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GEN/HQR/Misc/OTH/257/2023-AS-O/o Commr-Cus-Prev-Amritsar I/2096711/2024

सीमा शु क ( नवारक) आयु तालय

Customs (Prev.) Commissionerate,
के य राज व भवन, द मॉल, अमत
ृ सर
Customs House, C.R. Building, The
Mall, Amritsar-143001
Tel. 0183-2506408, Fax: 0183- 2506440,

दनांक: 02-07-2024

सेवा म,

Assistant Commissioner (SIIB),

O/o of the Commissioner of Customs,
Air Cargo Exports, New Customs House,
New Delhi-110037.


वषय:- Search at the premises of Harpreet Singh, Ralial Khurd,

Gurdaspur-143507– Reg.

Please refer to your office letter dated C.No.

CUS/SIIB/SZRE/199/2024/1997 dated 13.06.2024 on the above cited

2. In this regard, it is submitted that as requested this office issued

search warrant (copy enclosed) for search the premises of Sh. Harpreet
Singh, Ralial Khurd, Gurdaspur-143507 on 28.06.2024 and on
being enquired local residents and Sarpanch of village Ralial Khurd,
Gurdaspur informed that such person could not be identified without
complete address.

3. Despite sincere efforts the above said person couldn’t be traced and
search could not be conducted due to insufficient address. Visit note in
this regard is enclosed herewith.

For your kind information and necessary action please.

भवद य,
GEN/HQR/Misc/OTH/257/2023-AS-O/o Commr-Cus-Prev-Amritsar I/2096711/2024

Encl: As Above
Kamaljit Singh

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