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1. If the distance between two point is halved what will be the new value of force? B

2. What is the effect of medium between the charge on electrostatic force? KPK

3. Prove that coulomb’s force is a mutual force? KPK

4. Write characteristics of electric field lines? P

If a point charge q of mass m is released in a non- uniform electric field with field lines pointing in the same direction will
5. B
it make a rectilinear motion?
6. Why electric field is zero inside a conductor? KPK
7. Find electric field at a distance of 30cm from a 3micro C charge point? B

8. Write a brief note of laser printer? P

9. Explain the working of inkjet printers? P
10. For what condition flux is maximum or minimum? B
Is E is necessarily zero inside a charged rubber balloon is spherical assume that charge is distributed uniformly over the
11. KPK
12. What is the effect on electric field intensity if surface chare density of infinite sheet of charge is increased? P

13. Can different equipotential line cross? KPK

14. What is the relation between voltage and energy? What is the relation between potential difference and electrical energy? KPK

15. Voltage are always measured between two points, Why? P

16. How the unit of volts and electron related? How do they differ? B
17. How can you increase the capacitance of a capacitor? KPK
A 6 µF capacitor is charge to a p.d of 120 V and then connected to an un-changed 4µF capacitor. Calculate the p.d across
18. B
the capacitors?
You are provided with five capacitors of same capacitance which combination will you prefer to obtain maximum
19. P
capacitance? series ?parallel? also find the equivalent capacitance in both case?
20. Will he energy stored in three capacitors be greater when they are connected in series or in parallel KPK

21. Water has a large dialectic constant but it is rarely used in capacitors. Explain why? B

22. What is polarization and how dipoles are formed in dielectric? P

23. Sketch the graphs of potential difference against time for a discharging capacitor a charging capacitor? B
24. Can the potential of a non-uniformly charge sphere be the same as that of a point charge? KPK

25. Why it is dangerous to sit under a tree when it is lightening? KPK

26. Define relative permittivity. What are its units can its value be less than one? KPK

27. If the absolute potential at point is zero can electric intensity be zero or not? KPK

28. Will the energy stored in three capacious be greater when they are connected in series or in parallel? P
29. If the distance between two point charge is halved, what will be the new value of force? KPK
30. What is principle behind the working of wind shield wipers of cars? B

31. What change take place when polarization of dielectric occurs? B


1. What happens to the drift velocity of electron and resistance R, if the length of conductor is doubled? B

2. How much charge flow in pocket calculator each minute when the currents 0.001A? KPK
The resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to the potential deference applied to it what do you think of this
3. KPK
4. What is the scope and validity of Ohm’s law? KPK
5. If aluminum and copper wires of the same length have the same resistance which has he larger diameter? Why? KPK
6. Why rise in temperature of a conductor is accompanied by a rise in resistance? B
7. What is thermistor describe its fabrication and application? KPK

8. Does the direction of emf provided by a battery depend on the direction of current flow through the battery? B
9. Under what circumstances can the terminal potential difference of a battery exceed its emf? P

10. Where we want the maximum power transmission? P

11. Find the heat dissipated through a bulb of 60W in two hours? P

12. An ordinary bulb is marked 60watt and 200 volts? What is the resistance? KPK
13. A resistor of 50Ω has a p.d of 100V D.C. Calculate power and energy through resistor in 1 hour? In hp and Kwh. B

14. What is see beck effect? B

15. Define inversion temperature. give its graphical representation? B

16. Is the principle of conservation of charge applicable to electrical circuits? KPK
17. How the loop rules and junction rule are based on conservation of energy principle? KPK

18. When Wheatstone bridge is balanced then no current flow through the galvanometer?
19. Why potentiometer is an accurate measuring instrument?

20. While analyzing a circuit the internal resistance of emf sources are ignored why?

21. Voltages are always measure between two points. Why?

22. Define negative coefficient of temperature.

23. How is EEG graph is formed on CRO?

24. Why potentiometer is an accurate measuring instrument?

25. Give advantage of wire wound resistance?
A heavy duty battery of truck maintains a current of 3A for 34 hours, how much charge flows from the battery during this
1. What is magnetic field how can its direction be predicted?
What is the force that a conductor of length l carrying current I experiences when placed a magnetic field B? What is the
direction of this force?
3. If a current is passed through an upstretched spring will the spring contract or expand?
4. Define and explain magnetic flux discuss its different cases?

