Unit IV Learning Material

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Syllabus :
Group Technology: Part family, coding and classification, production flow analysis, advantages
and limitations.
Computer Aided Process Planning: Definition, Retrieval type and Generative type, advantages
of CAPP over conventional method.
Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Definition, components and FMS benefits.
Course objectives:
 To present the role of computers and technology that drives the modern industry.
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the chapter, the students will be able to
 appraise the role of computers in manufacturing.
This is a manufacturing philosophy in which similar parts are identified and grouped together to
take advantage of their similarities in design and production systems . Similar parts are arranged
into part families, where each part family possess similar design or manufacturing
characteristics. GT is most appropriate under the following conditions:
a. The plant currently uses traditional batch production and a process type layout.
b. The parts can be grouped into part families.
There are two tasks that a company must undertake when it implements GT (a) identifying the
party families (b) rearranging production machines into machine cell.
Difference between a Process Layout and Group Technology Layout:

Figure: Process type Layout

Figure: Group Technology Layout

Benefits of Group Technology:
 GT promotes standardization of tooling , fixturing & setups
 material handling is reduced because the distances within a machine cell are much shorter
than within entire factory
 Process planning & production scheduling are simplified
 Setup times are reduced resulting in lower manufacturing lead times
 Work in process is reduced.
 Worker satisfaction usually improves when workers collaborate in GT cell
 Higher quality work is accomplished using GT.
Part Families:
A part family is a collection of parts that are similar either in geometric shaped and size or in the
processing steps required in their manufacture.

Figure: Two parts of identical shape and size but different manufacturing requirements: (a) 1,000,000 pc/yr,
tolerance = 0.001 inch material = 1015 CR steel nickel plate and (b) 100 pc/yr, tolerance = 0.001 in, material = 18 –
8 stainless steel.

Figure: A family of parts with similar manufacturing process requirements but different design attributes. All parts
are machined from cylindrical stock by turning; some parts require drilling and/or milling.
The biggest obstacle in changing over to group technology from a conventional production shop
is the problem of grouping the parts into part families. There are three methods used in solving
this problem:

1. Visual Inspection
2. Part classification and coding
3. Production flow analysis
Visual Inspection:
It involves the classification of parts into families by looking at either the physical parts (or) their
photographs and arranging them into groups having similar features. It is least accurate process
among all three processes. It is the least sophisticated and least expensive method.
Part Classification & Coding:
In part classification and coding, similarities among parts are identified and these similarities are
related in coding system. Two categories of party similarities can be distinguished
a. Design Attributes : Concerned with part characteristics such as geometry, size and
b. Manufacturing Attributes : Consider the processing steps required to make a part
To accomplish parts classification and coding, an analyst must examine the design and / or
manufacturing attributes of each part. Examination is sometimes done by looking in the tables to
match the subject part against the features described and diagrammed in the table. An alternative
and more productive approach involves using a computerized classification and coding system,
in which the user responds to questions asked by the computer.
Features of Parts Classification and Coding:
Part classification system fall into one of three categories;
a. system based on the part design attributes
b. system based on the part manufacturing attributes
c. system based on both design and manufacturing attributes
Part design attributes Part manufacturing attributes
 Basic external shape  Major process
 Basic internal shape  Minor operations
Part design attributes Part manufacturing attributes
 Rotational and rectangular shape  Operation sequence
 L/D ratio (rotational)  Major dimension
 Aspect ratio(rectangular)  Surface finish
 Material types  Machine tool
 Part function  Production cycle time
 Major dimensions  Batch size
 Minor dimensions  Annual production
 Tolerances  Fixtures required
 Surface finish  Cutting tool used in manufacturing

Structure Used in Coding and Classification System:

