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The Green Pig Iron Production

## Introduction
Green pig iron is a sustainable alternative to traditional pig iron, produced using
low emission technologies and renewable inputs. Unlike conventional pig iron
production that relies on coal, green pig iron utilizes biochar—a form of solid
material derived from waste materials capable of storing carbon for extended
periods. This innovative approach can significantly reduce carbon emissions,
contributing to environmental sustainability.

## Production Process

### Biochar and Its Role

Biochar plays a crucial role in the production of green pig iron. It replaces coal in
the process, reducing carbon emissions by up to 100%, according to Tecnored, a
subsidiary of the mining giant Vale. The use of biochar not only mitigates
emissions but also streamlines the production process by eliminating the need for
sintering and coking, thereby reducing costs by 10-15% compared to traditional
blast furnace systems.

### Process Flow

1. **Mixing and Pelletizing**:

- Iron ore concentrate is mixed with biochar.
- The mixture is pelletized, significantly reducing the production footprint.

2. **Reduction in Rotary Kiln**:

- The pellets are fed into a rotary kiln operating at high temperatures (around
- As the pellets move through the kiln, the reduction process occurs, producing
Direct Reduced Iron (DRI).

3. **Melting in Electric Furnace**:

- The DRI is then melted in an electric furnace.
- This process results in the production of high-quality pig iron.

### Advantages of the Process

- **Environmental Impact**: The use of biochar can help the iron and steel
industry achieve its sectoral 2°C target and aim for net zero emissions by 2050.
- **Cost Efficiency**: The elimination of sintering and coking stages makes the
technology 10-15% less cost-intensive than traditional methods.
- **Sustainability**: High-grade iron ore is becoming more expensive and scarcer.
The green pig iron process offers a sustainable alternative that can meet future

## Conclusion
Green pig iron production using biochar represents a significant advancement in
the iron and steel industry. By adopting this low-emission technology, industry can
reduce its carbon footprint, lower production costs, and contribute to achieving
global climate targets. As high-grade iron ore becomes scarcer, green pig iron
provides a viable and sustainable solution for future production needs.

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