5. Find the magnetic field 1m away from a wire having current 1A through it?

6. What is difference between permeability and permittivity?

7. How does a current carrying coil behave like a bar magnet?

8. What will be the path of charged particle moving in uniform magnetic field at any arbitrary angle with the field?

9. How can neutrons be accelerated in a cyclotron?

A charged particle moves in a straight line through a particular region of space. Could there be non-zero magnetic field in
this region?
A current-carrying loop, free to turn, is placed in uniform magnetic field B. What will be its orientation relative to B, in the
equilibrium state?
12. Is it possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field such that the loop will not tend to rotate? Explain

13. How the sensitivity of a galvanometer be increased?

14. Why a soft iron cylinder is placed inside the coil of galvanometer?

15. What are the advantages of AVO meter?

A wire carrying 2A current and has length of 10cm between the poles of a magnet is kept at an angle of 300 to the uniform
field of 0.6 T. Find the force acting on the wire?
17. An electron does not suffer any deflection while passing through a region are you sure that there is no magnetic field?

18. What is the nature of force between two parallel current carrying wire in same direction?
Suppose that a charge q is moving in a uniform magnetic field with a velocity v why is there no work is there no work done
by the magnetic force that acts on the charge q?
20. What are practical applications of magnetic field?
21. What is the cyclotron frequency of a charged particle of mass m charge q moving in a magnetic field B?

22. Is it possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field such that the loop will not tend to rotate? Explain?
23. How does a current carrying coil behave like a bar magnet?

24. Differentiate between permeability and permittivity?

25. How can neutron be accelerated in cyclotron?

26. What will be the path of charged particle moving in uniform magnetic field at any arbitrary angle with the field?
27. If a current is passed through an upstretched spring will the spring contract or expand?


1. Show that the relationship ε = − Δt is dimensionally correct?
2. Describe the function of electromagnetic seismometer?
Describe electromagnetic induction with simple experiments explain the factors effecting magnitude and direction of induced
4. Describe Lenz’s law. Show that this law is a manifestation of conservation of energy?
5. Differentiate between dynamically induced emf and statically induced emf and statically induced emf?

6. What is the instantaneous value of emf induced in the wire?

7. What is the direction of emf?

8. Which end of the wire is at the higher electrical potential?

9. If the 5wb flux passes through the coil of 10 turns and a 3A current pass through the coil what will be the self-inductance?
10. How electromagnetic brake works
11. How eddy currents can be minimized in transformer
A pair of adjacent coils has a mutual inductance of 1.5H if the current in one coil changes from 0 to 20A in 0.5s. What is the
change of flux linkage with other coil?
13. Why an AC motor is also called induction motor?
14. What is meant by the armature to rotate in a radial magnetic field rather than a uniform one?
Which materials would be preferring while making transformer core, iron, solid iron, laminated soft iron or Aluminum?
What is reason using this material?
16. In a transformer there is no transfer of charge from the primary to the secondary how is then the power transferred?
17. Why does back emf tend to decrease as the rate of doing work increase?

18. How electromagnetic induction is used in cook tops in electric ranges?

19. Can we use the eddy current in positive way ? what are the advantages of eddy current?

20. What factors limits the size of the back emf?

Draw the waveform of alternating current generator and mention at which time interval and phase the value of A.C will be
Does the induced emf in a circuit depend on the resistance of the circuit does the induced current depend on the resistance
of the circuit?
23. Will the output voltage of a generator changes if its speed of rotation is increased ?


1. Explain why it is difficult to measure the rate of change of current?

2. A sinusoidal current has rms (effective) value of 10A. What is the maximum peak value?
3. How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected to a 50Hz source?

4. If the peak value of sine wave is 1000 volts, what is the effective(εeff) value?
Define mean, peak and rms values of sinusoidal current and voltage. Obtain mathematical expression for rms value of
6. The peak voltage of an A.C supply is 300V. What is the rms voltage?

7. What is meant by phase of A.C?

8. At what frequency will an inductor of 1.0 H have a reactance of 500 ohm?
9. What determines the gradient of graph of inductive reactance against frequency?
10. What determines the gradient of graph of inductive reactance against frequency?
11. How A.C through an inductor derive its relation for phase lead and discuss power dissipation in an inductor?

12. How much energy is consumed by a choke when is passed through it. Explain?
13. How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of a capacitor?

14. Briefly explain power is RL ac series circuit?

15. What is electrical oscillator?

16. Explain briefly ampere-Maxwell equation ?

17. What is the principle of ECG?

18. What determines the gradient of graph of inductive reactance against frequency ?

19. How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of an inductor and capacitor?
20. What is the source of transmitting EMW?
21. What is power factor ? what are its values for pure resistor capacitor and inductor circuits?

