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Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of The Requirement for S1- Degree

Tri Oktavia Wulandari
Npm. 1888203036



Tilte : Using Crossword Puzzle Media to Improve Mastery of

Noun Vocabulary in Sixth-Grade Students of UPTD
SDN 1 Sumbergede
Name : Tri Oktavia Wulandari
NPM : 1888203036
Study Program : English Education


To be tested and defended in the examination session at Teaching and

Educational Sciences Faculty, Nahdlatul Ulama University, Lampung.

Advisor Co-Advisor

Diyah Dwi Agustina, S.Pd., MPd Dr. Eny Maulita Purnama Sari, S.Pd.I., M.Pd
NIDN. 0202089201 NIDN. 0211118903

The Dean of
Teaching and Educational Sciences Faculty

Dr. Nur Syamsiah, S.Pd., M.Pd

NIDN. 0203078601


COVER ...........................................................................................................i
APROVAL ......................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................1
A. Background of The Problem .....................................................................1
B. Focus of The Research .............................................................................3
C. Research Question ....................................................................................3
D. The Objective of The Research.................................................................3
E. The Use of The Problem............................................................................3
CHAPTER II REVIE OF LITERATURE ..................................................5
A. Theoretical Review ...................................................................................5
B. Relevance Study .......................................................................................11
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................13
A. Setting of The Research ............................................................................13
B. Research Design........................................................................................13
C. Research Subject .......................................................................................13
D. Data and Source of The Data ....................................................................14
E. Data Collecting Technique .......................................................................14
F. Research Instrument .................................................................................15
G. Procedure of Research...............................................................................15
H. Data Analysis.............................................................................................16
I. Trustworthiness of Data ............................................................................16
REFERENCE .................................................................................................18


A. Background of The Problem

Learning is closely related to the notions of learning and teaching.
According to the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 Chapter
(1) Article (1) Paragraph (20), learning is defined as the process of student
interaction with educators and learning resources in a learning
environment. Learning, teaching, and learning occur together. According
to Parwati, et al (2018), Learning is a set of actions designed to support the
learning process of students, taking into account extreme events that play a
role in the series of internal events that take place in students.
Based on the statements of experts, the researcher concludes that
learning is a set of actions designed to support the learning process of
students, in which there is interaction between students and educators and
learning resources so that students want to learn in a learning environment.
One of the most important basics that must be mastered in the
language-learning process is vocabulary. Vocabulary is a tool used by a
person to convey messages and opinions that everyone must have
(Filisyamala, 2018). According to Wiyanti (2015), the more vocabulary
each child has, the easier they will capture existing information. Both oral
and written information (Hotimah, 2017).
Learning English must understand vocabulary to form a sentence to
convey information and messages to others. With a large vocabulary
without being based on strong grammar, it is impossible for us to
understand a reading well and vice versa, good grammar without having a
large vocabulary, writing cannot be read perfectly (Siregar, 2020).
This statement explains that vocabulary plays a very important role in
language, both as a channel for ideas and as a form of activeness in
keeping up with modern times.
In learning English at SD / MI, understanding English vocabulary is
still difficult, because the teacher conveys learning only with the lecture


method, especially the use of very minimal media, so better actions are
needed such as encouraging learning achievement and using the right
learning media in the English learning process. Based on the description
above, research on efforts to improve mastery of English vocabulary
through the use of Crossword Puzzle media is necessary to help students
improve vocabulary mastery is an ability that exists in a person to master
and explore something that is being studied (Ervina, 2020).
The use of media in learning is known to arouse new desires and
interests, increase motivation stimulate learning activities, and even have a
psychological effect on students (Febrita et al., 2019). With learning
media, the meaning of teaching materials will become clearer so that
students can understand and enable mastery and achievement of teaching
objectives (Apriansyah et al, 2020). Crossword Puzzle or what is called a
crossword puzzle in this study is a type of word game by filling in empty
boxes that are answers to questions or questions specified in the crossword
puzzle (Hamidah et al, 2020). Crossword Puzzle not only has game
elements but also has educational elements that unconsciously focus
students on vocabulary learning (Cabana, 2021). This Crossword Puzzle
learning media was developed by considering aspects of media design,
feasibility, learnability, and feasibility. Thus, the design of learning media
must be by the characteristics of children, use polite language, use
language that is by the level of thinking of children, and use clear letters
and images.
Based on the background description, this research aims to develop
Crossword Puzzle learning media for sixth-grade elementary school
students. The media developed is expected to be useful for improving
students' ability to master noun vocabulary in English so that students are
skilled in conveying messages or opinions.
Media is anything that can be used to channel the sender's message to
the receiver so that it can stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention, and
interest of students to learn (Tafonao, 2018). Media can be a means that

