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Example 25 oa Fish that swim in water containing PCBs, which are chemicals toxc to many ifefors, absorb POR via their gil. Having entered fih’s systems, PCBs can buld up in the fatty tssues of fish that swim In such water. Thus, PCBs are present ina fish’s fatty tissues, ft must be the ‘case that that fish has Inhabited water containing PCBS. Each ofthe following s an assumption upon which the argument depends EXCEPT: Fish cannot take in PCBs by feeding on fish that have previously inhabited water containing PCBs, Fsi do not manufacture PCBS internally via natural processes, Plants that sh consume do not absorb PCBS from the soln which they grow. Fish in which PCBs have bult up in fatty tissues do not represent only a small proportion of ich that have inhabited water containing PCBS. Weil now consider a powerful tool for solving Assurnpton questons: the negation technique. ‘Consider the folowing examples. Toad in your learning haw to use this technique, weil fist vit an example fiom eae in the chapter Example 26 oA MowGieen, 3 company that uses sustainabi methods to maintain avs, nas Deen ‘expanding quick, and Rs services ere now avaiable mary areas of te county, However, ‘ven the sate ofthe economy inthe Drawvile area, MowGreen woul no be able operate proraby thee, Therefore, ane can be sute that MoNGeeen il NOt exDaNG Is ‘operations into the Drawnvao area any ime soon, ich ofthe folowing is logically necessary fr coming to he conclusion ofthe above argument? MowGreen's management team considers prota in determining whether o expand Pope inthe Drewile area are not inforetod in using sustainable methods for mmantaning tht lw. “There remain in tre country reas in which MowGreen isnot curenty operetng nto ‘whic could promably expands operations. MowGieen operstes proftabl ial ote ares n which curently operates. Sustainable methods for martaning lvns are generally more expensive to we than ae less envronmentaly trendy methods Example 27 oo nie to practice of atowing members ofthe publ to dona to potial campaigns may havo comping cfloets, eancdstes fr elected oftca were not allowod ta accopt dontions {or covering campaign expenses nly the wealthy would have the nancial resources ‘generally necessary for winning elections, and people of more modest financial means Would rarely be ected. Therefore, danations to campaigns mustbe allowed n order to facitate the election of people who wl safeguard ihe interests of ctizens of modes nancial means, Wich of te folowing is an assumption necessary or ating athe above conclusion? ‘Wealthy people general have unfair nancial advantages over people of more modest personal nancial means People of relavely modest nancial means never become wealthy and, thus, ble to finance ther own election campaigns \ieathy people electedto publ offces wll not safeguard the interests ofciizens of ‘modest nancial means. ‘Tho costs of unning an lection campaign have been increasing overtime, Acomrpt person of modest francial means vil elected ta puble ofc, safeguard the intros of ctzens of modest nancial means. Lets coninue by discussing the general alorences between tap choces and correct answersin _assuimotion questions. Example 28 oa People taking Pro-Max. a new plant-based protein powder, after each gym workout for three ‘months gained more lean muscle than wes gained by people taking Pro-Lean, a competing protein powder made from milk, after each gym workout for three months. Therefore, Pro- ‘Max must be superior to Pro-Lean for building lean muscle after working out ina gym. Which of the following is an assumption upan which the above argument depends? ‘The people who used Pro-Max did not have gym workout routines significantly more ‘effective than those had ay the people who used Pro-Lean, A serving of Pro-Max protein powder does net cost more money than a serving Pro-Lean protein powder. Pro-Lean protein powder does not taste significantly better than Pro-Max protein powder, None of the people who used Pro.Lean protein powder were also personal trainers in gyms. Pro-Max protein powder Is lawer in calories than Pro-Lean protein powder, Example 29 oa Homeownorship. as opposedto renting ahome, can nave many eno, bth forinawuels ‘who own homes and for society asa whole, While fewer han 50 percent of te county's -ctizens own homes, the government does litle to encourage homeownership BFGOIN ‘Wich ofthe folowna is an assumtion on which the argument res? ‘Come rtesare lower in ees n which the rela of hameoviners to reters is elatvely high because people who onn homes tendo fee invested in thet communties © Pepe avaved in goverment ate intavestainimroving conliions for individuals ae sooty at arg. ‘whut government encouragement to buy homes, most people nthe county ll ‘ehoove torent th homes which they ve “The post rettementnousing expenses of people who own homes are olen lower than those of people who rent, Some of te people who ee current renng nomes or considering renting homes cou afford to buy names shoul they cno0se ta do so, Lets now dscuss common ncortect answer choices in assumption questions

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