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Roll No. ....................................

Question Booklet Number

O. M. R. Serial No.

B. Sc. (Ag.) (Second Semester) EXAMINATION, July, 2022

(New Course)


Questions Booklet
Paper Code Series

AG 2 0 1 0 D
Time : 1:30 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 100

Instructions to the Examinee : ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, funsZ’k %

1. Do not open the booklet unless you are 1. iz’u&iqfLrdk dks rc rd u [kksyas tc rd vkils dgk
asked to do so. u tk,A
2. The booklet contains 60 questions. 2. iz’u&iqfLrdk esa 60 iz’u gSaA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha
Examinee is required to answer any 50 50 iz’uksa dks dsoy nh xbZ OMR vkUlj&’khV ij gh
questions in the OMR Answer-Sheet
gy djuk gS iz’u&iqfLrdk ij ughaA ;fn Nk= }kjk
provided and not in the question booklet. If
more than 50 questions are attempted by 50 ls vf/kd iz’uksa dks gy fd;k tkrk gS rks izkjfEHkd
student, then the first attempted 50 gy fd;s gq, 50 mŸkjksa dks gh ewY;kadu gsrq lfEefyr
questions will be considered for evaluation. fd;k tk,xkA lHkh iz’uksa ds vad leku gSaA
All questions carry equal marks.

3. Examine the Booklet and the OMR Answer- 3. iz’uksa ds mŸkj vafdr djus ls iwoZ iz’u&iqfLrdk rFkk
Sheet very carefully before you proceed. OMR vkUlj&’khV dks lko/kkuhiwod Z ns[k ysAa nks”kiw.kZ
Faulty question booklet due to missing or
iz’u&iqfLrdk ftlesa dqN Hkkx Nius ls NwV x, gksa ;k
duplicate pages/questions or having any
other discrepancy should be got
iz’u ,d ls vf/kd ckj Ni x, gksa ;k mlesa fdlh
immediately replaced. vU; izdkj dh deh gks rks mls rqjUr cny ysAa

(Remaining instructions on the last page) ¼’ks”k funs’Z k vfUre i`”B ij½
(Only for Rough Work)

(Remaining instructions on the last page) ¼’ks”k funs’Z k vfUre i`”B ij½
1. fj’rs ds fy, egRoiw.kZ ewY; dbZ gSa ftuesa ‘kkfey 1. Values important for relationship are
many, they may not include :
ugha dj ldrs gSa %
(A) vfrØe.k (A) Aggression

(B) izfr;ksfxrk (B) Competition

(C) vfHkeku (C) Arrogance

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

2. ekuoh; laca/kksa esa Hkkouk,¡ gSa % 2. Feelings in the human relationship are :

(A) fo’okl (A) Trust

(B) lEeku (B) Respect

(C) izse (C) Love

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

3. gj balku dh ,d cqfu;knh bPNk ges’kk 3. One of the basic desires of every
human being is to be always :
(A) izlUu cus jguk (A) Happy

(B) mnkl cus jguk (B) Sad

(C) g¡luk (C) Laugh

(D) iSls dekuk (D) Earn money

4. fdlh Hkh lekt dh ewy bdkbZ gSA 4. ................ is the basic unit of any

(A) lewg (A) Group

(B) O;fDrxr (B) Individual

(C) izd`fr (C) Nature

(D) lekt (D) Society

AG–2010 (3) Set-D

5. LokHkkfod Lohd`fr vkSj tkuus dh nks 5. Natural acceptance and ................. are

two main processes of knowing.

eq[; izfØ;k,¡ gaSA

(A) vkRecks/k (A) Self-actualization

(B) vkRe&vUos”k.k (B) Self-exploration

(C) LoewY;kadu (C) Self-evaluation

(D) vkRe&la;e (D) Self-control

6. ekuoh; vkdka{kkvksa dks iwjk djus ds fy, 6. To fulfil human aspirations .................

