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Directing ,Nature, Importance

,Co-ordination and controlling ,
Principle of Co-ordination
Presented By
Sangam esh

Meaning: Directing is a managerial function performed

by all the managers at all levels of the organization.

Directing is a function of management which is related

with instructing, guiding, and inspiring human factor in
the organization to achieve the objective of the

The important elements in direction are

communication, leadership, supervision, and
motivation. Direction is an action initiating function of
➢ Definition:
❑ According to koontz and o`Dennel : " Directing is a complex function that includes all those activities which are
designed to encourage subordinates to work effectively and efficiently in both the short and long-run“

➢ Features of direction

❑ Deals with people

❑ Performance Oriented
❑ Pervasive function
❑ Continues function
❑ Management in action

➢ Element of Direction

❑ Communication
❑ Leadership
❑ Motivation
❑ Supervision
❑ Coordination
➢ Steps in Direction
❑ Setting and defining the objective
❑ Organizing the Efforts
❑ Measuring the work
❑ Developing the people

➢ Nature
❑ It is a dynamic function
❑ It initiates action
❑ It provides necessary link between various managerial function
❑ It is a universal function
❑ It is concerned with human relationship
❑ Initiates Action: Directing is the starting point of action. It initiates action based on planning, organising and
staffing. Action is initiated when the managers provide direction to their subordinates for carrying out the task.
Therefore, the directing function provides a set of guidelines to the employees on how to start working towards
achieving the Integrates efforts of employes.

❑ Provide motivation: Directing acts as a source of motivation for the employees. It helps in motivating the
employees in contributing their efforts for the realization of organisational objectives,of the organisation.

❑ Accommodates changes: Directing helps in steering the organization towards success by accommodating the
various changes in the business environment that can be brought about by changes in competitors, changing
market conditions.

❑ Maintaining balance: Directing brings about stability and balance in the organization which is essential for long
term survival of the business. Balance and stability can be achieved by following a persuading leadership style
coupled with effective communication, motivating employees and strictly supervising the work of employees and
suggesting improvements.

❑ Efficient use of resources: Directing provides individual roles to each employee. Therefore, the resources are
utilised efficiently that leads to less wastage of resources, reduces duplication of efforts by maintaining a clear set
of work for each employee. Leads to best possible utilization of resources of the organisation, which translates into
growth of the organisation.
❖ Co-ordinating and Controlling

❑ Co-ordinating is the process of linking or connecting the various

activities of an organization

❑ Every department in an organization functions independently .But

the activities of one department ,influences' or affects the
activities of another department

According to J.D Mooney and A.C Raily:

❑ Co-ordinating is the orderly arrangement of group efforts to

provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common purpose
Importance :


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