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Getting to Know HTML5

➢ In 2004, W3C proposed its development with the

support from Mozilla and Opera but it was rejected
because of the foreseen new direction of Web.
➢ In 2006, W3C teamed up with WHATWG for the
Web Hypertext Application Technology
Working Group (WHATWG)
Is the newest version of HTML that is used to
develop websites.
The following are some of the feature of HTML5

✓ It can be used to write web applications that still work without an internet
✓ It can handle high definition video and deliver extraordinary graphics. v It does
not require additional software like browser plugins.
✓ It is cross-platform—it works perfectly fine on any platform as long as the
browser supports HTML5.
✓ It is not proprietary—royalties are not needed to use it.
HTML5 New Features

1. Application Cache
2. Drag and Drop
3. Geolocation
4. New Input Types
5. Server-Sent Events (SSE)
6. Web Storage
7. Web Worker
HTML5 Elements

➢ An HTML element usually consists of 3 basic

parts – a start tag, content, and an end tag.
➢ An element in HTML is also a term that describe
each individual piece of the web page.
➢ Every web page requires 4 main elements – the
<html>,<head>,<body>, and <title> tags.
The <html> Tag

The <html> tag is used at the beginning and

end of every web page.
The <head> Tag

The <head> tag contains meta information about

the document.
<head> element is a container for the following
elements: <title>, <style>, <meta>, <link>, <script>,
and <base>
Example :
The <title> Tag

The <title> tag contains meta information about

the document.
The <body> Tag

The <body> tag encapsulates all the contents of

the web page.
HTML Attributes

In HTML, attributes give additional information

about HTML elements. They are usually included in the
start tag, and come in pairs such as name=“value”.
HTML Attributes
HTML Attributes
HTML Attributes
HTML Attributes
HTML Attributes
HTML Attributes

1. What are the new HTML5 features?


1. What are the new HTML5 features?

1. Application Cache
2. Drag and Drop
3. Geolocation
4. New Input Types
5. Server-Sent Events (SSE)
6. Web Storage
7. Web Worker

1. What are the three basic components of the tag?


1. What are the three basic components of the tag?

➢ An HTML element usually consists of 3 basic parts –

a start tag, content, and an end tag.

1.Give at least three basic attributes that are

commonly used by tags.

1.Give at least three basic attributes that are

commonly used by tags.
alt attributes, src , href, title , width and height

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