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Quinn Louise 24612451

Quinn Louise


Mr. Mile Katic

Assessment Task 3: Part 2

19 Nov 2023

Quinn Louise 24612451

1. Reflective Essay

In the realm of group collaboration and analysis, self-awareness plays a pivotal role in
understanding one's strengths, limitations, and contributions. This reflection delves into my
experience working on a group project, specifically focusing on competitor analysis and
customer profiling, drawing insights from Chapters 5 and 12 of Tidd and Bessant (2018) to
shape future strategies.

1.1. Strengths, limitations, and contributions

Throughout the group project, I was crucial in making the most of my analytical skills and
working well with others. I concentrated on the competitive analysis and client profile for our
container shipping security project. My ability to perform a complete competition analysis,
carefully examining and evaluating the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats
(SWOT) of possible opponents, was a standout quality. During this approach, I was able to
recognize important trends in the business and define niches where Kaizen Kargo, our
suggested solution, may succeed.

My ability to gather, arrange, and present facts in an understandable manner greatly improved
the overall caliber of our investigation. I made sure that every facet of competitor research
was carefully examined, giving strong strategic decision-making support. This required
evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the current security inspection systems, as
well as looking into their market share and relationships with important stakeholders.

Although I understand the depth needed for a complete inquiry, I admit that there were
difficulties with my time management strategy. Difficulties arose from juggling the project's
overall schedule with the requirement for depth. Looking back, I could have done a better job
of producing more work by cutting some of the research without sacrificing its quality.

I added by using my excellent critical thinking skills above and beyond the duties I was
given. I facilitated conversations on prospective new dangers and advantages that went
beyond direct rivals. This tactical realization improved our research and gave Kaizen Kargo a
stronger market position.

Quinn Louise 24612451

1.2. Self-critique and feedforward

As I think back on my group work experience, I realize how much my limitations and
strengths have shaped our collective efforts. I can outline doable steps to address my
limitations and make the most of my strengths in future group work by drawing on insights
from a variety of sources.

My capacity for effective communication has been noted as a strength, as highlighted in

(Andriopoulos, 2001). This is consistent with the focus of Tidd & Bessant (2018) on the
value of effective communication in group dynamics. I intend to become more proactive in
encouraging communication inside the group in order to capitalize on this strength. I'll start
doing frequent check-ins to make sure everyone has a forum to voice their opinions and
concerns and to promote an environment that is welcoming and inclusive.

But it's important to acknowledge my shortcomings, including my perfectionist inclination,

which Pisano (2015) points out as a possible roadblock to productive partnership. I plan to
solve this by implementing the time-management techniques, goal-setting techniques, and
task-delegation skills outlined in Tidd & Bessant (2018) as my main approach. This is
consistent with Randhawa et al. (2016)’s concept of dynamic capacities, which emphasizes
the necessity of adjusting and rearranging resources—in this case, my time and energy—in
order to improve group performance.

Furthermore, the cooperative character of successful group work is consistent with the idea of
open innovation found in Randhawa et al. (2016). My goal is to foster an environment where
different viewpoints are respected and to promote an open exchange of ideas within the
group. This method fits nicely with the tactics discussed in Tidd & Bessant (2018) for
encouraging innovation and creativity in group environments.

Quinn Louise 24612451

Andriopoulos, C. (2001). Determinants of organisational creativity: a literature
review. Management Decision, 39(10), 834–841.
Pisano, G. (2015, June). You Need an Innovation Strategy. Harvard Business Review.
Randhawa, K., Wilden, R., & Hohberger, J. (2016). A Bibliometric Review of Open
Innovation: Setting a Research Agenda. Journal of Product Innovation
Management, 33(6), 750–772.
Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. (2018, May). (PDF) Managing Innovation Integrating Technological,
Market and Organizational Change Sixth Edition. ResearchGate.

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