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Report of Interview with Company Secretary


Bea Susan (2220422)

Amena Fidvi (2220420)

Aneena Terese George (2220421)

Shaili Anchalia (2220469)

Rashi Somani (2220485)

Neelansh Garodia (2220489)



Prof. Smitha S
Table of Content

S.No Topics
1 Acknowledgment
2 Introduction
3 Overview of the Company and role
4 Governance and Compliance
5 Staying Updated with Laws and Regulations
6 Handling Challenging Compliance Issues
7 Contributing to Risk Management
8 Managing Conflicts of Interest
9 Sample Behavioral Interview Questions
10 Sample Personality Interview Questions
11 Findings
12 Annexure

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Professor Smitha S for providing us with the invaluable
opportunity to conduct this insightful interview with Mr. Kuldeep Asthana, Secretary of Ayodhya
Flour Mills Company. Professor Smitha S's support and encouragement have been instrumental
in facilitating this enriching learning experience.

Additionally, we would like to express our appreciation to Christ University for fostering an
academic environment that encourages exploration, learning, and professional development. The
university's commitment to excellence has provided us with the platform to engage in practical
experiences that complement our theoretical knowledge.

Once again, we thank Professor Smitha S and Christ University for their unwavering support and
encouragement throughout this endeavor.

Bea Susan (2220422)

Amena Fidvi (2220420)
Aneena Terese George (2220421)
Shaili Anchalia (2220469)
Rashi Somani (2220485)
Neelansh Garodia (2220489)
Report of Interview with Mr. Kuldeep Asthana, Secretary of Ayodhya Flour
Mills Company


We the students of BBA from Christ University conducted an interview with Mr. Kuldeep
Asthana, the Secretary of Ayodhya Flour Mills Company, located in Lucknow. Mr. Asthana, a
master's graduate from IIM Lucknow with specialization in Corporate Finance, shared valuable
insights into his role and responsibilities within the organization.

Overview of the Company and Role:

Ayodhya Flour Mills is a wheat processing company that specializes in producing various flour
products. Mr. Asthana has been associated with the company for three years and is primarily
responsible for ensuring legal compliance and adherence to company policies and procedures.
His role involves overseeing board meetings, maintaining legal documentation, and managing
regulatory filings.

Governance and Compliance

Mr. Asthana is essential to maintaining adherence to legal and regulatory standards in his
capacity as Secretary of Ayodhya Flour Mills. He talked about how to change the company's
registered office address and stressed the significance of following deadlines, board resolutions,
and regulatory filings. In order to guarantee continuous compliance, Mr. Asthana underlined the
importance of keeping accurate records and carrying out frequent audits.

Staying Updated with Laws and Regulations

Mr. Asthana actively attends conferences, webinars, and seminars to keep up to date on the most
recent laws, rules, and compliance needs. He takes professional development classes and
subscribes to legal periodicals and publications. He also keeps up a network of colleagues in the
sector to share insights and learn about new developments.

Handling Challenging Compliance Issues

Mr. Asthana shared an example of a challenging compliance issue related to data privacy
regulations. By carrying out an exhaustive review, creating a data protection strategy, and putting
strong security measures in place to reduce risks, he showed that he could solve problems.
Contributing to Risk Management

Mr. Asthana actively supports the organization's risk management initiatives as part of his job.
He works with stakeholders to identify possible risks, does routine risk assessments, and puts
mitigation plans into action. He aids the organization in proactively addressing and managing
risks by promoting a culture of risk awareness.

Managing Conflicts of Interest

Mr. Asthana discussed his approach to managing conflicts of interest within the organization. He
emphasized the value of openness, dialogue, and moral decision-making. He successfully
resolves conflicts and preserves moral principles by putting in place a strict conflict of interest
policy and encouraging candid communication.

