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Criteria 4 - Excellent 3 - Good 2 - Satisfactory 1 - Needs Improvement Comments

Shows outstanding
Shows good creativity Shows some creativity,
creativity and originality Lacks creativity; movements
Creativity with some original but most movements are
in movement and are not original or engaging.
movements. common or repetitive.

Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates good

Shows basic control but
control, balance, and control and balance Struggles with control,
Technique lacks balance and
accuracy in dance with minor balance, and accuracy.
movements. inaccuracies.

Highly expressive;
conveys emotions Expressive and Shows some Lacks expression; minimal
Expression effectively through conveys emotions well expressiveness but needs emotional connection to the
movements and facial but inconsistently. more emotional depth. dance.

Good teamwork with Adequate teamwork but Lacks teamwork; many
Teamwork (if outstanding teamwork;
few issues in transitions noticeable issues in issues in transitions or
applicable) seamless transitions
or interactions. transitions or interactions. interactions.
and interactions.
performance that Strong performance Adequate performance Weak performance; minimal
Overall Performance engages the audience with good audience with some audience audience engagement or
and shows high effort engagement and effort. engagement and effort. effort.
and skill.

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