can be in the form of images, people, materials, or events so that students

can be helped in acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
This research aims to package learning with interesting and fun
learning media so that students pay attention to teachers and learning
materials. In the learning process, the use of appropriate media by the
teacher will facilitate the achievement of learning objectives. Therefore,
before the teaching and learning process is carried out, the teacher must
first choose learning media based on its efficiency to achieve the set goals.
Based on the results of observations and temporary interviews
conducted by researchers with the English teacher of UPTD SDN 1
Sumbergede mrs. Intan Sahara (2024), S.Pd, it is known that the ability to
master the vocabulary of objects in English subjects is still low. This can
occur due to the lack of application of appropriate learning media in
teaching students' vocabulary.
Based on the description above, researchers are interested in conducting
research with the title “Using Crossword Puzzle Media to Improve
Mastery of Noun Vocabulary in Sixth-Grade Students of UPTD SDN 1

B. Focus of The Research

This research is focused on the use of Crossword Puzzle Media to
improve the mastery of Noun Vocabulary in Sixth Grade Students of
UPTD SDN 1 Sumbergede.
C. Research Question
Based on the background above, this research question is;
1. How is the use of Crossword Puzzle Media to improve the mastery of
noun vocabulary in sixth grade students of UPTD SDN 1 Sumbergede?
D. The Objective of The Research
Based on the research questions above, the objectives of this study can
be formulated as follows:
To find out whether the use of Crossword Puzzle media can improve the
mastery of noun vocabulary in sixth-grade students of UPTD SDN 1

E. The Use of The Research

The researcher expects several benefits from this research, namely as
1. Theoretical benefits
a. Helps to further develop research in the field of education, especially
in the field of English education.
b. As a foothold and reference in further research related to mastery of
English vocabulary and become material for further study.
c. Can enrich the science with learning media to improve the quality of
English vocabulary learning.
2. Practical Benefits
a. For Researchers
With this research, the author can find out the difference in the
effectiveness of using crossword puzzle media in learning English.
b. For Students
Students are expected to be more interested and more active in
improving their mastery of English vocabulary through the vocabulary
learning process with crossword puzzle media and learners are
expected to have high motivation in learning a variety of new
vocabulary as well as learners are expected to be able to communicate
well so that they add insight into language.
c. For Teachers
Encourage teachers to increase creativity in developing various
lessons, especially using crossword puzzle media, and be able to
create a more effective and creative learning process.
d. For Schools
Schools can utilize crossword puzzle media to support learning.
Schools can improve school achievement and quality, especially in
learning English lessons.



A. Frame of Theory
1. English Vocabulary Mastery
a. Definition of English Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary mastery is the main ingredient for realizing ideas and
thoughts. Vocabulary mastery is needed by a person to understand and
use a collection of words to express thoughts and feelings in various
spheres of life such as in language activities.
As stated by Selviana (2020) vocabulary is an element that must be
mastered by foreign language learners to be able to gain proficiency in
communicating with the language, because vocabulary is the first step
in mastering language skills. Mastery of English requires mastery of a
large vocabulary and adequate grammatical forms so that a reading
can be understood well (Novianti, 2020). Vocabulary has a very
important role because if a student is weak in mastering vocabulary,
students cannot communicate their thoughts and ideas as clearly as
they want, both verbally and in writing.
Vocabulary is one of the important components of language,
especially in foreign languages such as English, which according to
Indonesians is quite a difficult language to learn. Vocabulary is an
important component in using language. Vocabulary is an element of
language that has an important role in the development of language
skills which include speaking, listening, reading, and writing which is
a manifestation of the unity of feelings and thoughts that can be used
in their use. As stated by Rikhmasari (2019), the more vocabulary
they have, the more likely students are skilled in the language.
Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that mastery of
vocabulary has a very important role for students, because if a student
is weak in mastery of vocabulary then the student cannot

