Unit 3 Methods of Teaching

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 Lecture
 Demonstration
 Discussion
 Seminar
 Symposium
 Panel discussion
 Programmed instruction
 Problem based learning
 Microteaching
 Self instructional module
 Simulation
 Computer assisted learning
 Role play
 Field trip
 Workshop
 Project method
 Clinical teaching methods
 Case method
 Nursing rounds and reports
 Bedside clinic
 Conference
 Process recording



1. What is project method of learning, list down the types of project , Enlist the
guidelines for students and teacher for success of project method (3+4+8=15)
2. Discuss demonstration as a suitable method of teaching nursing students(10marks)
3. Discuss briefly on clinical teaching methods(10marks)

SHORT NOTE(5 marks)

 Process of interactive lecture

 Merits of demonstration method
 Simulation as a method of teaching and learning
 Computer assisted learning
 Guidelines for field trip
 Advantages of programmed instruction
 Characteristics of micro teaching
 Use of discussion methods in teaching


 Four advantages of microteaching

 Four methods of teaching
 Four maxims of teaching
 Four principles of micro teaching

 Role play
 Nursing care conference
 Nursing rounds
 Four advantages of simulation
 Techinique of questioning


 Seminar and lecture

 Nursing rounds and bedside clinic
 Seminar and symposium
 Project method and field trip

1. What is project method of learning, Enlist the guidelines for students and teacher
for success of project method


A whole hearted purposeful activity, proceeding in a social environment (Kilpatrick)

According to Ballard ,A project is a bit of real life that has been imported in to the school

Project may generally belong to two forms

Individual project

Group project


 Providing a situation
 Choosing and purposing
 Planning of the project
 Executing the project
 Evaluating the project

A project may be said to be a success if judged by the following criteria

 The quality of experience

 The activities of the students
 Useful and practicable aim
 Experience must be fruitful
 Economy

Discuss Demonstration as a teaching method useful for nursing students

It is a physical display of the form, outline or a substance of object or events for the purpose of
increasing knowledge of such objects or events.

It can be defined as visualized explanation of facts and procedures.

• It activates several senses and visibly showing a process often helps in retention.
• Complex skills become more understandable as a result of the demonstration.
• Provides observational learning.
• Clarifies underlying principles.
• Commands interest.
• Correlate theory and practice.
• Helps teacher to evaluate the students' response,Facilitates return demonstration

Discuss briefly on clinical teaching methods

Factors influencing clinical teaching

1. Knowledge and analytical ability

2. Organization and clarity of presentation
3. Enthusiasm and stimulation of interest
4. Group interaction skills
5. Clinical supervision skills

Methods of clinical teaching include

• Nursing care plan

• Nursing care study
• Bed side clinic
• Nursing care conference
• Nursing rounds

• The case method of teaching and learning is often used with group discussion
• In nursing, case method has been extensively used as a prime method of teaching
than any other methods. Florence Nightingale used a modification of the case study in the
teaching of nursing students.

Case study:

 Case study describes the life history of an individual or all of the factors which affect a
 It gives the breadth and depth of an individual.
 The nursing case study centers on the patient, his problems, his needs and nursing care.
Both medical and nursing care studies almost attain the well-rounded picture of the patient
from the onset of the problem, that is, before hospitalization as well as entire facts about his
illness and treatments

Case analysis method:

Case analysis method of teaching focuses on a central situation which requires some decision or
solution. It presents a concrete case for analysis and discussion by a group of students under the
leadership of the clinical instructor.

Case incident method

• It focuses on a critical or crucial incident in a case or situation which requires immediate
decision and action.

• Nursing care study describes the actual nursing care of the patient. I

it is a case study in which there is a holistic study of the individual patient to bring about complete
understanding of the required nursing care.
Bedside clinic

A Course of action discussion,focusing on assessing the nursing problem,arriving at possible

solutions,helping students to examine a patients problems from his perspective.