1. Hierarchical Structure: It is also known as monocode, in which interpretation of each
successive symbol depends on the value of the preceding symbols.
2. Chain-type Structure: Also known as polycode, in which the interpretation of each symbol
in the sequence is always the same. It does not depend upon the value of preceding symbols.
3. Mixed Mode Structure: A hybrid of the two previous coding schemes.
The number of digits in the code range between 6 to 30 design and most modern classification
and coding systems include both design and manufacturing data, and this usually requires 20 to
30 digits. Three parts classification and coding systems which are widely recognized among
people familiar with Group Technology
 OPITZ Part Classification and Coding system
 MICLASS system
 CODE system.
OPITZ Part Classification and Coding System:
It was developed by H.Opitz in Germany. The opitz coding scheme uses the following digit
Figure: OPITZ Coding Structure
The basic code consists of nine digits, which can be extended by adding four digits more. The
first nine digits are intended to convey both design and manufacturing data. The first five digits
are called "form code", describe the primary design attributes of the part, such as external shape
and machined features. The four digits, 6789 constitute the "supplementary code" which
indicates some of the attributes that could be useful in manufacturing. The extra four digits,
ABCD are referred as the "secondary code" and are intended to identify the production operation
type and sequence. The secondary code can be designed by the user firm to serve its own
particular needs.

Figure: Basic structure of the Opitz system of parts classification and coding
Figure: Form Code (digits 1 through 5) for rotational parts in the Opitz coding system. The first digit of the code is
limited to values of 0, 1, or 2.
Example: Given the rotational part design, determine the form code in the Opitz parts
classification and coding system.

Length – to – diameter ratio is 1.5 Digit 1 1

External shape: Stepped on both ends with screw thread on one side Digit 2 5
Internal Shape: Part contains a through hole Digit 3 1
Plane Surface machining: none Digit 4 0
Auxiliary holes, gear teeth, etc.,: none Digit 5 0
The form code in the Opitz system is “15100”
Production Flow Analysis:
Production flow analysis (PFA) is an approach to part family identification and machine cell
formation that was pioneered by J.Burbidge. It is a method for identifying apart families and
associated machine groupings that uses information contained on production route sheets rather
than part drawings. Work parts with identical (or) similar routings are classified into part
families.PFA consists of following steps:
1. Data Collection
2. Sortation of Process Routings
3. PFA Chart
4. Cluster Analysis
Data Collection: The minimum data needed in the analysis are the part number and operation
sequence, which is contained in shop documents called route sheets.
Sortation of Process Routings: In this step the parts are rearranged into groups according to the
similarity of their process routings.
PFA chart:
The processes used for each pack are then display in a PFA chart. The chart is a tabulation of the
process or the machine code number for all of the parts packs. In recent GT literature this is
referred as “Part-Machine Incidence Matrix” In this matrix, the entries have a value Xij = 1 or 0.
A value Xij=1 indicates that the corresponding part ‘I’ requires processing on machine ‘j’. A
value Xij=0 indicates that no processing of component is accomplished on machine ‘j’.
Cluster Analysis:
From the pattern of data in PFA chart, related groupings are identified and re-arranged into a
new pattern that brings together packs with similar machine sequences.
Weakness of PFA:
The data used in technique are derived from existing production route sheets. These route sheets
have been prepared by different process planners, and the routings may contain operations that
are non-optimal, illogical or unnecessary. Consequently the final machine groupings obtained in
the analysis may be suboptimal.
Grouping parts and machines by Rank Order Clustering Method:
1. Starting with the initial part-machine incidence matrix, the algorithm consists of the
following steps :
2. In each row, read the series of 1s and 0s from left to right as a binary number. Rank the
rows in order of decreasing value. In case of tie, rank the row in the same order as they
appear in current matrix.
3. Numbering from top to bottom, is the current order of rows- the same as the rank order
determined in the previous step? If yes, go to step(7). If not, go the following steps.
4. Re-order the rows in the part-machine incidence matrix by listing them in decreasing
rank order, starting from the top.
5. In each column of the matrix, read the series of 1s and 0s from to bottom as a binary
number. Rank the columns in the same order as they appear in the current matrix.
6. Numbering from left to right, is the current order of columns the same as the rank order
determined in the previous step? If yes, go to step (7). If not, go through the following
7. Re-order the columns in the part-machine incidence matrix by listing them inn decreasing
rank order starting with the left column. Go to step(1).
8. Stop.
Example: Apply the rank order clustering technique to the part – machine incidence matrix in
the following table to identify logical part families and machine groups. Parts are identified by
letters and machines are identical numerically.
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
5 1
Step 1:
24 23 22 21 20
Parts Decimal
A B C D E Rank
Machine Eqvlnt
1 1 16 2
2 1 1 9 4
3 1 1 18 1
4 1 1 12 3
5 1 2 5