communicate the thoughts and ideas he wants to convey either orally

or in writing.
A person can be said to be a master when he has good knowledge
within himself and can then apply this knowledge in the form of
activities or events. To achieve vocabulary mastery, interesting and
fun learning is needed, one of which is the use of media in learning.
Referring to Stovia's (2020) quote learning media that can stimulate
students' thoughts, feelings, attention, and even interests are crossword
puzzles. With crossword puzzle media, students can hone their
cognitive abilities in vocabulary mastery.
b. Vocabulary Development
According to Tarigan (2015), vocabulary development consists of
on synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. Synonyms are words that
contain the same central meaning but have different meanings.
Example : Study – learn = belajar, End – finish = selesai. Antonyms
consist of anti or ant which means "opponent plus the root word onim
or onuma which means name" which is a word that is the opposite of
another word. Example : Beautiful – ugly = Cantik – jelek, Big – small
= besar – kecil. Homonyms are words that sound the same but have
different meanings. Example : see = melihat dengan sea = laut, tear
= air mata dengan tear = merobek, bank = tempat yang berhubungan
dengan keuangan dengan bank tepi sungai.
c. Vocabulary Learning
Learning vocabulary mastery is influenced by the teaching strategy
applied by the teacher in delivering the material. When teachers apply
innovative strategies, students will easily master vocabulary in
d. Vocabulary Learning with Crossword Puzzle
The implementation of the crossword puzzle strategy is carried out
by the teacher distributing crossword worksheets to each student, then

students look for vocabulary according to the commands specified on

the worksheet. When working on crossword puzzles, students learn to
remember the vocabulary they have learned. Using Crossword Puzzles
will make it easier to remember vocabulary rather than just listening
to the teacher's explanation. (Murti, 2017).
e. Benefits of Vocabulary
Vocabulary can also be called the breath of language because
without vocabulary there would be no language. The benefits are as
1. Improving speaking ability in English: of course this is the main
benefit of mastering vocabulary, having more words mastered and
understood will make it easier for us to speak English.
2. Vocabulary can improve the ability to read English texts. Which of
course is also related to the benefits above. Vocabulary will help in
honing English skills. Good reading, speaking, even writing.
f. Type of Vocabulary
Cited by Kurnia (2017), Harmer and Jo Ann Aeborsold distinguish
two types of vocabulary, which are active vocabulary and passive
a. Active vocabulary is vocabulary that students have learned and use
daily to interact with others. Students can use this vocabulary
appropriately in speaking or writing and it is also referred to as
productive vocabulary.
b. Passive vocabulary refers to all the words that students can
recognize and understand when they interact with others. The
students can use them appropriately in listening or reading and is
also referred to as receptive vocabulary. That is, passive vocabulary
is all the words students hear or read.
2. Cross Word Learning Media
a. Definition of Learning Media
Learning media is a tool that can help the teaching and learning
process so that the meaning of the messages conveyed becomes

clearer and educational or learning objectives can be achieved

effectively and efficiently. Learning media functions as a learning
resource for students to obtain messages and information provided by
educators so that learning materials can increase and form knowledge
for students (Nurrita, 2018).
Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that media is a
tool used to support learning so that learning can run well. Media can
also be interpreted as a link between educators and students, this is
what is called learning. In other words, active learning requires media
support to deliver the material they will learn.
Rasyid et al (2018), learning media used as a means of learning in
schools aims to improve the quality of education. Media is a means that
can be used as an intermediary that is useful for increasing effectiveness
and efficiency in achieving goals. With the use of learning media,
students should be able to interact actively through the utilization of all
the abilities contained in learning. When observed from the beginning,
the media is only a tool to facilitate learning in teaching activities.
In conclusion, learning media is anything that can be used to convey
messages or information in the teaching and learning process so that it
can stimulate the attention and interest of students in learning.
b. Visual Media
Based on Sahuni et al. (2020) visual media is a medium that can be
enjoyed through the five senses. Thus, with the help of visual media,
the learning objectives expected by the teacher to students can be
achieved optimally. According to Masani (2021), visual media has
differences from print media and audio media but it cannot be denied
that this media can help make it easier for students to understand the
material presented. So, student understanding is a very important
aspect of learning.
This means that visual media provides benefits, one of which is
overcoming the limitations of time, space, and place, while still
providing a concrete picture of learning, especially for elementary
school students.