Nursing rounds

Nursing rounds is concerned with judging the adequacy of nursing care received by the patients and
it is conducted under the leadership of senior nurses



1. Maintain good eye contact. Make the learners feel what you have to say is directed to each one
2. Maintain a high degree of enthusiasm.
3. Speak in a natural, conversational voice.
4. Emphasize important points by the use of gestures, repetition, and variation in voice
5. inflection.
Check learners' comprehension carefully throughout the presentation by watching the faces of the
learners and by questioning.
6. Instruct on the class level. Use words, explanations, questions, and the like, directed to the needs
of the average learner in the class.
7. Stimulate learners to think. Devices which stimulates learners are thought-provoking questions,
class discussions..
9. Sequence the content logically, systematically and sequentially building upon previous content

10. Avoid being prescriptive and try to be provocative.

11. Maintain time stipulation

Merits of demonstration method

• It activates several senses and visibly showing a process often helps in retention.
• Complex skills become more understandable as a result of the demonstration.
• Provides observational learning.
• Clarifies underlying principles.
• Commands interest.
• Correlate theory and practice.
• Helps teacher to evaluate the students' response
• Facilitates demonstration

Simulation as a method of teaching and learning


R Wynn (1964): "Simulation is an accurate representation of realistic situation".

WR Fritz (1965): "Simulation may be considered as a dynamic implementation of model representing

a physical or a mathematical system".
DR Cruickshank (1966): "Simulation is the creation of realistic games to be played by participants in
order to provide them with like problem-solving experiences related to their present or future
Use of simulation:
 It allows te learner to practice the procedures to be practiced in artificial environment before
moving to the real life situations.
 Classroom simulation removes the risk from the first step of a neophyte.
 Complex skill learning can be done without the stress of the real situation.

 Simulation helps to build confidence in the student-teacher.

 It bridges the gulf between the theory and practice.
 It enables the learner to learn directly from experience.
 It promotes a high level of critical thinking.
 It develops in the students an understanding of the decision-making process.
 Role playing enables the individual to empathize with the real-life situations
 provides feedback to the learners on the consequence of actions and decisions made

Computer assisted learning

 Choose a relevant topic

 Decide the cognitive level of the students
 Decide the computer assisted learning
 Develop CAL sequence in the form of frames
 Introductory frame gives directions
 Learning frame presents the matter to be learnt
 Frame or test frame tests the learners and gives appropriate feedback
 Prevalidate the CAL by sharing them with peers and students and get feedback
 Get the written CAL module converted to a computer program
 Do post validation of theCAL programme and make corrections if needed
 Release CAL unit for learners to use and learn


• It should be planned and effectively organized: check for college/board/university policy in field
trips; students to teacher ratios: transportation procedure and fund raising.
• Ensure that the field trip fulfills the educational objectives.
• Prepare a checklist to ensure that all tasks are completed (e.g. booking facilities and
transportation, parental notifications, medical forms, supervision, safety precautions, emergency
information) and have the administrator sign the checklist once completed.
• Ensure students have necessary background knowledge prior to field trip
• Plan on route activities to enrich their experience during the field trip.
• Be sure to visit the site ahead of time, in order to plan for safety, resources and resource
personnel, facility.
• Plan post-trip activities that build on the knowledge gained in partaking in the field trip (example:
reports, displays, photos, graphs).
Advantages of programmed instruction

1. Individualized instruction.
2. It permits individual learner to progress at his/her own speed.
3. it overcomes the inertia and passivity on the part of the learner.
4. The teacher can give explanation in the classroom if the error is common or he/ she may arrange
individual conferences on specific points.
5. Learning becomes an interesting game and the learner is motivated to meet the challenges set
by his/her own capabilities.
6. Programs are developed by experts.
7. The learner is immediately reinforced to correct his/ her response
8. Complexity is simplified through the analysis of the subject matter into small and more easily
assimilated segments of information.
9. Helps to overcome short of teachers.
10. Teachers are freed from the boredom of routine classroom teaching and they can devote more
time to more creative activities.
11. Certain motor skills and intellectual abilities are developed normally.
Programmed instruction enables the teacher to diagnose the problems of the individual


According to JC Clift, microteaching procedure has three phases:

a. Knowledge acquisition phase

b. Skill acquisition phase
c. Transfer phase

1. New innovation in the field of teacher education.

2. Training technique rather a teaching technique.
3. Scaled down teaching (i) which reduces class size to 5 to 10 pupils (ii) reduces duration of period to 5 to 10
minutes (iii) reduces size of a topic (iv) reduces teaching skill.
4. Provides adequate feedback.
5. Individualized training technique.
6. Provides opportunity to select one skill at a time and practice it through its scale down encounter and then
take others in a similar way.
7. Permits high degree of control in practicing a particular skill.
8. Analytical approach to training.
9. Use of videotape and closed circuit television makes observation very objective.


