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Social Media


Elements of a Survey report

What’s the
report about?
Introduction ü
How was the Methodology
data collected?

What was Results


So what? Discussion

Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd
Sample introduction-Prevalence of Smoking
It is generally acknowledged that smoking has many
negative effects.
The main negative effects are health problems which
can affect both smokers and passive smokers.
Lung cancer, heart disease and chronic bronchitis are
three significant health problems which often are
associated with smoking.
Although government anti-smoking campaigns in
Australia have resulted in a significant reduction in
smoking in the general population, a high incidence of
smoking is still reported amongst young people.
The purpose of this research was to explore the
reasons that young people, despite aggressive health
warnings, still smoke.
Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd
It is generally acknowledged that smoking has many
negative effects. The main negative effects are health
problems which can affect both smokers and passive
smokers. Lung cancer, heart disease and chronic
bronchitis are three significant health problems which
often are associated with smoking. Although government
anti-smoking campaigns in Australia have resulted in a
significant reduction in smoking in the general population,
a high incidence of smoking is still reported amongst
young people. The purpose of this research is to explore
the reasons that young people, despite aggressive health
warnings, still smoke.
Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd
It is generally acknowledged that smoking has many
negative effects. The main negative effects are health
problems which can affect both smokers and passive
smokers. Lung cancer, heart disease and chronic
bronchitis are three significant health problems which
often are associated with smoking. Although
government anti-smoking campaigns in Australia have
resulted in a significant reduction in smoking in the
general population, a high incidence of smoking is still
reported amongst young people. The purpose of this
research is to explore the reasons that young people,
despite aggressive health warnings, still smoke.
Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd
Simple Modal + Present Present
present verb stem passive perfect

is have
has can affect
acknowledged resulted in
= are began in
very associated
the past
possible and the
is reported effects are
still being
distancing felt
from the
habit doer
Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd
Introduction- Social Media
Paragraph one:
You need to remind the reader why this is an
important topic or topical issue
• general information about the topic
• specific information about the topic

Paragraph two:
• previous research about this topic
• what was found or said about this topic

Final sentence:
• the purpose of this current research
Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd
Introduction- Paragraph one

General information/background/timeliness of topic

For many years, the internet has affected people’s lives in
numerous ways. Social media is one tool that has allowed
people to ______________ without face to face contact.
Social media has a variety of forms, such as,

Specific details
Especially for overseas students, they are ___________
social media to __________________ with family and
friends around the world.
Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd
Introduction- Paragraph two- Previous research

Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd

In paragraph two of your introduction, you need
to show that you are aware of a study or a
survey or expert comments have been made
about the topic

How do you include what other people say in your


Quotation by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, quoted in TIME, ‘the future of Facebook’ by
Laura Locke, July 17, 2007,,8599,1644040,00.html

Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd

If you have a quotation:
-You need to paraphrase it
- You need to include the reference of the source
Original text Paraphrased text

• “The thing that we are According to Mark

trying to do at Facebook
is just help people Zuckerberg, Facebook aims
connect and to facilitate the way people
communicate more
efficiently.” interact and convey
• Quotation by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of information (Locke 2007).
Facebook, quoted in TIME, ‘the future of
Facebook’ by Laura Locke, July 17, 2007,,8599,

Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd

If you have a previous study:
Ø you need to identify the main findings
Ø you need to paraphrase it
Ø you need to include the reference of the source,

Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd

Original text Your version
Who’s online?
Home was the most common location of access for The Australian Bureau of
internet use, with two-thirds (68%) of people Statistics (2011) found
accessing from this location. This was the case
that the home was the
across most age groups, and particularly for older
groups, with relatively few people 65 years and over most prevalent location of
accessing the internet from locations outside the internet access for all ages
home. surveyed.
Social networking
More Australians are taking advantage of the The survey showed that
communications technologies available online. The social networking sites
Australian Government Information Management
increased in demand by
Office (AGIMO) reported an increase in the take up
26% between 2008 and
of social networking technologies amongst internet
users (aged 18 years and over) between 2008 and 2009 in Australian
2009. Social networking sites grew in popularity, households.
with 36% of users accessing these sites in 2009, up
from 26% in 2008.
Australian Social Trends June 2011 Online @ home Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd
Produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics
How to join the ideas in paragraph two
Much consideration has been given to internet
usage, including social media. One study by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011) found that
home was the most prevalent location of internet
access for all ages. In addition, the report showed
that social networking sites increased in demand by
26% between 2008 and 2009 in Australian homes.
Moreover, social media, particularly Facebook, is
seen by Mark Zuckerberg as facilitating the way
that people interact and convey information (Locke
Ó UWSCollege Pty Ltd
Final Sentence: Purpose of Survey Report

The purpose of this report was to demonstrate the

changes in social media habits of overseas
students when they come to Australia.

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