c. Definition of Crossword Puzzle

Crossword puzzle commonly known as crossword puzzle is a media
with a game element where we have to fill in the empty spaces of the
question for horizontal and downward answers based on the clues given.
Crossword puzzle is a game media by filling in empty boxes with the
correct answer according to the question (Huda, 2020). In addition to
filling in crossword puzzles, this activity is useful for remembering
popular vocabulary, but it is also useful for our general knowledge in a
relaxed way.
Cabana (2021) argues that Crossword Puzzle not only has an element
of play but also has an educational element that unconsciously focuses
students on vocabulary learning. Based on these expert opinions, it can
be concluded that Crossword Puzzle is a game media that is useful for
general knowledge in a relaxed way and can provide focus to students
during learning.
Crossword puzzles are a learning media that has an element of play so
that it can make students experience a pleasant learning atmosphere
(Yulianti & Andriyanto, 2021). So that this media is expected to provide
positive value for students because by answering and working together
students will always compete to be able to find the answers correctly. By
competing healthily, a high sense of togetherness will be able to answer
the crossword puzzle, and other students in their group will also know the
correct answer.

3 2

4 6 1

Ficture 2.1 Crossword Puzzle


Horizontal : Descending :
1. Bantal 1. TV
2. Kasur 2. Pintu
3. Jam dinding 3. Bantal guling
4. Selimut 4. Lampu
5. Kaca
6. Tikar

d. Uses of Crossword Puzzle

The use of this media is very easy to use by teachers and can be used
at all levels, whether beginner, intermediate, or advanced, besides that
the material can be selected according to the learning objectives (Amalia
& Hidayat, 2018). The use of crossword puzzles in education has
objectives, among others, to review the material that has been delivered
by the teacher so that students can achieve learning objectives (Ariyanti,
2020). Because the crossword puzzle itself functions as a learning media
that invites students' interest and participation in learning.
Choosing crossword puzzle media is also said to be a mediator so that
students feel happy and feel learning while playing while learning
English. , Crossword puzzle is a learning media that has an element of
play, so that it can make students experience a pleasant learning
atmosphere (Yulianti & Andriyanto, 2021). This learning involves all
students, to think actively, cooperate, and increase interaction between
students or students and teachers.
e. Advantages and Disadvantages of Crossword Puzzles
The advantages and disadvantages of Crossword Puzzles in the
learning process according to Kalbu in Pranata (2018) include:
1. Advantages
a) Through crossword puzzles, it has more or less raised the
enthusiasm, encouragement, or motivation to learn and the
confidence of students.

b) Crossword puzzles help learners understand the areas they

understand and the areas they don't understand.
c) This media provides a fun effect because it makes assessment a
game so that learners have curiosity about learning material.
d) The completeness of this crossword puzzle media can make learning
exciting until finally, it can increase students' learning outcomes.
e) The competitive nature contained in this crossword puzzle can
encourage students to compete to work on the questions.
f) This crossword puzzle media can analyze the level of English
vocabulary skills of students.
2. Disadvantages
a) Limited time in delivering material
b) The application of crossword puzzle media during class allows for
heated discussions between students.
c) Contains a lot of speculation factors, students who first complete the
crossword puzzle game can be used as a measure of intelligence.
d) Not all learning materials can be communicated through crossword
puzzle media and the number of students is relatively large and it is
difficult to involve all of them.
Crossword puzzles can only be used to measure the learning success of
students on concepts that are memorized. Based on the above, learning
media has advantages and disadvantages that are to be explained as the main
basis for improving the quality of learning in the world of education.
B. Relevant Study
Some previous studies have shown that Crossword Puzzle can be used in
primary school learning. The research will be described below.

The results of research conducted by Sabrina Ramadhania and Yamin

(2022), Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta, Indonesia. With the title
Development of Crossword Puzzle Learning Media to Improve the Mastery
of Indonesian Vocabulary of Elementary School Students in Class II. Based
on the assessment data obtained, the crossword puzzle learning media
developed is suitable for testing. Students' responses to learning Indonesian

language material about playing in my environment through the question

and answer method with crossword puzzle learning media showed a good
response from grade II students of SDN Pulogebang 11.

Almost the same research was also conducted by Dyah Widya Retno,
Nuriman, and Agustiningsih (2015). Department of Education, Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education, University of Jember (UNEJ). The title is
Use of Crossword Puzzle Media to Improve The Activities And Learning
Outcomes of IV B Grade Students SDN Jember Lor 02 in Science Subjects
The Changing of The Appearance On Earth and Sky Object Academic Year
2014/2015. The use of Crossword puzzle learning media can help students
in repetition and habituation activities so that students will easily learn
difficult material in science. The purpose of this study was to improve the
activity and learning outcomes of students in class IV B in science subjects
on the subject of Changes in the Appearance of the Earth and Heavenly
Bodies at SDN Jember Lor 02 in the 2014/2015 school year. This research
was conducted in two cycles. The average student learning activity in cycle
I was 73% and in cycle II it increased to 84%. The average student learning
outcomes in cycle I was 51.67 and in cycle II increased to 84.33.