-------------------- are necessary.

vko’;d gSaA

(A) ewY; (A) Values

(B) dkS’ky (B) Skills

(C) nksuksa (A) vkSj (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

7. ewY; f’k{kk euq”; dks dh rjQ ys tkrh 7. Value education leads a human being

to :

(A) cqf) (A) Wisdom

(B) ns[kHkky (B) Care

(C) leUo; (C) Harmony

(D) le`f) (D) Prosperity

AG–2010 (4) Set-D

8. Lo;a v/;;u gesa gekjh ds ckjs esa 8. Self study helps us to know our :

tkuus eas enn djrk gSA

(A) rkdr (A) Strength

(B) detksjh (B) Weakness

(C) nksuksa (A) vkSj (B) (C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

9. Lo;a dh ewy {kerk ds :i esa tkuk tkrk gS % 9. The basic capacity of self is known as :

(A) ‘kfDr (A) Power

(B) besftax (B) Imaging

(C) fo’ys”k.k (C) Analyzing

(D) p;u (D) Selecting

10. ekuo lgvfLrRo gS % 10. Human being is co-existence of :

(A) izd`fr vkSj Lo;a dk (A) Nature and Self

(B) i’kq vkSj izd`fr dk (B) Animal and Nature

(C) Lo;a vkSj ‘kjhj dk (C) Self and Body

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

11. fj’rs esa ge pkgrs gSa % 11. In relationship we want :

(A) vkRe&larqf”V (A) Self-satisfaction

(B) [kqn dh ns[kHkky (B) Self care

(C) vkilh iwfrZ (C) Mutual fulfilment

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

AG–2010 (5) Set-D

12. ;g Hkkouk fd nwljk eq>ls lEcfU/kr gS] dgykrh 12. The feeling that other is related to me is
called :
gS %
(A) Lusg (A) Affection

(B) ns[kHkky (B) Care

(C) J)k (C) Reverence

(D) oSHko (D) Glory

13. lekt dk foLrkj gSA 13. Society is an extension of :

(A) O;fDr (A) Individual

(B) ifjokj (B) Family

(C) fo’o ifjokj (C) World family

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

14. fuEufyf[kr eas ls dkSu&lh ,d Hkkouk 14. Which one of the following is an
emotion ?
gS \
(A) euksjt
a u (A) Amusement

(B) /;ku (B) Attention

(C) mŸkstuk (C) Stimulus

(D) Le`fr (D) Memory

15. buke fdl rjg dh izsj.kk gS \ 15. Reward is what kind of motivation ?

(A) ldkjkRed vkSj izR;{k (A) Positive and direct

(B) ldkjkRed vkSj vizR;{k (B) Positive and indirect

(C) udkjkRed vkSj izR;{k (C) Negative and direct

(D) udkjkRed vkSj vizR;{k (D) Negative and indirect

AG–2010 (6) Set-D

16. uSfrdrk foKku gS % 16. Ethics is the Science of :

(A) lkSna ;Z dk (A) Beauty

(B) lR; dk (B) Truth

(C) vkpj.k dk (C) Conduct

(D) eu dk (D) Mind

17. ^uSfrdrk* ‘kCn fdl xzhd ‘kCn ls fy;k x;k 17. The word „Ethics‟ is derived from the
Greek word :
gS \
(A) Ethos (A) Ethos

(B) Ethies (B) Ethies

(C) Ethees (C) Ethees

(D) Ethise (D) Ethise

18. ^eksjsl* ‘kCn dk vFkZ gS % 18. The word „Mores‟ means :

(A) vkpj.k (A) Conduct

(B) fjokt (B) Customs

(C) pfj= (C) Character

(D) vPNk (D) Good

19. uSfrdrk ,d foKku gSA 19. Ethics is a .............. Science.

(A) ldkjkRed (A) Positive

(B) iz;qDr (B) Applied

(C) ekud (C) Normative

(D) O;ofLFkr (D) Systematic

AG–2010 (7) Set-D

20. ekud foKku lEcfU/kr gS % 20. Normative Science deals with :

(A) ekudksa ls (A) Standards

(B) rF;ksa ls (B) Facts

(C) fu.kZ;ksa ls (C) Judgements

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

21. lkSna ;Z’kkL= lEcfU/kr gS % 21. Aesthetics deas with the standard of :

(A) lkSna ;Z ds ekud ls (A) Beauty

(B) lR; ds ekud ls (B) Truth

(C) lkStU; ds ekud ls (C) Goodness

(D) vkpj.k ds ekud ls (D) Conduct

22. uSfrdrk lEcfU/kr gS % 22. Ethics deals with the standard of :

(A) lkSna ;Z ds ekud ls (A) Beauty

(B) lR; ds ekud ls (B) Truth

(C) lkStU; ds ekud ls (C) Goodness

(D) rF; ds ekud ls (D) Fact

23. ßuSfrdrk u rks ,d O;kogkfjd foKku gS vkSj u 23. “Ethics is neither a practical science nor
an art.” This assertion is :
gh ,d dykAÞ ;g nkok gS %
(A) xyr (A) Wrong

