Demo English Grade 5

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Demo Session

Subject: English
Teacher: Miss Malika Malik

Read the passage thoroughly and answer the following questions.

Passage: 1

A fox was running through the woods near a river. He had a fish in his mouth. The fish had
been stolen from a man who lived near the river. The fox had been passing near the man’s
house. The man had a fire burning outside his home. The fox saw the fish hanging by the
fire. It was cleaned and ready to cook.
“What a tasty breakfast!” thought the fox. “I think I will take the man’s fish.”
Soon the man went into the house. The fox slipped up to the fire. He grabbed the fish and
ran away with it. When the man came out of the house, he had no breakfast. The fish was
gone. The fox was gone too.
The fox ran along. He was still holding the fish. He was feeling very pleased with himself.
“What a clever fox I am,” he laughed to himself. “I think I will play another foxy trick. This
time I will play a trick on the bear. I see the bear coming toward me now.”
The fox ran up a little tree. This tree had been bent over by the wind. The fox began to eat
his fish. It tasted good! He made a lot of noise as he ate. The bear heard him.
Long, long ago, bears had very long tails. This bear had one of the longest tails of all. The
bear stopped under the tree. The bear looked up and said, “What are you eating that tastes
so good?”
The fox threw down a bit of the fish. The bear tasted the fish. “More! More!” the bear
“Go to the river,” said the fox. “Swim out to the big log. Then catch your own fish. It’s very
easy! Just drop your long tail into the water. Hold it there until a fish comes along and bites.
Then pull up your tail. That is the way I catch my fish. You can catch all the fish you want if
you use that long tail you have.”
The bear hurried to the river. He swam to the log. He dropped his tail into the water, as the
fox said to do.
All day, the bear sat and fished with his tail. The sun set, but no fish had pulled his tail. All
night the bear sat on the log and fished. The cold north wind blew. The air and the river got
colder. Soon the river grew still and white.
Toward morning, the bear felt that his tail was getting very heavy. Now at last he was sure
he had a fish. He tried to pull it up. But alas! His tail was frozen! It was stuck in the ice!
Then the fox came along. He laughed at the bear. The fox asked if the fishing was good.
Just then, some hunting dogs heard the fox. They came running from the woods toward the
river. The dogs saw the fox and started running after him.
The fox slyly led them onto the frozen river and toward the bear. The bear saw the dogs
coming. He called to the fox, “Please, fox! Do not bring those dogs toward me! I am stuck
here in the ice! I cannot move!” The fox made believe he did not hear the bear’s words.
The fox went straight toward the bear. The dogs followed, and then they leaped on the
bear. The bear struggled to get away. He gave one great pull and freed himself from the ice.
He struck at the dogs so fiercely with his great paws, that they soon left him. The dogs
decided to chase after the fox.
When the bear got his breath, he stood up and looked around at his tail. He found he had
only a small piece left. Most of his tail had been left in the ice. He was so sad but there was
nothing he could do.

Multiple choice questions:

1. What was the man doing outside the house?

a. Waiting for fox

b. Making his breakfast

c. Fighting with bear

d. Doing fishing

2. From where the fox got the fish?

a. By fishing with its tail

b. By taking gift from bear

c. By stealing it from the man

d. By hunting dogs

3. Why did the bear go to the river?

a. To enjoy the weather

b. To snatch the fish from man

c. To drink water

d. To do fishing
4. Choose the synonym of “slyly ”

a. Openly

b. Cunningly

c. Honestly

d. Bluntly

5. How did the bear know that the fish was tasty?

a. Fox gave him to taste

b. He can tell by smelling it

c. He liked the color of it

d. Fish told him itself

6. What was the bear doing when the dogs approached?

a. Swimming in the river

b. Fishing with its tail

c. Climbing a tree

d. Sleeping in its den

7. What was the consequence of the fox’s trick on the bear?

a. The bear became friends with the fox

b. The bear caught many fish

c. The bear’s tail got stuck in the ice

d. The bear learned a new fishing technique

8. Why did the fox lead the dogs towards the bear?
a. To protect the bear

b. To help the bear escape

c. To harm the bear

d. To play with the dog

9. Do you think the fox’s behavior towards the bear was fair? Why or why not?

a. Yes, because the bear was trying to eat the fox

b. No, because the fox tricked the bear

c. Yes, because the bear deserved it

d. No, because the bear should have known better

10. How did the fox’s actions impact the relationships between the animals in the story?

a. The animals became closer friends

b. The animals began to distrust each other

c. The animals formed an alliance against the fox

d. The animals remained indifferent to each other

Answer the following questions.