22. Define choke and give its uses?

23. What are the condition of resonance in parallel resonate circuit ?

24. Write down the characteristics of electromagnetic wave?

25. Explain shortly A.C through a resistor?

26. Write down the properties of series resonant circuit?

27. How does the voltage of A.C generator change with angular velocity?


1. What do you know about glassy solids? Do they possess property to flow? B

2. Distinguish between crystalline, amorphous? KPK

3. Differentiate between tensile and volumetric strain? B
4. Explain shear and bulk modulus in detail? B
A 1.5cm length of pianos wire with a diameter of 0.025cm is stretched by attaching a 10kg mass to one end. how fair is the
5. KPK
wire stretched?
6. Draw a stress-strain curve and explain its different parts? KPK
7. A force of 500N is applied to one end of a cylindrical steel rod of diameter 10cm what is the tensile stress? P

8. How can be the conductivity of a semiconductor be raised? B

9. Can a typical thermal excitation make insulators to conduct electricity? KPK

10. Why it be advantages to use super conductor in MRI mechanism? P

11. Discuss the superconductivity of a conductor with the help of curve? P

12. Differentiate between hard and soft magnetic material with the help of curve? KPK

13. Explain the term residual magnetism or residual flux? B

14. What is coercive force? B

15. Energy dissipated per cycle or steel is more than iron. Why? P
Cast iron beams are used in bridge and building construction the lower part of the beam is thicker than the upper part; Why
16. is it better for the lower part of the beam to be thicker than the upper part? give reasons for your answer including reference B
to the tensile and compressive strength?
17. What do you know about domains? P

18. What is hysteresis loss? Hysteresis loop. KPK

19. What do you know about forbidden gap? KPK

20. Which one is more elastic rubber or iron? B
21. Distinguish between brittle and ductile substances? KPK

22. Why polymer is also called poor crystalline? KPK

1. Diff b/w intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor? B

2. Explain semiconductor doping

3. A p-type semiconductor has a large number of holes but still it is electrically neutral. Why?
A doped semiconductor has 2010 silicon atoms and 10 trivalent atoms if the temperature is 25oC how many free electrons and
holes are there inside the semiconductor?
5. Diff b/w zener effect and avalanche effect?

6. Explain the significance of depletion layer in an equilibrium state in a PN junction give energy band diagram?

7. What is meant by rectification?

8. Explain why in transistor the base in thin lightly doped and collector is large in size?

9. What is transistor its type and working?

The current flowing into the base of a transistor is 1oomicro A find its collector current its emitter current and ratio if the
value of current gain factor is 100?
11. Deduce the relation between alpha and gamma?
12. Explain why CE configuration is commonly used in amplifier circuits?
13. Why transistor is called current amplification device?

14. How transistor acts as a switch?

15. Explain working or transistor as an amplifier

16. What is meant knee voltage

17. Why base current week as compare to collector current

18. Why ordinary silicon diode does not emit light
19. A P type semiconductor has a large hole in it but still electrical neutral why
20. The anode of diode is 0.2V positive with respect to a its cathode is it forward biased
21. What is output characteristics curve of transistor?
22. Why the input resistance is low and output resistance is high

23. How did the width of depletion region is increased or decrease


1. Differentiate b/w inertial frame of reference and non-inertial frame of reference?
2. Explain the terms Simultaneity, time dilation, length contraction, relativistic mass

3. Application of time dilation and length contraction for space travel? KPKTB
4. If the speed of light were infinite what would the equation of special theory of relativity reduce to? KPKTB

5. Imagine a world in which c-50 m/s how would the everyday events appear to us? KPKTB

6. State Einstein postulate of the special theory of relativity KPKTB

The length of a space ship is measured to be exactly one third of its proper length what is the speed of the space ship
relative to the observer
8. What happens to total radiation from a black body if its absolute temperature is doubled? KPKTB
9. As a solid is heated and begins to glow why does it first appear red KPKTB
10. What are the main features of the thermal radiation from black body? KPKTB
The temperature of the human skin is app 35 C what is the wavelength at which the peak occurs in the radiation emitted
from the skin
12. The rest mass of a photon is zero what can you say about its momentum KPKTB
If the photo electric effect is observed for one metal can you conclude that the effect will also be observed from another
metal under the same conditions
14. What is work function in photo electric effect KPKTB
15. What is photo electric effect .discuss its failure of classical physics and success of photon concept in explaining effect KPKTB
A metal whose work function is 3ev is illuminated by light of wavelength 3×107m calculate the threshold frequency, the
max energy and the stopping potential.
17. Why don’t we observe a Compton effect with visible light? KPKTB
18. What is Compton effect develop a mathematical relation for the Compton wavelength shift? KPKTB
19. A 50 keV X-Ray is scattered through an angle of 90 degree what is the energy of the X-ray after Compton scattering KPKTB

