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Our Houses

a. Identify the different types of houses.

b. Choose the correct option.

1. Permanent house is not made up of _.

a. Bricks b. steel c. mud d. Cement
2. A house protects us from _____ _.
a. Heat b. Cold c. Rain d. All of these
3. An Igloo is made up of ______ _.
a. wood b. Steel c. Ice d. coal
4. Houses made in areas where it rains heavily are called
_____ houses.
a. Stilt b. Igloo c. Tent d. Flat
5. Houses on hills have ___________ roofs.
a. Plane b. Sloping c. two d. Temporary
Write T for true and F for false.
a. Temporary houses are made from mud and cement.
b. In places of heavy rainfall, houses have flat roofs.
c. People living in cold regions live in igloos.
d. Caravans are examples of moving houses.
e. A Tent is an example of a temporary house.
Identify the types of houses and describe them.

E. Answer the following questions.

a. Explain why we need houses.

b. Which houses are perfect for all kinds of climates and


c. Why do some people live on caravans?

d. Can we make an igloo in the desert region?

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Types of Houses with different roofs
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