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Population Dynamics and

Carrying Capacity

By Adam Yurchanka
Population Dynamics
study of how populations change over time in response to various factors. Understanding
population dynamics is essential for ecologists, conservationists, and policymakers to manage
wildlife populations, address environmental challenges, and sustainably use natural resources.

Factors In uencing Population Growth and

• Birth rate (B): The number of births per unit of time
per individual. r=(B−D)+(I−E)
• Death rate (D): The number of deaths per unit of
Population Growth Formula
time per individual.

• Immigration rate (I): The number of individuals

moving into a population per unit of time.

• Emigration rate (E): The number of individuals

moving out of a population per unit of time.
refers to the maximum number of population that
the environment can sustainably support over the
long term.
What’s Carrying Capacity
Limiting factors for groceries being Limiting factors for deers living in a
carried by man: man’s might wood: food availability, water sources,
competition with other herbivores,
predation pressure, space, weather and
climate events, etc.
refers to the maximum number of population that
the environment can sustainably support over the
long term.
What’s Carrying Capacity
Real carrying capacity graph «Perfect» carrying capacity graph

Carrying capacity is not static

Where Carrying Capacity
is used

• Population Ecology
• Agriculture
• Fisheries
• Humans
Human Population Growth
increase in the number of people in a population or dispersed

The global population has grown

from 1 billion in 1800 to 7.9
billion in 2020. The UN projected
population to keep growing, and
estimates have put the total
population at 8.6 billion by
mid-2030, 9.8 billion by mid-2050
and 11.2 billion by 2100.
How humans’ population affects
Consequences for
What do humans do? Why do they do this? the environment?
• deforestation and habitat • Resource Depletion
• High Birth rates
• Loss of Biodiversity
• Increased Life Expectancy
• resource consumption and
pollution • Pollution
• Urbanization and Migration
• habitat loss and pollution • Climate Change
• Improved standard of living
• environmental stress • Loss of Ecosystem
Standard Bio- Population Economic Political
Flag Name Of Living diversity Density Land Situation Situation
Ethiopia Low Moderate High Vast, Developing Mixed
U.S.A. High Moderate Medium to Vast Developed Stable
To high High Democracy
Brazil Moderate High Medium to Vast, Developing Democratic
To high High Diverse To middle Republic
Japan High Low to High Limited Developed Parliament-
Moderate ary
India Low to High High Vast Developing Federal
Moderate Republic
U.K. High Low to High Limited Developed Constituti-
Moderate onal

Correlation between Development of the

country and Carrying Capacity
Standard Bio- Population Economic Political
Flag Name Of Living diversity Density Land Situation Situation
Ethiopia Low Moderate High Vast, Developing Mixed
U.S.A. High Moderate Medium to Vast Developed Stable
To high High Democracy
Brazil Moderate High Medium to Vast, Developing Democratic
To high High Diverse To middle Republic
Japan High Low to High Limited Developed Parliament-
Moderate ary
India Low to High High Vast Developing Federal
Moderate Republic
U.K. High Low to High Limited Developed Constituti-
Moderate onal

Correlation between Development of the

country and Carrying Capacity
The End

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