(B) lgh (B) Correct

(C) u lgh u xyr (C) Neither right nor wrong

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

AG–2010 (8) Set-D

24. uSfrdrk ds vuqiz;qDr vk;ke ds :i eas tkuk 24. The applied dimension of Ethics is
known as :
tkrk gS %
(A) iz;qDr uSfrdrk (A) Applied Ethics

(B) fu;ked uSfrdrk (B) Normative Ethics

(C) esVk uSfrdrk (C) Meta Ethics

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

25. uSfrdrk lgh ;k xyr dks fu/kkZfjr djrh gS % 25. Ethics determines rightness or
wrongness of :

(A) ekuo fopkj ds (A) Human thoughts

(B) ekuo dk;Z ds (B) Human actions

(C) ekuo fu.kZ; ds (C) Human judgements

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

26. lR;] lkSna ;Z vkSj dks n’kZu ds fl)kUr 26. Truth, beauty and ................ are
considered as the principles of
ds :i eas ekuk tkrk gSA

(A) rF; (A) Fact

(B) HkykbZ (B) Goodness

(C) vkpj.k (C) Conduct

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

27. fdlh oLrq dks lkekU;r% rc vPNk dgk tkrk gS 27. A thing is generally said to be good
when it is valuable for :
tc og ewY;oku gks %
(A) dqN lk/;ksa ds fy, (A) Some ends

(B) dqN O;ogkjksa ds fy, (B) Some practices

(C) dqN dk;ks± ds fy, (C) Some actions

(D) dqN rF;ksa ds fy, (D) Some facts

AG–2010 (9) Set-D

28. rdZ dh ‘kq)rk ls lEcfU/kr gSA 28. Logic deals with the correctness of :

(A) vkpj.k (A) Conduct

(B) izR;{k.k (B) Perception

(C) varKkZu (C) Intuition

(D) fopkj (D) Thought

29. ,d ekud vuq’kklu ugha 29. ................... is not a normative


(A) uhfr’kkL= (A) Ethics

(B) U;k;’kkL= (B) Logic

(C) v/;kRefoKku (C) Metaphysics

(D) lkSna ;Z’kkL= (D) Aesthetics

30. uSfrdrk vius ekSfyd fopkjksa dh izd`fr 30. Ethics investigates the nature of its

fundamental notions like right, duty

dh tk¡p djrh gS] tSls lgh] drZO;
and .............. .
vkSj A

(A) lkSna ;Z (A) Beauty

(B) vPNk (B) Good

(C) fopkj (C) Thought

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

AG–2010 ( 10 ) Set-D
31. uSfrdrk dks vPNkbZ ekurh gSA 31. Ethics considers the ............. of


(A) ekud (A) Standard

(B) rF; (B) Fact

(C) oLrq (C) Object

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

32. fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq ds fy, rjlus ;k 32. ............... is a sense of longing for a

person or object hoping for an outcome.

fdlh ifj.kke dh vk’kk djus dh Hkkouk gSA

(A) vfHkyk”kk (A) Wish

(B) ewyizo`fŸk (B) Instinct

(C) izo`fŸk (C) Tendency

(D) bPNk (D) Desire

33. ßekuo bPNk lHkh ekuoh; fØ;kvksa dh ewy izsj.kk 33. “Human desire is the fundamental

motivation of all human actions.”

gSAÞ ;g fdldk n`f”Vdks.k ;g gS \
Whose view is this ?

(A) gkWCl (A) Hobbes

(B) eSF;w vukZYM (B) Matthew Arnold

(C) eSDMwxy (C) McDougall

(D) eSdst
a h (D) MacKenzie

AG–2010 ( 11 ) Set-D
34. dh psruk dks Hkw[k dgrs gSaA 34. Consciousness of .................. is called
an appetite.