The following research is by Umi Choeriyah, Latifah, and Moh. Masnun

(2021). Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Programme, Faculty
of Tarbiyah and Keguruan Sciences, IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon, Cirebon,
Indonesia. With the title Concept Of Using Crossword Puzzle Media In
Increasing The Mastership Of English Language Students Class Iii Basic
Schools On The Subject Of English. The results of this study are: (1) The
use of Crossword Puzzle media is the right media to be used in grade III
elementary school students, (2) English vocabulary mastery at the
elementary school level has a very big influence, students will be able to
understand English in everyday life in listening, speaking, reading and
writing activities. (3) The concept of using Crossword Puzzle media in
improving the mastery of English vocabulary of third-grade elementary
school students. Students can easily learn, memorize, and even master

English vocabulary well. As we know students prefer to play, like to move,

and like direct practice.

The next research is by Miftakhul Jannah (2021). Faculty Of Tarbiyah

And Teacher Training Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang. With
The Title The Effectiveness Of Using Crossword Puzzle Learning Media
On The Mastership Of English Language In Glass Iv Mi Salafiyah Jepara
2020/2021 School Year. From the research that has been conducted
regarding the effectiveness of using Crossword Puzzle learning media on
the mastery of the vocabulary of grade IV students of MI Salafiyah Jepara,
it is concluded that the results of the posttest that has been carried out, the
average value of the experimental class is 69.15 with a standard deviation of
7.63, while the average control class is 60.35 with a standard deviation of
5.65. From the final data analysis, the count was 4.14 and the table was
2.02. Because count> table, then the hypothesis proposed that the crossword
puzzle active learning media is effective on the mastery of English
vocabulary of fourth-grade students of MI Salafiyah Jepara is acceptable.
This research implies that crossword puzzle media can be used in learning
English vocabulary mastery.

The last research is from Suci Kurnia Sari (2017). MAJORING IN

findings of this study resulted in the conclusion that the use of crossword
puzzles is effective on students' vocabulary mastery in the second grade of
Puspita Bangsa Ciputat Junior High School. This study found that the use of
crossword puzzle games is effective on students' vocabulary acquisition in
the second grade of Puspita Bangsa Junior High School Ciputat. This is
based on the result of the t-test which shows that tcount > table (4.11 > 2.38)
at 1% significance degree. This means that Ha is accepted and Ho is
rejected. Therefore, it can be concluded that crossword puzzle games are
effective in students' vocabulary mastery.

A. Setting of The Research

This research was conducted at UPTD SDN 1 Sumbergede, in the odd
semester of the 2024/2025 school year. The reason for choosing UPTD
SDN 1 Sumbergede as the research site is because the school has
characteristics that are by the research. This research will be conducted from
July to August 2024.
B. Research Design
The research method used in this research is qualitative. According to
Muri quoted from Umar (2019), qualitative research is an inquiry strategy
that emphasizes the search for meaning, understanding, concepts,
characteristics, symptoms, symbols, and descriptions of a phenomenon, is
focused and multi-method, natural and holistic, prioritizes quality, uses
several methods, and is presented in the narrative. In simple terms, it can be
said that the purpose of qualitative research is to find answers to a
phenomenon or question through the systematic application of scientific
procedures using a qualitative approach. The researcher attempted to
describe in detail and depth the development of Crossword Puzzle learning
media in English language learning to improve vocabulary mastery of
elementary school students.
C. Subject and Object of The Research
The subjects of this research were sixth-grade students of UPTD SDN 1
Sumbergede in the 2024/2025 academic years, while the object of this
research was using Crossword Puzzles to improve students' noun

