MC Digestion and Absorption

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poweredbyeneetpP ABsORPTION
During swallowing Ideglutition), the food
ALIMENTARY CANAL prevented from enteringinto the glottis by:
1.epiglottis 2. uvula
3. frenulum 4. adenoids
1 The dental formula of a human adult is:
1.2102/2012 2. 2103/2103 GWhat regulates the opening ot oesophagus into the
3. 2123/2123 4. 2132/2132
1. A membranous valve
2 Our teeth are
2. A muscular sphincter
1. Acrodont and homodont 3. A mesodermal septum
2. Homodont and polyphyodont
4. A cartilaginous flapP
3. Thecodont, diphyodont and heterodont
4. Acrodont, homodont and polyphyodont The anatomic region of the stomach where the
oesophagus opens into is:
3 Which of the following is connected to the floor of
1. cardiac
theoral cavity by the frenulum? 2. pyloric
1. oesophagus 2. muscles of mastication 3. fundus
3. lips 4. tongue 4. Corpus

4 Identify A, B, C and D in the given diagram of 8 Series of ridges produced by folding of the wall of an
human t0oth: organ such as seen in the stomach are called:
1. taenia coli
2. rugae
-A 3. plicae circulares
crown 4. crypts

C The opening of the stomach into the duodenum s

gum guarded by:
(gingiva) 1. Cardiac sphincter
2. Sphincter of Oddi
D 3. Pyloric sphincter
root blood 4. Ileocaecal sphincter
periodontal 10 Assertion: In animals, chemical digesu
ligament necessary.
lateral Reason: Mechanical igestion, typically, preceue
canals chemical digestion, increasing the surtace

nerve chemical digestion. i sthe

. Both assertion and reason are true and the

Correct explanation of the assertion. r e a s o


A B D 2. Both assertion and reason are true but


the correct
1. Enamel Dentin Pulp Cementum explanation of the assertio
3. Assertion is true but reason is false
2. Dentin Enamel Pulp
3. Cementum
Cementum 4. Both assertion and reason are false.
Dentin Pulp Enamel
4. Enamel Pulp Dentin Cementum

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two statements: 15 An innermost oblique muscle layer is present in the

the following
11 small
blind sac which hosts sor wall of:
is a

Symbiotic m i c r o - o r g a n i s m s .
1. Oesophagus 2. Stomach
tubular projection, the vermiform
I 1A
. narrow finger-like
3. Ascending colon 4. Rectum
is a vestigial
arises from
the caecum.
16 The term brush border refers to:
Organ, are:
Thecorrect 2. Only II 1. ciliated epithelium 2. transitional epithelium
1. Only I
4. None 3. microvilli 4. villi
and II
3. Both I
17 Villi are supplied with a network of capillaries and a
in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract
1D Which layer
has an inner circular and outer longitudinal
layer? largelymph vessel called the:
2. muscularis mucosa
1. Portal vessel 2. Lacteal
1. lamina propria
3. Thoracic duct 4. Cisterna chyli
3. submucosa 4. muscularis

13 In the gastrointestinal tract, the layer of dense, 18 A column-shaped cell found in the respiratory and
intestinal tracts, which secretes the main component of
irregular connective tissue or loose connective tissue that
mucus, is the:
supports the mucosa, well as joins the mucosa to the
2. enterochromaffin-like
bulk of underlying smooth muscle and also contains 1. G cell
blood vessels and a plexus is: cell
L. mucosa layer 3. parietal cell 4.goblet cell
2. submucosa layer
S. muscularis layer 4. serosa (adventitia layer)

14 The figure shows the arrangement of the different ALIMENTARY CANAL

ypes of teeth in the jaw on one side and the sockets on
would be classified as an
other side.
Identify the correct statements with respect 19 Which of the following not
the given figure: accessory digestive gland?
1. Liver

,3. 2. Crypts of Lieberkuhn
3. Pancreas
4. Salivary glands
Molars Socket

20 Which of the following is not a major salivary gland

1: in human body?
: Premol
The ars
absent from emporary dentition. 1. Parotid
bone. 0ckets will be presen in mandible and maxillary 2. Sub-mandibular / Sub-maxillary
1.Only 1 is correct 3. Sub-lingual
2.Only 11 is 4. Brunner's gland
Both I and correct
.Both I and II are

