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(Photography session)

Before we start today’s session, let us all start by taking pictures

together as a small keepsake.


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh and a very good
morning to our honorable guests from the Arrabiyathul School, Male,
Maldives, the CEO’s and Managers of the IIUM school holdings, the
principal, vice principals, teachers and students.
We welcome our honoured guest to Sekolah Menengah SeLabudi.
We hope you find yourselves comfortable and pleasant with the
hospitality we provided.
I am Nurin Aqeelah, and I am Khalis Kamil, and we will be your emcee
for today. It’s very exciLng to see and welcome all of you again.


Let us begin with the recitaLon of dua that will be led by Muhammad
Zafri from 4 Al-Furqan.
Thank you to Muhammad Zafri for the recitaLon of dua just now.
Khalis (speech)

Next, I would like to call upon Mr Zaid Ibrahim, the principal of Sekolah
Menengah SeLabudi to deliver his speech.
Thank you Mr. Zaid Ibrahim for the speech just now.

And now, let’s enjoy a short video about our school which have been
compiled by our school students. This video will give all of you a brief
idea of our school.

Nurin (introducLon)
Moving on, I would like to call upon, Noor Afreena, Nawawi Yai and
Zahraa Azmi, three representaLves from our school to present an
introducLon of our beloved insLtuLon.
Thank you Afreena, Nawawi and Zahraa.

(Speech from Maldives)

Without further ado, I welcome a representaLve from the Arrabiyathul
School to give a speech and remarks.
Thank you to the representaLve who came up to this stage to provide
his/her aspiring speech.

Khalis (Token)
Lastly, I would like to call upon the principal of our school, Mr Zaid
Ibrahim ________________________________________ to hand a
token of appreciaLon to our guests from the Arrabiyathul School.
I would now like to ask the guests to please come up the stage to
receive a token of appreciaLon from us.
Thank you to everyone on stage.

Nurin (conclude)
As the saying goes, “to every beginning, there’s an ending” and now
the ceremony has come to its end.
Once again, thank you everyone for gracing our ceremony with your
presence. We truly appreciate it. On behalf of the organizing
commi]ees, I would like to apologise if we have caused any
inconveniences throughout the event,
I end my duty as the emcee of the ceremony for today’s event with
wabillahitaufik walhidayyah,
Wassalamualakium warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

All guests may now proceed to the Anjung Budi for our next session to
visit the public speaking corner. Ushers, please provide guidance.

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