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Koos Nolst Trenité – ‘Your Educational Intelligence’ {HRI 20130112­V2.0.

1} of 12 January 2013
(Version 2.0.1 on 21 Aug 2015)
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Your Educational Intelligence:

"How come, neurons are mis­firing in your brain?" and
"Why was Einstein immune to it?" plus
"The After­shocks of the Big Bang"

12 January 2013
{HRI 20130112­V2.0.1}
{FPP 20130112­V2.0.1}
(First published
on 17 Jan 2013)

(Version 2.0
on 1 Feb 2013)
(Version 2.0
published on
29 Dec 2013)

(Version 2.0.1
on 21 Aug 2015)

(for an overview,
skip indented text)
(text: 22,000 words)

(suits foreign
language readers)

subjects included:

{Educated Intelligence}

{Perception Sphere}
{identification friend or foe}
{anti­collision system} (1)
{anti­collision system} (2)
{fast car driving}
{photon perception only}
{how you control your body}
{martial arts}
{using your body to Perceive}
{nightmare dreams}
{the "voice of God"}
{inflicted suicide}
{direct Perception}
{Perception raking up thoughts and feelings}
(continued below)

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Koos Nolst Trenité – ‘Your Educational Intelligence’ {HRI 20130112­V2.0.1} of 12 January 2013
(Version 2.0.1 on 21 Aug 2015)
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{noise and attenuation and distortion}
{physical mechanism of thinking}

{your compliance with the Sociopaths}

{notes on the Subject Title}
{creation of galaxies etc.}
{compelled by Sociopaths to think "as the Society"}
{life of plants}
{illusion to think 'you want to know about life'}

{on Socrates}
{balance of power}
{Socratic neurons}
{how Sociopaths apply mathematics to physics}
{the 'plus apple' and the 'minus apple'}
{how truth is made "relative"}
{on hypnotism}
{further on Socrates}
{on privacy}

{on insomnia}
{a cure for insomnia}
{Perception Sphere (2)}
{"all reality is 'Educated'"}

(see Headers enclosed in {braces} in the text)




Current climate for vital knowledge to be accepted:

'You ­ or your Political Party ­ want to

spend vast amounts of government money, on

"knowledge to advance and to secure the

society's well­being and prosperity".'



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The Subject Title,

"How come, neurons are mis­firing in your brain, and why

Einstein was immune to that, plus mentioning the after­shocks
of the Big Bang,"

has been chosen to match your 'Educated Intelligence:'

{Educated Intelligence}

('Ed­Q' for short, from 'Educated­IQ')

Educated Intelligence ­ your 'Ed­Q' or Educated IQ ­ is

Intelligence that you have acquired by Education or Culture,
as you absorb it from the society you live in.

The society has taught you it ­ you have absorbed it from

the society ­ the society has educated you to your current
level of 'Educational Intelligence.' *(c)

Intelligence is defined in this context, as 'an amount of

knowledge' and 'a level of reasoning to go with it'
­ in particular that amount and that level ­ by which you could
participate easily in the society you live in.

{extended definition}



It is, in order to match your current Educational Intelligence, that

I formulated the Subject Title of this present HRI.

Your Educational Intelligence or 'Ed­Q,' has probably been

sufficiently enriched by the society, for you to appreciate the
mystery that is posed by these three questions:

"How come, neurons are mis­firing in your brain?" And the mystery

"why was Einstein immune to such mis­firing?" (meaning, "Why was

Einstein of such superior intelligence as (your) Educational
Intelligence holds him to be?") And the mystery of

"The Big Bang was a violent explosion ­ it possibly had big

after­shocks as well."

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(Version 2.0.1 on 21 Aug 2015)
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I formulated the Subject Title, in order to match that, what is

currently your Educated Intelligence

(to match what is "stored in your brain"

­ as you like to say and write, when you use such Educated
Intelligence, your 'up­to­date' or 'updated,' Educated
Intelligence or 'Ed­Q').


And the subjects mentioned in the Title, do intend to address

any questions or mysteries,

that may have arisen with you or others, and that are then
lingering and unanswered still, by your present education or
within your present social and cultural connections:

In other words, these or similar questions might lay in

wait for you ­ any moment to jump up from the very depths
of your Educated Intelligence,

occupying an untouched territory of your 'Ed­Q,' if

you like,

possibly emerging from an un­fathomed section of

your brain's 'hippocampus,'

(see, and, to

find out what your 'Ed­Q' or Educational
Intelligence is supposed to know about that)

from the innermost part of your brain, that is. (As

your Educational Intelligence has undoubtedly been
given to understand ­ for when this subject is being




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Having shown that much self­insight, above, let's now assume

­ quite correctly, by the way ­ that

there is the opposite going on, too, at the same time: *(a)*(d)

So, let's assume, that


1. You don't actually know anything of that, what you vitally SHOULD
know about Life.

(Do I really have to give examples?)


You SHOULD know for instance, what Perception is, and what
Awareness is, and what Memory is, and how it functions, and
the Definition of Truth, you should know too

­ how that works, what you obviously DO use ­

you SHOULD know those things, correctly know it, of course

­ I have provided you, further below, with two

extensive and very practical definitions of

'Perception Sphere' (1) and (2) ­

as a few of the extremely important things, that you

definitely SHOULD know ­ but that you don't know at all,
even though you, and anyone really, does use it;

whereby I very adventurously suppose and assume,

that you ARE capable of admitting ­ and even are
desirous to admit ­ (that is, to yourself to admit)

THAT you don't know; or, even more adventurous, I

suppose and assume also,

that you are capable of admitting to yourself, that

you are "knowing" things WRONGLY.


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And let's assume ­ quite correctly again ­ that you don't know
WHY you are not knowing those very­vital­to­know things

(like in the example given extensively below, how your

and anyone's 'Perception Sphere' works).



2. We assume ­ quite correctly ­ that you "know" WRONGLY about most

everything that you vitally SHOULD know.

(Do I really have to give examples?)

And we assume with that, that you don't know either, WHY you
"know" most­vital­things WRONGLY.


3. We assume ­ quite correctly again ­ that you DO NOT WANT TO KNOW

things, that you should however know most vitally.

(Do I really have to give examples?)

And we assume also here, that you do not know WHY you do NOT WANT
to know things, that are most­vital­to­know, for you and your
Life and that of others.


4. We assume further ­ and quite correctly again, you might agree ­

that you want to (that you have a desire or Compulsion), to "know"
WRONGLY, that what you vitally should know correctly.

(Do I really have to give examples?)

And again ­ we will assume, that ­ you don't know WHY it is,
that you WANT to "know" things wrongly: things that are however
most vital for you to know correctly.




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So, with these assumptions ­ that have confirmed and proven themselves
throughout long years of examining the Society and Culture ­

now that I am armed with THAT assessment (given in points

1. to 4., above) of your 'Ed­Q,'

­ the assessment of your 'Educated Intelligence,' that

I know now you have come to possess by participating
in the society ­

now am I supposed to educate you, in what you SHOULD vitally know?

That must then be some cruel joke on me (in the light of points
1. to 4., above):

When you do NOT WANT to know vital things, and instead, WANT to
know vital things WRONGLY,

I should then NEVERTHELESS explain to you,

how the mechanism of thinking ACTUALLY works, how Awareness and

Perception and Memory ACTUALLY work?


Do you really want, by the way, that for instance your children DO
know those vital­to­know things: how Awareness and Perception and
Memory ACTUALLY are working?

They would then become Aware of, and Perceive, and Remember also
those things,

that the Sociopaths have made you feel, and that these
keep making you feel and consider

as being things, that "should not be remembered"

­ because you can not differentiate between

the Sociopaths (and these should definitely NOT

have access to the population registry, or to any
personal data of yours),

(much less to your memories or to your feelings,

or anything really, that is intimate to you) *(n)
[see 'on Privacy,' below]

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and on the other hand ­ and vastly the majority of

people, fortunately enough ­ those who are
naturally caring and trustworthy, and

who definitely SHOULD be Perceiving and be Aware

of how you are doing,

and who definitely SHOULD remember you (and

may even remember their Love for you, that you
forgot even existed),

but who equally MUST be educated about and

able to recognize or spot those who likely
are Sociopaths,

AND people should be educated to keep or get

these Sociopaths away from you,

when, or because Sociopaths have ALREADY

succeeded in making you Blind to those
(else Sociopaths would not be near you,
of course);

and this is one of the most difficult

yet the most valuable things a FRIEND
can and should do for you,

and you should not give a Sociopath ­ or

a notorious Coward ­ ANY sensitive or
"useful," private data about caring and
loving people ­ [see 'on Privacy,' below]

but the Sociopaths have made you FEEL ­ after having

thoroughly DESTROYED your ability to recognize or to
remember them ­

the Sociopaths have made you FEEL, that after you

grew up, you now have to act in life, in all of your
life you should act, as if "everyone is a Sociopath"
so to speak,

BECAUSE you can not recognize Sociopaths

anymore; and THEREFORE

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"NOBODY should be able to remember or Perceive things of


that "you do NOT WANT others to be Aware of, to Perceive or to

Remember," about you...

'Digging your own grave,' really, AND that of

others, too:

You rather tell children, that "they are tired now..." and you
rather tell them also other, extremely harmful, debilitating

...from the 'repertoire' of your Educated Intelligence:

'as the Society taught you to think and to respond

to others.' *(n)(n)




So when you tell yourself and others, with great emphasis, that "you
want to know," then you make me laugh nowadays (see point 4., above):

4. We assume ­ quite correctly ­ that you WANT to "know"

wrongly, what you should vitally know.'

AND, as dictated by your 'Ed­Q,' you also WANT others

to know wrongly, what OTHERS however should vitally

what they vitally SHOULD know, in order not

only to protect themselves, but

ALSO, so that they can protect you and others

as well

­ which requires correct and vital



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{trauma from failure to help}

In this context, I like to mention, that

nothing is more traumatic to normal

than having been made unable to protect

some decent and caring people: when you
could not protect others from some Harm
inflicted on them by or originated by

{rather not remember}

Very traumatic, that is. So traumatic,


in order not to choke on their tears

from their failures to help (not having
known how to protect someone's ability
to enjoy Life, in the first place).

Not wanting to remember that

failure of theirs, they ALSO
do not want to realize, that
they were

­ very, very obviously so ­

missing the very things that THEY


in order to prevent whatever

the disaster or illness was,
that was inflicted.

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And of course the Sociopaths GLADLY

support your desire,

NOT to Remember what happened,

to not be Aware of and not to
Perceive, who inflicted the
disaster or the illness,

and the Sociopaths instead provide

all kind of "reasons" for it,

for you to "know" it all WRONGLY,

offering FALSE "comfort," and even

wanting that you take drugs "to
feel better:"

meaning, NOT to feel it, or

to "feel" it WRONGLY.




{Perception Sphere}

I give you an example, of what you, and your children of course, if

you have any (I "have seven billion children" ­ what these) SHOULD
vitally know

but that they DO NOT KNOW AT ALL,

for the simple reason, that the Sociopaths hate anyone to talk
about it in the Society.

But I tell you nevertheless about it:



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Perception Sphere (1): {definition start}

In order to be somewhat safe,

and this is easily understood and practiced, for instance

when you want to walk in town safely,

you have to sense­pervade a sphere all around you, continuously,

by means of your Perception (your Perception­type Life Energy

to Perceive­sense whatever is going on, within some five

or ten yards all around you

­ and that sensing, does include of course, your sensing

the Energies of others, (what others Energetically do,
or do to try and hide) anywhere around you (ALSO behind
you, ALSO around the corner)

(in a sphere: at the front of you, left side,

right side, back of you, above you, under you

­ in other words, all around you in a sphere

of safely some five or ten yards, maybe

(and don't be too shy to turn around if

you feel like checking on the intentions
of people walking behind you,

tell them, if necessary, that that

is what you are doing),

(and do carefully approach a corner ­ if

you feel so ­ or keep your distance to

as your Sphere of Perception enables you to walk

normally ­

and you do that, you keep that up, CONTINUOUSLY of course.


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If you are in good spiritual (Energetic) shape, then

you do this ANYWAY,

whether you even know the term Energy in this

context ­ 'Perception­type Life Energy
Particles' ­ or have never heard of that,

you use these ANYWAY

else you would see and feel nothing, or

you would see photons ONLY:

{photon Perception only}

When you would see photons ONLY, you

still have to connect with your
Perceptional Life Energy to your body's
optical nerves ­ but

having only THAT connection to the world

outside, feels very "dead" indeed.


While you keep creating (and pushing outward and getting

sensing­information from) your Perception­type Life Energy

you then use that sensing (that information) for choosing,

towards whom to create and radiate, what Energies of yours

(like the feelings, thoughts, emotions, memories,

that you have for, or about people around you,

these feelings etc., all are created or felt

and communicated as Life Energy Particles).

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So NOW you can choose, what you want to receive ­ BECAUSE

you have gotten information from your Perception Sphere:

sensing, you now choose which Energies (feelings, etc.),

you want to receive, from whom,

or, as the case may be, you likely would reject

these from "well­adjusted" Sociopaths, and ­ more
easily recognized of course ­ from typical street
bums etc.,

who have no other intention than to lure you,

to get your Energy, and to INTENSELY Hate you,

often hiding behind a pretense of

Admiration for you, or, "liking you"
in order to get near you ­ done by

those individuals who create and radiate or direct

at you and inflict on you

their HARMFULLY Altered Life Energy Particles, or

what you very sloppily call "Bad Energy" or also
"Negativity" ­ better say Harmful Energy

{Harmfully Altered Life Energy}

(like Hate or Pain or Ugliness Energy Particles

or worse still, Unawareness (Black Curtain
type) Energy Particles, that Sociopaths do
radiate and inflict in abundance,

or these approach and lure you with fake

"Aliveness" and false "enthusiasm" and with
Admiration steeped in lies, as a form of what
is called 'Drug Energy')

you want to RECOGNIZE those feelings (those Harmful

Life Energy Particles) and push these Particles away

or if a Sociopath has managed to get these "biting"

into your soul or into some part of your body, then
you have to remove these Life Energy PARTICLES ­ as
quickly as possible of course.

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(Truth is absolute, you know. And that is why

it works. And suggestions, in themselves, are
thoughts with intentions and other content,
and are thus Life Energy Particles, too.

This, the Sociopaths HEAVILY DENY and REJECT:

Because they themselves are using these, Life

Energy Particles, to hypnotize and control,
and to inflict damage into your body, too.)

You do remove these things ANYWAY when you are in

very good shape

­ but you "know" all WRONGLY about it, as

your 'Ed­Q,' your Educational IQ, dictates
it to you, originating from Sociopaths,

{aversion to education}

and that is why some very caring and bright

people have a great aversion against formal



Furthermore: using that same data that you acquire with

your Perception Sphere, you also chose and direct

where to put your photon perception:

you use your eyes to focus your photon perception,

your sight,

towards whom you look, and maybe, for deciding to use your
voice, too ­ making a more physical form of contact,

guiding your physical communication with your eyes and

your voice, and your facial expressions

and maybe you are yourself deciding, or agreeing with

another, to shake hands, etc. ­ establishing a more
physical connection,

which might however result in significant loss of

your Life Energy. That is:

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WHEN you are shaking hands, or have even more

physical contact, with a Sociopath or a Coward

­ a Coward is someone who is 'an extension' of

a Sociopath ­ {definition}

so you definitely would avoid shaking hands, etc.,

with a possible or suspected Sociopath or Coward.