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of lobes in the human liver is:

2 1 Liver is:
24 The number
2.1 to 2,5 kg in 1.2
I. The largest gland of the body weighing 2. 3
an adult human.
II. An accessory digestive gland that produces man 3.4
4. 5
digestive enzymes.
1. Only I is correct 25 An investment
of loose connective tissue
2. Only II is correct vessels and sheathing the
3. Both I and I1 are correct theliver with the portal larger
vessels in their course through the organ is termedas
4. Both I and II are incorrect
1. Falciform ligament
structural and 2. Glisson's capsule
22 Which of the following is the
3. Cantlie's line
functional unit of liver? 4. Ligamentum teres
1. Hepatic cells
2. Hepatic cord of gall bladder (cystic duct) along with the
26 The duct
3. Hepatic lobule liver forms the:
4. Hepatic lobe hepatic duct from the duct
1. Common hepatopancreatic
and select the correct match 2. Duct of Rivinus
23 Study the given figure
3. Wharton's duct
from the options given below:
4. Common bile duct

Carnivores often tear off pieces of their

27 Assertion:
little need to chew them.
prey but have
on animal
Reason: Digestive enzymes can act directly
true and the reason isthe
1. Both assertion and reason are

Lumen assertion.
correct explanation of the
reason are true but the reason is not
2. Both assertion and
the correct explanation of the assertion.
It is called as endomysium 3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
A. Serosa
Has an inner circular and outer 4. Both assertion and reason are false.
B.Muscularis longitudinal layer
C. Submucosa| Lacks blood supply
Epithelial lining modified in various parts

1. Only A and B 2. Only B and D

and C 4. Only B and C

3. Only A

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en diagram, whicl numbers depict Cystic
given 30 The common hepato-pancreatic duct is
28In duct [HD], bile duct [CBD],
Comm guarded by a
Hepatic sphincter called the:
of ddi [SoD]?
[PD] and Sphincter

Pancreatic duct [P) 1. Cardiac sphincter

2. Pyloric sphincter
3. Sphincter of Oddi
4. Ileocaecal sphincter

31 The function of human gall bladder would be that it

1. Synthesizes bile
2. Stores and concentrat bile
8 3. Secretes secretin
4. Secretes cholecystokinin


32 The term 'deglutition' means:

1. chewing
2. swallowing
SoD 3. vomiting
4. burping

33 A ball-like mixture of food and saliva that forms in

the mouth during the process of chewing is called as:
1. Lobus
2. Bolus
29 Study the given diagram and identify the correct
3. Globus
Statements 4. Bogus
The basic propulsive movement in the alimentary
B 34
C soft palate
canal is called as:

hard palate- D 1. Peristalsis

palatine tonsils 2. Haustration
lingual tonsils
3. Jet propulsion
hyoid bone 4. Singultus
larynx oesophagus
statement regarding Saliva:
35 Identify the correct
EA increased by sympathetic nervous
is 1. Its secretion is
harynx, B is Nasopharynx and C is
E: During
2. It contains amylase,
which digests 100 96 starch.
wind pipe wclowing, D prevents the entry of food into
3. It contains
bactericidal lysozyme.
and E increased during sleep.
Cavity. revents the entry of food into the asal
4. Its secretion is
LOnly I is correct
LOnly II is correct
Both I and Il
4.BothI and II are correct

36 Carbohydrates in the chyme are hydrolysed into 41 Gastric juice of infants contains
disaccharides by: 1. Maltase, pepsinogen, rennin
1. Salivary amylase 2. Nuclease, pepsinogen, lipase
2. Pancreatic amylase 3. Pepsinogen, lipase, rennin
3. Gastric amylase 4. Amylase, rennin, pepsinogen
4. Intestinal amylase
42 Proteolytic enzymes found in stomach of an infan