Sample Answers to Behavioral Interview Questions

Mr. Asthana demonstrated his ability to solve problems, manage his time well, and communicate
effectively by providing sample answers to behavioral interview questions during the interview.
He gave instances of how to handle difficult compliance problems, reconcile conflicting
priorities, convey legal knowledge, and resolve disputes with stakeholders.

Sample Personality Interview Questions

Mr. Asthana also answered these questions, demonstrating his fortitude, observance, flexibility,
and capacity to manage stakeholders. He talked about how he manages pressure-filled
circumstances, keeps information private, adjusts to changes in regulations, and puts a great
value on forging strong bonds with stakeholders.

In summary, Mr. Kuldeep Asthana's interview yielded insightful information about the
Secretary's responsibilities for governance, compliance, and efficient communication inside the
company. The success of Ayodhya Flour Mills Company is greatly attributed to his proficiency,
experience, and dedication to perfection.

1) Rashi Somani

Mr. Asthana's thoughts regarding governance and compliance were quite insightful. I gained
knowledge of the complicated process required to modify a business's registered office address
and the significance of keeping correct documents and carrying out frequent audits. I valued Mr.
Asthana's emphasis on attending webinars, seminars, and professional development courses to
stay current on rules and regulations. I now recognise the crucial role that secretaries play in
maintaining organizational governance and legal compliance, and I plan to use what I've learned
in my future attempts in business administration.

For me, the interview with Mr. Asthana offered a window into the dynamic world of compliance
and governance, a realm where meticulous processes intertwine with unwavering dedication.
With each anecdote shared, I found myself immersed in the practical wisdom imparted by Mr.
Asthana, who emphasized the critical importance of maintaining accurate records and staying
abreast of evolving legal nuances. The insights gleaned from the conversation sparked a
newfound passion within me for excellence in business administration, igniting a desire to
contribute meaningfully to organizational governance in the future. As I reflect on the
enlightening experience, I feel immense gratitude for the opportunity afforded, recognizing the
invaluable role played by the university and our teacher Smitha S in fostering such enriching
learning experiences.

2) Shaili Anchalia

The interview with the company secretary at Ayodhya Flour Mills offers valuable insights into
this position's indispensable role within the organization. At its core, the company secretary
ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. This involves navigating a complex
web of laws and regulations, from industry-specific standards to broader corporate governance
principles, to ensure the organization operates ethically and within the confines of the law.

Furthermore, the company secretary is a vital link between the board of directors and
shareholders, fostering transparent communication and trust. They nurture robust communication
channels that bolster stakeholder confidence and enhance the organization's reputation by
facilitating dialogue and disseminating crucial information. As a communicator and facilitator of
transparency, this role is instrumental in maintaining strong relationships with stakeholders.

Beyond their daily duties, the company secretary demonstrates a proactive approach to
continuous learning and professional development. Recognising the dynamic nature of the
regulatory environment, they actively engage in seminars, webinars, and professional courses to
stay updated on the latest legal and compliance developments. By cultivating a diverse network
of industry peers, they remain connected to emerging trends and best practices, ensuring
Ayodhya Flour Mills remains agile and resilient in the face of regulatory changes.

These insights highlight the need for professionalism, effective communication, and ethical
behavior in accomplishing organizational goals and creating great work environments.
Therefore, I think they will be very helpful to her in her future career aspirations.

3) Aneena Terese George

Mr. Asthana's approach to risk management was really instructive, in my opinion.I gained
knowledge about the significance of working with stakeholders, carrying out frequent risk
assessments, and putting effective risk mitigation techniques into practice. I value Mr. Asthana's
focus on encouraging an organizational culture of risk awareness and accountability. I now
recognize how crucial proactive risk management is to protecting the interests of the firm and
guaranteeing its long-term viability. I want to use everything I've learned to help firms succeed
and remain resilient in changing business conditions in the future.