Primarily there is the Energetic (Energy Particle)

communication with people and with your environment

­ and you need that, and use it as anyway the MAIN, real
and VITAL communication of true feelings amongst people

(though some people use ALSO THAT ­ feelings etc. ­

for deception, for pretending, for lying and for
manipulating anyone [DOS]).


You might get the notion, that this is VITAL to know,

which means then, that I am penetrating the very forceful

Energies of the Sociopaths on you, that make you NOT WANT
TO KNOW, or that keep you into WANTING to "know" WRONGLY:

that, what is however vital for you, correctly to

know about your Life.
{style figure: 'double ending'}


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{'Identification Friend or Foe'}

With your Perception Sphere, you SENSE things that

are going on,

which may ­ by the way, as in my case at

times ­ encompass a whole village, a country,
or a continent, or all of Earth,

but with your Perception Sphere around your


you sense ­ walking in town for instance ­ that you

do like someone very much, and you SENSE­perceive
equally, someone liking you very much.

The Sociopaths however, do BLOCK and DESTROY

your SENSE­Perception, they smash away AND
ALSO destroy your Energy for wanting again
to create such Perception Particles newly)

so that you can NOT feel anymore, who likes

you, and they block the communication of your
feeling for others,

and that feels terrible, of course, and


(and so you have to resort to Facebook,

where you can get away with having NO
Perception Sphere, and with NOT
Perceiving­sensing others, etc..

I add this humorously, but there is

certainly a point to be made.)


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But exactly that ­ when Sociopaths have

managed to incapacitate your feeling, your
Energy for feeling others, and for creating
those feeling Energies ­ damage inflicted on
your abilities to feel others,

then gives THEM, the Sociopaths or any

particular Sociopath, the chance to approach
you and to become your "best friend,"

or they can then make you approach them,

attracting you "as if they can be your

(Sociopaths are not capable of being

friends, no matter what they say and
often very strongly pretend to the


Your Perception Sphere not only gives you your

'Identification Friend or Foe' system.

It also provides an 'anti­collision' and a 'traffic

control' system, as we will see in a moment.

If you like, you can compare your Perception

Sphere very well with air traffic control

radar of extreme precision and unlimited

data acquisition and with communication.



{'anti­collision' system} (1)

Your Perceptional Sphere gives you also your personal

'anti­collision' system in a busy pedestrian street, and
it works in the same way:

You sense FROM another pedestrian, and you radiate TO him,

at which side of him you are going to pass.

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(When you disturb such an agreement deliberately, by

the way, you get funny situations on the sidewalk.)

And further, with a forceful Life Energy Particle output

of yours close around your body,

which you normally do have, when you are in good

enough shape, thereby

you actually do prevent, that others bang into your body

(in a busy pedestrian area).

And others do the same: Also they feel ­ with their Energy
Particles or with their body's Energies ­ they sense­feel
your 'barrier' made of your own or your body's Life Energy

that radiate around your body to keep other bodies

at a safe enough distance and at least not touching,
and certainly not colliding. *(d)

Those are very demonstrable feats of being healthy
and carrying your body safely around town (and

because of your 'Perception Sphere,' and

in crowded areas, a demonstration of a 'Protective

Girdle' of Life Energy Particles close to your body.

But if you are in bad shape Energetically

­ that is, spiritually ­ then you might not be
able to maintain your Energy strongly enough
around your body,

and you get pushed and shoved easily around,

by people on a busy sidewalk or at a crowded
train station.


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You did not know that, did you ­ but you do it all the time.

If you DON'T maintain your 'Protective Girdle' around you,

then you get bumped into, or shoved around,

and, if you don't keep up your 'Perception Sphere,' the

bigger, sensing­pervading sphere some five or ten yards
or more all around you, and that you maintain by means of
your Life Energy Particles, as you normally do when you
are in good shape,

if you don't maintain that, and if you DON'T use it also

to detect and prevent Energy attacks

­ Harmful Energy attacks always precede any physical

attacks ­ on you

(again: Truth is absolute)

then you run the risk of getting mugged, or getting into

an accident,

and into a host of other mishaps and ailments, that

I am not here going to detail for you,

because you can basically figure that out yourself

as it applies to the life you lead or intend to
lead. {FPP}{iFPP}


They don't teach you that at your Karate lessons, etc.,

either, do they,

where you practice Martial Arts and learn to create

Force type Life Energy Particles, and to project
and direct these, and to use these Particles to
block off any blows directed at your body from an

and also, of course, in Martial Arts, you practice

creating and keeping up the Energy Particles of
Perception all around you ­ ALSO behind you.

BUT, even there, they WANT to "know" and "explain"

these things WRONGLY ­ if they would explain it, at

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And the same applies to any other philosophies, and to any


meaning: their various rituals, that all are aimed

at getting more or getting better Life Energies, and

rituals also, that intend to get rid of Harmful Life



Science and Medicine however, are so very severely

dominated by Sociopaths, that these, "the sciences,"
demand (and they demand science to be so "defined"):

­ and the Sociopaths have imprinted it also on

your 'Ed­Q' (imparted it to, made it become
part of) also your Educational Intelligence ­

that "all scientists" are deliberately REFUSING to

know anything about Life Energy at all, (!)

which includes knowing anything about your

Perception Sphere and about the
'Identification Friend or Foe' with it ­

that (quite understandably) the Sociopaths


Nevertheless (truth is absolute [CSTC]), you do use

a Perception Sphere:

It is what you do, naturally, to live and to defend yourself.


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When you DO know HOW it works, then the Sociopaths

have a very much harder job to block it, to break
it down, to prevent you from repairing it; and

if you know HOW it works, then

it is thus much harder for them, to break YOU down;

if you know HOW it works, then

you have a much easier job of removing any damage

(any infliction of their Harmfully Altered Life

Energy Particles, and the loss caused by their
Deadening Vampiring on you and on your body)

their 'Negative Energies' as you call


If you know HOW it works, then repair is much

easier. And often, damage ­ a headache for
instance ­ is remedied within seconds,

where you and others would OTHERWISE suffer

for hours, or days ­ or worse, of course.

If you know HOW it works, then it is much easier to

maintain Natural Health, Natural Sanity, and Natural
Peace ­ for yourself and for others. [ZTA]



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{anti­collision system} (2)

When you are driving a car, your sensing and pervading sphere
of Perception­type Life Energy Particles (your Perception Sphere)
will likely be very much bigger ­ in particular that is: far
forward, elongated in the direction that you drive your car.

{fast car driving}

So, driving on the Autobahn in Germany at say 125 miles

per hour (at 200 kilometers per hour), becomes quite an
exhilarating experience, BECAUSE you have to, and indeed

you do extend your sensing­Perception Energy Particles

that much further out, a mile or more in front of you,

in order to sense and thus to anticipate, what the other

drivers will do, or intend to do, or not do, far ahead of

and as with pedestrians, you project the Energy at drivers

far in front, (that contains the correct impression) that
a fast car is approaching them from behind and wants to
pass at the left in a flash, and, that they should not get
upset with that, and certainly, that from this moment on
till then, they should NOT veer their car onto the left


You did not consciously know all that either, did you...
even though you might have driven a fast car where that is
allowed and customary.

All the while, "science" teaches you (its Sociopaths and their
followers do teach you) WRONGLY "about Perception, etc." ­ and
you do not even protest!
{extended definition}
(of 'Perception Sphere' (1))





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{wanting to "know" it wrongly}

You want examples of you definitely WANTING to "know" things wrongly?

Examples from all the gurus, prophets and intelligent scientists

that you listen to, worship and adore

as if these are "being more intelligent than you,"

(You are always omitting the question:

"More Intelligent WHAT?")

and whom you generously pay for, or that you want the community
to pay for

("scientists, gurus, prophets, etc." that you may even

be working for)

so, that 'you and others will learn and firmly accept' their
horrific, their extremely HARMFUL, DESTRUCTIVE LIES about
Life and about people

­ about truth, and about memories, too.

Do I really have to give examples?


You find it OK, however ­ in literature and movies ­ in fact you CRAVE
for it:

You crave for labeling actual truth as fantasy, and you pay
generously for it too,

when, and as long as truth is carefully labeled as PURE FANTASY, kept

fully wrapped, wrapped as FICTION ­ as Science Fiction, as Horror
Fantasy, or as a Fairy Tale ­ and made and offered explicitly for
ENTERTAINMENT ONLY, then you do not have to face and oppose

"PLEASE let real life and actual truth not be openly discussed!"

I do give you one example though, of Pure Fantasy, a Fairy Tale


The recent, popular movie 'Snow White and the Huntsman.'

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That movie shows, for instance, someone creating and projecting

Black Energy Particles, and it shows vampirism on someone's Life

It also shows ­ when Snow White returns ­ that the projection of

good, pure Life Energy, restores Life.

"This is all fantasy ­ you must NOT talk about this what IS happening
ALL THE TIME in real life" ­ so the Sociopaths DEMAND of you.

"It is not part of science to examine Life Energy ­ 'because it does

not exist'" ­ so the Sociopaths clamor.

In my local University for Agriculture, by the way, they do not

even know, what Life Energy is!

Let alone TEACH it what might by current standards well be

(one of) the best Agriculture University currently available,
planet wise. [Wageningen RU]

How 'Eye dot Eye'*(b) can you get...



Many people apparently, do get deeply ABSORBED in a fantasy world, to

substitute actual life, like they get into the book series 'The Wheel
of Time,' just to give you one example,

when they have been that severely incapacitated by Sociopaths,

that they only can live a very dull actual, real life themselves

­ for having lost their own Life Energy needed to fully

connect to real life (to be able to experience)

the very intense joy that, being connected with real

life and with real people, indeed is....



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{'Double Lies'}

Or else, some people find it OK to only take a small pinch of the

truth (truth is absolute, as precisely explained elsewhere [CSTC])

­ and some people, most people really, want actually only a very
small amount of vital truth ­

AS LONG AS that amount of truth is mixed with the most deadly and
highly poisonous lies, {iFPP}

as you readily find such poisonous lies concocted and mixed in the
'New Age' circles and also in the 'Global Conspiracy Theory' circles,
and other 'circles of "knowledge".'

(Any typical religious doctrine is not differently constructed,


On the basis of some core of truth, a whole construction of

fake "knowledge" is then built up, complete with catch phrases
and fears installed, with all manner of 'Double Lies'.)

Double Lie: When the top lie of a statement absorbs so much

of your attention, that the underlying lies are not even
looked at and thus not anymore suspected of being lies too.



Their "knowledge" is concocted in order very effectively to destroy,
to debilitate and fully to poison

anyone's innate (natural) and correct knowledge

­ innate (natural, inborn) spiritual abilities, are so

destroyed, too ­ debilitating

in particular those loving and caring people, who DO want to know

more about their own and others' natural abilities and natural,
innate knowledge,

or who at least have still A DESIRE TO KNOW what they should

vitally know about life, and,

that they feel, others should vitally know ALSO ­ and should know
correctly, of course.

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{rather not facing the source of destructive lies}

You let all their 'poisoning of your mind'

(through their lies about Life and about yourself and about
the nature of other people ­ you let all the lies)

be inflicted, and you let the poisoning of your mind be done to you
without any protest

­ yes, you absorb and even crave for all their 'poison,' as it
is offered for absorption, by the vast amount of magazines
and the "science" and "health" sections of the newspapers and
other media,


to absorb the mind­ and body­sickening lies invented and

enforced by Sociopaths (in science and in medicine, in
particular) ­


­ and their, indeed most unpleasant nature ­

NOR the Energetic VIOLENCE on you and anyone, that comes from the
Sociopaths, and

which INCLUDES their LIES about you and about anyone, about your
nature, and about your suffering, and about your memories, and about
your feelings.


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They indeed fiercely attack you

(thoughts are Life Energy Particles, too)

they HIT YOU

with their Harmful Energy Particles,

their 'Negativity' as you call it at times, which is

not defining precisely enough at all, what is going

The Sociopaths do attack you, 'hit' you with unpleasant

Particles etc.. They attack you

for your even WANTING to know THAT, what you should indeed
vitally know:

(You don't want to know, because you do not want to FEEL

their attacking Energies, the spiritual force of their
'Negativity, their HARMFUL Life Energy Particles:

of Extreme Ugliness feelings for instance ­ very

unpleasant indeed, and a typical kind of Harmful Life
Energy ­ inflicting 'extremely unpleasant feelings,'

that any and all Sociopaths do produce and project

at you and at anyone.)

They do ALREADY take away, or else they Block, your Energy

for DESIRING to know.


So they make sure, that 'you DON'T WANT to know truth' ­ meaning:

Your Energy for wanting to know, has suddenly 'gone blank' (is
gone, actually) ­ and so, it is "forgotten" "by you" that you
wanted to know (Sociopaths MADE you "forget" ­ they pulled away
your Energy Particles of your DESIRE to know)

some extremely important things, BUT

that the Sociopaths ABHOR (find it terrible, for) anyone to know

­ that is, to know correctly (truth is absolute,

remember?) about the actual nature of Life, and
about THEM (about Sociopaths) in particular ­

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(the Sociopaths: 100 million Sociopaths are living on Earth ­

and then some: those who are at present deceased, but who
emanate and inflict no less, their 'Negativity').



Because of THEIR presence, YOU don't want to know what you vitally
should know, what is of extremely necessity, for you to know
correctly (but that the Sociopaths ABHOR you knowing).



And these ­ the Sociopaths ­ FIGHT

to their and your death ­ and mostly then, to your slow and
painful or heavily drugged death in disease and in lost dignity,
as during terminal cancer ­

IN ORDER TO prevent you from acquiring vital­to­know truth and the

necessary understanding and use of it, too ­ to keep also your body

which would be to the horror of the Sociopaths from the Medical

Industry and those who make their fortune from threatening sick
people with death ­

death from PREVENTING vital­to­know education to people

for remaining naturally healthy.



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So getting this HRI written, has taken an enormous FIGHT ­ it's like
writing while sitting in the middle of a war zone. [GSHC]

{Sociopaths demand trivia as "vital" Science}

It is fine with those Sociopaths ­ and with their

Cowardly supporters ­ if you are given a FALSE
"understanding" about facts and observations of
vital importance,

and if you are given indeed very interesting trivia,

as in readily reported "research projects" from
universities ­ trivia to keep your mind occupied and

and subsidies rolling, "for the

advancement of the society and mankind,"

with such trivia as are making up the TYPICAL

atmosphere really in almost all schools, and
in universities and in Royal Institutes and
the like:

None teach ­ but they ALL do REPRESS ­ what

are the most vital­to­know things for ANY

that is, for instance, teaching you about and

weeding out from your education and from your
study, THOSE individuals who DESTROY science
and education,

and who in that way intend to and DO

destroy the society and normal people
like you:

They offer out of all proportions, very interesting

trivia, so that your mind ­ and those of students ­
is occupied with "very interesting" trivia,

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IN ORDER THAT you do not have to face what you call

the 'Negative Energies' of the (hundred million)
Sociopaths (living and working) on Earth

­ much less having to face and keeping out,

the 'Negative Energy,' the Harmful Energy
Particles of deceased, but not less 'alive'
Sociopaths ­

deceased individuals, according to the

typical Sociopaths of "science," of
medicine and of biology etc., "do not
exist," *(n)(n)(n)

according to the Sociopaths who

lead current "science,"

and from whom you have obtained

your 'Ed­Q,'

your Educational Intelligence,

the level or content of your
current, Educated Intelligence.


