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1. Enumerates all names of the Atlantic Ocean current, what are they?
- Brazil Current, South Equatorial Current, Labrador Current, Antilles Current, Benguela
Current, Gulf Stream, Falkland Current, Norwegian Current, Canary Current, North Atlantic
Current, Florida Current, and South Atlantic Current.

2. Enumerates all names of the Indian Ocean current, what are they?
-The North-East Monsoon Drift, the South West Monsoon Drift, North Equatorial Current
(Warm), South Equatorial Current (Warm), Somali Current (Cold), Mozambique Current
(Warm), Madagascar Current (Warm), Agulhas Current (Warm), and West Australian Current

4. Enumerates all names of the Pacific Ocean current, what are they?
- Equatorial Counter Current, Oyashio Current, Peru Current, Humboldt Current,, California
Current, North Pacific Current, Alaskan Current, Okhotsk Current, Kuroshio Current, East
Australian Current, South Pacific Current, and West Wind Drift.


1. Define Coriolis effect, Equitorial current, North and South Pacific ocean current
- Coriolis effect happens because the Earth rotates on its axis, circulating air is deflected
toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere.
This deflection is called the Coriolis effect. Click the image for a larger view. Coastal currents
are affected by local winds. Equatorial current, ocean current flowing westward near the equator,
predominantly controlled by the winds. Characteristically, equatorial-current systems consist of
two westward-flowing currents approximately 600 miles (1,000 km) wide (North and South
equatorial currents) separated by an eastward-flowing countercurrent only 300 miles (480 km)
wide. The North Pacific Ocean Current and the South Pacific Ocean Current are large-scale
ocean currents that flow within the Pacific Ocean basin. Here are their basic definitions: North
Pacific Ocean Current: This refers to the system of ocean currents that predominantly flow from
east to west in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The North Pacific Current, part of this
system, flows along the coast of North America, from the western coast of North America
towards Asia. It plays a significant role in redistributing heat and influencing climate patterns in
the North Pacific region.
South Pacific Ocean Current: Similarly, the South Pacific Ocean Current refers to the system of
ocean currents that predominantly flow from east to west in the southern part of the Pacific
Ocean. These currents can be influenced by factors such as the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
and the South Equatorial Current. The South Pacific Current influences oceanic circulation
patterns in the Southern Hemisphere and plays a role in global climate dynamics.

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