Step 2:
3 1 1 24
1 1 23
4 1 1 22
2 1 1 21
5 1 20
24 6 4 17 2
Rank 1 3 4 2 5
Step 3:
24 23 22 21 20
Parts Decimal
A D B C E Rank
Machine Eqvlnt
3 1 1 24 1
1 1 16 2
4 1 1 6 4
2 1 1 5 5
5 1 8 3

Step 4:
3 1 1
1 1
5 1
4 1 1
2 1 1

Composite Part Concept:

Part families are defined by the fact that their members have similar design and manufacturing
attributes. The composite part conceives of a hypothetical part that represents all of the design
and corresponding manufacturing attributes possessed by the various individuals in the family.
Figure: Composite Part Concept: (a) the composite part for a family of machined rotational parts, and (b) the
individual features of the Composite Part.
The individual features and corresponding manufacturing operations are given in the below
Number Design and Manufacturing Attributes
1 Turning operation for external cylinder shape
2 Facing operation for ends
3 Turning Operation to produce step
4 External cylindrical grinding to get surface finish
5 Drilling operation to create through hole
6 Counter Bore
7 Tapping operation to produce internal threads
Table: Design and Manufacturing attributes of the composite part in above figure
A machine cell would be designed to provide all seven machining capabilities. The machine,
fixtures and tools would be setup for efficient flow of work parts through the cell. For past
designs without all seven features, unneeded operations would simply cancelled.
Computer Aided Process Planning:
Process planning is concerned with determining the sequence of individual manufacturing
operations needed to produce a given part or product. The resulting operation sequence is a
listing of the production operations and associated machine tools for a work part or assembly.
Closely related to process planning are the functions of determining appropriate cutting
conditions for the machining operations and setting the time standards for the operations. All the
three functions – planning the process, determining the cutting conditions, and setting the time
standards have traditionally been carried out as tasks with a high manual and clerical work. They
are also typically routine tasks in which similar or even identical decisions are repeated over and
over. In today’s industry these kinds of decisions are being made with the aid of computers.
A computer aided process planning system offers potential for reducing the routine clerical work
for manufacturing engineers. It provides the opportunity to generate production routings which
are rational, consistent, and perhaps even optimal. Two alternative approaches have been
developed for computer aided process planning. They are:
a. Retrieval (Variant) type CAPP
b. Generative type CAPP
a. Retrieval (Variant) CAPP:
In this approach, the parts produced in the plant are grouped into part families, distinguished
according to their manufacturing characteristics. For each part family, a standard process plan is
established. The standard process plan is stored in computer files and then retrieved for new
work parts which belong to the similar part family. Some form of part classifications and coding
system is required to organise the computer files and to permit efficient retrieval of the
appropriate process plan for a new work part. For some new parts, editing of the existing process
plan may be required. This is done when the manufacturing requirements are slightly different
from standards. The machine routing may be the same for the new part, but the specific
operations required at each machine may be different. The complete process plan must document
the operations as well as the sequence of machines through which the part must be routed.
Figure: General Procedure for using one of the retrieval CAPP systems
The user would initiate the procedure by entering the part code number at a computer terminal.
The CAPP program then searches the part family matrix file to determine if a match exists. If the
file contains an identical code number, the standard machine routing and operation sequence are
retrieved from the respective computer files for display to the user. The standard process plan is
examined by the user to permit any necessary editing of the plan to make it compatible with new
part design. After editing, the process plan formatter prepares the paper document in the proper
form. If an match cannot be found between the code numbers in the computer file and the code
number for the new part, the user may search the machine routing file and the operation
sequence file for the similar parts that could be used to develop the plan for the new part. Once
the process plan for a new part code number has been entered, it becomes the standard process
plan for future parts of the same classification.
b. Generative CAPP:
Generative process planning involves the use of the computer to create an individual process
plan from scratch, automatically and without human assistance. The computer would employ a
set of algorithms to progress through the various technical and logical decisions towards a final
plan for manufacturing. Inputs to the system would include a comprehensive description of work
part. This may involve the use of some form of part code number to summarize the work part
data, but it does not involve the retrieval of existing standard plans. Instead, the generative CAPP
system synthesizes the design of the optimum process sequence, based on an analysis of part
geometry, material, and other factors which would influence manufacturing decisions. In the
ideal generative type process planning package, any part design could be presented to the system
for creation of the optimal plan. In practice, current generative type systems are far from
universal in their applicability and they are developed for a limited range of manufacturing
Benefits of CAPP:
1. Process rationalisation: computer automated preparation of operation routings are more
likely to be consistent, logical and optimal than its manual counterpart. The process plan will
be consistent because the same computer software is being used by all planners. The process
plan tends to be more logical and optimal because the company has presumably incorporated
the experience and judgement of its best manufacturing people into the process planning
2. Increase Productivity of process planners: with the use of CAPP, there is a reduced
clerical effort, fewer errors are made and the planners have immediate access to the process
planning data base. These benefits translate into higher productivity of the process planners.
3. Reduced turnaround time: Working with the CAPP system, the process planners are able
to prepare the route sheet for a new part in less time compared to manual preparation. This
leads to an overall reduction in manufacturing lead time.
4. Improved legibility: The computer prepared document is neater and easier to read than
manually written route sheets. CAPP system employs standard text, which facilitates
interpretation of the process plan in the factory.
5. Incorporation of other application process: The CAPP program can be interfaced with
other applications programs such as cost estimation and work standards.
Flexible Manufacturing Systems:
Types of Manufacturing Systems:
Kearney & Trecker corporation defines three types of manufacturing systems to satisfy the
variety of processing needs within the middle range of volume production systems. They are:
1. Special Manufacturing Cell
2. Manufacturing Cell
3. Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS)