Nevertheless it happens continuously, that caring

people go on hoping and wishing and saying, that

'science will soon include and work with all those

vital­to­know things, will modernize, and 'science
HAS OF COURSE TO RECOGNIZE and to teach students'
all the vital­to­know things about life and people,
and CORRECTLY at that.

Caring people have hoped and said that for hundreds

of years,*(n) for centuries, but it never happened,
at all.

THAT SEVERELY you are hypnotized by the Sociopaths,

that science did not, and DOES NOT and will not
include vital­to­know about life and people.

Thanks to the Sociopaths, you don't even know

what hypnotism is and how it works.

Quite the contrary.

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For instance, 'evolution'

(on the one hand, what they claim as

the "evolution" of life­forms such as
bodies ­ and on the other hand, what
they call "evolution" of souls)


is ITSELF a concept introduced BY Sociopaths,

and is fiercely maintained by Sociopaths,

on the one hand, in order to hide from you the

actual nature of life forms, *(n)(n)(n)

so that you can't maintain your body's

health, nor that of others;

and on the other hand to hide the nature of

the soul,

to hide the irreparable nature of Sociopaths

themselves, who ­ after all, ALSO are souls,

so that you can't maintain your own

soul's sanity, nor that of other souls
who are not Sociopaths

Sociopaths being that severely

damaged in their soul, that they
ENJOY being so, and prevent
themselves and each other from
being repaired.



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{'New Age' and 'Conspiracy Theory' circles}

'New Age' circles and their PRETENSE of "vital knowledge," make a fine
practice of

­ and they are practically DEFINED by ­

'NOT facing any Sociopaths' and replacing these

(the actual presence of a hundred million Sociopaths on Earth,

is replaced, by the 'New Age' people)

with a vast array (amount) of debilitating concepts and undefined or

falsely defined words (typically the word 'Dimension'),

like you would expect it to come from a psychedelic drug

advocate and user, who just returned from a trip to Buddhist
and Hindu culture ­ and who claims, that "THAT (the drug use,
and visiting gurus) has revealed the nature of reality to him."

None of these gurus 'have a clue' ­ and Drug use enforces

FALSE "understanding" on the victim of it.


And 'Global Conspiracy Theory' circles ­ only a stone's throw removed

from the circles of 'New Age' people ­ with THEIR claims, of not
less FAKE and ALSO very WRONG "vital knowledge,"

the conspiracy theorists are practically DEFINED by 'labeling

the WRONG persons as "being the Sociopaths",' and by pointing
out and addressing the WRONG conditions as "vital."

Many in those circles, even claim, that Sociopaths are

"genetically determined" ­ determined by birth or race ­

a doctrine that we know, was also practiced, practiced to

carry out medical and political genocide.


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All of them ­ meaning, also they who consider themselves to stick out
ABOVE the current level of Educational Intelligence ­ ALSO THEY are
cut off from the awareness of

'WHO with what intentions caused what condition'

(which defines truth, a definition vital to know [CSTC], of

course, but which they do not want to know, understandably):

They rather want "to feel good," rather than "to feel truth."

Many appear to "define" truth, as "whatever makes you feel

good by accepting it as 'the truth' for you."

Which is of course NOT the way to solve murders, or

to detect Criminal Minds or Sociopaths,

but quite the contrary.

And thus, instead of finding out 'WHO out of what intentions

did inflict what condition on whom' ­ on you, for instance ­

these 'New Age' and these 'Conspiracy Theory' people, then wildly
fantasize about "how conditions went bad and how these will become
good again" ­ imagining or accepting very elaborate theories and

let's say, for example, of "causes" for World War Two [CWW]

with 'Conspiracy Theories,' or with 'Karmic Explanations,'

that are fed and kept upright, against all odds,

by means of the (Hypnotizing Energy of) 'total certainty,'

that is required *(n)

for the convincing enforcement of their proclamations

­ for actually hypnotizing their audience and readership ­

in order to have their false "perception" and wrong "understanding,"

take a firm hold of (to have these 'imprinted' on) not only their own
thought­ and emotion­ and Awareness­Energies, but ALSO (on) those of
their followers, their listeners and readers.

Truth however, is and remains absolute. [CSTC]

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{Scientific Magazines}

Many people do WANT to be hypnotized (see point 4. above ­ they

WANT to "know" things WRONGLY) because that makes them "feel
good" *(n)

­ and there are those, found in abundance, who delight in

obliging any followers and readers, that crave for

FALSE data to be shown as "the actual truth,"

preferably shown "scientifically" so,

as you read it in 'Science Magazine,' in 'The New

Scientist,' in 'Scientific American,' in 'Nature,' and
in a vast amount of similar magazines, and in every
medical magazine, and in 'popular science' or 'psychology'
type magazines ­ in every country and language, at that ­

spending vast amounts of money and manpower,

to spread and translate those DELIBERATELY FALSE
and then mostly extremely HARMFUL LIES, as "data"
craved for ­ and that you find further

also in the 'Science' and 'Health' sections in every


offering "scientific" articles, that their "Science and

Health" editor invariably begin with standard hypnotic
buzz words, like

"Scientists have discovered..." and, "According to

scientific research..." "Statistically significant
evidence shows, that..."

"whales are a hundred times more intelligent

than man is, and whales have a vastly bigger
memory or 'hippocampus' in their brain, than
man does,"

"in fact, I met a whale last year, who

spoke ancient Mandarin AND Sanskrit..."

or whatever is "proven" in their 'peer­reviewed'

magazine articles.

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You see, that with their "scientific

pronunciations" ­ about memory, in this
case ­ they do DISCARD MOST or ALL of
the relevant data, and here the fact,
that the brain of a whale is much bigger
than theirs.

They DISCARD ­ or simply DENY ­ ninety percent

of data that is of the utmost relevance and of
highest value on the subject,

and their "sciences" ­ a wide cone filled with a vast

amount of irrelevant and HARMFULLY WRONG data, pivoting,
metaphorically speaking, on the tip of some small truth ­

their "sciences" then consist mostly of HYPNOTISM,

with beautiful graphics to make their ­ invariably very HARMFUL,

very DESTRUCTIVE ­ LIES, to appear as "scientific truth about
people and about life, about YOUR Life." *(n)(n)(n) [SHEFP]



{social historians}

Some journalists, and also a certain kind of numb and mind­numbing

historians, these do literally DELIGHT in maliciously summing up a
string of CONDITIONS

and then morbidly ENJOY 'throwing these into your face' with the
assertion, that these CONDITIONS together did cause the new
condition, like a war, for instance (see also *(a))

­ debilitating you in the process of their assertions ­

OMITTING to mention as they do, DELIBERATELY, intentionally,

omitting the very Sociopaths without which the conditions never
could have developed and never would have so combined in the
first place. *(n)(n)

(e.g. "historian" Mark Mazower, or historic novelist and 'Nobel

Prized' Ivo Andric, *(1) ­ both "analyzing" the Balkan wars ­
and quoted as "really analyzing" these, which shows up the weak
and often entirely lacking, red thread in the otherwise very
excellent work of history called 'In Europe' by journalist
Geert Mak. *(2))

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Such "historians" are addressed in particular in the HRI

'The Cause of World Wars One and Two'{HRI 20120415­V4.3.1}

[CWW] (V4.3.1 or a later Versions, coming up)

with a spectacular result indeed ­ so the more intelligent

and caring reader (which I hope you are) might very well
agree. (see also [FIL], [DOP], and [NOW])




{your compliance with the Sociopaths}

In those ways, you generously comply with the Sociopaths, you comply
with their Energetic DEMAND, and this shows up as your 'Ed­Q.'

And it follows from their demand, that you must accept WRONG data
"as the vital truth," that THEN

"Truth which IS vital and absolute, MUST be labeled 'fantasy,'

or 'relative truth,' 'your truth,' etc.."


And, in order to "make you feel good," (meaning, that you must NOT
oppose the Demand, but you must 'float with' the Compelling, harmful
Energies inflicted on you), then it follows further, that

"Truth MUST be poisoned with EFFECTIVE lies:"

Vital and absolute Truth "MUST be poisoned with EFFECTIVE lies,

in order to make you feel good."

I have elsewhere analyzed for you, this type of cowardly

or else unaware intention to "feel good,"

which drives the Drug Industry, both legal and

illegal, and

which is NOT 'feeling good,' but it IS letting yourself

float with the river towards a deadly Niagara Falls.

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Not enough with that, though:

In order to further have the Sociopaths make you "feel good,"

and to make them satisfy your craving to be accepted by

everyone around, and thus also accepted by THEM, to "make also
THEM ­ Sociopaths ­ be friendly and supportive of you,"

you do accept their lies, and pay generously for their lies, and work
very hard to distribute their lies to others,

as in the mentioned "science" magazines:

the most deadly, the meanest and most debilitating and literally
the most sickening and harmful LIES about life and about people,
and about the memories of people's past,

as long as the LIES are indisputably labeled "science:"

"Scientific," "peer­reviewed," "tested extensively by

scientists," "a product of rigorous and well­financed,
scientific research," "statistically proven,"
"published in renowned 'scientific' books and magazines
with lots of authority,"

and preferably these publications are "to show and tell," "to make
you understand"

­ the more vicious and debilitating the lies, the more elaborate
and beautiful the pieces of graphical art that accompany and
explain these lies "as truth" ­ *(n)(n)

to convince the reader who after all pays with his own or with
the community's money, FOR being given those lies; re­assuring

how what in fact are the most horrendous and meanest LIES,

vicious, extremely destructive LIES about life and about people

and about their history, about their memory and their perception
and about consciousness ­ how those LIES

"are the very essence of the most complete and modern research and
consist of the highest available scientific truth." *(n)[SHEFP]


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So we reach the point of 'Da Capo' (a musical composition term,

meaning that you start again playing some part of the score,
there, where 'Da Capo' is written earlier in the music score).

That is: You would start again at points 1. to 4., above, which
concludes with point 4., about what you vitally should know:

You are compelled to "WRONGLY want to 'know' what is vital­to­


The 'Negative' Energies from the Sociopaths and their

followers, make you feel ­ without that you know it is
compelled 'onto you' ­ that 'you WANT to "know" vital
things WRONGLY.'

And: 'You don't know WHY it is, that you want to "know" even
the most vital things, WRONGLY'

(which is the nature of any Compulsion,

and any Compulsion consists of INFLICTED, Harmful Life

Energy Particles, containing ideas and feelings and
exerting a Force ­ created and inflicted by Sociopaths).

You do not WANT to know, for instance, how that ­ how being
hypnotized, how being compelled ­ does work, or how sleep works,

but you "know" it wrongly, and you WANT to "know" it wrongly,

if at all you were interested in having such vital­to­have



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{notes on the Subject Title}

Answering the questions of the Subject Title: "How come, neurons are
mis­firing in your brain," and "why Einstein was immune to (such mis­
firing, resulting in him being more intelligent than anyone else),"
and about "the after­shocks of the Big Bang explosion."

I wrote those questions in the Title, in order to captivate your

Educated Intelligence or 'Ed­Q:'

You don't want reason, but you want Educated Intelligence.

So I can't appeal to your reason, but I CAN appeal to

your 'Educated Intelligence.'

Therefore, I discarded the original title, which went something

like 'Barriers to Relaying Vital Knowledge' ­ which appeals to
a very high level of reason.

So instead, I did appeal to your 'Educated Intelligence,' with

the subjects that are given in the Subject Title (of Version 1.0
of this HRI).


Having given you those captivating 'Educated Intelligence' questions,

I feel that I should also address these for your peace of mind,

and for my peace of mind about yours,

so I will explain those questions:

"How come, neurons are mis­firing in your brain?"

There ARE no "neurons mis­firing in your brain,"

much like an electro­motor does not suddenly and

inexplicably start up by itself ­ as you know.


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{physical mechanism of thinking}

Apart from that, thinking is also NOT done by your neurons at

all, but it is done by you

you being a soul and you creating and using and relating to
Life Energy Particles, which IS the process of thinking:

creating and using and relating to Life Energy Particles


and this is also, how it is disrupted by others, messing with

your Life Energy Particles of Thinking, of Perception, and of
Awareness, of Connecting to Memories, etc.:

Life Energy Particles ­ these PARTICLES can be smashed and

pulled away by Sociopaths, inflicting THEIR Harmfully
Altered Life Energy Particles, which they use to hit and
subdue you with, and to BLOCK and TAKE your Energies AWAY
from you,

resulting in LESS Thinking, LESS Perception, in LESS

Awareness, and in less Memory,

you utter dopes... You got that now?

In other words, you neither need nor use neurons, to

think or to remember or be aware, etc..

{extended definition}

But you WANT to "know" it WRONGLY:

Sociopaths want you to believe the opposite, so, that they

can more easily manipulate, control and vampire on your
Life Energies,

which you feel when it is done to you ­ of course,

you dopes...

And when someone of very ill intent, inflicts a

lot of Harmful Energies into someone's head, then
this may result in a knockout and even in a seizure,
and in Restless Legs and restless other body parts,

you utter, utter, hypnotized dopes!

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Your Educated Intelligence tells you, that

"Hillary Clinton was too thirsty," and
therefore she fainted, and collapsed her body
on stage, and hurt her head a little bit by
the falling without any control of hers over
her body. (This was very recently.)

NO experienced speaker "dehydrates" on


But they DO get attacked with Harmful

Energies inflicted by Sociopaths, to
knock them out.

I mean, what kind of "help" are you, in such

situations? None! Only a DESTRUCTIVE "help."

And then spreading all the DESTRUCTIVE LIES

about such occurrences, globally:

Nobody learns how to defend oneself against

such events, such attacks on you, that may
even make the most experienced and toughest
speaker ­ like Hillary Clinton ­ faint on
stage, and even the process of falling went
without any control by herself over her body.

{very extended definition}


{how you control your body}

THESE (your Life Energy) Particles may fire (and do fire all
the time) AT some neurons ­ and THIS is also how you move your

(or someone else does, like some deceased Sociopath,

DOES fire some of your neurons in the process of
vampiring on your body's Life Energy Particles ­
in case you suffer from "Restless Leg Syndrome" or
RLS, for instance).

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You learn as a baby, isn't it, to control your body, till you
can fully control its motions,

which you do by means of your Life Energy Particles (you are

creating and directing Life Energy Particles containing your
thought and having the Energy to execute your thought),
in this case you have learned to connect to your brain,

(like you play an instrument with your fingers), you did

as a baby learn to 'play your brain' by means of your
Life Energy particles,

in order to move your body.

Imagine, just for once OPPOSING the Sociopaths, and

actually USING this data!