37 The optimum pH for the enzyme salivary amylase is: include:

1. 2.0 I. Rennin
2. 6.8 II. Pepsin
3. 8.0 III. Tyrpsin
4.9.1 1. I and II only
2. I and III only
38 The oxyntic or Parietal cells of the gastric mucosa 3. II and III only
4. 1, II and III
1- prorennin
2. pepsinogen 43 The pH optimal for pepsin is:
3. HCl and intrinsic factor 1. 1.8
4. gastric lipase 2. 3.8
3. 6.8
39 Which of the following digestive juices has the 4. 7.8

minimum pH value?
44 The proenzyme pepsinogen gets converted into the
1. Bile
active enzyme pepsin on exposure to:
2. Gastric juice
3. Saliva 1. HCl
4. Pancreatic juice 2. Enterokinase
3. Enterogastrone
Identify the correct statements regarding the 4. Bile
structuress labelled as A and B in the given diagram:
Oesophagus 45 Intrinsic factor helps in the absorption of
Fundus 1. Amino acids
2. Sodium
- Cardiac

Superior portion 3. Glucose

of duodenum 4. Vitamin B-12

Pyloric 46 Chyme enters duodenum through:

1. esophageal sphincter
:A is a sphincter that prevents reflux of acidic gastric 2. pyloric sphincter
3. anal sphincter
Content into the oesophagus.
4. ileocecal valve
II: B region has a sphincter that regulates the entry of
chime into the duodenum.
1. Only I is correct
2. Only 1l is correct
3. Both 1 and II are correct
4. Both 1 and II are incorectt

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carbonates present in the gastric 51 Enterokinase:
T h e mucus a n d

role in: 1. stimulates bicarbonate

i m p o r t a n t

secretion by the pancreas

an e d i u m for enzyme action. 2. stimulates secretion of
aline m

gastrin by the stomach

providingan of the mucosal epithelium 3. converts
trypsinogen into trypsin
highly 4. converts pepsinogen into
2 excoriation by the pepsin
mCentrated hydrochloric acid
bolus into a paste like chyme. 52 The pancreatic proteolytic enzymes include all the
the l
medium for enzyme actior
following except
4 1. Chymotrypsin
an alkaline pH to act.
intestinal enzymes require 2. Trypsin
his is accomplished by the secretions of all the 3. Pepsin
4. Procarboxypeptidase
2. Brunner's glands
1.Gobletcells 53 The starch that could not be hyrdolysed by salivary
BParietal cells 4. Pancreas
amylase is hydrolysed by an amylase secreted from:
o Proteolysis cannot be performed by: 1. Liver
2. Gall bladder
2ymogen 2. chymotrypsin 3. Stomach
B.trypsin 4. carboxyypeptidase 4. Pancreas

O The given diagram shows the various types of cells 54 All the following digestive enzymes are secreted by
in a typical gastric gland. Identify the correct statements: the exocrine pancreas except:
1. Trypsinogen
Lumen of 2. Pancreatic amylase
stomach Cell Types
3. Nuclease
Mucous 4. Nucleotidase
55 Lipases can be activated by:
Parietal 1. HCI
2. Secretions of Brunner's glands
3. Bile
4. Cholecystokinin
cells 56 The bile released into the duodenum does not
1. bile pigments
2. phospholipids
3. lipase
4. cholesterol
Parietal cells secrete used for
iel pepsinogen 57 Succus entericus is a term

L.Only secrete HCl and Intrinsic Factor. 1. The junction of ileum and colon
and II gastrin, hormone. a
2. Inflammation of intestine
.Only 11 2. Only III 3. Vermiform appendix
4. 1, II and II 4. Digestive juice of intestine

is not located in the i
58 Succus entericus is composed of: 63 Which of the following ntestinal
1. The secretions of the brush border cells of the mucosa 1. Crypts of
along with the secretions of the goblet cells
2. The secretions of the liver and the secretions of the 2. Gastric glands
Brunner's glands 3. Brunner's glands
4. Goblet cells
3. The saliva mixed with the secretions of the Brunner's
glands and the pancreatic mucoid secretions statements is false?
4. The secretions of the large intestinal crypts and the 64 Which of the following
mucus glands lining the alimenatary canal 1.The breakdown of most of biomacromolecules occuIs
in duodenum