Figure: Application Guidelines for the three types of Manufacturing Systems

1. Special Manufacturing Cell: The special manufacturing system is the least flexible
computer – integrated manufacturing system. It is designed to produce a very limited number
of parts (perhaps 2 to 8) in the same manufacturing family. The annual production rate per
part would typically lie between 1500 & 15,000 pieces. The configuration of the special
system would be similar to the high production transfer lines. The variety of processes would
be limited, and specialized machine tools would not be uncommon.
2. Manufacturing Cell: It is the most flexible but generally has the lowest production rate of
the three types. The number of different parts manufactured in the cell might be between 40
& 800, annual production levels for these parts would be between 15 & 500.
3. Flexible Manufacturing Systems:
A Flexible manufacturing system is a highly automated GT machine cell, consisting of a
group of processing workstations, interconnected by an automated material handling and
storage systems, and controlled by a distributed computer system. The flexible
manufacturing systems cover a wide middle territory within the mid volume, mid variety
production range. A typical FMS will be used to process several part families with 4 to 100
different part numbers. Production rate per part would vary between 40 and 2000 per year.
Work parts are loaded and unloaded at central location in the FMS. Pallets are used to
transfer work part between the machines. Once a part is loaded onto the handling system it is
automatically routed to the particular workstation required in its processing. The coordination
and control of the parts handling & processing activities is accomplished under the command
of computer. Human labour is required to operate the FMS. The human functions in the FMS
are loading, unloading of work parts, changing the tools, tool setting and programming the
To qualify as being flexible, a manufacturing system should satisfy several criteria. The
following are four reasonable tests of flexibility in automated manufacturing systems:
1. Part Variety Test: Can the system process different part styles in a non – batch mode?
2. Schedule Change Test: Can the system readily accept changes in production schedule,
that is changes in part mix and/or production quantities?
3. Error Recovery Test: Can the system recover gracefully from equivalent malfunctions
and breakdowns, so that production is not completely disrupted?
4. New Part Test: Can new part design be introduced into the existing product mix with
relative ease?
Types of FMS:
The flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) are classified based on two categories:
I. Number of Machines
II. Level of Flexibility
Classification of FMS based on number of Machines:
The flexible manufacturing systems can be distinguished according to the number of machines in
the system. The following are typical categories:
a. Single Machine Cell
b. Flexible Manufacturing Cell (FMC)
c. Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
Single Machine Cell:
A single machine cell consists of one CNC machining centre combined with parts storage
systems for unattended operation. Completed parts are periodically unloaded from the parts
storage unit, and raw work parts are loaded into it. The cell can be designed to operate in batch
mode and a flexible mode. When operated in batch mode, the machine processes parts of a single
style in a specified lot sizes and is then changed over to process a batch of the next part style.
When operated in flexible mode, the system has to satisfy all the four test for flexibility.
Figure: Single Machine Cell consisting of one CNC machining centre and parts storage unit
Flexible Manufacturing Cell:
It consists of two or three processing work stations plus a part handling system. The parts
handling system is connected to a load/unload station. The handling system usually includes a
limited part storage capacity.