And your body has its very own Energies, of course, too,
as it does continue to function ­ also when you are
asleep, for instance, and it repairs and keeps itself
alive, BY MEANS OF its OWN, very, very vast amount of Life
Energy Particle ­ giving it, the body, its life.

Suppose it would be possible on Earth, that a human

body is developing in the womb and getting born and
growing up, WITHOUT that, at any time, a soul (a
person), connects to it and makes it his or her own
body and life.

Without that it is touched, not formed and not

steered and not owned by a soul, then it would
behave like an animal, like an ape.

And there are a lot of other interesting and vital­to­know

things, to know and investigate and understand, about all
this, how you and how your body uses, and is governing
Life Energies, and is governed by it,

WHICH however THE SOCIOPATHS have struck from the

records and agenda of current "science," [CSTC]

and which the Sociopaths have altogether removed,

EVEN from Medical Schools, from Colleges and from

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Sociopaths ARE MALICIOUS, and extremely mean

to you and to everyone, and to Life itself,

by their very nature secretly HATING the

existence of Life and of people, they are
possessed with an enormous CONTEMPT for Life
and for people. [FIL][DOP][NOW]

And they compel you, to NOT want to know about them

nor about what they do, and instead, you must "know"
about them WRONGLY.


With your Life Energy Particles you connect (you are intimately
connected) to your brain (more and more since your birth) and
it is with these connecting Energy Particles, that you steer
and control movement of your body.

{martial arts}

But in Karate etc., you do it again differently, because

the body's neurons and muscles are far too slow and far
too weak for the physical fights intended:

Instead, you create and move Life Energy Particles

directly onto your arms, legs, hands, etc., to move your
limbs directly,

and you create and use other but similar Life Energy
Particles, to protect the parts of your body, against
what would otherwise be damaging blows from an opponent.

And the same applies in Karate etc. to Perception, as is

already described under 'Perception Sphere' (see there).


This ­ moving the body directly ­ is interesting to

observe, and leads to spectacular "achievements," of

This is also what makes Karate­movies interesting.

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But as always, unfortunately, again also martial arts

people want to "know" WRONGLY about Life itself, and

even if it is their stated and for most an innate

goal, to fight and curb and stop Evil,

(with the famous exception of Russia's

Vladimir Putin and a few other Judo or
Karate champions, WHO ARE SOCIOPATHS)

also the martial arts people, the 'Karate Kids,' they

nevertheless WRONGLY "know" ­ if at all ­

about Harmful Life Energies and about Sociopaths and about

how and why to detect those, why they should remove THOSE,

which is vital­to­have knowledge and understanding.


{extended definition}



{using your body to Perceive}

You learn to control some of the Energies of your body, as it

­ your body ­ by itself is a living organism

­ Traditional Chinese Medicine, 'TMC,' indeed does know

a very small, highly IN­SUFFICIENT portion of that, and
the same applies to Ayurveda Medicine, hailing from
India ­

regarding the fact that, and how your body, is BY ITSELF

directed and made alive and kept healthy ­ by means of its own,
very vast amount of extremely lively, moving, Life Energy
Particles, Life Energy Patterns and Life Energy Structures.

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With your OWN Perceptional Life Energy Particles, you learn

to take Perception Energies coming FROM YOUR BODY's sense organs

and you perceive these (or or only a little, or not, as the case
may be, during sleep for instance, but) which you do,

by connecting with your OWN Perceptional Life Energy Particles

to those of your body (or so I would suggest you do it),

and most people connect to well inside their brain, in order to


­ served up there and focused in the brain by means of the

body's nerve channels and Life Energy Particle channels,
and whatever else is going on there, though it is not
mandatory to take Perception from there ­

the various Perceptional Energy Particles coming from the eyes

and ears, etc.,

and so these Perception Energy Particles (containing the

vision, sound, etc., perceived and focused by means of the
respective organs of your body),

these Perception Energy Particles, that 'stream' if you

like, can easily be disturbed, or even be blocked,

by drugs or mechanical damage, or

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{nightmare dreams}

by the infliction of Harmful Life Energy Particles

from Sociopaths,

who can also INFLICT PERCEPTION onto you, like you

know it from dreams, or rather, from nightmares or
from deceptive and vampiring dreams, in which
Sociopaths claim to be "your normal friend,"

{the "voice of God"}

or also when you are awake, they might also then

be able to "be the voice of God,"

{inflicted suicide}

or to inflict such emotions or such ideas ­ that

forcefully and so convincing ­ that it can compel
someone to suicide; *(n) [recent Serb diplomat]


{direct Perception}

while other people have less firmly attached their Connecting

Life Energy Particles, to the inside of their head,

not so concentrated and not so firmly fixated on and in

their brain,

they can more easily Perceive by DIRECTLY connecting their

Perceptional Life Energy Particles,

to physical particles such as photons (physical light),

focusing their Life Energy for visual Perception,

in front of their eyes, (which you may notice in a few people,

who do that, and you can observe it quite often in babies, who
Perceive from in front of their eyes),

and some people you may find, focus their hearing Perception
Energy near their ears, which makes much clearer hearing, *(n)
and it also may avoid your reaction to the impact on the body's
hearing organs, that very loud noise or explosions have. *(n)


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{Perception raking up thoughts and feelings}

Such DIRECT ­ or 'outside' if you like, direct ­ Perception,

then of course bypasses

(to speak in electronics terminology that you may know),

direct Perception 'outside' or beyond your body's sense
organs, thus bypasses

{noise and attenuation and distortion}

the 'noise and attenuation and distortion'

that is introduced by the body's sense organs and its nerve


and 'noise' from the body's various Life Energy channels

(like the Meridians, etc.)

and 'noise' from the body's receptors that are made of its
Life Energies (like the Chakras etc.),

and in particular that Perceptional 'noise,

attenuation and distortion,' that is coming from
damage to those and other body's Energy structures,

from damage that has been inflicted by the Harmful

Energies of the Sociopaths HITTING the body to
damage it permanently,

or inflicted onto the body's Life Energy structures

on a molecular level of interaction, (mechanically,

such as inflicted also by the owner himself,

by means of "necessary" drug use, or by the

use of "recreational" drugs, etc.,

and damage to the owner's body by prolonged

deficiencies in food,

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and inflicted by Medical Doctors and their drugs,

and their various mechanical and other barbaric
"treatments" ­ due to their complete lack of
motivation to actually understand how the body IS
functioning, and their lack of most vital knowledge,

a lack that goes automatically with the lack

of motivation to actually care for people.

The content of your Perception Life Energy Particles may
thus touch upon,

and is triggering,

and is interpreted by (your Perception is given

meaning and feelings, by)

a vast amount of Energies that belong to your body, or

that are not belonging to your body but do belong to you:

You see a fresh loaf of bread, and your body's

Energies provide the feeling 'nice thing to eat

You see someone being bullied, and you yourself

feel, you get th emotion, that 'the bullying should
be stopped.'

Your Perception Energy Particles are passing through and

are interpreted by a vast amount of other Life Energies,
of your body, and of you, and may touch off or trigger or
be mixed with a lot of what it passes through, upon the
way to a focal point where you pick up your Perception,
that you have chosen or made to take up

where you, being a soul, connect, with your soul's

Awareness Energies, to the Life Energy Particles
for Perception, (containing visual, audio, etc.,
and) also Perception of Memories

you making a connection to those Perceptions at a

focal point, "where you see, hear, etc.,"

­ also in your dreams, by the way ­

like, for many people, to well inside their brain.

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These Energies ­ the Life Energy Particles containing that what

is Perceived ­ these may be

(and in this case, in the case of most people, these Life

Energy Particles that contain and thus relay Perceptional
content ­ pictures and sound etc. ­ these are, in this

guided via some neurons etc., but you will only use those paths,
channels or neurons, IF you are very 'interiorized' into your
body and into your brain

­ which is the case with many if not with most people, and
it depends also on how strongly your culture or society
demands it, or does not demand from you, as "normal,"

that "you keep your eyes in your pocket," so to speak ­

AS THE SOCIOPATHS WANT IT and demand it of you ­ and as these

demand it in "science," and as these "explain it" to patients
or as they make people ANYWAY act with those lies in the Medical


But if you manage to move some of the Blocking, Harmful Energies

AWAY from your sense organs, by which the Sociopaths hinder and
limit your Perception, when you REMOVE these

Ugliness and Unawareness Energy Particles, and Hate

Energy Particles, for instance, that they have inflicted
on you, or into bodies, since forever inflicted in order
to diminish and to control your Perception

­ if you manage to move some of those blocking Energies

OUT of your path of Perception,

removing these, like by locating and by sensing these,

and then dissolving these or pushing these out of and
away from your eyes, and away from your ears, etc. ­

then you can see much more directly and hear much more directly,
with greatly increased clarity and sharpness and detail,

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by bypassing much or all of those neuron and body Energy paths,

etc., bypassing all these,

as Johann Sebastian Bach did for a short time, when

he got really, really annoyed with the medical
profession, *(n)

he thus completely RESTORED his vision ­ without

using his eyes ­ (see also a detail in [CWWW])

which gives a very much clearer vision and a very much

brighter hearing.


But, when you take up your Perception at a focal point inside

your brain, as your body's physical and Energy structures invite
it be done,

then Harmful Life Energy Particles from Sociopaths, hitting or

'biting' into your brain or into your body, into your sense
organs like your eyes or ears, then

such Harmful Energies can of course affect your Perception very

seriously, even cut it off temporarily, blanking it out by
means of inflicted 'Black Curtain' or Unawareness Energy
Particles, that these individuals (Sociopaths) can make and

I again remind you of points 1. to 4., which state, that

'YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THIS,' and 'you do not know, WHY
you do not want to know this, even though it is most­

Nevertheless, but ALSO THIS, the following, is

something 'you DO NOT WANT TO KNOW about or to DO:'


{measuring Life Energy Particles}

You CAN measure the tiny electric changes, the fluctuations in

electrical resistance, that such (Harmful) intrusions or also
(normal Perceptional) connections do produce in your body.

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Other people of course ALSO produces Life Energy

Particles, and you can sense these ­ both the good and
the bad ones ­ when you use your life Energy to Perceive
these, or when others project some of their Life Energy at

Sociopaths though, like to hit you with Harmful Life

Energy Particles

­ they hit you inside your brain in particular, but

in any other body part, too,

and they hit your body's Energies,

and they hit the Energies of your soul (your own

feelings and thoughts, your Perceptions, etc.) ­

as described extensively elsewhere. *(n)(n)(n)

And the Sociopaths want you NOT to know THAT they do

that ­ much less HOW they do that,

and they want you to "know" wrongly, to "explain" wrongly,

what is then happening to you,

with all kind of medical or folk myths, and with


and they want you to "understand" the harm inflicted in

your body or soul, to have occurred "by itself," as self­
generating inflictions, as "misfiring synapses or neurons
in your brain,"

also known to your Educational Intelligence and

popularly, as a "chemical imbalance" of your brain,

not unlike what they then must classify as the opposite:

"chemistry between people." *(n)


The Sociopaths WANT, that you do NOT desire to know all


They COMPEL you, to NOT want to take this most­vital­to­

have knowledge.

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Your body's LIFE ENERGIES feel it when Harm is inflicted on it:

Intrusion of harmful organisms into your body, or chemicals

poisoning your body, or harmful electromagnetic radiation, or
physical damage

and also Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles inflicted on or

into your body,

(all that, is felt by your body's LIFE ENERGIES)

and the body's own Life Energies, do react to it (correctly or


but it would do the people of Venezuela a great disservice

to reveal that at this moment to Hugo Chavez, a Sociopath
on his deathbed,

who sold himself as 'Christ the Savior' to the very

deceived and very hypnotized people of Venezuela.

The body's Life Energies react (correctly or wrongly ­ and

in the case of this Chavez, these react wrongly) to any

and further again, YOU react (also correctly or wrongly)

to your body's Life Energy reactions (to some attacks on

it), or (YOU react)

to the incorrect reactions by your body's Life Energy's

as in allergic type reactions or immune disorders,

and YOU react to all that (rightly, wrongly, or not), because of

your connection to your body:

by means of you having connected, (since conception or

since birth, as the case may be), you are connected with
a VAST AMOUNT of your own Life Energies to your body and
to your brain,

that means, you are connected not so much to its molecules

as to the Life Energies of your body,


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when your body's Life Energies depart from your

body, (during the process of your body dying)

then at the latest, but often already much earlier,

you disconnect from feeling your body,

and you better leave it then, if not earlier,

when and because it has entirely (entirely meaning

all the cells ­ have) stopped living,

the Life Energy of the cells of the body, has left


It is then only a heap of molecules still somewhat placed

as they would in a living body.

But "THAT" ­ so the Sociopaths of "science" teach you

and teach all children at school, and teach students
at medical college ­ "THAT is the only thing that
does exist:"


Hence ­ abbreviated as 'MM' ­ 'Molecular Medicine,'

the 'MM' of the MD.

('Molecular Medicine' as it occupies the

Educated Intelligence of the Medical Doctor.)

Peer­reviewed, mind you... With Peer­reviewed

Licensing and Disciplining: (!)

The quacks and charlatans are licensing and are

"disciplining" EACH OTHER... to become, and then
to remain charlatans and quacks. *(n)(n)(n)(n)

And you don't even protest...

You rather have your loved ones die a painful and

untimely cancer death, THAN to protest against the
licensed quacks and charlatans.

How hypnotized can you be?

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And "Why was Einstein immune?" "Why had he NO 'misfiring

synapses in his neurons' ­ the anomaly in HIS neurons, 'no
mis­firing,' that made him so very intelligent, above everyone?"

It is a question and subject, once again, to captivate your

Educated Intelligence ­ your 'Educated IQ,' or 'Ed­Q' for short.

The word 'Immune' scores high on your Educated Intelligence

index to captivate your attention and to trigger in you, "this
is scientific," and the name 'Einstein' probably hovers near the
top of that.

But you might as well ask, "Is the Tooth Fairy immune to
tooth decay?"

It's AS silly a question, as it is, to relate Einstein to

high intelligence ­ Einstein was the very OPPOSITE of

when you define 'intelligence' CORRECTLY.

(given for instance in Textnote (a) of [CMS])

Einstein did exist, however.

Albert Einstein did exist, and you can be immune to his very
INTENTIONAL, deliberate Insanity, and you can be immune to his
malicious JOY of inflicting it onto the "science" community,

him knowing that this science community would most

enthusiastically embrace ­ and let itself be deceived by ­
a Nobel Prize winner, "about photons," and

him, Einstein, knowing, that the "science" community would

welcome any "theory"

­ the more idiotic the better, not only putting

atoms, (as it was already "scientifically" wanted
and craved, as the time)

but now also making "photons" to be "senior to

life" ­

to fully oppose the very nature and functioning of life


­ it does not take much for them to be deceived, because

all Sociopaths EAGERLY support any deception:

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Anything that and anyone who destroys science, is

eagerly embraced by all other Sociopaths,

from Higgs to Hubble and from Einstein and Hawking

to Dawkins ­ [SHEFP][RDFDS]

inflicting Educated Intelligence onto the science community

by which he, Albert Einstein, effectively blocked progress

in actual physics and astronomy, and further PREVENTED
life from being understood (and Sociopaths from being
detected and understood),

after he got a license to do so, from the Nobel Prize committee.