(A) ,d vfHkyk”kk (A) a wish

(B) ,d bPNk (B) a desire

(C) ,d izsj.kk (C) a motive

(D) ,d tSfod vko’;drk (D) an organic need

35. og bPNk tks izcy gksrh gS ;k izHkkoh cuh jgrh 35. The desire that predominates or
continues to be effective is called :
gS] dgykrh gS %
(A) pkg (A) Will

(B) vfHkyk”kk (B) Wish

(C) ewyizo`fŸk (C) Instinct

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

----------------------- A person‟s conduct is corresponding to

36. ,d O;fDr dk vkpj.k mlds@mldh 36.
his :
ds vuq:i gksrk gSA
(A) izsj.kk (A) Motive

(B) LoHkko (B) Habit

(C) pfj= (C) Character

(D) xfrfof/k (D) Action

37. ,d vfHkizsjd ekufld izfØ;k gSA 37. A motive is .................. mental process.

(A) ,d lgt Kku;qDr (A) an intuitive

(B) ,d lpsr (B) a conscious

(C) ,d vpsr (C) an unconscious

(D) ,d rRdky (D) an immediate

AG–2010 ( 12 ) Set-D
38. cPps }kjk v¡xBw k pwluk gS % 38. Sucking of thumb by a child is a/an :

(A) vkosxh fØ;k (A) Impulsive action

(B) vuSfPNd fØ;k (B) Involuntary action

(C) vknru fØ;k (C) Habitual action

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

39. dk.V dk uSfrd fl)kUr dgykrk gS % 39. Kant‟s ethical theory is called :

(A) iz;kstuokn (A) Teleology

(B) /keZ’kkL= (B) Deontology

(C) ewY;ehekalk (C) Axiology

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

40. ßuSfrdrk dk MsVkÞ lEcfU/kr gS % 40. “Data of ethics” is related with :

(A) flMfod ls (A) Sidgwick

(B) ,Q- ,p- cszMyh ls (B) F. H. Bradley

(C) csFa ke ls (C) Bentham

(D) LisUlj ls (D) Spencer

41. vkuan vkSj uSfrd :i ls vPNk gSA 41. Thus pleasure is both ................ and

ethically good.

(A) tSfod :i ls (A) Biologically

(B) izkd`frd :i ls (B) Naturally

(C) vuqHkotU; :i ls (C) Empirically

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

AG–2010 ( 13 ) Set-D
42. ln~xq.k n’kkZrk gS % 42. Virtue denotes a :

(A) pfj= (A) Character

(B) uSfrdrk (B) Morals

(C) vPNk pfj= (C) Good character

(D) HkykbZ (D) Goodness

43. ,d lkeatL;iw.kZ nqfu;k 4 Lrjksa ij ewY;ksa }kjk 43. A harmonious world is created by
values at 4 levels. These are :
cukbZ xbZ gSA ;g gSa %
(A) ?kj] ifjokj] lekt] ns’k (A) Home, Family, Society, Country

(B) O;fDr] ifjokj] lekt] fo’o (B) Individual, Family, Society,


(C) Ldwy] ?kj] dk;kZy;] eafnj (C) School, Home, Office, Temple

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

44. vusd ekuoh; ewY; ds dkj.k vPNs ;k 44. Many human values seem good or right
due to :
lgh izrhr gksrs gSaA
(A) ldkjkRed Hkkouk (A) Positive feelings

(B) vkarfjd [kq’kh (B) Internal happiness

(C) LokHkkfod Lohd`fr (C) Natural acceptance

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

45. ln~Hkko cuk, j[kuk pkfg, % 45. Harmony should be maintained in :

(A) ‘kjhj vkSj thou ds chp eas (A) Between body and life

(B) Lo;a vkSj lekt ds chp eas (B) Between self and society

(C) thou vkSj i;kZoj.k ds chp eas (C) Between life and environment

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

AG–2010 ( 14 ) Set-D
46. lg&vfLrRo dk vFkZ gS % 46. Sah-astitva means :

(A) lg&vfLrRo (A) Co-existence

(B) lgdkfjrk (B) Co-operation

(C) lg&fodYi (C) Co-option

(D) dkWiksZjVs igpku (D) Corporate identity

47. ewY; f’k{kk dk mís’; gS % 47. The purpose of value education is to :

(A) loZtuhu eq[; ewY; fodflr djuk (A) Foster universal core values

(B) flyscl dks vklku cukuk (B) Make the syllabus easy

(C) O;fDr;ksa esa ewY;ksa dk fodkl djuk (C) Develop values in individuals

(D) nksuksa (A) vkSj (C) (D) Both (A) and (C)

48. is’ksoj uSfrdrk esa ;ksX;rk dk rkRi;Z gS % 48. Competence in professional ethics

refers to :