Figure: A Flexible manufacturing cell consisting of three identical processing stations (CNC machining centres), a
load/unload station, and a parts handling system.
Flexible Manufacturing System:
It has four or more processing stations connected mechanically by a common part handling
system and electronically by a distributed computer system.
Some of the distinguished characters between three categories of flexible manufacturing systems
are given in the below table:

Table: Flexibility Criteria applied to the three types of manufacturing cells and systems
Classification of FMS based on Level of Flexibility:
This method of system can be applied to the systems with any number of workstations, but its
applications seem most common with FMC’s and FMS’s. The two category of flexibility are:
a. Dedicated FMS
b. Random Order FMS
Dedicated FMS:
It is designed to produce a limited variety of part styles, and the complete universe of parts to be
made on the system is known in advance. The part family is likely to be based on product
commonality rather than geometric similarity. The product design is considered stable, so the
system can be designed with a certain amount of process specialization to make the operations
more efficient. Instead of being a general purpose, the machines can be designed for the specific
processes required to make the limited part family, thus increasing the production rate of the
system. In some instances, the machine sequence may be identical or nearly identical for all the
parts processed, so a transfer line may be appropriate, in which the workstations possess the
necessary flexibility to process the different parts in the mix. The dedicated FMS is less flexible
but capable of higher production rates.
Random Order FMS:
It is more appropriate when the part family is large, there are substantial variations in part
configurations, new part designs will be introduced into the system and engineering changes will
occur in parts currently produced, and the production schedule is subject to change from day to
day. To accommodate these variations the random order FMS must be more flexible than the
dedicated FMS. It is equipped with general purpose machines to deal with variations in product
and is capable of processing parts in various sequences. The random order FMS is more flexible
but at the cost of lower production rates.