59 Succus entericus contains all the following except: 2. Simple substances (digested foods)
are absorbedintho
jejunum and ileum
1. disaccharidases
3. Very significant digestive activity Occurs in large
2. dipeptidases
3. lipases 4. Undigested and unabsorbed substances are passed on
4. nucleases
to the large intestine
act on
60 The proteolytic enzymes of pancreatic juice functions in:
65 The large intestine
all the following except:
1. Bicarbonate secretion and bacterial action
1. Proteins
2. Acid secretion and bacterial action
2. Proteoses
3. Water reabsorption and mass movenments
3. Peptones 4. Mixing action and intestinal hormone production
4. Aminopeptides
the disachharide maltose and 66 Hormonal control of the secretion of digestive juices
61 Maltase acts on

is carried out by:

hydrolyses it to: intestinal
molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose 1. local hormones produced by the gastric and
1. one
2. two molecules of glucose
molecule of galactose 2. hypothalamic hormones
3. one molecule of glucose and one
molecule of cellulose 3. hormones of the anterior pituitary gland
4. one molecule of glucose and one
4. hormones of adrenal cortex
shows a section of small intestinal
62 The figure caecum
67 What prevents the back flow of faeces from
mucosa. Identify A, B and C:
into the small intestine?
1. ileo-caecal valve
2. ileo-caecal sphincter
3. vermiform appendix
4. taenia coli muscle
that he so ate
C 68 An analysis of a patient's diet shows
each day.
- Vein
carbohydrate, 10 g protein, and 10 g fatthis atient

Approximately how many calories did

A B consume in one day?
1. Rugae Lacteal Crypts 1. 440
2. Haustration Portal vein Brunner's gland 2.470
3. 490
3. Villi |Lacteal Crypts
Portal vein Deep tubular gland 4. 740
4. Villi

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72 Glucose is absorbed in the small intestine and fro

the lumen passes first to epithelial cell and then to the
PRODUCTS blood, What would be true regarding absorpion of
1. It enters from the epithelial cell to the blood vesel
edThe egestion of faeces to the Outside through the anal against its concentratíon gradient
opening (defaecation) is: 2. The movement of glucose from the lurmen into the
and is carried out by a mass epithelial cell requíres a facilitated transpot protein
1a voluntary process 3 The movement of glucose from the umen into the
peristaltic movement.

epithelial cell requíres an active transport protein and an

2. an involuntary process and 1s carried out by a mass
energy source
peristaltic m o v e m e n t .

and is carried out by an

4. The movement of glucose from the epithelial cell into
3 a voluntary process the blood vessel requires an active transport protein and
anteperistaltic m o v e m e n t .
an energy source
4. a voluntary process and is carried out by a peristaltic
After digestíon, monoglycerides and fatny acids
70 The drug acetyl salicylic acid is quickly absorbed in: associate with bile salts and phopholipids to form:
1. Duodenum
1. chylomicrons
2. Stomach 2. micelles
3. Jejunum 3. globules
lIleum 4. lipoproteins

71 What is X in the given diagram? 74 The calorific value is highest for:

1. carbohydrate
Chymotrypsin 2. protein
Chymotrypsinogen 3. fat
4. fiber
intestinal 75 Emulsification of fats occurs in small intestine and it:
epithelial Trypsin 1.Results in the formation of small fat droplets
cell 2. Depends upon the polar structure of bile salts
3. Results in the formation of chylomicrons
4. Depends upon the polar structure of bile pigments

Trypsinogen 76 Arrange the following events in chronological

sequence [first to last]:
1.Succ entericus 2. Enterogastrone 1. protein-coated triacylglycerols enter lacteals
3. Enterokinase 2. triacylglycerol coated with protein
4. Motilin
3. fatty acids and glycerol packaged into micelles
4. bile salts emulsify fats
5. lipase digests fat
1. 1,2,4,5,3
2. 2,5,4,3,1
3. 3,5,4,1,2
4. 4,5,3,2,1

