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SEPT 2021
➤ Calcium >> Chelated calcium is
easier for body to absorb (eg.
calcium citrate/lactate/gluconate)
**Chelated = compounds added to
a supplement to improve
**Body is unable to absorb
>500mg Calcium at one time, so
best to divide the dose throughout
the day
➤ Vitamin D >> Exposure to sun
causes body to make vit D which is
needed to help your body absorb
calcium, >50 yrs need
➤ Magnesium >> Contributes to
increased bone density, helping to
prevent onset of osteoporosis,
recommended 300-500mg/day
**Signs of excess Mg = diarrhoea
➤ Vitamin K >> Helps calcium bind
to bones, recommended dose is
**Caution in pts taking
blood-thinning medication (eg.
warfarin, clopidogrel etc)

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