(A) ‘kfDr dk izHkkoh <ax ls mi;ksx djus dh (A) Ability to utilize power


(B) lkoZHkkSfed ekuo O;oLFkk dks c<+kus dh (B) Ability to augment the universal

human order

(C) ykHk dekus dh {kerk (C) Ability to make profit

(D) nksuksa (B) vkSj (C) (D) Both (B) and (C)

AG–2010 ( 15 ) Set-D
49. fj’rs ds fy, egRoiw.kZ ewY; dbZ gSa] ftuesa 49. Values important for relationship are

many, they may include :

‘kkfey gks ldrs gSa %

(A) vfrØe.k (A) Aggression

(B) izfr;ksfxrk (B) Competition

(C) v[k.Mrk vkSj pfj= (C) Integrity and character

(D) vfHkeku (D) Arrogance

50. uSfrd eqn~ns tks ,d bathfu;j ds is’ksoj vkSj 50. Ethical issues that can affect an

engineer‟s professional and personal

O;fDrxr thou dks izHkkfor dj ldrs gSa]
life are termed as :
dgykrs gSa %

(A) o`gn~ uSfrdrk (A) Macro-ethics

(B) lw{e&uSfrdrk (B) Micro-ethics

(C) uSfrd ewY; (C) Morals

(D) vf/kdkj (D) Rights

51. ewY;ksa ds fdrus izdkj gSa \ 51. How many types of values are there ?

(A) 3 (A) 3

(B) 4 (B) 4

(C) 5 (C) 5

(D) 6 (D) 6

AG–2010 ( 16 ) Set-D
52. izse ls lEcfU/kr ewY; gSa % 52. Values related to love are :

(A) Lohd`fr (A) Acceptance

(B) Lusg (B) Affection

(C) ns[kHkky (C) Care

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

53. ds uSfrd O;ogkj dks vkdkj nsus eas 53. Teachers play a major role in shaping

the ethical behaviour of :

f’k{kd izeq[k Hkwfedk fuHkkrs gSaA

(A) vkneh (A) Man

(B) vkSjr (B) Woman

(C) cPps (C) Child

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

54. ewY; f’k{kk ds nk;js esa ‘kkfey gS % 54. The scope of value education

includes :

(A) fopkj (A) Thought

(B) O;ogkj (B) Behaviour

(C) dk;Z (C) Work

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

AG–2010 ( 17 ) Set-D
55. ewY; f’k{kk ds fy, cqfu;knh fn’kk&funsZ’k gSa % 55. Basic guidelines for value education

are :

(A) lkoZHkkSfed (A) Universal

(B) rdZlaxr (B) Rational

(C) izkd`frd vkSj lR;kiu ;ksX; (C) Natural and verifiable

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

56. ,l- ,e- ,- vkj- Vh- dk eryc gS % 56. S. M. A. R. T. means :

(A) fof’k”V vkSj ekius ;ksX; (A) Specific and Measurable

(B) izkI; vkSj ;FkkFkZoknh (B) Attainable and Realistic

(C) le; (C) Time

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

57. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ekuo ewY;ksa dk dkjd 57. Which of the following is not a factor

of human values ?
ugha gS \

(A) tkx:drk (A) Awareness

(B) /kkfeZd (B) Religious

(C) fu.kZ; (C) Judgement

(D) fjokt (D) Customs

AG–2010 ( 18 ) Set-D
58. ns[kHkky xfrfof/k;ksa esa ifjyf{kr gksrh gS] 58. Caring is reflected in activities such

as :
tSls %

(A) fe=rk (A) Friendship

(B) HkkbZpkjk (B) Fraternity

(C) leqnk; (C) Community

(D) mi;qZDr lHkh (D) All of the above

59. og izfØ;k tks Kku ds gLrkarj.k crkrh gS] mls 59. The process that describes the transfer

of knowledge is called :
dgk tkrk gS %

(A) ns[kHkky (A) Caring

(B) lgHkktu (B) Sharing

(C) fiz;rk (C) Dearing

(D) mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (D) None of the above

60. ewY; f’k{kk dk mís’; bueas ls ,d ugha 60. The purpose of value education is not

one of these :
gS %

(A) loZtuhu izeq[k ewY; fodflr djuk (A) Foster universal core values

(B) flyscl dks vklku cukuk (B) Make the syllabus easy

(C) O;fDr;ksa esa ewY;ksa dk fodkl djuk (C) Develop values in individuals

(D) nksuksa (A) vkSj (C) (D) Both (A) and (C)