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77 Which of the following statements is incorrect? 80 The absorbed substances finally reach the
which utilize them for their activities. This procee
I. Absorption of simple sugar, alcohol, some water and
medicines takes place in stomach called:
II. Maximum water absorption occurs in small intestine 1. Assimilation 2. Emulsification
III. Small intestine is the major site of digestion and 3. Catabolism 4. Digestion
absorption of food
IV. Fatty acid and glycerol are absorbed by lacteals
V. Nothing is absorbed in mouth and large intestine DISORDERS OF LDIGESTIVE
1. I, IV and V
3. IV
4. II and II
81 Anxiety and eating spicy food together in an
78 Chylomicrons are: otherwise normal human, may lead to
1. small protein coated fat globules formed in the 1. Indigestion
intestinal epithelium 2. Jaundice
2. small protein coated fat globules formed in the lacteals 3. Diarrhoea
of the villi 4. Vomiting
3. Small fat coated protein globules formed in the
82 The given figure shows two children affected by
intestinal epithelium
4. Small fat coated protein globules formed in the lacteals some malnutrition disorder. Identify the corect match:
of the villi

79 The diagram shows the location of maltose, which is

a 'brush border' enzyme. All the following are also
examples of brush border enzymes except:

Lumen Maltose Glucose

Na Na


membrane Marasmus Kwashiorkor
Absorptive cell ADP
Kwashiorkor Marasmus
Basolateral Cretinism
membrane Rickets
Rickets Cretinism
Interstitial fluid
N Nd

1. Lactase
2. Aminopeptidase
3. SucrasSe
4. Nuclease

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powered by neetprep EsSENTIALE: DIGESTION AND
center in human beings is located in: 87 In
vomiting jaundice, skin and eyes turn
yellow due to the
1.Pons Varolii deposition of:
2. Medulla oblongata 1. Bile salts
3. Hypothalamus
2. Carotenoids
4. Cerebrunm
3. Xanthophylls
4. Bile pigments
MarasmuS IS ot characterized by:
84 energy intake
in all forms, including 88 Diarrhoea is most likely to affect most the process
1. nadequate
and subcutaneous fat 1. Ingestion of food
2. Loss of muscle mass
2. Passage of food through the upper alimentary canal
3. Edema
to age of 1 year 3. Digestion of the food in the large intestine
4. an occurrence prior
4. The absorption of food
intake but with insufficient protein
oSufficient calorie
89 The causes of indigestion include all except:
intake, edema and an enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates
characterize the disorder: 1. parasympathetic stimulation
1. Kwashiorkor 2. anxiety
2. Marasmus
3. food poisoning
4. eating spicy food
3. Bulimia
4. Anorexia nervosa
the option where the difference between
90 ldentify
be for A, B, C and D in the given Kwashiorkor and Marsmus is notcorrectly mentioned?
86 What would true

canal? Kwashiokor|Marasmus
figure of the human alimentary
A. Deficiency of |Proteins Proteins and calories
Less than More than one year
B. Age of onset one year
stomach Emaciation [loss of

B pancreas Characteristic Oedema mass and

feature|[swelling] muscle
clinical subcutaneous fat]
duodenum leftcolic
duodena jejunal flexure 2. Only C
Junction transverse 1. Only B
colon and C 4. A, B and C
ascending 3. Only B
colon jejunum iver is important
The secretion of bile by
descending 91 Assertion:
as it helps in the digestion and absorption
sigmoidcolon of fats. that help in first
appendix D Reason: Bile contains bile pigments
ileum anal canal of fatty acids
emulsification of fats
and later absorption
micelle formation.
and glycerol through and the reason is the
reason are true
LA secretes bile 1. Both assertion
IL.B Stores explanation of
is not
IL. C and
entrates bile reason are
true but the reason

nd assertion and
of maximum absorption of the 2. Both assertion.

productsSof idigestion
te the
explanation of
the correct r e a s o n is
V.Dis thepart where faece are stored
3. Assertion is true but
are false.
.1, II and III 4. Both
assertion and reason

3.I1, III and IVonly 2. 1, II and IV only

only 4. 1, I1, III and IV

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92 The diagram shows a schematic representation of the Assertion: In the stomach, chief cells alease
digestion of fat and absorption of end products of fat pepsinogen and not pepsin.
digestion in the human intestine. Which letter denotes zymogen is activated by hydrochloricacid
Reason: This
"chylomicron'? (HC), which is released from parietal cells in the
stomach lining.
1, Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is
Correct explanation of the assertion.

8 A
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not
the correct explanation of the assertion.
3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
4. Both assertion and reason are false.