Figure: Comparison of dedicated and random order FMS types

Table: Flexibility Criteria Applied to Dedicated FMS and Random – Order FMS

FMS Components:
A Flexible Manufacturing System has the following basic components:
1. Workstations
2. Material Handling Systems
3. Computer Control System
4. Human Labour
1. Work Stations: The processing or assembly equipment used in a flexible manufacturing
system depends on the type of work accomplished by the system. Following are the types of
workstations found in FMS:
a. Load/Unload Station: The load or unload station is the physically interface
between the FMS and rest of the factory. It is where raw work parts enter the
system and finished parts exist in the system. Loading and unloading can be
accomplished either manually or by automated handling systems. Mechanized
cranes and other handling devices are installed to assist the operator with parts
that are too heavy to lift by hand. The load/unload station includes a data entry
unit and monitor for communication between the operator and the computer
b. Machining Stations: The most common applications of flexible manufacturing
systems are machining operations. The work stations used in these systems are
therefore predominantly CNC machine tools. CNC machining possess features
that make them compatible with FMS, including automatic tool change & tool
storage, use of palletized work parts, CNC & capacity DNC. Machining centres
can be ordered with automatic pallet changing that can be readily interfaced with
the FMS parts handling system.
c. Other Processing Stations: The processing stations consists of press working
operations such as punching, shearing and certain bending & forming processes.
Also flexible systems have been developed to automate the forging. The
workstation in the system consists principally of a heating furnace, a forging
press, and a trimming station.
d. Assembly Station: Flexible automated assembly systems are gradually replacing
manual labour in the assembly of products typically made in batches. Industrial
robots are used as the automated workstations in these flexible assembly systems.
They can be programmed to perform tasks with variations in sequence and motion
pattern to accommodate the different product styles assembled in the system.
e. Other stations & equipment: Inspection can be incorporated into flexible
manufacturing system, either by including an inspection operations at a
processing stations, or by including a station specifically designed for inspection.
In addition to the inspection, other operations and functions are often
accomplished on a FMS. These include cleaning parts, and/or pallet fixtures,
central coolant delivery systems for the entire FMS, and centralized chip removal
systems often installed below from the level.
2. Material Handling and Storage Systems:
The second component of the FMS is its material handling & storage system. The material
handling and storage system in FMS performs the following function
 Allows the random, independent movement of work parts between stations.
 Enables handling of a variety of work part configuration
 Provides temporary storage
 Provides convenient access for loading and unloading work parts
 Create compatibility with computer control.
Material Handling Equipment:
The material handling function in a FMS is often shared between 2 systems:
1. Primary Handling System
2. Secondary Handling System
The primary handling system establishes the basic layout of the FMS and is responsible for
moving parts between stations in the system. The secondary handling system consists of transfer
devices, automatic pallet changers and similar mechanisms located at the work stations in the
FMS. The function of the secondary handling system is to transfer work from the primary system
to the machine tool or other processing station and to position the parts with sufficient accuracy
and repeatability to perform the processing or assembly operation. Some of the storage and
handling system devices are discussed below.
Handling Systems:
Towing Trucks:
Industrial towing tractors are designed to pull one or more trailing carts over the relatively
smooth surfaces found in factories and ware houses. They are generally used for moving large
amounts of materials between major collection and distribution areas. The runs between
origination and destination points are usually fairly long. Power is supplied either by electrical
motor or internal combustion engine. Tow tractor also find significant applications in air
transport operations for moving baggage and air freight in airports.
Figure: Tow Tractor
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV’s): An automated vehicle system is a material handling
system that uses independently operated, self propelled vehicles guided along different
pathways. The vehicles are powered on board batteries that allow many hours of operation
before needing to be recharged. An AGVS is appropriate where different materials are moved
from various load points to various unload points. An AGVS is therefore suitable for automating
material handling in batch production and mixed model production. Automated guided vehicles
can be divided into the following three categories: (a) Driverless trains (b) Pallet Trucks (c) Unit
load carriers.

Figure: Three types of automated guided vehicles: (a) driverless automated guided train, (b) AGV Pallet truck, and
(c) Unit load carrier
Storage Systems:
AS/RS Storage Systems:
AS/RS system stands for Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems. It is a storage system that
performs storage and retrieval operations with speed and accuracy under a defined degree of
automation. A wide range of automation is found in commercially available AS/RSs. At the most
sophisticated level, the operations are totally automated, computer controlled, and fully
integrated with factory and/or ware house operations. At the other extreme human workers
control the equipment and perform the storage/retrieval transactions. Automated storage/retrieval
systems are custom designed for each application, although the designs are based on standard
modular components available from each respective AS/RS supplier.

Figure: A Unit Load AS/RS system

AS/RS Types:
Several important categories of automated storage/retrieval system can be distinguished. The
following are the principal types:
a. Unit Load AS/RS
b. Deep Lane AS/RS
c. Miniload AS/RS
d. Man on board AS/RS
e. Automated item retrieval system
f. Vehicle lift storage modules.
Other purposes served by secondary handling system include (a) reorientation of the work part if
necessary to present the surface that is to be processed. (b) Buffer storage of parts to minimize
work change time & maximize station utilization.
FMS Layout Configuration:
Today’s FMS can be classified into five categories:
a. In – line layout
b. Loop layout
c. Ladder layout
d. Open – field layout
e. Robot – centred cell
a. In – line Layout: In this the machines and handling systems are arranged in a straight line.
The part progress from one workstation to the next in a well defined sequence with work
always moving in one – direction and no back flow. Typical material handling systems used
is in – line transfer system or conveyor system.