1. What was the main trick the fox played on the bear? And why?
2. How did the bear’s trust on the fox’s advice lead to its problematic situation?
3. Write a suitable title for the above passage.
4. Construct two question with why, how and with the phrase “in your opinion”

Main idea:
The main idea is about the consequences of deceit and trickery as a sly fox steals food and
manipulates a bear, ultimately leading to misfortune for both animals involved.

A cunning fox steals a fish from a man and boasts about his cleverness. He then tricks a
bear into fishing with its tail, leading to the bear’s tail getting frozen in the river. The fox
taunts the bear, attracting hunting dogs. As the dogs chase the fox, they inadvertently free
the bear, but not before the bear loses most of its tail to the ice.
Plot of the story:
It refers to the sequence of events that make up a story, including the exposition
(introduction of characters and setting), rising action (development of the conflict), climax
(the turning point of the story), falling action (resolution of the conflict), and resolution (the
conclusion of the story).

Setting of the story:

It refers to the time and place in which a story takes place. It includes physical
surroundings, such as landscapes, buildings, weather, and time period, as well as the social
and cultural environment.

Narrative writing:

• Preparation and Planning:

Understand the essay prompt or topic thoroughly.

Brainstorm ideas and create an outline.
Conduct research if necessary, gather relevant information, and organize it.

• Introduction:

Start with an attention-grabbing hook to engage the reader.

Provide background information on the topic.
Mention your statement, which is the main argument or purpose of your essay.

• Body Paragraphs:

Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea or argument.

Begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph.
Provide evidence, examples, or quotations to support your argument.
Analyze and explain how the evidence supports your writing.


Summarize the main points of your essay.

Restate your writing in different words and must give your opinion.
Narrative writing: Character
Steps to describe a person/ character:
➢ Describe character’s appearance: how does he/she look?
➢ Describe character’s actions: what he /she does?
➢ What does he/ she say? How does he /she speak?
➢ Describe character’s personality traits and behavior.
➢ What do other people say about him/ her?

Antagonist: Captain James Hook

In the novel Peter pan, Hook is described as antagonist — a bad guy. He has
blue eyes and long dark curls resembling "black candles". Hook's hair is a
wig, and is having thick bushy eyebrows and mustache. The hook takes place
of his right hand and is used as a weapon.
Captain Hook is often portrayed wearing a large feathered hat; a red, black
or blue coat; and knee breeches. Hook is often seen with a cigar holder that
lets him smoke two cigars at once. Captain Hook is the handsomest man I
have ever seen, though, at the same time, perhaps slightly disgusting"; a
completely different action to which, that although Hook is heartless, cruel
and bloodthirsty, these qualities make him a magnificent pirate and "not
wholly unheroic" personality, Captain Hook is emotionally weak and has
made a fool of himself quite often; but typically acts as a threatening and
cunning figure.
Hook is extremely intelligent and manipulative and aided by his charming
personality. He is able to trick anyone even those who are more than aware
that he is not to be trusted.

Write a short paragraph on a following topic, using the steps above.

• My Dad or Mom the most interesting and creative person.

Helpful Vocabulary
Appearance: Personal traits:
Face: square, round, rectangular, bookish, heart Positive traits:
shaped, thin, wide, plump • serious, calm, funny, cheerful,
Build: slim, thin, fat, skinny, chubby, potbellied, talkative, friendly, silly, fun-loving
crooked, overweight, underweight, slender, • weird
Nose: straight, hooked, crooked, flat, tall long, small, • lazy, energetic
pointed, runny, short, blobby, reddish • intelligent, creative, studious,
Hair: dark, brown, long, short, shoulder length, curly, hardworking
straight, silky, messy, wavy • patient, impatient
Eyes: large, small, round, almond shaped, deep, clear, • kind, selfish, humble
dark, bright, tear-filled, sparkling, dull, yellowish • honest, reliable
Height: tall, short height, medium-height, dwarf • shy, confident
Mouth: thin, crooked, pursed, even teeth, teeth stick- Negative traits:
out, wide, rosebud lips, pinkish, bearded, mustaches Aggressive, angry, arrogant, careless, cruel,
Age: young, old, medium aged envious, greedy, rude, dangerous, bored,

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