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Refers to equals must be
treated equally and
unequal's must be treated
Nicomachean ethics
Material – principle that specify the
relevant characteristics for equal
- To each person an equal share
- To each person according to need
- To each person according to
- To each person according to free-
market exchanges
- To each person according to merit
- To each person according to effort
Justice as whatever brings about the
greatest good of the greater number
- John stuart mill
Justice is not an independent moral principle,
rather it is a principle dependent on the governed
by, that sole of morality, the principle of utility
• Utilitarian work out all the predictable
benefits and all the predictable losses
of some proposed change or state of
affairs , calculate the net sum of the
proposed changes and choose that
state of affairs which will bring out
about the greatest good for the greatest
number , which will turn maximize utility
2 principles criteria for
working out one’s
Quality of life measures
Social contributor
Justice as the equal distribution of
good and service
- John Rawls
• Justice means is essentially considered what
is due is what is fair, equal or perhaps fairness
2 principles that lead will towards the exercise
of fairness
a.) Each person should have the most
e x t e n s i ve s y s t e m o f b a s i c l i b e r t i e s
compatible with similar liberties for all.
b.) Social and economic inequalities should
be arranged so that they are to the greatest
benef it of the least advantaged and are
open to all under conditions of fair equality
of opportunity
• Justice for john rawls consists in fair
equality of opportunity
• Each person irrespective of social
condition such as poor and the wealthy
should be provided with equal fair
opportunity to health.
Distribution Rawls believed must be on the
basis of need which is understood as what
is necessary for equality of opportunity.
better services should be available for
purchase at personal expense by those
who are able and wish to do so.
Justice as the lack of restraints on
individual liberty
-Robert Nozick
Individual have right such as right to
liberty, life, property and others which those
individuals are entitled to enjoy and to
exercise so long as it is does not interfere
into the rights of others.
The only Just system allocation of
health care is the operation of free-market.
Libertarian therefore treats
autonomy both the health care
professionals and the patient as
a central notion of health care
and allocating resources
health care professionals
are obliged to provide care only
that health care in keeping their
own prior under takings or
present choices.
thus, they may legitimately
d e c id e fo r t he m se lv e s w hat
distribution standards to apply
to their own practice.
Justice is what is due to individuals or
groups depend on the community-derived
- Alasdair Macintyre
Justice as Pluralistic
Justice derives from as many as
different conceptions of the good as
there are diverse moral and cultural
Community as the core of a value
system then prioritizing an individual as
Libertarian Proposed
Communitarian believe that human
life will go better if collective and public
values guide people’s lives


Decisions determine the funds to be
expended and the goods to be made
Deals with how much of the society’s
resources will be used for various needs,
including health-related expenditures.

Decisions determines who will receive the

particular scarce resources.

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