Figure: FMS In – Line layout (a) one direction flow similar to a transfer line (b) Linear transfer system with
secondary parts handling system at each station to facilitate flow in two directions.
b. Loop Layout: In this, the workstations are organised in a loop that is served by a parts
handling systems in the same shape. Parts usually flow in one direction around the loop with
the capability to stop and be transferred to any station. A secondary handling system is
shown at each work station to permit parts.
Figure: (a) FMS loop layout with secondary parts handling system at each station to allow unobstructed flow
on the loop, and (b) rectangular layout for recirculation of pallets to the first workstation in the sequence

c. Ladder Layout: It consists of a loop with rungs between the straight sections of the loop on
which workstations are located. The rungs increases the number of possible ways of getting
from one machine to the next, and obviate the need for a secondary handling system. This
reduces average travel distance and minimizes congestion in the handling system, thereby
reducing transport time between the stations.

Figure: FMS Ladder Layout

d. Open field layout: It consists of multiple loops and ladders and may include sidings as well
as illustrated in the below figure. This layout type is generally appropriate for processing a
large family of parts. The number of different machine types may be limited and parts are
routed to different workstations depending upon which one becomes available first.

Figure: FMS Open Field Layout

e. Robot Centred Layout: it uses one or more robots as the material handling systems.
Industrial robots can be equipped with grippers that make them well suited for the handling
of rotational parts, and robot – centred FMS layouts are often used to process cylindrical or
disk – shaped parts.

Figure: Robot Centred FMS Layout

3. Computer Control Systems:
The FMS includes a distributed computer system that is interfaced to the workstations, material
handling systems, and other hardware components. A typical FMS computer system consists of a
central computer and microcomputers controlling the individual machines and other components.
Functions performed by the FMS computer control systems can be grouped into the following
a. Workstation Control: In a fully automated FMS, the individual processing or assembly
workstations generally operate under some form of computer control. CNC controls the
individual machine tools in a machining system.
b. Distribution of control instructions to workstations: some form of central intelligence
is required to coordinate the processing at individual stations. In a machining FMS, part
program must be downloaded to machine and DNC is used for this purpose.
c. Production control: The mix and rate at which the various parts are launched into the
system must be managed. The production control function can be accomplished by
routing an applicable pallet to the load/unload area and providing instructions to the
operator to load the desired work part.
d. Traffic control: This refers to the management of the primary handling systems that
moves parts between stations. Traffic control is accomplished by actuating switches at
branches and merging points, stopping parts at machine tool transfer locations, and
moving pallets to load/unload stations.
e. Work piece monitoring: The computer must monitor the status of each cart and/or pallet
in the primary and secondary handling systems, as well as the status of each of the
various work piece types.
f. Tool Control: Tool control is concerned with managing two aspects of the cutting tools:
i. Tool location: This involves keeping track of the cutting tools at each
workstations. If one or more tools are required to process a particular work piece
is not present at the station that is specified in the part’s routing, the tool control
subsystem takes one or both of the following actions: (a) determines whether an
alternative workstation that has the required tool is available, and/or (b) notifies
the operator responsible for tooling in the system that the tool storage unit at the
station must be loaded with the required cutters.
ii. Tool life monitoring: In this aspect of tool control, a tool life is specified to the
computer for each cutting tool in the FMS. A record of the machining time usage
is maintained for each of the tools, and when the cumulative machining time
reaches the specified life of the tool, the computer notifies the operator that a tool
replacement is needed.
g. Performance monitoring and reporting: the computer control system is programmed to
collect data on the operation and performance of the FMS. The data are periodically
summarized and reports on the system’s performance are prepared for management.
h. Diagnostics: This function is available to a greater or lesser degree on many
manufacturing systems to indicate the probable source of the problem when a
malfunction occurs.
4. Human Resources:
Humans are needed to manage the operations of the system. Functions typically performed by
the humans include:
 Loading raw work parts into the system
 Unloading the finished parts from the system.
 Changing and setting tools
 Performing equipment maintenance and repair
 Performing NC part programming
 Programming and operating the computer system
 Managing the system.
FMS Benefits:
A number of benefits can be expected in successful FMS applications. The principal benefits are:
 Increased machine utilization
 Fewer machines required
 Reduction in the amount of factory floor space
 Greater responsiveness to changes
 Reduced inventory requirements
 Lower manufacturing lead times
 Opportunity for unattended production.

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