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In childhood's joy I trod the earth,

With innocence and laughter's mirth,

No worries or cares did I know,
Just chasing dreams wherever they'd go.

But as the years began to speed,

I felt a shift in life's grand creed,
Responsibilities slowly appeared,
As innocence faded and youth neared.

I longed for days when time stood still,

When worries were few and dreams had thrill,
But now I must face the world's demand,
And grow up, as life takes command.

With every step, a lesson learned,

Through trials faced and bridges burned,
I stumble, fall, then rise again,
Seeking wisdom, strength, and zen.

The world's complexity unfolds,

In choices made and stories untold,
I navigate its winding maze,
With heart and courage, through the haze.

But amidst the trials and the strife,

I find a glimmer of precious life,
For in the act of growing strong,
I find that I've been growing all along.

For when we grow, our hearts are tested,

Our minds expand, and dreams are bested,
We forge our destiny every day,
And seize the chances that come our way.

So though I miss my childhood's bliss,

I embrace this journey, never remiss,
For growing up is a wondrous art,
A chance to shape, refine and impart.

And as I grow, I'll always strive,

To keep that youthful spirit alive,
With dreams still blooming, hopes held high,
Unafraid to reach for the sky.

For growing up is not to be feared,

But a chance to live life without a tear,
To embrace the beauty that lies ahead,
With gratitude for all that I've been fed.

So here I stand, no longer small,

Ready to face the world's grand call,
With lessons learned, and love in my cup,
I grow up, and it's just the beginning, yup!

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