of the! reaction is | “ = @ 2 2K K 2a to) K K a | 25, A silver cup is plated with silver by passing| 2 965 coulomb of electricity. The amount of ‘Ag deposited is, (a) 1.08 8 (© 107.898 (®) 1.0002 (0) 9.89g | 28. Two nuclei have their mass numbers in the| 2. eee aT G=14) FH yemm eT wan wer FH 2 atm & zara & whee far ora & dd FeT am awe 27°C BH 927°C BGT 2 ofan Raft 4 te a ara er (*) 68.7 atm (8) 28 atm © 8 atm (©) 256 atm bec aterm tet 4H Raa wear eat & () 23% (8) 32% (9 26% () 48% fet ofa ase & fee offre wy wi Kay BRT weft & I aA or uRR@ wee a Ae aaa 3 a afm or ahticr wa erm - are 5 @ 2 2K K 2a o K K a we fer or we fica aid) A RT aan & fed 905 gel wt frags varied Bt ont & 1 aie A feet Har oar eri 2 (©) 4.08 OF (9 107.89 314 (8) 4.0002 317 () 9.89 aT at ata & wary ga 1: 3% ratio of 1: 3. The ratio of their nuclei| agua a € | wae cif wat aT densities would be aaa er 3:4 ©) ()$4 W354 © (ya 91:3 art flees 4:4 Pies VAIN a, 2. The number of carbon atoms per unit cell of| diamond is we 6 (4 (0) 4 Which of the following is diamagnetic ? oH (8) Hy Ht (0) Hes ‘A bomb of 25 kg mass moving with 10 m/s velocity. Bomb explodes and divide into two| pieces of 15 kg and 10 kg. If big piece becomes at rest then what will be the velocity of small piece ? (A) 20 m/sec (8) 25 m/sec (©) 15 m/sec (0) 10 m/sec The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. When its electron is in the first excited state, its excitation energy is |. & (Diamond) & wf afte Ya F ards vers a ten et & “8 @ 6 4 10) 4 2 Ret iY aha Renaedta 8 2 | ® oH HE © Ht (0) be: | 25 Pes. wT we a wr that oh fe 10 ALA. at oaft ae wer 8, wear ot gest 4g om @ 1) gest & gem 5 foam. ie 10 fem. @ 1 ae as gos | a ea a we ot aw an a |) 20 tra, (8) 25 AL. | © 6 He. (0) 40 Lt, 0 SRS Ta BA ont sae Bt wut 8.6 eVe | va Rae Re wey | safer sewer ¥ ehm, toga wor oof eri (4) 10.2eV (8) 6.8eV (0 34ev (0) zero ) 10.2 ev ) 68 ev (0 3.4 ev © yar The oxidation state of Fe in Fe, 0, is % Fe30, 4 Fe ot sete sawn & 43 42 43 @ 42 08 ©) +6 © 8 46 3 | 3 The pH of 10-?° M NaOH solution is| sz 107°M NaOH fee at pH at nearest to cert eh w 4 () <4 ; Ww o4 4 © ~10 7 © ~10 o 7 Wun Paged $6013 “IM The reaction cHycn an Na/GaHsO¥ HCH, NH, is known as (9 Hoffmann’s bromamide reaction (8) Mendius reaction (©) Parkin’s reaction (0) Sabatier reaction 34. Which of the following is a measurement of water pollution ? (cop (®) BOD (9 psc (0) PCB The voltage gain of an amplifier with 976 negative feedback is 10. The voltage gain without feedback will be (a) 100 (8) 10 (0) 1.25 (9) 90 % anucleus “xemits one a — particle and] two B° particles. The resulting nucleus is after emission w m-6 @ m—4 n-4" n-2* 0 m-6y (o) m-4y 2 2 3. Ifthe equilibrium constant for Nog + Ong # 2NO pq is k, then the equilibrium constant for | a. 2% a. Na/C,Hs0H afifiret —cHacn+4H Ne/C2Hs08 CH,CH)NH, Pear & ) 2ists dtage afta (8) afte sfhftren (0 afar sift (0) dafeax afhfirar eee a COD (8) BOD (© psc ©) PCB 9% FEMA