Albert got a prize for re­stating Newton's law about the

amount of work that a moving object can achieve in the
process of being stopped ­ that amount is equivalent to
the mass of the object, and to the square of its velocity

­ and Newton's 'v' for the velocity of the object, was

replaced by Einstein with a 'c' for the velocity of a
photon: E = mv^2 became E = mc^2 ­

how 'Nobel' prize worthy,

and so Albert became "the world expert on photons" with

a license to drive physicists further Insane,

including astronomers, as these deal almost

exclusively with photons, and

practicing, as a mathematical "definition of the Sociopath

kind," that

"truth is, what you can convince people it is,"

and convincing the "science community," that "space and

time are created by"

you guess it, that "space and time of the

Sociopathic kind," are created by

what he was made the expert of in the "science" community:


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"Space and time" ­ of the Sociopathic kind ­ "are

created by photons"

­ as 'sing­lul­rarities' or some other and

intentionally UNDEFINED word from the
Sociopaths of "science."

(see also Textnote (a) of [FPPUP])




But then, what about the connection between the (non­existent)

"misfiring of their own accord, of neurons" and on the other
hand "the After­shocks of the Big Bang," you would be very
justified to ask.

'How is that related?'

Well, it is similar, to when you would ask (which you don't, but
supposing you would, it is similar to asking)

"How long ago was it, that the Earth split into two
halves?" Or, "Why are whales more intelligent than man?"

The Earth WAS NEVER split into two halves, of course.

At CERN (under the ground in Switzerland) they split only

Large Hadrons (atomic particles),

using an extreme amount of electrical energy (running up a

gigantic electricity bill) and they are banging atomic
particles together, with a big bang, some distance under
the Earth's surface

(so that you don't hear the Big Bang it makes ­ I am

joking on that, but seriously)

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they are also wasting VAST amounts of global community

money, not to mention their waste of highly educated
personnel and manpower ­

and despite all their expensive (and expansively

large) machinery built in vast tunnels,

such questions are silly

(although a 'New Age' adherent might equally tell you

really anything as well, as "being true and vital to
life's understanding"

as long as the data is spectacularly wrong AND appealing

to their own group of intellectual in­breeding,

their particular and peculiar 'Ed­Q,'

their very own brand of 'New Age' Educational

Intelligence), [CWW]

and such question are INTENDED to HIDE the truth:


"The After­shocks of the Big Bang:" setting you to wonder about

'After­shocks,' is camouflaging the first lie, which is, that
"the Universe started with a Big Bang,"

("at almost 14 billion year in the past, and all that by

chance too 'occurring precisely at that moment'"
[see [CSTC], and there, 'Textnote' (f):
"Big Bang, beginning of the Universe"] )

the first lie which is "there was a Big Bang," is covered up by

the SECOND lie: "It had aftershocks;"

the second lie serves to make you not question the first lie.

It is a deception tool, a hypnotic tool really, a

hypnotic 'instrument,' and is called a 'Double Lie.' *(n)


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But, what about Astronomer Hubble then, and his theories about
"the Universe expanding from a single 'hot dot,' occurring by
chance almost fourteen billion Earth­years ago?"

The Sociopath "scientist" Hubble, equally, as Einstein too,

intended to HIDE the truth about how life is.

(Truth is absolute, and NOT 'How Einstein defines Truth')

Millions of GALAXIES "expanding by chance from a single, very

hot spot, a few billion years ago?"

Are you crazy? You are displaying 'Educated Intelligence:'

Your craziness has been educated into you, added to you

by the Sociopaths dominating the society you live in.


{creation of galaxies etc.}

Well, how were these created then, you ask? ­ or rather, you

because under points 1. to 4., above, YOU DO NOT WANT TO

KNOW, and you WANT others not to know, and you rather
comply with the Sociopaths, so that you want to "know" it

But I will repeat anyway, for posterity's sake, what I already

wrote in the 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics' {iFPP}
after studying and researching the matter thoroughly (which you
also can do):

Material objects, thus also protons and electrons, molecules,

etc., are created by individuals capable of doing so, it is done
by packing together, by compacting, Life Energy Particles of the
appropriate kind ­ such as Particles from the Source Energy of
the Creation, in this case ­ in appropriate patterns,

to create any objects, and any life forms too.

This has been known AND fully proven, and thus has been recorded
and written down for centuries ­ and you can find this in any
proper library ­ or on the Internet nowadays, too, of course.

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But YOU WANT TO KNOW IT NOT AT ALL, or rather still, you

feel compelled by the Sociopaths, to "know" it WRONGLY,

given WRONGLY, by all of science, by all religions

too ­ and most philosophers kept silent on it, or
followed "science" or "religion" ­

from which the conclusion is inevitable, that

you are compelled TO NOT WANT TO KNOW, or, TO


SOCIOPATHS do not want you to know how Life works, and it is

Sociopaths, who have dominated ­ and who are dominating ­
Science AND Religion AND Politics AND Art.

And they made sure (they enforce spiritually, with their

Harmful Life Energy creation and infliction of it) that you

­ meaning, they create and fiercely RADIATE and enforce

that Harmful Energy, that makes you comply with them.

It is a kind of hypnotism, and those who won't comply,

well... they are going to feel very bad, indeed.

And so you get the 'New Age' type who "does only
what feels good," and you get the religious fanatic
who "does what God tells him to do" ­


Sociopaths in order NOT TO FEEL the presence and
the force of the harmful Energies from Sociopaths:

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"Do NOT think any thought that a Sociopath

will oppose, and do not look at or sense any
Sociopath as he is, OR you will indeed feel

­ you will then indeed FEEL the Ugliness, the

Pain and Drugged Unawareness, that they do
stream as Energy at you and at anyone, and
you will start to feel their most repulsive,
sickening, debilitating and deadening

(thoughts ARE Life Energy Particles)

continuously Hateful and continuously

Lying thoughts, which are part of their
Harmful Life Energy.


And it is therefore, BECAUSE they need and USE their very

horrible Life Energy Particles

IN ORDER to dominate and control and to Blind people, and

to MAKE people Stupid, and to MAKE people ill, and

then most of all, to vampire on the Life Energy of others,

it is THEREFORE, that most Sociopaths very intentionally DENY

the existence and nature of Life and of Life Energy itself:

"You complain that SOMEONE was 'firing bullets' at you?

...Bullets DO NOT EXIST! Everybody knows, that ­ so you

are completely crazy!!"


And it is therefore also, that many Sociopaths deliberately and

actively DENY the fact, that people are

(including themselves, of course, they may also DENY their

own spiritual nature, the fact that also they are)

being entirely spiritual in nature. And they themselves DO KNOW

very well, that they are lying also in that. [CMHJL]

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That is the reason, and the only reason, why they OPPOSE
so heavily any evidence of it:

Even if you force the complete evidence upon them,


like real, hardened criminals do it too, which

after all, they are in nature ­ no matter how
"well adapted" they are socially ­ they ARE

and they are currently dominating biology and

medical "science" ­ in particular their very
own pet "science" called neuroscience,

which has a 'population density' of

"fifty Sociopaths per square University"

(in the metric system of MKSCU for

scientific measurement ­ where
'U' was added for completeness),

as a global average.

And the Sociopaths let themselves be very well

funded too, by governments, with our own money
that is, for "research" into their entirely
destructive, extremely harmful "science:"

If you feel the desire to talk about

'the Evil Scientist' ­ then you might
find a lot of source material there.

Many websites are ENTIRELY devoted to DENYING the

very nature of Life and of people... usually with
major contribution by Medical Doctors and Medical
Researchers ­ according to what they are paid for.


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And, being Sociopaths ­ one hundred million of them are alive on

Earth ­ they demand:

"Science MUST exclude any mention of, or any looking into,

or any study of Life Energy," *(n)(n)

much less must Science mention or study the extremely,

extremely important subject of Sociopaths vampiring your
Life Energy away:

But Hollywood rather makes the subject ridiculous

and asserts in an endless stream of TV­series, and
movies, too,

that "IT IS FANTASY" ­ Life Energy, and it being

taken or smashed away from you,

your Life Energy and your body's Life Energy

(your body ALSO runs entirely on Life

Energy Particles)

being Poisoned with their Harmful Life Energy

Particles ­


You simply cannot imagine, how INTENSELY MEAN that is, to

you, to anybody.


Vampiring by Sociopaths accounts for almost ALL ailments,

difficulties, poverty, and other suffering of people,
which then

I would venture to say,

is vital­to­know.





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Now you know...

or at least I have told you now, and I have written it

down for posterity

...if only for myself to read it in my next life time, to

revive my wisdom. *(n)

Whether and what YOU want to know and understand of this now,
and what you want others to know of this, now,

has been largely determined by Sociopaths (by Criminal Minds)

that have engraved your Educational Intelligence into you and
into those

­ "the Society" so the Sociopaths want you to think, or

"your generation" as sociologists or historians write

and want to think ­ those

who equally refuse to PERCEIVE and thus oppose the Sociopaths

(as in points 1. to 4., above: 'desiring to "know"

WRONGLY' *(n))

and maybe I have with this HRI broken ­ for some people at least
broken through, and for the most caring people, I hope ­ [HRPK]

I may have, with this HRI, broken through your and some others'

{compelled by Sociopaths to think "as the Society"}

the compulsion to think about and to sense only, what the

ENERGIES of Sociopaths do allow

­ what is "allowed by the society," so the Sociopaths want

you ALSO to think:

"Nobody talks about Life Energy, except 'crazy people',"

ANYTHING said, that might aid in exposing them, they

OF COURSE fiercely claim "is crazy."

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That is not difficult to understand about Sociopaths.

Typically, if not invariably, they label all things

vital to understand life, to be "woolly or crazy

{life of plants}

Yet even a plant, the moment it loses its

Life Energy, will die.

Nothing is easier to observe, anywhere.

But the Sociopaths COMPLETELY IGNORE IT,

and if forced to observe it, then they
squirm to counter it with the most idiotic
"arguments" ­ well...

YOU HAVE TO LEARN to recognize these very easy ways

to recognize a Sociopath. (see [CSTC])


ALL of them hold nothing but contempt for you, you are
but objects to them, you must to provide them with
sensations, with Life Energy

­ if not willingly, then unwillingly providing

them: with or without your cooperation ­

either by deceiving you into giving your Life Energy to

a Sociopath, including deceiving you into letting it be
taken from you,

or by forcing you to give it up, BY MEANS OF ANY LEVEL

inflicted on you (during your sleep or otherwise) for
you to give up the Life Energy of yours, that a
Sociopath and the Sociopaths desire to obtain:

You are BUT a source of Life Energy to them...

How callous and utterly mean they are, you can not even
hope to grasp ­ because normal people are not like that.

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But THEY deceive you with all their beautiful lies,

that you greedily gobble up:

"Man is basically good" ­ "The soul evolves" ­






{illusion to think 'you want to know about life'}

It is then an illusion, to believe, that you ­ held prisoner as you

are by your Educated Intelligence and the Sociopaths who enforce it ­
(it is an illusion) to think or even to hope, that you would

AS FIERCELY want to know about life, as I did and do fiercely want to

know about life [HRPK]

­ and I wanted and do want to know truly (correctly) about life,

for no other reason, than that I intensely love people (you
certainly included), and

that I have a very strong, innate and natural drive to care:

NOT to make people into what they are not, but to see
people as they really are, necessary as that is [HRD­01]

to really care, and

forever to care, so, that you can and will thoroughly enjoy
life together again, and can continue to do so, forever after.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'

human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came

to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

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(a) {on Socrates}

This vital part of truth (as shown in points 1. to 4., above)

­ that there is indeed a lot that you "know" wrongly ­

this vulnerability was "cleverly" exploited by Socrates,

in order, like a virus ­ ALSO to undermine your knowledge of

THOSE things, that you DO know very correctly to be true.

And you can find very similar 'constructs'

­ thought patterns that hide but still execute intentions

to undermine people ­ with thought constructions

similar to the malice that Socrates managed to introduce into


with his completely FALSE idea, that 'thesis' with 'anti­thesis'

"creates" 'synthesis,' hiding the actual meaning of it:

'Opposites "are necessary" for creating a new idea,' to

hide the actual meaning of it:

"You need good and evil to have any progress" ­ again

hiding the really intended meaning:

"Evil is necessary," ­ again hiding the meaning and the


"All Sociopaths are actually of value to the society,

(and that includes him, Socrates, of course)."


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The Sociopaths have also introduced this idea in

many strands and brands of Buddhism and Hinduism,

"Evil is relative," "people are basically good,"

"you need to experience Evil, yes, even, to have
inflicted it, in order to Evolve as a being," or
"you must have deserved it" etc., [ODE]

TO MAKE YOU NOT SEE Sociopaths, but to

blame yourself instead.

And caring, responsible people can be made

to accept such responsibility, WHEN the
Sociopaths managed to make caring people
Blind enough.
And so, they CAN ask you "successfully:"

'What did YOU do to not prevent this


(while you don't even know anymore

that THEY have made you Blind to
perceiving them as the intentional
source of the Evil inflicted)

and 'How could you have prevented it?'

are questions that are received

naturally well by caring people ­

caring people always try to figure out,

how they could have taken MORE
responsibility to protect people, and
to protect themselves.


the Sociopaths, and ALSO unaware
of how this was and is done, and
even unaware THAT they are Blind.


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Of course you can always blame yourself for

anything ­ it is certainly true, always, that
"you did not defend yourself or others, well
enough," it is always true, that "you and
others did not know enough," etc.,

but the vital­to­know truth is this: that it

is SOCIOPATHS who inflicted and who will
inflict harm on you and others

­ and THAT and only THAT knowledge, and using

that knowledge, DOES remedy the matter.

Only THAT vital­to­acquire knowledge and

understanding ­ and people using it ­ DOES
return Sanity and Health and Peace. [DOP]


Socrates and other well­known Sociopaths, however, do claim,


"Evil is necessary to create Life, or to create any Art, or to

have any desire for progress" ­ so the Sociopaths demand it,
clouded in whichever ways required, to make it accepted by some.

And your feeling deadened or bored or without purpose,

that "the threat of Evil" or even "the infliction of
Evil" is supposed to remedy and to get you out of,

your feeling not alive and bored, IS INFLICTED by the

Sociopaths ­ vampiring on your Life Energy ­ IN THE FIRST

OF COURSE the Sociopaths want to hide this from you and from
anyone, ESPECIALLY from those who are caring enough to oppose
and to stop their intense Evil on others.

And BECAUSE "Evil is necessary for life to evolve," and

"Evil is in danger of being stopped and eradicated by the very
caring and the very responsible ­ so Evil must be and remain
hidden especially from those, as they would oppose and eradicate

This malice is pervading the society, and thus it pervades your

'Ed­Q,' your Educational IQ, as in:

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{balance of power}

"You NEED Good AND Evil in competition," "otherwise

Good (people) have no incentive to be better or good,"

also expressed by the Sociopaths as the equally

malicious idea, that

"You need to have and to keep two big powers in opposition

to each other, else weaker people can not be safe from
those powers much bigger than them." Eye dot Eye,

This was promoted by Henry Kissinger's "Russia and China

must fight America, and each other" ­ "then everyone has
peace," and he is still attempting to bring it about,

nicely worded as "keeping a 'Balance of Power',"

thus also making military spending a 'bottomless

pit.' *(n)(n)

Etc., etc.. All "reasons" for "why Evil is necessary."


