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Why did I choose this topic?

I chose this topic because the issue of women facing social injustice is extremely important as it
represents a fight for fairness and equality in houses as well as in our society. When women are denied
opportunities or experience discrimination, it holds back not just them, but society as a whole. Women
bring diverse perspectives and talents to the table, and addressing these injustices that women face
allows everyone to reach their full potential. This project mainly aims to bring your attention towards
the pay gap between men and women in today’s society. The gender pay gap refers to the difference in
average earnings between men and women in the workforce. Its an ongoing issue that has persisted for
many years and is still not completely resolved. We have to realize that we aren’t separated by our
genders and are not to discriminate based on it but rather realize that we are all indeed human beings.
With this thought in mind, I chose the documentary on gender equality namely, “Equal Half, A
documentary film from India” by UN Women Asia because this documentary focuses upon the pay gap
Faced by women in today’s society and how we can resolve this issue.


“Equal Half, A documentary film from India” by UN Women Asia

This documentary speaks about how the work women do and their contributions in today’s world are
often overlooked. Women make half of India’s population and make enormous contributions to its
economy yet they lag behind in almost all socio-economic indicators. Though there have been several
government schemes and policies for the welfare of women, none of them have had a measurable
impact in terms of gender. Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) is an initiative to ensure that the entire
process of budgeting is carried out through a gender perspective in order to bring gender equality and
women’s empowerment. GRB is a tool which ensures that planning takes into account the special needs
of women. It’s important because it enables the country and its leaders to see how their allocations of
public funds will contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Nagaland, a place where agriculture is the major economic mainstay has over 50% women farmers.
Despite this, they have little access to land and resources. ATMA or Agricultural Management
Technology Agency is a GRB initiative to disseminate agricultural activities for sustainable agricultural
developments. This scheme provides for the involvement of women in every decision making bodies and
30% of the funds from this scheme go to women farmers.
Gender Responsive Budget Allocation coupled with some policy directives and a procedure for
involvement of women at the grassroot level can really bring about a change. GRB has now come to be
accepted as a way of integrating the needs of women into budgeting but much work needs to be done
across all sectors in order to really bring about a solid change.


The gender pay gap due to gender inequality is a complex issue, some ways in which the government
can address these are:

Salary Transparency laws: These laws shed light on how much specific roles are compensated. This
empowers employees to research fair pay ranges and negotiate for their worth with confidence. When
employers are required to disclose salary ranges, it can help prevent unconscious bias from influencing
pay decisions.

Supportive policies: Policies such as GRB, Gender responsive budgeting, is an important factor in order
to fight against the gender favored pay gap. It ensures that the entire process of budgeting is carried out
through a gender perspective in order to bring gender equality and take into account the special needs
of women. The GRB is still not completely implemented so much work is to be done across all sectors in
order to really bring about a change.

Equal pay for equal work: This principal is the foundation of closing the pay gap. Laws and regulations
that ensure people doing the same jobs with similar experience and qualifications are paid the same,
regardless of their gender, are essential.

Gender inequality can be addressed in schools by having sessions on gender equality in order to teach
the children to respect each other regardless of their genders, by giving the female students equal
opportunities regarding school activities and leadership roles. Also providing resources and support
systems to address the specific needs of students of all genders is an effective method to bring about
gender equality in schools.

On a more personal level, gender equality can be practiced by respecting the opposite gender and never
discriminating based on their genders.

SDG-5 Gender Equality

SDG 5, also known as “Acieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, is one of the 17
Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. It recognizes that gender
equality is essential for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future. The goal encompasses a wide
range of issues, including:

1. Eliminating discrimination against women and girls in all its forms.

2. Ending all forms of violence against women and girls, including trafficking and sexual
3. Ensuring women’s full and effective participation in decision-making at all levels.
4. Promoting equal opportunities for women and men to access economic resources, such as land,
property and inheritance.
5. Promoting women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights
Achieving SDG 5 requires a transformative approach that tackles the root causes of
gender inequality. This involves empowering women and girls, as well as changing the
attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate discrimination. The goal aims to create a world
where everyone, regardless of gender, has equal opportunities and can reach their full

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