aww aaa a deat at 10 erat & | rT yaa % deat at er (A) 100 8) 10 (1.25 (2) 90 we ae ak Ww ago OT a gos Vea wae vant & rar aifre er “a =m—6, @ m-—4, n—4% 2-2* cc} m-6y (0) m-4y Ei Pi ate Nog + Ox) = 2NOgq) urea Rents k Ta ANa@ +20@ = i iL Nag +3026) * NO will be dae + 0x0 * Nog? SRR wt ye te 2 a wot (8) (Ok 3k @ k Page 10 wn 28. The first excitation potential of sodium is 2.1| volt. The maximum wavelength of emitted light will be (A) None ofthese (8) 6720A (© 4932A (°) 5893 A 58 A thin rod of length L and mass M is bent at its midpoint into two halves so that the angle between them is 90°. The moment of inertia of the bent rod about an axis passing | through the bending point and. perpendicular to the plane defined by the two halves of the rod is (a) MI? © ea Ye 12 24 © MI? (©) Mi? 24 6 «0. The energy required to charge a parallel plate condenser of plate separation d and plate area of cross-section ‘A’ such that the uniform electric field between the plate is E, is wt ©) 1. pe 7 cob Ad 7 &0E Ad (© ©, Bad ©) €)E? Ad TINT Page TT SOS 4. Curie temperatures is the temperature above which () Paramagnetic material ferromagnetic material becomes (8) Ferromagnetic material becomes paramagnetic material (©) Paramagnetic material becomes diamagnetic material (0) Ferromagnetic material becomes diamagnetic material v2 An aeroplane is moving with 80 km/hr speed in North-West direction, while air is blowing at 60 km/hr in North-East direction. ‘What is the actual velocity of plane ? (@) 140 km/hr (8) 100 km/hr (© 20 km/hr (0) 40 km/hr 1s. In figure, 'B’ is earthed and‘A’ is kept at 1500 volt. What is potential at’P’ ? B (@) 7000 volt (@) 750 volt (©) 7500 volt (0) 700 volt 44, What is the maximum numbers of electrons that can be associated with the following set a. apg oe ae are et & rent aif a ww aqgadta vad, ctegestr wane Co aqgentia gard, wipe weed a1 ora & | 0) deqadta werd, sitet wart wi oat St 2 RT 20 Pratrict -& seater far 4 ve eer S aT TT 60 Prada & a ot ward fea 7 ae xh & | vers Ft arate ae ert 8) 140 fates) 100 eA rercct (0 20 PeaAraver (©) 40 Fie.AA reer afta fa ig @ pho ote He | ar A Bt 1500 tee we eT TT S| fag poo faxa er Sur SuF A Pp A a ssur Ly} L | 2uF 2uF | 1000 ate (9 7500 ate « wares tent n= 3 teams ae ener Prat afta gees Bt THT = 7 (8) 750 atee (©) 700 atee of quantum numbers ? ws 6 n=3,l=tandm=-1 a @ wa 6 2 ° 2 (01 10 Tq Pagel AAT = Two simple harmonic motions of angular frequency 100 and 1000 rad/sec have the same displacement amplitude. The ratio of ‘their maximum acceleration is () 1: 104 () 1:10 ( 1: 103 (©) 1: 10? The number of water molecules is maximum in (4) 18 molecules of water (8) 1.8g of water (9) 18g ofwater (0) 18 moles of water The ratio of radius of gyration of a circular disc to that of a circular ring, each of same. mass and radius, around their respective axes is [ss & era aud aftat at too aie oo ear. wt shia sgt wat & wr fer oom wall € | oak after ei er sar se ) 4:108 4:40 (4: 10? (2) 4: 10? 