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We call beautiful anything that gives us pleasure and that depends on things outside of us.
Perhaps most people think the sea is beautiful only when it is blue. If one has been in Italy as a
child and has grown up beside the grey North Sea, he will think that grey seas are ugly: and
nothing can be so beautiful as the blue Mediterranean.

But suppose a Scotsman who loves Scotland should go to Italy. He might find the blue sea too
uninteresting after a while. When he goes home and sees the grey sea again, he will see the sea
as beautiful. We are made in different ways, and grey can be as beautiful as blue, just as a baby’s
cry can be sweeter to someone’s ears than the best notes of the greatest singer of all time.
Nothing is beautiful or ugly in itself, but thinking makes it so. (172 words)

Title – The Subjectivity of Beauty

Precis: Nothing in this world is beautiful or ugly. Things look beautiful or ugly according to our
own idea of beauty. The same thing may look different to people raised in different
environments. Generally, most people consider beautiful a thing that gives pleasure. But it
depends on our perspective. (56 words)


Humans first appeared on earth a million and a half years ago. He was little more than an animal
then. Still, early humans had some advantages over animals. He had a large brain, an erect body
with fast-moving hands. He invented a language to communicate with his colleagues.

This ability to speak was of the highest value because it allowed men to share ideas and plan
together: speech enabled the transmission of ideas from generation to generation. These special
advantages put humans far ahead of all other living creatures. Since that distant time, when he
first made his appearance, man has achieved a lot. (110 words)


Charity is a universal duty, which is in every man’s power to be sometimes exercised since every
assistance given to another from a right motive is an act of charity; and is seldom in such
infirmity that he cannot benefit his neighbour in any case. He who cannot relieve the poor can
instruct the ignorant, and he who cannot minister to the sick can restore the wicked.

He who can give little help himself may undertake the duty of alms by inciting the greed of
others and recommending petitions that he cannot grant, to those who have more power to give.
The widow who puts her mite into her treasury and the poor man who brings a cup of cold water
to the thirsty will not lose their reward. (143 words)

Mankind in general is not sufficiently acquainted with the import of the word justice. It is
generally considered to include the performance of duties that society’s laws may mandate. This,
I allow, is sometimes the import of the word, and in this sense, justice is distinguished from
equity. But justice is still broader and unites all the virtues that can be shown. Justice may be
defined as a virtue that urges us to give to every person what is his due.

In this extended sense of the word, it refers to the practice of every virtue that determines reason
or should be expected of society. Our duty to our Creator, to each other and to ourselves is fully
answered if we give them what we owe them. Thus, properly speaking, justice is the only virtue
in which all the rest have their root. (150 words)


Meditation is a practice that focuses the mind on a specific object, thought or activity to train
attention and awareness. It has been shown to have many benefits for physical and mental health,
including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and increasing feelings of calmness and

Studies have also shown that meditation can have positive effects on the brain, including
increasing grey matter density in areas associated with learning and memory and decreasing grey
matter density in the amygdala, an area of the brain involved in processing stress. fear Despite
the many benefits of meditation, it can be intimidating for those who have never tried it before.

However, there are many easy and accessible ways to get started, such as finding a guided
meditation app or joining a meditation group. (320 words)

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