Another variation of the thought construction, that "You need

Evil" and that "You must not look at or detect Sociopaths," is:

"You need drugs, in order to feel good, or to be creative."


{Socratic neurons}

Not less malicious ­ and promoted by the Sociopaths indeed ­ is

the currently modern idea (in "science," in "biology," etc.),

"thinking is a 'synaptic' or 'neuronic' process, with

dendrites stretching and growing 'to store memories"

(as the Sociopaths teach it ­ to your own children, even ­

in modern "biology" and in current "science"),

and you might then translate Socrates' malice into modern

language, and "enrich" your 'Ed­Q,' have your Educational IQ
absorb it, as:

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"The clashing of two synaptic signals is needed as an event to

take place, in order for original thought to occur,

"to create a new (meaning not an already existing, already

'running' pattern, but an entirely new, original, unpredicted)
synaptic or neuronic signal,"

which would then be "creating an entirely new thought,"

as the Sociopaths like to have the process of

thought, of thinking, "understood" BY OTHERS:

some of their victims will even tell you

­ hard pressed as they are by the Harmful

Energies exerted on them by the Sociopaths,

Energies that feel extremely unpleasant to

become aware of, to sense, to view,

but viewing­sensing these IS however

necessary, to be able to then oppose
these ­

(In order to defend yourself, you have to

view or at least to know about, WHAT is
present that attacks you,

in this case their Harmful Energy Particles

also containing and enforcing the lies of
Sociopaths "about life.")

their very hypnotized victims, the students of

such Sociopaths in Universities included, then
will tell you,

that "thinking consists of the activity of 'your

body creating many new neurons, or dendrites and
synapses of neurons'." *(n)(n)(n)

"Hence, the INCREDIBLE intelligence and memory

of the blue whale is VASTLY superior to that
of any human."

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But the neuroscientists do not like to discuss

the most laughable excesses of their "science,"

much less the extremely HARMFUL, utterly

destructive actions that are based on their
fake "science" and "peer­reviewed by their
own ilk and their victims," as they did also
­ in their previous life time ­ make genocide
"scientifically sound:"

ANY "reason" to harm or even to murder

people ­ "to get rid of all those very
nasty pests" ­ and "reason" for that,
will be taken up by a Sociopath,

and best of course, to find "sound

reasons that necessitate extermination
of people on a large scale: for the
greatest good and for the preservation
of Mankind and of Life..."


A further example of the Socrates infliction is: Some

fiercely anti­life physicist, a very obvious Sociopath
­ certainly to me a very obvious one (and he must know
about himself too, that he is a Sociopath) [DSKEY] ­ he
wrote a whole book *(n)

'for his granddaughter, for when she has grown up,'

he does not want to run the risk, that she

might on her own (by thinking by herself),
develop some correct and vital knowledge,

so he wrote a whole book, speckled with 'Einsteinian' and

and 'Hawkingian' debris of the very sick mind,

to "explain" ­ "how objects are created out of nothing,"

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how the 'Big Bang' is created, he says ­ because only he

has figured it out,

surpassing Hubble, Einstein and Hawking in the

exaltation of his brilliant but equally Sociopathic

and of course also he leaves open the then

'reasonable question,' that one might ask
these madmen:

'WHY did then not MORE "Big Bangs" occur

(that would then occur by the same chance)?'

(some then come up with "Parallel Universes"

in "other Dimensions"

as they are 'looking over their shoulder' to

their counterparts in the 'New Age' cornucopia
of pleasant and beautiful LIES "about Life")

but this genius, in a further example of the Socratic

infliction, (he) uses the same idea (that "two opposing
ideas create a new idea")

but he puts it IN REVERSE (as if it is a chemical

reaction), with:


{how Sociopaths apply mathematics to physics}

"Two opposing things do separate out from nothing"

"created out of absolutely nothing," (out of a

mathematical dot, you could say) and so he has
figured out "The Creation" ­

"the Big Bang, the very core of the Big Bang, came
about" in a REVERSE of the Socratic infliction:

"Two opposing things separated out from the 'nothing

that was already there',"

'matter' and 'anti­matter' he calls it conveniently, using

suitable lies already created by other Sociopaths, that
you might swallow because the lies sound so nice:

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{the 'plus apple' and the 'minus apple'}

'a "plus apple" and a "minus apple" make together "zero

apples," isn't it,'

not wanting to be outdone by some 'New Age'

"philosophers" or gurus,

who are indeed much more creative in their views of

the Universe,

unlimited really, because these follow the

mantra, that "whatever is true for you, is
true" ­

they are much more creative certainly, than

the dull and old­aged, pensioned theoretical
physicist of our example,

who wants to poison the mind of his granddaughter by enriching

her Educational Intelligence:

"This is how the Big Bang was possible at all:"

"a 'plus apple' and a 'minus apple' are created out of

'zero apples'." *(n)


And what we can call Socratic malice, was taking to the already
sick and susceptible mind of a quite more famous Sociopath,
Albert Einstein, in this way:

{how truth is made "relative"}

"Truth is relative," so 'you need TO BE GIVEN something

as a reference point, to compare it with, in order to be
able to consider it is true and real, or not.'


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{on hypnotism}

This is (one of the many ways of) how Sociopaths hypnotize


"You can not know what is true, unless someone TELLS

you and thus has given you a frame of mind,"

meaning, your acquired 'Ed­Q,' your Educated


"that you need to be taught, or that you need to

assimilate from the society,"

(the "truth" that the hypnotist installs in

you without that you are conscious of it ­
'in your sub­conscious')

and, having your Educated Intelligence at hand, "you

only THEN can evaluate the data you are observing,"

and also THEREBY you can decide, "how PROPERLY to

'understand' the feelings of yourself and those of
others." *(e)


{further on Socrates}

Socrates ­ indeed an Extremely Ugly being behind his 'mask' ­ he

could only HYPNOTIZE people into "becoming his friend:" [GSHC]

In order to have any friends at all, he had to be able to,

and did, HYPNOTIZE people ­ as all Sociopaths "have to do
it" in order to have any friends at all.

Throughout various life times, he had violently hypnotized

people "to see him as a great and most valuable friend."
(as I published elsewhere for you, when I found out) *(n)

And so he also could HYPNOTIZE Plato

­ me that is, in that past life of mine,

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and me having ALREADY been horrifically inflicted

(spiritually­Energetically 'killed' and robbed of
essential, core Life Energy of mine ­ perpetrated)
by that very same individual, in various life times
BEFORE his Socrates life time.

(life times I have extensively researched AND

published about, for you),

so the conditions had ALREADY been created and set up,

in distant earlier life times,

that I was in my life time as Plato, HYPNOTIZED by

him, by Socrates, into accepting him "as an old and
wise friend,"

into accepting Socrates (an intelligently and forcefully

Insane, Sociopathic individual ­ making himself accepted) as
"an 'old friend'."

Sociopaths are utterly mean and without any conscience,

and in utter contempt, going about Vampiring on other's
Life Energies and subduing and destroying other's LIFE

­ do you get that now?

Like he (now born as a 'she') also did in my current life time

to me, around 1977 to be rather precise,

backed up and supported as the Sociopath, this "good and

old friend" was, by various other Sociopaths of the same
heritage and spiritual­Energetic 'track record:' VIOLENT
but very intelligent and forceful Criminals,

seething with envy as they are too, this 'good old friend'
approached me, me being Blind to his malice, as usual,
he (she, now) approached me

"to get near me and this time hopefully SUCCEED in 'ruining me

utterly' and obtaining all of my Life Energy in the process"

­ as it is the wont and dream of any Sociopath...

...understandably enough, if you understand THEM. [POLA]


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Well, I found out ­ now, that is: After two and a half thousand
years, I was gradually getting less and less stupid, gradually
being more and more myself, this life time

­ through very hard work, I must say, and by regaining my

intense, native and natural Love for people;

and I set out ALSO to try and make him, Socrates

(now re­born, and approaching me again in this

life time, in l. ron hubbard's East Grinstead
and fully cloaked by the mask provided by
l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology:' the very
convincing MASK of "now being sincerely
devoted to becoming, and actively wanting to
become sane and wanting to be sane to others
as well")

I set out now to try and make the soul of

Socrates reborn, this "old friend,"

to make this individual finally sane, to erase his

fierce contempt for people and to remedy his desire
to destroy any society and me in the process,

to convert his forceful intentions into the

now benefit the society, or at least not harm
it anymore.

I thought it was a good cause, 'to finally make this

individual Sane,' and I had no idea, that it was
merely to trap me:

the trap was based on the FALSE "knowledge" provided

by Sociopaths, that "Man is basically good"

which is of course a pleasant and "kind" lie,

­ a LIE that Sociopaths want you (and anyone)

to believe about them, about Sociopaths,

that "also THEY are 'basically good" ­

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and thus you give them your Life Energy, your care
and your Love and intelligence, and give them

"to restore them to their 'basic goodness',"

I finally DID find out the truth about this individual,

who had joined me this life time under the cover of

"wanting to promote art," and then of "being a
valuable artist," and then as "a companion to be
trusted more than others," (!)

but actually, it was to destroy me and my work and

to dominate and keep my Life Energy for herself and
for her associate Sociopaths, etc.,

while I was led to believe, by her, that I was

basically saving her life many times, and that I
was effectively helping her, I was made to believe
so in spite of her lapses:

"I just had not helped her ENOUGH,"

(her: female in this life time, called Jutta

Gentz by birth in Berlin, Germany, and
married and divorced Joos ­ Werner Joos, who
could tell me that his erstwhile wife, Jutta,
was irreparably malicious).

I worked, offering up a major part of my life and

my Energies, "THIS time being able by means of
highly effective and superior, new therapies"

­ with a bunch of in particular regression

type therapies and other kinds of Cognitive
Therapy, stolen together by l. ron hubbard
and, signed with his name as "the inventor
and source," packaged as 'Scientology' ­

I set out and was confident of being able

'to bring out her basic goodness,'

"so that she ­ her soul ­ finally will become

and remain good, sane, caring, and reliable

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rather than the vicious monster she was and

remained inside, and proved more and more to
actually be, as her mask dropped several
times not only in therapy, but in real life

in the course of 'bringing out her basic


helping this individual, I was working practically

day and night to get and keep her on or to return
her to, a social 'straight and narrow' ­ to try and
PREVENT her malice and to prevent her criminal acts,
or to curb and stop these, and I was working more or
less all the time,

to make her become sane enough to use her Life Force

now, and from now on, for the GOOD of Mankind,

which is however not possible, and it in fact

makes these Sociopaths only much more capable,

to more secretly be criminal, to deceive and

to destroy (in this case also me), to destroy
people and the society with more and more
guile and more and more and better hidden
intensity and Joy of Malice.

But I had been taught otherwise, I swallowed

the lies of the Sociopaths, because those lies

'any person is basically good and can

be helped to become so ­ certainly by
loving and caring and truthful therapy'

those 'perfect lies,'

were indeed appealing strongly to my intense

Love for people, and to my tremendous drive to
care for people:

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In fact they had basically TRAPPED that

intensely LOVING kind of Life Energy of

BY getting me to direct it WRONGLY,

because "all people are basically good" ­ so I was

told, and I believed and I practiced it ­

and indeed, people with a very large amount of

Love, can easily believe that and practice it,

but they wind up giving their Love, their Life

Energy, to the wrong persons, to Sociopaths,

and so I did too

­ at considerable expense to my health and almost

everything else of my life,

and I was in the end, to all intents and purposes,

murdered, in September of the year 2000, largely
by the secret intent and malicious activities of
this very individual

whom I had helped more than anyone else, and

that for twenty long and very caring years,

now she had finally obtained enough of my Life

Energy, to succeed

in moving out of my sphere of Perception and

thus in being able to work SECRETLY for three
years ­ with her malice un­Perceived and thus
unchecked by me ­ she was in three years, from
1997 onwards,

driving enough people Insane, and locating and

activating enough Sociopaths in positions of
use to her goal (and the goal of her "friends"
in spirit ­ Sociopaths are all spiritually
connected and have similar goals ­ 'to once
and for all' destroy people like me),

'to destroy me utterly,' to 'make me

"not exist":'

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And thus for her and her Sociopath

"friends," to have free and unhindered
use of the Life Energy that also she had
stolen from me,

for herself 'to gain friends and be

influential with,' and "be viewed as a
'great' artist, 'great' philosopher and
'great' statesman ­ in various life

and now again bent on 'destroying me

utterly' and to 'make me not exist
anymore,' and into a social outcast,'

while she was being steered and supported by her

'Scientology' "handlers," who by their own policy
(from l. ron hubbard) have the goal

to 'ruin me utterly' (and obtain my Life


and with her Spiritual Violence [STCSV] she was

creating further havoc to her children also,

that she had abandoned again and again, and

had now, since three years from 1997 onwards,

had left once again in crippling mystery of

whether she was still alive or dead, and in
mystery of her intentions and future,

she was in fact

building up her Evil 'finale' ­ in total secrecy

and using her malice on others, swearing them or
compelling, hypnotizing them, to the same secrecy

keeping her children and the society wondering

­ which was thus misusing also community
resources ­ to try and find out whether she
was still alive or not,

and I had finally given up on locating her,

while the Sociopaths 'standing at the side
lines,' rejoiced in throwing their malice and
criminal libel around, about the matter,'

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this Sociopath, unchecked, was creating now much

more havoc, from a secret position kept invisible
by her and by those under her Evil influence,

­ to her 'Black Magic' as you call it ­

on those who responded as she wanted it, to

the infliction of her Harmful Energy, as she

with all her force hypnotizing others, and also

me, by inflicting (in others, and in me too)
Blindness about herself:

One time, around 1991, she was hiding from

everyone by going to Berlin (Germany), to
'live the Evil life' without restraint by
friends or family, to cut all responsibility
for her business and social obligations, and
for herself, as well.

After some weeks I got fed up with that, and

felt 'I should get her out of Evil conditions
that she obviously did not manage to get out
of without my help.'

I let my Perception roam, and saw her standing

in the streets of Berlin, to flog "sell" her

(she painted these, without that I knew

anything about Life Energy at all, but
she painted with MY Life Energy and
Beauty Energy and some taken from
another, the painter Claude Monet, too)

paintings which through hard work of promotion

and many exhibitions and sales, I had moved
up into the price range of many thousand (DM)
per painting, and she was secretly 'flogging'
them in the street for prices in the tens or
hundreds, just enough to sustain her living
secretly in Berlin.

So I jumped in my car, with the kids, and

drove (from the Nuremberg area where we lived
in hard earned prosperity) to Berlin.

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There I walked, with her kids, on Berlin's

Kurfürstendamm, and we walked past her a FEW
METERS AWAY FROM HER, and she panicked, you
can imagine, in truly Evil panic she threw out
what I then did not even know existed: Black
Unawareness Energy Particles to BLIND us to
seeing her.

We walked by, BLINDED to seeing her, never

even suspecting we did not Perceive her but
were Blocked, Blinded to seeing her while she
was standing right in front of us, some meters
(yards) away on the sidewalk.