48 Set ost after wer & O wrt & 1 agp + ©) 48 om unt a 9 8 om ote) 18 te ont aH ” BY) V3 Vz © 4: vz | © 4:v2 © 2:3 V7.4 0 Via | A person of mass 60 kg is inside a lift of mass | «a. ‘Ye 60 kg I afta 940 kg & fee % 940 kg and presses the button on control) acane tae & aca St wart | Panel. The lift starts moving upwards with] fame gue 2 aig 108/23 aR anacceleration 1.9 2.IFE= 10 2, eg] a at meen wh #1 aR ote ere the tension in the supporting cable is 10s /a2 & a ee a aes | 1A) 8600 N (8) 11000 N ee | {9 1200N (0) 9680 N | arett StF em | | (4) e600 =yeH (8) 000 eq (9 1200 =yeT () 9680 "eq The oxidation number of cobalt in |». R{Co(co),] 4 ware (Co) @ Kico(co),]is | sitegfseor hem eh w 1 (@) 3 4 3 B+ (0) 23 © 44 43 iw Pass Soo =. If’a" is the length of side of a cube, the distance between the body centered atom and one corner atom in the cube will be z SECTION =i ‘MATHEMATICS if complex number z = 1 + i then its polar. form will be fa) Em V2 (cos + isin) © 5 cos” + isin™ V2 (cost + isin) © ™ 27 ising) (©) None of these (0) ate a A and B are two events such that |s aft a ate Ba weag et six 1 ‘9 2(cos P(ANB)=%, PG) P(auB) =3 then Pn 8) =? Tr P@ap) 2 Be: Op 3 8 8 8 Bg: Dios oa 4 2 z 15 fm the expansion of (= (e- 4 ‘Onstant term is 4 8) -C, aa (8) Sc, %c, 1) 0 aX, (010 he line x+y=6 is a normal to the| s« fire @ywre xiya6 Raa erabola y? = gy at the point y? = 8x % oftera Eni 2 2(18, -12) (8) (3, 3) () (18, 42) (8) (3, 3) 14,2) (0) (2, 4) (4,2) ee) © (4, 2) © @, 4) Mt ~ - ss If the equation 2x?—7x+1=0 and ax? + bx +2.= 0 have 2 common root, then Was2,b=7 {@) None of these fo) a=4,b=-14 * 1 a 2 ‘The value of k > vi i oc ct 18) fab) (b-<) (=) (@) (a+b) (b+) (+2) (a (a+b) (a-b-9) 0) (ab) (b-<} (e-a) st. The value of Mah tant tant tan ti + tan ban dis w = ww = 2 3 wo wo © 4 co The area of a triangle with adjacent sides and Bis a4 a) © BB) } a8 ° pa ce nthe AABC a= 4,b=8 and ZC = 60° 5 f [pont 4c w -ta-b) b- Oe" a) we arb brocra i) (@+b)@-b-o ow @-b)b-ac-a 5 tan tht tant 2 tan a) ia Mo ) ‘then the value of angle Bis (a) 60° (8) 90° °° °° wy 60° 90° (9 45° () 30° “6 8 (45° () 30° Page 16 AWN The distance between two points (3, 4, 5)| 60. zy Pest (3, 4, 5) ote 4, 3-3) & and (~1, 3, -3) is da Hate (4) 6 unit (8) 7 unit 6 garg 8) 7 garg (0 8 unit (0) 9 unit © 8 garg ) 9 gong The 6 term in the expansion of Io @ 4) & ower 4 ved a wr 3x4) 15 oS G-3 a2 (A) None ofthese (8) 168 ote aa (®) 168 > x x 10 168x ©) 168 © 168% wo) 168 z x Evaluate lim “lim Yate ~ yaar et x70 } x30 x 2a S10 2a (8) 1 2a 2a (9 Noneofthese (0) 1 © oe 38 1 1 pve “Wa sec(tan*x), then is equal to 8 af ec(tantx), = a A x? 1 am er v= tex os o o_* oy Al ae Vita View cc) x col eet Vi¢x? Vitx? lim «lim he value of xo n/2(See 2 — tan x) is xe n/g6eex~ tanx) BAS Do 0 Ao ®) 9 Be Or (+4 (0) 4 Past SH ss. The value of the co-factor of the element 6 ®5 6 3 tf 6 3 1 anette: 2 5 4| 4 wa 6 ® inthedeterminant |2 5 4| is 0 7! iB 0 7! wears OTE (A) 35, (8) 21 A) 35, (8) 21 (0-35 (0) -21 (9 -35 (0) -21 ee The acute angle between the two planes | a wade = 2x-y+2=6 aie ax-ytz=6and x+y+22= 3's eile RATE x+y+22=3 8 aa ae (a) 45° (8) 30° fay 45° (8) 30° cc ye (0) 75° °° i 9 60° (75° «How many normals can be drawn from a|s” frit fry Uo wae we fet after point to the parabola ? ari vi wat & 2 2 wa 2 e4 3 oa 3 4 f(z) =x? — 3 then the value of ©. ae f(x) = 2? 