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Consider the folowing examples. Example 20 oa The unemployment rate n Catunah was greater than 1 percent or years. Then, in an effet twincrease employment the goverment started ofering free work sells raining to unemployed people. Since then. the unemployment rate has decressed to around 7 percent These resis provide evidence that helping people to acquire Work skis facittes their ‘tng employment ‘nich of te following san assumption necessary for arving athe ebove concustn? ‘The government of Catunah wil continue to offer fee work skis tring uni the unemployment rate i at whats considered a noxmel evel 6 percent. ‘The training offered bythe government wes designed te help people acquie key stl Fequied for working at certain types of comoanies located in Gatun, ‘The reason the unemployment rate In Catunah decreased! that many unemployed People let to find work m ther counties, Some people who recened the work sills taning offered by the government of Catunah subsequent found empioyment ‘The unemoloyment ate n Catunah wil decrease futher ithe government continues to ofter ee work sks taining Example 21 CT Satelite Meda, a new celular phone service provider, wl soon begh advertsing heavy on tneintemet. Mny residents ote town of rookie nave ong complained about tne noe cellar phone reception they experience. So, cleary.once Satelite Media Bogins Rs inernet advertising campaign, residents of raoioite wil begn swtching ther callaar phone service to plans provided by Satelite Media \Vitich ofthe folowing an assumption logcaly necessary for coming to the conclusion ef the ebove ergument? Stelle Mecha wi put competing cedar phone service providers out of business. No resents of rookvile have land ines that hey use fr telephone service, Same of the resents ofthe tov of Erookvil use the internet Satelite Matas celular phone plans cost ess than the other cellar phone plans _avatabe to Brooke residents, Some residents of rookulle are happy wan te quay oF the celular phone reception provide by the ear phone sanice providers ty curently use Lets now discuss another ype of assumption an author can make — that changes occuning over time con't somenow undermine he connection betwean the evidence used n making an argument ‘the conclusion te that argument. Ok, now consider how the fact that things may have changed over time ts related to the comect answer tothe flaming quest Example 22 on “Ten years ago he ly of Verde began amor carpagn 2 reduce velence Clear, howevex the campaign shang no eet on he amour of voles occuring ‘Verdana Even asthe camoaig as been underway he punber of acs of vtec "epotiad each ya since fe campaign beganhes been approximate the same as ne rmbe pated foe yo! en Yeo ge. hich ofthe flings ogc necessary fr avin tthe concusion? “en yee age people in Vedanta were nt gene say to vepert at ot ‘ence han hey have been nore recent year ‘mir compos cites located ner Werdantvie hve nt esUtd In edu rumbers of rported act of ence ‘The sty elehood cian program ht was red ve yar ga in Verena ‘The numberof poe patina the sets of Vedare approximate the ome ine campaign to reduce viene n Vercatile Rad not been undaaen, he mune ‘ofc volene repre er yarn Veda would Rave creased ‘Nom tate are ore fami vth sme pes of ssuretens tht we igh se, takeout a sey aspectf mary of them, now nconspvous they canbe xample 23, va ‘Te boomin te testy brewed tea business in Krtanza wl end when he consume aras that a serng of Krztaratan sive shi brewed tee ote contars an amet of afeine ‘equvsentto tin up oe cans of «popular energy dink and nas as any calories as oes an entre mea. Packaged tes conan less cane apes fewer calles than does etann je teshy brewed eae avalible most rocey sores end avn a may stores wnerenestybewed cote sol ‘Wich ot he toning is an assunpton upon which te atument depends? Consumers a Ktanza donot ming high eves of cine an hgh ese counts in elt ‘tesny ewe conee. Atbough Ktanon sive shy brewed e's ess neathy han packaged ea, has become very popu. ‘Consumes n Kretanza do nt prefer high caine beverages that cortan high eves of andes nes bene ta could be tnoxoved vi reducing is ves of estos ana catene, imate the consurtin often Kranz wil decrease because packages toa Lets now consider the use of imting words, suche “except or “notin question stems. ‘Consider the flowing examples: Bxampio 24 on Inoxderto auc he numberof vehicles waving ever he speed lm the Town ot [Commerce recent sale on ts nighays sutomsted cameras that detect speeding vehicles Whi the cameras cant detect speeding vehicles at night since te nveduction ofthe cameras, the rumberofspeeng venices detected ach dayty the camaras ras hurty dectned. Cleat the presence ofthe carerassdetering fom speeding tose sch othe flowing, tue, san assumption pen which he argumart depends EXCEPT. “Tre numberof vehidies usng the highway in Commerce has nc siicaty declined ‘ance the Ioduton ofthe cameras Divers of vehicles on the hihnays of Commerce do nt sow othe speed it when ‘approaching the cametasandthen excaedthe speed init ater passing te cameras, “Tne carers recent installed to detect speecsng venice onthe hghays in Commerce have not etal matinctoned since the ntti, ost vrs who speed on highways in Commerce have not changed her habs recertly ging rom dcing most of ther ving curing dayight hours to doing mest of tat rion “The populaton othe Town of Commerce has nat signal incieased over the period ‘of time snc tho cameras o detect speed veces were Ista

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