PSEO Sympo_Module 4_Roles of PSEOs

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Module 4

of Public Sector Employees’
Roles of PSEOs
Bridge 1. As a mechanism to
between the rank-
and-file employees
and management
Roles of PSEOs

2. As a partner of
management in
ensuring faithful
observance of merit
and fitness
principles in
government service
Roles of PSEOs
3. As a factor in
influencing the
enactment of
legislations which
will further protect
and uplift
employees’ welfare
Roles of PSEOs

Policy maker
4. As a partner of
management in policy-
making, policy
implementation and
policy monitoring
Roles of PSEOs

5. As a vanguard
of the people in
graft and
Roles of PSEOs

6. As an agent of
change in
bringing about
more efficient
public service
Roles of PSEOs

7. As a
agent for the
of terms and
conditions of
work which
are not fixed
by law.
Responsibility of a Registered
Employees’ Organization

Inform members of:

✔ Provisions of the constitution and

by-laws (CBL);

✔ Provisions of the Collective

Negotiation Agreement (CNA); and

✔ All their rights and obligations under

existing laws, rules, and regulations

Section 1, Rule III, Amended IRR of EO 180)

The rights of members include, among others:

✔ The right against arbitrary, excessive or

oppressive fees;

✔ Access to the organization’s financial

reports and transactions;

✔ To be consulted before being levied with

any assessment fees or extraordinary fees;

Section 1, Rule III, Amended IRR of EO 180)

The rights of members include, among others:

✔ To vote and be voted upon;

No person who has been convicted of a
crime involving moral turpitude
shall be eligible for election or
appointment as an officer of an
employees’ organization.

✔ To be informed of their rights and

obligations, and provisions of their CBL; and

✔ To petition the Council for violations thereof.

Section 1, Rule III, Amended IRR of EO 180)

Obligations of the PSEO

✔ Every payment of fees, dues or other contributions by a member shall be evidenced by a

receipt signed by the officer or agent making the collection and shall be entered into the
record of the organization kept and maintained for the purpose.

✔ The funds of the employees’ organization shall not be applied for any purpose or object
other than those expressly provided by its constitution and by-laws or those expressly
authorized by written resolution adopted by the majority of the members at a general
meeting called for the purpose.

✔ Every income or revenue of the employees’ organization shall be evidenced by a record

showing its source, and every expenditure of its funds shall be supported by a receipt
from the person to whom the payment is made.

Section 1, Rule III, Amended IRR of EO 180)

Obligations of the PSEO Officers

✔ The treasurer of an employees’ organization shall render to the employees’

organization and to its members a true and correct account of all money
received and disbursed from the assumption of office or the last day of the
rendition of such an account.

✔ The account shall be audited by the auditor of the employees’ organization,

who shall certify under oath as to the veracity thereof, copies of which shall be
furnished the DOLE-BLR and the CSC-PRO.

✔ The secretary of the employees’ organization shall record the minutes of the
meeting including the list of all members present, the votes cast, the purpose of
the special assessment or fees and the recipient of such assessment or fees.
The record shall be attested by the president of the employees’ organization.

Section 1, Rule III, Amended IRR of EO 180)

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