When we had "safely passed," she picked up her

stuff immediately, emptied her rented room
there, and headed for the German town of
Bremen, to continue to lead her Life of Evil
there and unrestrained.

It was only after three months of searching

Germany ­ me being very, very concerned by
now, and spending all my money and time and
Energy on that ­ she FINALLY managed to cave
me in with her Black Magic into giving up to
restrain her malice and self­destruction,

by making me really experience and feel "the

intense grief of my having lost her"

­ which certainly must have happened in

a very distant past, the time when she
was made into a permanent Sociopath,
and I of course DID lose also her,

but the residual Energy of that had

never been unearthed much less had it
ever been neutralized ­

and with her Black Magic, (her projection of

Harmful Energies containing thoughts and
feelings) she was at the same time shutting
down, destroying my ACTIVE Awareness of her
Evil ways and of all the betrayal and the
tremendous damage she had inflicted on me and
on others, and on herself, during those three
months of her hiding and unrestrained Evil.

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After three months of her unrestrained Evil

and secret Black Magic, she had REGAINED most
of her control over my thoughts and feelings
as these concerned her.

And when I phoned hotels ­ as I had done since

months ­ all over Germany's big towns, the
next day I phoned in Bremen, and the second
or third phone call happened to be to the
small hotel where she indeed stayed, and I
indeed got her on the phone, and she was
suddenly all sweetness and light, and "so...
grateful that I had found her and torn her
from the clutches of Darkness, and would be
so... delighted to see me and her kids again"

as long as I would make any mention of

the ordeal and suffering and damage she
had inflicted on me and her kids ­ that
would INSTANTLY provoke a cloud of
Black wrath worthy of l. ron hubbard
himself when he would be scrutinized,

and so had to be avoided "to keep things

nice and loving."

But I asked her to describe her travels during

those three months, and thus she told me the
story of how she panicked when she saw me and
the kids in Berlin passing her at three meters
distance, and how she "irrationally" panicked
and ran off to continue in the town of Bremen,
but she never told me HOW she made us BLIND to
seeing her WHILE we were looking for her, and
she never told me a lot of things, of course:

I had to do a tremendous amount of detective

work, to find out the Truth ­ what happened
done by whom with what intentions.

She had a similar escapade for three months,

even much more damaging and very costly, till
I managed to locate her in the town center of
Trier (near Luxembourg), "being away from home
to make money to send to her loving husband
and children."

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This time, in 1993 it happened, she did NOT

manage to cave me in, and she was now NOT
anymore bloated with my Life Energy as I had
found her in Bremen town in 1991. And since
the 1993 episode, she was being chaperoned
by one of the kids whenever she went out
alone ­ till she "escaped" also that, in 1997,

after she had shown me a glimpse of

truly unimaginable, most fierce HATE

­ NOT Hate of me, after all I was

of the non­Sociopaths, of normal
and caring people, I was the
only who WAS facing the horrible
truth of her mental condition,

her inconceivably INTENSE HATE of people

in general, of MANKIND ­ a HATE of such
intensity, for EVERYONE she knew or met,

that I had never seen ­ that strongly

visible ­ in her before, though there
had been moments when she very clearly
intended to murder me but failed because
I did not want to be killed, certainly
not by someone I was being responsible
for and whose well­being I "naturally,"
that is, by her social association to me
and by my very nature, strongly cared
about. *(n)

This tells you how ­ when she is hiding and

unrestrained ­ how she was now and to what
extent she had now ­ with my help(!) ­ become
MORE and MORE capable of:

Preventing and misdirecting my Perception, with

the assistance of other Sociopaths who were
INTENT on "protecting her" FROM GOOD, and intent
on getting and keeping her to be unrestrained in
(assisting also their) Evil *(n)

­ as all Criminal individuals (try to) do,

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and some organized Criminals commanding a

group, have the impulse to 'utterly destroy'
anyone who finds out and exposes truth about
them, that is vital for others

and so also the 'Scientology' Organization,

was highly organized by l. ron hubbard and
subversion­trained and well­funded, and

indeed their secret acts of malice made them

infamous the world all over ­

she kept on destroying my Perception of her and

of her activities ...necessarily doing so, in
order for her to be able to carry out her quite
inconceivable malice,

'to destroy me utterly,'

guided and financed by the 'Scientology'

organization locating and UTILIZING Sociopaths
who are "on the ground"

to get me secretly arrested and charged with

"religious delusions" (no kidding!) that pose
"an immediate and grave danger to the society,"

and the Sociopaths in the German Office

for the Protection of the Constitution
did not protect, but nicely contributed
"because" 'my spirituality and examining
past lives, EQUALS 'Scientology' even
'when it is spirituality cloaked as
exposing 'Scientology' but it still uses
a meter, it still equals 'Scientology'
and that EQUALS 'it should be destroyed.'

This is typical of the Sociopaths in' Scientology:'

Sociopaths 'on the ground,' Sociopaths in some

German government offices ­ as they are being
Sociopaths ­ they HATE PEOPLE, and thus they
hate any real, penetrating spirituality, and
"'Scientology' equals 'spirituality',"

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and "I do spiritual things, which are forbidden

by the local church" ­ I do past­life research
in reincarnation, in 'Seelen­wanderung' as you
know it already from Plato,

but reincarnation

according to the local, publicly

financed psychiatric hospital's
very harmful and provenly malicious,
licensed medical quacks and charlatans,

anything may be anybody's (erroneous)

BELIEF, but, reincarnation as a reality,

"DOES NOT EXIST" ­ and not only THAT, but

reincarnation "IS a mental disease that
harmfully contaminates others into developing
schizophrenia. Fortunately 'reincarnation'
and other religious delusion, CAN be treated,
and at least suppressed, with several months
of administering the appropriate drugs;"

and this is how such Sociopaths are used:


The Sociopaths in Scientology USE (and Mike Rinder

at the time used) not only the Sociopaths 'on the
ground' who are on the 'Scientology' side,

Sociopaths like Jutta who repeatedly sought

protection BY 'Scientology,' also secretly
from me, visiting official 'Scientology'
Organizations, as existed in Berlin, in
Duesseldorf and in Muenchen, to seek and
fill up on the MASK of 'goodness' and of
'caring for her own and others' well­being
and prosperity' as l. ron hubbard's very
strongly MASKING Energies are,

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the 'Scientology' Sociopaths USE ALSO the Sociopaths

'on the ground' who are 'Anti­Scientology' ­ after
all those, being Sociopaths, have the same goals to
dominate and destroy and Blind people ­ so the
'Scientology' Sociopaths ALSO use the "opponent"
Sociopaths to fight against a COMMON ENEMY, against
decent and responsible, caring people:

Caring people are by definition fought in one

way or other, by ALL Sociopaths. (When you
are made to believe "you have no enemies,"
then you are very Blinded by them indeed.)

But the 'Anti­Scientology' Sociopaths are unknowing,

or they care NOT TO know, that they in fact do fight
FOR 'Scientology' and FOR 'Scientology' Sociopaths,

because they FEEL, that they are fighting against

dangerous spirituality and THUS they feel, that
"they are fighting against 'Scientology',"

but they are utilized to fight against the

spirituality of those who EXPOSE 'Scientology'

which again adds to they JOY of fighting

against the most decent, and hopefully gets
them some Energy by SMASHING the decent


The 'Scientology' Sociopaths are USING, MOTIVATING

AND STEERING Anti­Scientology Sociopaths,

INTO destroying people who are actually exposing


and who most effectively by far, fight AGAINST

'Scientology' as I did expose 'Scientology,'

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and I exposed the most horrendous lies of

l. ron hubbard, that no one else dared even
to look at,

meaning that I was publishing actual proof of

actual past lives that did not please the
Sociopaths of 'Scientology' at all,

because it strongly undermined their

power and their credibility,

MUCH less did it please the very Sociopath of

all Sociopaths himself, l. ron hubbard, of

while I did more and more eviscerate his

ACTUAL past and also his current, assumed
"non­existent" spiritual­Energetic activities,

as well as those, of Sociopaths involved "on

the ground"

­ I published those things, as you know

and can read ­

so they had every ground, to 'destroy me utterly.'

And all that ­ including my being practically murdered

by the Sociopaths, physically, socially, financially and
spiritually, more or less murdered by them ­

was the price I had to pay,

for having found out ­



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Which I DID find out, and published for you and for posterity:

that, what those SOCIOPATHS (named elsewhere)

(some of the biggest of the most insidious and

spiritually most violent Sociopaths of the hundred
million and more Sociopaths, active on Earth)

had fought most fiercely to prevent me from knowing (what

I vitally should have known all along), and

when they had failed to preventing me from finding out and also
failed to prevent me from publishing,

they THEN fought ­ and they are fighting now and will forever
fight ­ to at least try and prevent me from making it further
known and believed and understood, [CNFS]

that what you should vitally know about life.

And they did manage to very deliberately destroy all

the research records of mine (a whole room full),
and any reports and publications of mine that they
got their hands on, they stole all my possessions,

soon after capturing me, in September 2000.



"Nice creatures" they are, indeed, these Sociopaths.

And they FOLLOWED UP with a Black PR campaign to

'kill me socially,' which was of course 'gratefully'
and greedily taken up by all the other Sociopaths,
as can be expected, [SFTF][RSET]

and these carried on for twelve years, till 2012

so far ­ that is, till I started to threaten legal

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The Sociopaths had used organized Medical

Criminality, to considerably incapacitate
my body and the connection of myself to my
body, and to torture my body "medically,"

violating all medical ethics and norms,

for which utter Evil, I still have to be

indemnified (to be paid damages and punitive
damages in the many millions) by the group
that employed and paid these Sociopaths,

and the immediate perpetrators still have to

be prosecuted and convicted, in order to point
out and to cut out their cancer from the
society. [BANO]


And so I came to write 'A Poem of Our Love and

Adventures,' to view the matter from a very high­up
level of understanding, for you, [POLA] wording a
general, simple understanding of their efforts,
their efforts to have us

normal people NOT find out and WRONGLY "understand,"

what you and I should vitally know:


They ­ those and ANY Sociopaths ­ are EXTREMELY mean,

vicious and secretive, behind their mask or facade.

Read the history books with their real­life stories

­ to get an idea of how utterly mean and ruthless

and how fully masked, Sociopaths are...

Also the Sociopaths mentioned, do protect each other very

heavily, but you can reconstruct the story from the
publications referred to,

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the saga, of how these Sociopaths ­ many fully hidden or

camouflaged as "friends" or as "family" ­

how these, with endless and hidden spiritual

violence and spiritual tricks, and by enforcing
false "knowledge" ­

how these did prevent me for many years from finding out
about them, and from finding out

about the general role Sociopaths still play in PREVENTING

sanity and health and peace from occurring in the society,

but in the end they failed more and more, to keep that
knowledge and understanding from me. And I shared it more
and more with you.

{on privacy}

The experience certainly has taught me very painfully, WHY

privacy is very important in any society ­ that is, on Earth ­
as long as Sociopaths are not commonly understood and can not
be kept fully away from professions and positions of trust and
away from science and education, and away from politics.


Of course I did publish what is vital­to­know, I relayed

it to you ­ as it is my nature to care for you (I did
publish it for free, too) ­

SO THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY that horrendous a price,

and also, so that in future lives, neither I, nor you or
others, will likely have to pay that price again.



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*(b) {on insomnia}

So people suffer from "insomnia" and then they poison their

body and their connection with their brain ­ ruining their body
and their connection to their body in the process ­ on doctor's
orders and prescriptions, or without prescription ­

in order "to get rid of 'insomnia'."

But very unfortunately, they do NOT get rid of the

charlatans and quacks that drive the Medical Industry
and that give such medical orders and the ­ for these
lucrative ­ "medical advice" to you.

Those "sufferers of insomnia," gobbling up the "advice," and the

prescription drugs that go with it, those "sufferers" are really
driven Insane, (I would like to call it 'Inconceivably Insane'),

­ Truth being absolute, and not "relative to whatever is

the current level of medical 'science'" ­ driving them

that Insane, that they even PAY for the deadly medical "advice,"
AND for the very dangerous poisons that "cure" their "insomnia."

('Inconceivably Insane' ­ abbreviated, read 'I. I.', and

spoken 'Eye dot Eye' ­ and so, as 'Eye dot Eye,' it may
be used in vulgar parlance and it may even occasionally
pop up in my elevated writings.)


They "cure" "insomnia." YET they do not even know what sleep is

­ something that is vital­to­know­correctly, I would say ­

but they DO "know" all WRONGLY (about 'what sleep is').


"Patients" do "suffer insomnia," often with great drama

about the Harmful Life Energies, that they do indeed feel

and that may indeed be very uncomfortable and even highly

disturbing or even disruptive for them, in certain cases
of 'insomnia.'

But INSTEAD of knowing what sleep is ­ and with their

'Ed­Q' "knowing" it very WRONGLY:

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They buy the 'peer­reviewed,' 'in­breeding' "knowledge" of the

Medical Industry

­ spinning from the 'in­breeding' of "knowledge" within

medical circles,

'in­breeding' since the time of Hippocrates (and since

the Yellow Emperor in the East)

staying within its circles in order, 'peer­reviewing' to

maintain their 'Approval of Evil'

or 'A of E,' if you have need to abbreviate that


by reason of your association with such

'in­breeding' circles, meaning the medical
world or the medical guild ('guild'
spelled still with a 'd' rather than
as you may expect it will one day be,
spelled with a 't' at the end, as 'guilt,'
'medical guilt'). *(n)(n)


{a cure for insomnia}

What you should do, I would say in many cases, when you "suffer
from Insomnia," is,

(and I am certainly not the only one who gives this advice
­ but the difference is, that I know much more about what
I am talking about, while giving the advice)

to be (to MAKE yourself feel) HAPPY THAT you are awake, (!)

and happy that you are now NOT being hypnotized into sleeping,
and are NOT now vampired upon during your sleep ­ by the
Sociopaths sucking at your Life Energies and at the Life
Energies of your body.


Be (MAKE yourself feel) HAPPY THAT you are awake!

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Meaning, for a change, that you should get OUT OF your

'Ed­Q' ­ your learned or socially absorbed "Intelligence"

that contains 'what you "know" about sleep' and about your
feelings connected with sleep and "insomnia,"

and also "what you know," about "feeling tired," and about
"lack of sleep"

­ which you all know WRONGLY,

and which you are compelled into WANTING to "know"

WRONGLY, in order to stay within your 'Ed­Q' ­


instead of all that Educational Intelligence of

yours and of others, for a change DO

BE HAPPY that you are awake ­ and GO AND HAVE FUN, do

something with your extra time, something that is really
fun! [CMS]

(Or go and read the 'Calvin and Hobbes' cartoons or

comic books,

if your youth has been that traumatic on the subject

of being forced to sleep, and on being not allowed
to be lively and active and enjoying to be very
alive, etc., like,

if you lived with parents who hated you to remain

awake and who did not want you to enjoy your life

above what their, your patents' own 'Ed­Q,'

permitted them to enjoy and be alive about.)