With a keen interest in risk management, I eagerly absorbed Mr. Asthana's insights during the
interview. As Mr. Asthana emphasized the importance of conducting regular risk assessments
and fostering a culture of risk awareness, I found myself nodding in agreement. The conversation
sparked a deep appreciation for the proactive approach to risk mitigation advocated by Mr.
Asthana. Reflecting on the experience, I felt grateful for the opportunity to gain valuable insights
into risk management practices, knowing it informs me the future endeavors in the corporate

4) Amena Fidvi

Takeaways by Amena Fidvi:

1. Importance of Legal Compliance: Mr. Asthana's role highlights the critical nature of legal
compliance within an organization, especially in industries with stringent regulations like
food processing.
2. Continuous Learning and Development: Asthana's commitment to attending conferences,
seminars, and professional development classes underscores the necessity of staying
updated with evolving laws and regulations.
3. Problem-Solving Skills: Asthana's approach to handling challenging compliance issues
demonstrates the importance of thorough analysis, strategic planning, and implementing
effective solutions.
4. Risk Management: Asthana's involvement in risk management initiatives emphasizes the
integral role of the compliance function in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks to
the organization.
5. Conflict Resolution and Communication: Asthana's emphasis on openness, dialogue, and
maintaining moral principles highlights the significance of effective conflict resolution
strategies and transparent communication practices.
6. Behavioral Interview Preparation: Asthana's ability to provide sample answers to
behavioral interview questions showcases the importance of preparation, problem-solving
skills demonstration, and effective communication during interviews.
7. Personality Interview Responses: Asthana's responses to personality interview questions
illustrate qualities such as fortitude, adaptability, stakeholder management skills, and
commitment to confidentiality.

Overall, the interview with Mr. Kuldeep Asthana provided valuable insights into the role of a
company secretary in governance, compliance, and effective communication within an
organization. It emphasizes the importance of professionalism, continuous learning,
problem-solving abilities, and ethical conduct in ensuring organizational success.

5) Bea Susan

Mr. Asthana's advice on handling conflicts of interest within the company struck me as
especially wise. I gained knowledge about how crucial openness, dialogue, and moral judgment
are to successfully settling disputes. I value Mr. Asthana's focus on enforcing strict guidelines on
conflicts of interest and encouraging candid communication in order to preserve moral
principles. I now recognize how important it is to uphold integrity and trust inside a company,
and I plan to use these lessons in my future responsibilities to encourage moral behavior among
coworkers and create a great work environment.

As I listened intently to Mr. Asthana's discourse on managing conflicts of interest within

organizations, I found myself drawn to the profound emphasis placed on transparency,
communication, and ethical decision-making. Each insight shared by Mr. Asthana resonated
deeply with me, reaffirming my belief in the importance of upholding integrity and trust within
the workplace. The interview served as a catalyst for my personal reflection, prompting me to
contemplate the significance of ethical conduct in fostering a positive organizational culture. As I
pondered the lessons learned.

6) Neelansh Garodia

Mr. Asthana's methodical approach to addressing complex compliance matters piqued my

interest, particularly the example he provided regarding data privacy requirements. I gained
knowledge about how crucial it is to carry out in-depth analyses, create extensive regulations,
and put strong security measures in place in order to reduce risks. I also value Mr. Asthana's
proactive approach to risk management and his development of an organization-wide risk
awareness culture. Since these insights emphasize the value of proactive problem-solving and
risk-reduction techniques in the corporate world, I think they will be extremely helpful to me in
my future job.

I, with an eager anticipation, delved into the interview with Mr. Asthana, my curiosity piqued by
the prospect of understanding the intricacies of compliance and governance. I was riveted to
every word as Mr. Asthana explained the intricacies of regulatory regulations; I was taking in the
information with rapt attention. The example of data privacy legislation, which highlighted the
importance of thorough evaluations and proactive risk management techniques was great to
know. With every story that Mr. Asthana related, my respect for his ability to solve problems
rose, and I Became more determined than ever to tackle obstacles with the same foresight and
tenacity. Looking back on the eye-opening event, I couldn't help but feel appreciative of the
chance to participate in such priceless education, which I know will influence his future pursuits.

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