No Class Male Famale Total

1 VI 7 7 14
Total of The Students 14
Source: UPTD SDN 1 Sumbergede
D. Data and Sources of The Data


1. Data of Research
Research data is all information from a person used as a respondent or
from documents, either in statistical form or other forms for research
purposes (Kemdikbud, 2019). Research data is divided into two, namely
primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained by
researchers directly (from the first hand), where in this research,
researchers obtained data from the test results of sixth-grade students of
UPTD SDN 1 Sumbergede, questioner, and the results of interviews with
English teachers of UPTD SDN 1 Sumbergede. Meanwhile, secondary
data is data obtained by researchers from existing sources. This data is
obtained by researchers from records or documentation during the
2. Source of The data
The source of data in research is the subject from which data can be
obtained. Data sources are research subjects where data sticks. Data
sources can be objects, movements, people, places, and so on. The data
sources in this research are tests. Questioner sheets, and interviews that
researchers conducted with sixth-grade students and the UPTD SDN 1
Sumbergede English teacher.
E. Data Collecting Technique
Collecting data can be done in any setting, from any source, and in any
way. In this research, researchers will collect data by conducting tests,
questionnaires, and documentation.
1. Test
Sutedi (2011: 156) explains that tests are measuring instruments that
are usually used to measure student learning outcomes after completing
a particular teaching program. Researchers gave the Crossword Puzzle
test to students. The test will be given to sixth-grade students as
research respondents. This is to find out the answers made by students.
It is important to know whether the use of Crossword Puzzles can
improve the learning process.
2. Questionnaire

The data collection technique used in this research is the

Questionnaire (Questionnaire). According to Sugiyono quoted from the
research journal Solahudin (2022), The questionnaire is a data
collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or written
statements to respondents to answer. The questionnaire is an efficient
data collection technique if the researcher knows exactly the variables
to be measured and knows what to expect from the respondent.
3. Documentation
Documentation is used to find data about things or variables in the
form of notes, books, and so on. The documentation method observed is
not a living object but an inanimate object. In using the documentation
method, researchers look for variables that have been determined.

F. Research Instrument
The instruments used to collect data in this development research are
questions, interview questionnaires, and questionnaire sheets. Before the
questions were used to measure student learning outcomes. After the
questions were tested on students then the questions were analyzed to
determine (1) the validity of the test items, (2) the reliability of test items,
(3) the level of difficulty of test items, and (4) the differentiation of the test.
After knowing the results of validity, reliability, difficulty level, and
differential power, the test is then modified into a research instrument that
will be used to test the effectiveness of the product. This research uses data
analysis techniques, namely qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, this
technique is used to process data from the review results of content experts
in the field of study or subject.
G. Research Procedure
The research procedure is:
1. First, the researcher meets with the principal to obtain permission to
conduct research at his school, as well as conduct interviews with
English teachers at the school.

2. The researcher observes the teaching and learning process in the

3. After observation he explained to the students about the material that
will be given for 60 minutes.
4. Then the researcher will give a written test to the student.
5. So, the researchers put together their tests.
6. Last but not least, the researcher analyzes the test results to find the
results of student learning using the Crossword Puzzle.
H. Data Analysis
The researcher uses qualitative research in his research whose method is
conveyed by descriptive analysis to describe and interpret the results of
qualitative data. To determine the qualitative results, the data will be
calculated and drawn in a percentage table whose formula is as follows:

P= X 100 %
P= Percentage
F= Frequency of error occurred
N= Number of cases (total frequent / total individual)

I. Trustworthiness of Data
According to Sugiyono, cited from Umar (2019), so that qualitative
research data can be accounted for as scientific research, it is necessary to
test the validity of the data. The data validity testing technique is as follows:
1. Credibility
Data credibility test or trust in qualitative research data, among others
increased persistence in research, triangulation, discussion with peers,
negative case analysis, and member check. analysis, and member check.
2. Transferability Test
This transferability is an external validity in quantitative research.
External validity indicates the degree of accuracy or applicability of the
results of the study to the population in which the sample was taken.
This transfer value is related to the question, of to what extent the results

of the study can be applied or used in other situations. For naturalistic

researchers, the transfer value depends on the user, until the results of the
study can be used in other social contexts and situations. The researcher
himself does not guarantee this "external validity".
3. Dependability
The dependability test is carried out by conducting an audit of the
entire research process. It often happens that researchers do not conduct
research processes in the field, but can provide data. Researchers like this
need to be tested for dependability. If the research process is not
conducted but the data is there, then the research is not reliable. For this
reason, dependability testing is done by conducting an audit of the entire


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III Students at MI Ma'arif Giriloyo 1 Bantul. Al-Bidayah: Journal of
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Apriansyah, M. R. (2020). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Berbasis
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Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri
Jakarta. Jurnal Pensil: Pendidikan Teknik Sipil, 9(1), 9-18.
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