Go and DO something you enjoy much to do! And stay awake

and up and doing joyful things, as long as you can! [CMS]
That is what life is for, in the first place! [DSKEY]

Maybe you have to make arrangements with other

people or activities, in case you want to lie down
and rest or sleep at some irregular times ­

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but please figure out your life yourself, I am

giving you only most­vital­to­know data and

AND in any and all cases: Hold on to your Life Energy ­

let it not be sucked off or smashed away by some (deceased
or alive) Sociopath, as much as you can prevent it.

Hold on to your Life, really, is in effect, what

that means:

As much as you can, defend your Life Energy. [WAPA]

You NEED your Life Energy by which you feel your JOY of
connecting to life, to life's activities.

You NEED your Energy for Perception, for Feeling, for

Remembering, for Communicating, for Receiving Feelings and
Communications from others:

Those ALL are Life Energy Particles ­ meaning, all these

abilities to pursue happiness in your life, can also be
mashed away, or sucked away, by Sociopaths.



*(c) In a Dutch­language idiom: '...het is er met de paplepel bij je

ingegoten.' (You have been spoon fed on it. That expression is
less rich, however, than the original Dutch one: "It has been
poured into you as required food to make you grow.")



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*(d) {Perception Sphere (2)}

Being 'Self­consciousness' ­ as the American expression is used

('feeling uncertain or embarrassed about yourself') ­ actually
is a collapse of your Perception Sphere.

Perception Sphere: (2)

'Your sensing­perceiving Energy,

that you normally keep in a sphere
around you also to detect and thus
to counter any Harmful Life Energy
Particle­attacks on you.'

When your Perception Sphere that you keep around you, and the
Defense that you maintain against attacks, with your Sphere

­ a Sphere of your Life Energy Particles around you, as

any healthy person naturally creates and holds it around
himself (around his soul and body) ­

when that Sphere or Globe around you, is collapsed by some


which they do by their fierce, secret or maybe even open

DENIAL of who and what you are

­ as modern "science," and biology and medicine,

DOES wholly DENY who and what you are and anyone

(and its Sociopaths FIRMLY keep up that DENIAL) ­

and also bullies at school or in the street, being


they intend to collapse ­ and indeed this then may collapse,

their Forceful Energy Particle onslaught on you, tends to
destroy your holding up and maintaining ­ your Perception
Sphere, and

thus it collapses, they collapse, ALSO your detection of any

intrusion of malignant intent (of Harmful Energy from some
Sociopath(s) who selected you to direct their harm at).


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And similarly, such attackers get your attention fixated on

'something is wrong with you, socially,'

by which these try to prevent you from looking outwards and

thus to prevent you from being able to detect THEM, THEIR
intentions, any of THEIR Harmful Energy attacks on you,

which is then indeed the very thing that "is wrong with
you socially:"

You do not sense their Evil!

This is so typically a Sociopath action: They cut off your

leg, so to speak, and THEN they ACCUSE YOU of 'being weak
and incapable.'

Indeed, exactly thereby, after they managed to collapse your

Perception Sphere, there IS something wrong with you:

You got your Perception Sphere smashed away, gone, and

thus you cannot defend your self anymore, socially.


It is remedied, in the first place by realizing that ­ and

realizing that, that is already an achievement of you ­

for which you have to know and understand these mechanisms

that I just now described for you,

you have to know these mechanisms, of PARTICLES, as being part

of real life, and as vital knowledge of life.

And then you still have to somehow restore forceful enough

Energy of yours, so that you can again push outward and create
and maintain your Perception Sphere,

OPPOSING the forceful, Harmful Life Energy Particles from

the Bullies, from the Sociopath(s) who collapsed your
Perception Sphere.
{extended definition}


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That is, by the way, your NORMAL, REGULAR, DAILY­LIFE

activity: Maintaining and restoring your Perception

And the Sociopaths HIDE from you, that you are doing
that, and how it works:

They want you NOT to know, or to "know" WRONGLY,

what Perception is,

in order that they can attack whoever they

want and as long as they want, undetected,
not understood, and as mean and insidious

as is "necessary" for them to smash your Energy

'shield' ­ at some spot to 'breach' it, using

­ what THEY claim "does not exist" ­

their Harmful Life Energy Particles, to breach your

Perception Sphere (or Energy 'shield' if you like).

And then they can go for, and do go for your

body's Life Energy Particles, vampiring on
you by smashing through your body's shield
that are made of your Life Energy Particles,

breaching it to get behind your nose and to

reach at your soul's core Energies ­ a breach
that by the way, makes your body sneeze.

Did you know all that?

Or is it 'all "Science Fiction" and "Horror Fantasy"?'

A reaction that shows you someone's 'Eye dot Eye' level...

(the 'Inconceivable Insanity, 'abbreviated 'I.I.' and

spoken 'Eye dot Eye' ­ of those who REJECT all, that is
most vital­to­know).


OF COURSE you did not know, you "know" almost all WRONGLY about
it, as your Educated Intelligence compels you to.

So then, we may do a 'Da Capo,' and go to the beginning of this

text and read Points 1. ­ 4. above, again.

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(e) {"all reality is 'Educated'"}

Especially ridiculous in this context, is the movie ­ with

actors Michael Douglas and Sean Penn, the movie called
'The Game' (1997) ­ because it claims and "demonstrates," that

'a person is only supposed to know, in his daily life, what he

has been shown and told physically (with photons and air

And Sociopaths really want you to believe that ­ "about life,

about determining truth" ­ that "life is like that," and, that
"truth is determined like that"

­ which says much about the mentioned main actors, too,

and about the makers of that movie, directed by
David Fincher, and written by John D. Brancato and
Michael Ferris.


(f) In the history book 'In Europe,' by journalist Geert Mak, 2003,
in twelve chapters of intimate and compelling history writing,

BUT admiring "historian" Mark Mazower, or 'Nobel Prized'

historic novelist Ivo Andric, *(1)

and quoting these, for "analyzing" the Balkan war,

and throughout the book remaining compelled ­ as a political

"disease," really ­ morbidly to AVOID asking for or pointing out
the CAUSE of the suffering described,

and instead dwelling in its effects and on vague ideas of

"how things must be organized better," to avoid it;

failing to realize, that it WAS 'being organized very

well' that made the mass infliction of large scale
suffering by Sociopaths possible, in the first place
....systematically and repeatedly inflicted.

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Quoting such contemporary witnesses, and historians and

journalists, as "really analyzing" the suffering encountered,

shows up the weak and often entirely lacking red thread in the
otherwise excellent work of history, called 'In Europe' by
journalist Geert Mak.

While the very data given by him, all the time DOES suggest the
various Sociopaths

causing the deceptions and resulting upheavals and intense

infliction of misery and suffering and degradation upon
many millions of people in Europe,

that connection TO SOCIOPATHS, is carefully avoided by this

otherwise great journalist­historian and by his supporting
newspaper staff:

Such is the compelling force of the Harmful Life Energy of the

Sociopaths, that this and also other excellent historians, are
COMPLETELY satisfied with themselves "having described what
actually happened."

The definition of truth, however, is 'what happened,

CAUSED by whom, out of what INTENTION.' [CSTC]

This journalist­historian has a fairly good concept or feeling,

that Truth is absolute, as 'what really happened.'

But the Sociopaths WANT journalists to be drawn into and to draw

the reader into describing the suffering, WITHOUT seeing the
cause without which it would not have happened in the first
place. [CWW] ([IJC] [Introduction to Journalism Course])

"Solutions" suggested by the Sociopaths, are avidly grasped by

those who refuse to face and remove Sociopaths from positions
of government:

Organize, organize, as this journalist­historian, and

many with him, describe building the European Community.

Parliaments and Courts of Justice, and United Nations.

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Vladimir Putin ALSO tries to establish a Russian Community, but

Putin, being a Sociopath, has tried and will try to use it and
INTENDS to build it in the first place, to create a "government"
by Sociopaths and to support other governments led by Sociopaths
and to INCREASE his sphere of Criminality, and to wage wars of
aggression and conquest, unless that is actively prevented by
us. *(n)(n)(n)

Vladimir Putin, and his circle of Sociopaths, USES Parliament

and USES Courts of Justice and also USES the United Nations
"Security" Council, to ENFORCE his Sociopathy and Evil upon
as many as he and his circle of Sociopaths can get away with

without being stopped by you. *(n)(n)(n)



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(1) Historic novelist Ivo Andric, in 1961 won the 'Nobel Prize for
Literature' "for the epic force with which he has traced themes
and depicted human destinies drawn from the history of his
He was also a member of the 'Serbian Academy of Sciences and

Historic novelist Ivo Andric PRETENDED, with his novel 'The

Bridge on the Drina'

to "bring about an understanding of the Balkan wars and of the

cause of World War(s) in general" ­ while he is doing the very

Such efforts are compelled, and greatly applauded by Sociopaths.

(2) 'In Europa' (in Dutch language) ­ a 20th century history ­ by

Geert Mak, 2004 (Chapter XII, on page 1049)

(n) (to be added)



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[NOW] 'The Nature of War'

{HRI 20051027­V1.8.1} [NOW]
(27 Oct 2005 ­ Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

[DOP] 'Natural Definition of Peace'

(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520­V3.9­t} [DOP]
(20 May 2007 ­ Version 3.9­t on 24 Dec 2011)
(reposted with subject 'Natural Definition of Peace' on 20110811)

[FIL] 'The First International Law'

{HRI 20021124­V2.0.3} [FIL]
(24 November 2002 ­ Version 2.0.3 on 21 Mar 2011)

[CWW] 'The Cause of World War One and Two ­ Educated Heroes wanted!'
{HRI 20120415­V4.3.1} [CWW]
(15 April 2012 ­ Version 4.3.1 on 9 Oct 2012)

[DOS] 'Definition Of Sanity'

{HRI 20040410­V2.0.1} [DOS]
(10 April 2004 ­ Version 2.0.1 on 12 May 2007)


[POLA] 'A Poem of Our Love, and Our Adventures'

{HRI 20020717­V5.6} [POLA]
(17 July 2002 ­ Version 5.6 on 9 Nov 2008)­Nolst­Trenite/msg/002d47728580cbae

[CMS] 'Cause and Mechanism of Sleep ­ (Fine Particle Physics)

(incl. Definition of Intelligence and Stupidity)'
(plus preamble (20100505 rev. 20100607)
{FPP 20100404­I­V1.4} [CMS]
(4 April 2010 ­ Version 1.4 on 5 Jan 2011)

[WAPA]'What are Panic Attacks: Definition ­ and about Sneezing'

('The Fine Particle Physics of Sneezing')
{HRI Note 20121114­V2.0} [WAPA]
(14 November 2012 ­ Version 2.0 on 19 Nov 2012)

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[ZTA]'What 'Zero Tolerance' actually is: Intending others to be decent

to each other ­ in Three Anecdotes about Koos Nolst Trenite'
{HRI 20060305­V2.7} [ZTA]
(5 March 2006, Issued 7 Dec 2007 ­ Version 2.7 on 2 Nov 2010)


{FPP} 'Fine Particle Physics' ­ the Physics of Life Energy Particles

{iFPP} 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics' course


[IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'

{FPP 20110422­V4.0} [IPA]
(22 April 2011 ­ Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011)­nolst­trenite/msg/3a38dd286c235b9b?
dmode=source­nolst­trenite/ ...
... msg/3a38dd286c235b9b?dmode=source­nolst­trenite/msg/3a38dd286c235b9b
{FPP 20110422­V4.0­t} (with tabbed layout)

[TPAT]'The Two Parts Of Any Therapy (incl. Definition of Living Body)'

{HRI 20110703­V1.1.1} [TPAT]
(3 July 2011 ­ Version 1.1.1 on 4 Jul 2011)­nolst­trenite/msg/cec8a108fc5f592d


[HRPK]'Human Rights Philosopher Knowledge Extends Very, Very Far Above

Any Person And Institution ­ the Human Rights Issues And You'
{HRI 20100728­V3.3} [HRPK]
(28 July 2010 ­ Version 3.3 on 27 Mar 2012)

[CSTC]'Complete Definition of Truth ­ plus 'Classifying Sociopaths by

easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
{HRI 20120815­1­V4.2} [CSTC]
(15 August 2012 ­ Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)

[DSKEY]' 'Purpose of Life' (Meaning of Life) Definition Complete Now

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­ plus ­
'Do Sociopaths KNOW they are Sociopaths, and do Sociopaths
ENJOY being so... Yes, Yes' '
{HRI 20120819­V3.4} [DSKEY]
(19 August 2012 ­ Version 3.4 on 11 Sep 2012)

[ODE]'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'

{HRI 20090810­V1.1.2} [ODE]
(10 August 2009 ­ Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)


[GSHC]'The 'Good and Beloved, Successful' Sociopath, Criminal Mind and

Energy Vampire ­ HOW CAN THAT BE?'
{HRI 20121029­V2.0} [GSHC]
(29 October 2012 ­ Version 2.0 on 31 Oct 2012)

[STCSV]'Stopping Tom Cruise's Spiritual Violence ­ actor's Mind

Destroyed by 'Standard Scientology' "Therapy" '
{HRI note 20130101­V1.0} [STCSV]
(1 January 2013)

[SHEFP]'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous Sociopath

Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204­II­V1.0.1­A} [SHEFP]
(4 December 2009 ­ Addition V1.0.1­A on 6 Dec 2009)
which includes
'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
{FPP Note 20091204­II­V1.0.1­A­T}

[EHSLB­A] 'Addition to 'The Einstein Hoax, GPS, and the soul ­

the Shortened Lunch Break' [EHSLB­A]
{HRI note 20080705­II­A}
(5 July 2008 ­ Addition on 11 July 2008)­Particle­Physics/msg/bf4823080622d148
... /msg/bf4823080622d148

[RDFDS] 'Hiding as 'Skeptics' and 'Atheists,' Sociopaths Destroy

Society: Richard Dawkins Foundation for DESTROYING Reason and
Science ­ "people have no legs" '

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{HRI 20120127­V4.3} [RDFDS]

(27 January 2012 ­ Version 4.3 on 19 Jul 2012)

[FPPUP]'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'

{HRI 20030227­V2.2} [FPPUP]
(27 Feb 2003 ­ Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)

[CMHJL]'Criminal Minds Hide From You, That They ENJOY LYING, AND That
THEY Know Very Well They Intentionally Lie To You'
­ (incl. Textnote (d.) on 'Criminal Minds want Admiration
in order to feel good')
{HRI 20050527­V3.7.1} [CMHJL]
(27 May 2005 ­ Version 3.7.1 on 7 June 2007)


[BANO]'Die Bamberg Notiz ­ (A Notice to Bamberg)'

{HRI note 20090819­D­V2.1} [BANO]
(19 August 2009 ­ Version 2.1 on 31 Aug 2009) (to be updated)

[RSET]'Refuting some of the Evil of Tulka on me, that Demonic

creatures love to repeat' [RSET]
{HRI note 20090929­V2.0}
(29 September 2009 ­ Version 2.0 on 2 Oct 2009)

[CNFS]'Criminals Will Never Feel Safe About Koos'

(16 Oct 2002) [CNFS]


(and many more References)


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Copyright 2013, 2015 by Koos Nolst Trenite ­ human rights philosopher

and poet
This is 'learnware' ­ it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un­dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.

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