AG–2010 ( 19 ) Set-D
4. Four alternative answers are mentioned for 4. iz’u&iqfLrdk esa izR;sd iz’u ds pkj lEHkkfor mŸkj
each question as—A, B, C & D in the booklet. A, B, C ,oa D gSaA ijh{kkFkhZ dks mu pkjksa fodYiksa esa ls
The candidate has to choose the most
correct/appropriate answer and mark the
,d lcls lgh vFkok lcls mi;qDr mŸkj Nk¡Vuk gSA
same in the OMR Answer-Sheet as per the mŸkj dks OMR vkUlj&’khV esa lEcfU/kr iz’u la[;k esa
direction : fuEu izdkj Hkjuk gS %
Example : mnkgj.k %
Question : iz’u %
Q. 1 iz’u 1
Q. 2 iz’u 2
Q. 3 iz’u 3
Illegible answers with cutting and viBuh; mŸkj ;k ,sls mŸkj ftUgsa dkVk ;k cnyk x;k
over-writing or half filled circle will be gS ;k xksys esa vk/kk Hkjdj fn;k x;k mUgsa fujLr dj
fn;k tk,xkA
5. Each question carries equal marks. Marks 5. izR;sd iz’u ds vad leku gSaA vkids ftrus mŸkj
will be awarded according to the number of lgh gksxa ]s mUgha ds vuqlkj vad iznku fd;s tk;saxAs
correct answers you have.
6. All answers are to be given on OMR Answer 6. lHkh mŸkj dsoy vks- ,e- vkj- mŸkj&i=d (OMR
sheet only. Answers given anywhere other Answer Sheet) ij gh fn;s tkus gSaA mŸkj&i=d esa
than the place specified in the answer sheet fu/kkZfjr LFkku ds vykok vU;= dgha ij fn;k x;k
will not be considered valid.
mŸkj ekU; ugha gksxkA
7. Before writing anything on the OMR Answer 7. vks- ,e- vkj- mŸkj&i=d (OMR Answer Sheet) ij
Sheet, all the instructions given in it should dqN Hkh fy[kus ls iwoZ mlesa fn;s x;s lHkh vuqns’kksa dks
be read carefully. lko/kkuhiwoZd i<+ fy;k tk;sA
8. After the completion of the examination 8. ijh{kk lekfIr ds mijkUr ijh{kkFkhZ d{k fujh{kd dks
candidates should leave the examination hall viuh OMR Answer Sheet miyC/k djkus ds ckn
only after providing their OMR Answer gh ijh{kk d{k ls izLFkku djsaA ijh{kkFkhZ vius lkFk
Sheet to the invigilator. Candidate can carry
their Question Booklet.
iz’u&iqfLrdk ys tk ldrs gSaA
9. There will be no negative marking. 9. fuxsfVo ekfd±x ugha gSA
10. Rough work, if any, should be done on the 10. dksbZ Hkh jQ dk;Z iz’u&iqfLrdk ds vUr esa jQ&dk;Z
blank pages provided for the purpose in the ds fy, fn, [kkyh ist ij gh fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
11. To bring and use of log-book, calculator, 11. ijh{kk&d{k esa ykWx&cqd] dSydqysVj] istj rFkk lsY;qyj
pager and cellular phone in examination hall Qksu ys tkuk rFkk mldk mi;ksx djuk oftZr gSA
is prohibited.
12. In case of any difference found in English 12. iz’u ds fgUnh ,oa vaxszth :ikUrj.k esa fHkUurk gksus dh
and Hindi version of the question, the n’kk esa iz’u dk vaxst
z h :ikUrj.k gh ekU; gksxkA
English version of the question will be held
Impt. : On opening the question booklet, first egRoiw.kZ % iz’uiqfLrdk [kksyus ij izFker% tk¡p dj ns[k ysa
check that all the pages of the question fd iz’u&iqfLrdk ds lHkh i`”B HkyhHkk¡fr Nis gq, gSaA
booklet are printed properly. If there is ny ;fn iz’uiqfLrdk esa dksbZ deh gks] rks d{kfujh{kd dks
discrepancy in the question Booklet, then
after showing it to the invigilator, get
fn[kkdj mlh fljht dh nwljh iz’u&iqfLrdk izkIr
another question Booklet of the same series. dj ysaA

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