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TEAM – Connect the Piece

Social Networking and the Job Search in a Connected World

Annotated bibliography

Team members

- Nikesh Garg
- Suraj Khanal
- Alex do
- Nicolas
- Vinushanth
Castrillon, C. (2021b, March 24). How To Use Social Media To Job Search. Forbes.

In this article, the author Caroline Castrillon writes about how social media can now be used to
find jobs and it is now a valuable resource in doing so. It mentions how recruiters and hiring
managers use social media like Linkin, Instagram, and others to help when looking for people to
hire. It also talks about how you can use that information to your advantage, like knowing what
things you need to do and what to look for when using social media to make yourself look better
to hiring agencies. One of the article’s biggest strengths is that gives a lot of valuable information
that can be very applicable to those who are looking for jobs, while one of the weak points of the
article is how little detail it has from the perspective of those hiring, such as why they would use
social media and what they should be on the lookout for good and bad, the most they would go
into is how many do use social media. Regardless of the weak point, it shows a lot about how it
is to find a job in our connected world of today and the things you need to do. This article
provides insight and will give a better understanding of the entire field of the job searching scene
and is a very useful asset.

Rauth, R. (2023, September 11). jobskills. Retrieved from

In this article, the author discusses the power of social media in today’s time. Different platforms
like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter can help to connect with the professionals of an industry. It
can help you to showcase your expertise to the employers. Moreover, it helps in personal
branding which is what makes it a fit for our project because in this project we are focusing on
how social networking can help job seekers connect with their dream companies and get jobs
that offer the best value for their skills. This could be possible only through personal branding,
especially in an industry that is highly competitive. Furthermore, this article explains how we can
learn from professionals, especially on LinkedIn and build our profile which increases our
chances of getting the dream job. At last, the article discusses how social media can help you to
build a strong network and get information about different job postings that are available in
different companies. So, this article is really useful for our project in terms of explaining the role
of social networking. The only drawback that this article has is it does not explain the technique
of building a network and how could we showcase our skills in front of the world.

Lorincova, Silvia, et al. (2018). “Social networks as a tool for job search”. Scientific Papers of
the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration. 25,
2018, pp. 140-151.

The article author emphasizes the vital role that information technology plays in job searching,
particularly regarding social networks. With over 90% of businesses using social networks in
their hiring procedures, it highlights how social media has emerged as a significant channel for
job searching due to its extensive use globally. The article's research focuses on how businesses
in the Czech and Slovak Republics also utilize this strategy. The author explains the potential of
social networks for future job searches if they were used more frequently by employers and
candidates, foreseeing higher satisfaction for both sides.

The article was published in a reliable research Journal, a peer-reviewed academic journal, and
all the authors are Ph.D. holders working in the concerned department of the prestigious
University. This indicates that the information presented in the article has been reviewed and
approved by other experts in the field. Based on the CRAAP criteria, the article is a reliable and
credible source of information to be used for any article for reference.

Garcia, M. S., & Patel, A. N. (2018). Leveraging LinkedIn for job search success: The role of online
professional networks. Career Development International, 23(6), 589-605.
Garcia and Patel (2018) looked into how job hunting tactics used LinkedIn. Their
study sheds light on how LinkedIn, a site for professional networking, can improve
job searchers' chances of landing a position. The study talks about the advantages
of creating an online network of professionals and using LinkedIn's features to
interact with possible employers and coworkers. The survey places a lot of
emphasis on LinkedIn, which could not accurately reflect the variety of social
networking sites that job seekers utilize. The results might not be as immediately
applicable to other websites, such Facebook or Twitter.

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