B 95 Assertion: The muscularis externa of the stomach js

unique from other organs of the gastrointestinal tract

m m Reason: It does not have the Auerbach's or myeneteric

C 1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the
correct explanation of the assertion.
Intestinal 2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not
epithelium the correct explanation of the assertion.
3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
4. Both assertion and reason are false.

D 96 Assertion: The active absorption of calcium in the

intestine requires the presence of Vitamin D.
Reason: Vitamin D is activated in kidney under the
influence of parathyroid hormone.
1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the
correct explanation of the assertion.
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is no
the correct explanation of the assertion.
3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
2.B 4. Both assertion and reason are false.
3..C 14. D
97 Which of the following secretions is/are released into
93 Assertion: The liver is the first organ to receive most the small intestine by a common duct?
of the products of digestion except for fat. I. Bile
Reason: Blood from the liver is drained by the hepatic II. Pancreatic juice
vein. II. Intestinal juice
1. Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the 1. I only
correct explanation of the assertion. 2. I and Il only
2. Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not 3.I and Ill only
the correct explanation of the assertion. 4. 1, I1, III and IV
3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
4. Both assertion and reason are false.

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Considered as the beginning of the large int 7 All the
following are functions of the human liver
f the ascending colon is known as: except:
e n do f
1. It converts
hemoglobin to bile
2. It detoxifies blood pigments
2 vermitorm appendix
by removing toxins
3. It produces urea from the breakdown of amino acids
4. It produces
4 a n a lc a n a l enzymes for digestion of food in the
of conversion of complex food
The process
2 absorbable forms is called: 8 Most of the parasympathetic supply to the alimentary
rances to simple
canal is by:
1. vagus nerve
2 Deglutition
2. thoracic spinal nerves
3 Digestion
4 Assimilation
3. lumbar spinal nerves
4. sacral spinal nerves
structural and functional units of liver
9 What prevents GER Igastro esophageal reflux]?
containing hepatic cells

LHepatic lobes 1. lower esophageal sphincter

2 Hepatobiliary tree 2. sphincter of Oddi
Hepatic lobules 3. esophageal hiatus
Hepatic sinusoids 4. glottis

facilitates 10 The part of the small intestine that has maximum

4 The lower section of stomach that
length is the:
epying the contents into the small intestine is called: 1. duodenum
L Cardia
2 Fundus 2. jejunum
Corpus or body 3. ileum
4. colon
How does the muscularis layer of stomach differ
5 Which of the following statement is not correct? 11
from that in the other parts of the gut?
Brunner's glands are present in the submucosa ot 1. it has onelayer of smooth muscle
StOmach and secrete pepsinogen smooth muscle
2. it has two layers of
ODlet cells are present in the mucosa of intestine and it has three layers of
smooth muscle
Secrere mucus 3.
smooth muscle
4. it has four layers of
i c cels are present in the mucosa of stomach and
Serete HC in the wall of the alimentary
canal that
Acini are present in the pancreas and secrete 12 The layer
is the:
carboxy peptidase exhibits maximum

1. Serosa
6 Sphincter of Oddi is 2. Muscularis
present at:
lon of
junction 3. Mucosa
4. Submucosa
jejunum and duodenum
leo-caecal junction
Juncttion of
ancreatic duct and duodenum


13 A baby boy aged two years is admitted to play- 19 Pancreatic lipase can be activated by:

school and passes through dental 1. Bile

check-up. The dentist
observed that the boy had twenty teeth. Which teeth were 2. Enterokinase
absent? 3. Secretin
1. Incisors 4. Enterogastrone
2. Canines
3. Premolars 20 The peptic or chief cells of the gastric mucosa
4. Molars