3 a f+ FQ) x) + FE)is oat er a 0 (a) ore ae O-4 1A) None of these (8) -1 4 1) 0 1 0 es Hf 2tan2@ = sec?@, then the general value] af& — 2tan*® = sec?@+ at om of Bis ayaa at & (A) None ofthese (9) g = () arg wet 8) g 6 6 = n © g 0) = i O=nniy i Ont ty O=nrty e=2nty 70. The differential coefficient. © of |= [7° y = log(logx) x & ma wat y = log(logx) with respect to 2c is aie t (9) xlogx (8) (elogx)* (9 xlogx (9) (xlogx)* wo * (o) logx © x o) logx logx * logx x Pagel wan 2: 'ecentre of the sphere P+ 3y?+ 32? 6x—12y4.6242=0is {0,2,-1) (8) (1,2, 1) (-1,2,-1) (©) (1, 2, -1) equation of ~— circle. is ty? +2er + 2fy+c=0, then its ius will be None ofthese (8) V@ePea Ve+P =e © Vere. ‘equation of a parabola having focus (3, Addirectrix x +3 = Qis X= 12y 2 = _49¢ yes i2x () x? =—12y 8% term of the series 1, bv tov ©) 29V3 Wa (©) None of these furves y= x? and xy =k cut at angles, if 1 ©) 6k? =1 Raa ) Bk? =1 {Stance between the parallel lines e+4and 6x =3y+5is 1 her 327 43y?+ 32? 6x —12y46242=0 oa & Pdaio & , 2, +) (OK C2219) © (4.2, +) ©) (4, 2, eae gt oo apie +y?42er+2yec=0 8 at watt Proar eft (9) whe HE Ot Ee “eee MEE % Wasa wr WA, fereat TAY (3, 0) ate Pract or wR 3H 0 & (x= 12y Hy? = 47 OT eee) -l2y \* 3h, 3, 3, wm adi wee 20v3 ©) 20y3 any (he et Ne ©) a7v5/15 ye ot Milt Page 1D ‘SeOIS2 ‘The number of zeroes at the end of |70 is 7. [79 Bara 4 ga YH SH ters (a) 70 (8) 16 8) 16 7 ()5 0) 5 78. If wis a complex cube root of unity, then the ged om siren aaga ef cr value of the determinant wane 1 WwW WwW? A=|w ow? 1 {is Ww? lw? 40 W 1 ww) we eo w 0 o1 Ow 0) w mip oy a[eavteety™ then (PAR ya fee)” w (+ x?)y2 + xy: is equal to G+x2y,+ ay, HAE () my? ®) my © my? © my (0 my? (0) None of these my? (0) arg wet 20. The value of the series eo. Sh FE Cy + Cy bane t Cg C4 50,4 7C,+. aCe wy 285-4 to) 235 an a5 (288 —2*5 () 2544 ie - fo 218 Mm 241 ® x2 on Thevalueof flogtansdvis flogtansdver art & ° ° wm ) 7 w oT ss = hog 2 es ey a 3s A 582 om oo o m= 0 2 2 Page 20 value of Je sinbrdy is e ZpEF @sinbe —deosbz) +e None of these oe w?-b? ee (asinbx + beosbx) +c Zoape (@eosbx + bsinbx) +0 wand degree of the differential : eB, Bon fy (2°) and2 (8) 1and4 and4 (0) Land 2 Solution of the differential equation 2) 2 = 0,15 x?) as 1+ y? =O, oootx + tan“y = tan“ c tan ny — tan“4x = tan? tne of these Ink of the matrix Sof the ellipse S- £2V5,-2) (None ofthese | 2) ) (3 42V5,2) @ fet sintedy OT AT a) ne Fypr @sinbx — boos bx) +c © we ae tc) a Za pe @sinbx +beosbx) +e © Cal . 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