20. Is it possible to crate single electron from energy? KPKTB

21. What is annihilation of an electron and positron create a pair of photons rather than a single photon KPKTB

22. If electron and proton have same wavelength which one have greater speed KPKTB
23. An electron and proton are accelerated from rest through the same potential which one have longer wavelength KPKTB

24. What is De-Broglie hypothesis? KPKTB

25. How many type of electrons are used for imagining in electron microscope KPKTB

26. How can the uncertainty in the position be reduced KPKTB

27. Why must the rest mass of photon be zero explain KPKTB
28. Will bright light eject more electron then a dimmer light of same color kpk
29. Can pair production take place in vacuum if no, why -

30. Some star are observe to be reddish and some are bluish which one has larger temperature? -
31. Why don’t we observe Compton effect with visible light -
32. Why ultraviolent radiation is harmful to skin while visible light are not -
33. If measurements show a precise position for an electron can those measurements show precise momentum also? Explain? -
34. Does a light bulb at a temperature of 2500K produce as white a light as the sun at 600K explain? -
Since mass is a form of energy can we conclude that a compressed spring has more mass than the same spring when it is
35. -
not compressed?
36. If applied Force is increased can an object move with the speed of light -
37. At what angle the intensity of diffraction electrons is maximum|? -
38. What do you know about the Einstein equation for photo electrons for visible light? -
39. Does a perfect black body exist if yes give its example? -
40. Under what condition a particle move with the speed of light -


1. Why does the spectrum of hydrogen consist of many lines even though a hydrogen atom has a single electron? -
2. Why do solid give rise to continuous spectrum while hot gases gibe rise to line spectrum? -
3. Calculate the longest wavelength of radiation for the paschen series? -
4. Is energy conserved when an atom emits a photon of light? -
5. Define excitation energy and excitation potential? -
6. Why it was necessary to quantize angular momentum in Bohr model of the atom -
7. Why x-ray have different properties from light even though both originate for orbital transition of electrons in excited atoms -
8. Crystal lattice can be examined with x-ray but not UV why? -
A tungsten target is struck by electrons that have been accelerated from rest through a 34kv potential difference find the
9. -
shortest wavelength of the radiation emitted?
10. How does a metastable stare differ from a normal excited state of an atom? -
11. Explain why laser action could not occur without population inversion between atomic level? -
12. Write any two application of laser? kpk

13. Explain the principle of laser action? Kpk

14. Why does the spectrum of hydrogen spectral of many lines even though a hydrogen atom has only a single electron? Kpk

15. Why do spectral line in the hydrogen atom become closer together farther away from the nucleus? Kpk
16. Crystal lattice is examined with x-ray and not with UV why Kpk
17. Write a note on CAT scanner? Kpk
18. What is optical pumping? kpk

19. Write some uses of laser in medical and industry? Kpk

20. Why do laser usually emit a single color light Kpk

21. What are laser knives? Kpk

22. What is diff b/w normal inversion and population inversion Kpk

23. What is the significance of negative energy of electron in an orbit? Kpk

24. Under what condition electron emit energy? Kpk

25. How the stability of atom explain by Bohr atomic model kpk
26. What is the reason of dark line in line spectrum? Kpk

Ch: 20 nuclear physics

1. Unified atomic mass unit in kilogram Kpk
2. Unified atomic mass unit in joules Kpk
3. Unified atomic mass unit in electron volts Kpk

4. Why are small and large nuclei unstable Kpk

5. Which element has maximum binding energy per nucleon? Kpk

6. What is meant by natural radioactivity? How are the natural radioactive radiations classified into three type? Kpk

7. Define and explain half-life of a radioactive element? kpk

8. Why are neutrons such good projectiles for producing fission? Kpk

9. Brief critical mass and super-critical mass? Kpk

10. What happens when reactor is not operated in critical state? KPK
11. What factors make a fusion reaction difficult to achieve? KPK

12. Write a comprehensive note on hadrons, leptons and quarks? KPK

13. Proton and neutrons are formed what type of quarks show by diagram ? P
14. Why does water is used to slow down the neutrons rather than lead? KPK

15. How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer? B

16. A particle which produces more ionization is less penetrating why? B

17. Which is chain reaction? B

18. If a nucleus has a half-life of 1 year does this mean that it will be completely decayed after 21 year explain? KPK

19. Discuss the elementary particles and their classifications KPK

20. What do you know about the basic forces of nature ? explain their interaction? KPK

21. How can we diagnose and treat that diseases like cancer by using radioactive radiations? KPK

22. State and explain radiation exposure and various methods used for its measurement? B
23. What is nucleus fusion reaction explain radiation exposure and various methods used for its measurement ? KPK
24. Define mass spectrograph how can we separate the isotopes of an element by this method? B

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