14 The structural and functional units of liver are: 1. Mucucs

2. HCl
1. The four hepatic lobes
containing the hepatic sinusoids 3. A proenzyme
lined by kupffer cells 4. Prokinetic hormone
2. The hepatic lobules
containing hepatic cells arranged
in the form of cords 21 The intestinal enzymes require an alkaline pH to act.
3. The porta hepatis which carries the common bile duct
This is accomplished by the secretions of all the
and common hepatic artery, and the
opening for the portal following except:
1. Goblet cells
4. The right and the left lobes separated by the falciform
2. Brunner's glands
ligament 3. Parietal cells
4. Pancreas
15 The oral cavity initiates all the following except:
1. Chemical process of digestion 22 About what percentage of starch is hydrolysed by
2. Mechanical process of digestion
salivary amylase into maltose?
3. Deglutition
1. 30-40
4. Peristalsis
2. 50 6 0
3. 60 70
16 Non-function of parietal or oxyntic cells of the
4. 90-100
gastric mucosa can cause:
1. Pernicious anemia 23 The muscular activities of different parts ofthe
2. Gastric ulcer
alimentary canal can also be moderated by neural
3. Abnormal peristalsis
mechanisms that involve:
4. Complete non-digestion of proteins I. local mechanisms
II. through CNS
17 Large intestine is called as "large" because: 1. I only
1. It is longer than the small intestine 2. II only
2. Its lumen is larger than that of small intestine 3. Both I and II
3. It absorbs a large amount of water 4. Neither I nor II
4. It is largely responsible for absorption of digested end
products 24 It for some reason, our goblet cells are

1 8 The secretion of which of the following will carry functional, this will adversely affect the
1. production of somatostatin
large amounts of sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the 2. secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands
acidity of chyme in the small intestine? 3. maturation of sperms
1. pancreas 4. Smooth movement of food down the intestine
2. gall bladder
3. jejunum
4. salivary glands

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reason the
on the parietal cells of the gut
lt tor
30 Around 60 70 % of starch is
D5 becomepartially -functional, what is likely broken down to
maltose in the duodenum

1. pancreatic amylase by:

fall abruptly.
t oh a p p e n ?

of stomach will 2. trypsin

1. The Will be
more effective.
3. maltase
2, Steapsin will not be lequately hydrolyzed by pepsin 4. salivary amylase
and peptones.
into proteases
pancreatiC ymes, and especially trypsin and 31 Identify the correct statement:
4. The efficiently.
will not work 1.
lipase, Cabohydrate digestion begins in the stomach
2. Polsaccharides are broken down
dMatch the items given in Column I with those in to monosaccharides
26 by amylase
Column- II and choose the correct option. 3. Disaccharides are actively transported across the
Column-I Column-II epithelium of the small intestine
4. Final luminal digestion
Rennin ) Vitamin B12 of carbohydrates produces
6)Enterokinase ii) Facilitated transport
c) Oxyntic cells (11) Milk proteins
(iv) Trypsinogen
32 All the following statements regarding bile are true

d)Fructose except:
1. Bile salts are derivatives of cholesterol
2. Bile is important in absorption of fat soluble substances
a (b) (d) 3. Bile also serves as a route of excretion of bile pigments
iil) iv) Gi) 4. It is acidic in nature
av iii) ) i)
of food
av) i) i) 33 Which one of the following pairs
iv) ) ii) Components in humans reaches the stomach totally
27 actose is composed of: 1. Protein and starch
1. Glucose +galactosse 2. Starch and fat
2. Glucose + fructose 3. Fat and cellulose
3. Glucose+glucosee 4. Starch and cellulose
4. Glucose + mannose
34 The pancreatic
28A peptide hormone that stimulates secretion of 1. Produce insulin and glucagon
2. Produce somatostatin
Cacid (HCI) by the parietal cells of the stomach and
alds in 3. Secrete hydrolases
gastric motility is:
1.GIP 4. Store glucose and fats
2. gastrin
intestine where maximumn
3. secretin 35 The part of the small
4.CCK absorption takes place
is lined by:
1. Squamous epithelium
29 Secretin bordered epithelium
will be secreted by the duodenal mucosa
2. Cuboidal brush
due to: brush bordered epithelium
3. Columnar
4. Transitional epithelium
2. bicarbonate in
tats in chymne
d. chyme
peptones in chyme
hydrochloric acid in

powered byneetPeP

incorect statement:
36 What types of digestive hydrolytic enzymes are 42 Identify the
commonly secreted as zymogens [inactive precursors]? 1 ,Constipation is caused by decreased motility in
1. Proteolytic large intestines

2. Carbohydrases 2. Diarrhea may result from decreased fluid absorntion

3. Lipases the large intestines
4. Nucleases 3. A high intake of dietary fiber reduces the risk of
constipation because it increases distension and otility
37 Epithelial cells of the intestine involved in food in the large intestines
4. Bacterial diarrhea results from a bacterial toxin that
absorption have, on their surface,
blocks water channels in the cells of the large intestines
1. Zymogen granules
2. Pinocytic vesicles
43 Identify the incorrect comparison of Kwashiorkor
3. Phagocytic vesicles
4. Microvilli and Marasmus:

Kwashiorkor Marasmus
3 8 In humans, the energy source that provides energy
Protein deficiency Inadequate energy
the quickest is: 1.Cause with adequate intake in all forms,
1. protein energy intake including protein
2. carbohydrate Age Increases after 18
Prior to age 1
3. lipid incidence months
4. vitamins Edema and ascites
Main clinicaluscular wasting
Identify the correct statement regarding lipid and loss of abnormal buildup
39 sign subcutaneous fat
of fluid in the
digestion and absorption: abdomen]
1. Most lipids are asorbed without digestion as they are
not macromolecules
4.infiltration in Common Not common
2. The products of lipid digestion are resynthesized into
triglycerides in intestinal epithelial cells
3. The products of lipid digestion diffuse into capillaries
in the vicinity of the intestinal epithelium
44 The malfunction of which of the following cells in
4. The products of lipid digestion travel in the circulatory gastric mucosa can lead to the development of pernicious
system in the form of micelles
1. Parietal cells
is absorbed into the blood through mucosa 2. Chief cells
40 Fructose 3. G cells
cells of intestine by the process called 4. Enterochromaftin like cells
1. active transport
2. facilitated transport ist
3. simple diffusion
45 The gross calorific value for carbohydrates
4. CO-transport mechanism 1, 4.0 kcal/g
2. 4.1 kcal/g
3. 5.65 kcal/g
41 Carrier ions like Na" facilitate the absorption of
substances like 4.9.45kcal/g
1. Amino acids and glucose
2. Glucose and fatty acids
3. Fatty acids and glycerol
4. Fructose and some amino acids

1. (3) 2. 3) 3. (4) 4. (1)5.(1) 6. (2)7.(1) 8. (2) 9. (3) 10. (2)
(3) 12. (4) 13.(2) 14.
(3) 15.
(2) 16. (3) 17. (2) 18. (4) 19. (2) 20. (4)
21. (4) 22. (3) 23.(224. ( ) 25. (2) 26. (4) 27. (1) 28. (4) 29. (4) 30. (3)

31. (2) 32. (2) 33.(2) 34. (1) 35. (3) 36. (2) 37. (2) 38. (3) 39. (2) 40. (3)
A1. (3) 42. (1) 43. (1) 44. (1) 45. (4) 46. (2) 47. (2) 48.
(3) 49. (1) 50. (2)
51. 8 ) 52. 3) 53. (4) 54. (4) 55.)56. (3)57. (4) 58. ( ) 59. (4) 60. (4)
61. (2) 62. (3) 63. (3) 64. (3) 65. (3) 66. (1) 67. (1) 68. (3) 69. (1) 70. (2)

71. 7 2 . )73. 7 4 . 3) 75. (1) 76. 77 ) 78. (79. )80. (1

81. (1) 82. (2) 83. (2) 84. (3) 85. (1) 86. (2)87. (4)88. (4) 89. (1) 90. (1)
91. (3) 92. (4) 93. ( 2 94. (2) 95. (3) 96. (2)97. 2)


L. (1) 2. (3) 3. 4 (4) 5. (1) 6. (4) (4)8. (1) 9. ( 10. (3)
11. (3) 12. (3) 13. (3) 14. (2) 15. (4) 16. (1) 17. (2) 18. (1) 19. (1) 20. (3)
21. (3) 22. (1) 23. (3) 24. (4) 25. (3) 26. (4)27. (1) 28. (2) 29.(4) 30. (1)
31. (4) 32. (4) 33. (3) 34. (3) 35. (3)36. (1) 37. (4) 38. (2) 39. (2) 40. (2)

41. (1) 42. (4) 43. (3) 44. (1) 45. (2)

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