• It allows learners to be in control, in respect of pace, content and focus.

• It provides opportunities for learners to express themselves.
• It allows learners to validate their knowledge and skills.
• It permits learners to clarify, reflect and reconfigure their experiences.
• It helps in promoting a sense of belonging in a group.
. It can be empowering if learners realize their own ability for critical thinking and change
through this medium

Four advantages of micro teaching

 Micro teaching helps the student teachers to perfect their performance and improve it to a
superior level
 Teaching skills are learnt in a real practice situation, not under simulated conditions
 Microteaching focuses on sharpening and developing of specific teaching skills
 Microteaching provides increased control of the practice teaching session

Four methods of teaching

 Seminar
 Symposium
 Lecture
 Role play
Four maxims of teaching

 Proceed from known to unknown

 Proceed from concrete to abstract
 Proceed from simple to complex
 Proceed from easy to more difficult

Four principles of teaching

 Principles of motivation
 Principles of activity
 Principle of individual difference
 Principle of creativity


Role play is a form of drama in which learners spontaneously act out roles in an interaction involving
problems or challenges in human relations for subsequent discussion by the whole class

Aims of role play

 To illustrate put a interpersonal problems

 To gain insight in to personal attitudes, values and behaviours
 To understand about social and psychological issues
 To understand feelings and opinions of others

Roleplay process include

 Warm up the group

 Select participants
 Set the stage
 Prepare observers
 Enact
 Discuss and evaluate
 Reenact
 Discuss and evaluate
 Share experiences and generalize


It is a clinical teaching method which mainly focuses on problem oriented nursing care.Based on the
number of participants,the conference may be of two types.Individual and group

Individual conference is a clinical teaching method which focuses on comprehensive development

of the individual student with special emphasis to the development of clinical skills

Group conference can be defined as a meeting of professional persons for the purpose of
interchange of ideas


Nursing rounds is a modified compact version of the bedside clinic. Nursing rounds is intended to
discuss briefly the nursing management of all patients in the ward by sparing few minutes for each
patient.The ideal duration of nursing rounds in a ward is 45 minutes and this time is sufficient to
know about 20-25 patients.For successful nursing rounds, students have to know all patients in the


 Highly student centered because of its very interesting and motivating nature
 Facilitates peer learning
 Excellent opportunity to learn from mistakes
 Simulation fosters critical thinking and problem solving skills


 Structuring
 Pitching and putting clearly
 Directing and distributing
 Prompting and probing
 Pausing and pacing
 Listening and responding
 Sequencing


 Seminar is an instructional  Lecture is a teaching activity
techinique where the teacher whereby the teacher presents
takes less of a leadership role as a the content in a
students meet under the comprehensible manner by
teachers direction to discuss explaining the facts, principles
topics that are generally related and relationships
to a particular subject  Enhances the listening capacity
 Comparatively less preparation of students
from the side of participants  Lecture can be conducted with
 Seminar presented by experts a teacher student ratio 1:200
under the guidance of an
eminent resource person for the
benefit of group members


 Bed side clinic is an organised  Nursing rounds is mainly
clinical instruction in the concerned with judging the
presence of the patient adequacy of nursing care
 Teacher centered method received by the patients
meant for small group of  Only a few minutes is spent with
students and it is a detailed each patient
discussion  Conducted by nurses
 It can be conducted by a nurse
educator,doctor, ward sister

 Topics are related to recent  Topics are related to
trends and development in controversial issues in nursing
nursing  Single aspect of the topic is
 Multiple aspects of the topic discussed
under consideration is discussed  Chairperson has to exert more
 Chairperson has to exert less control


 Whole hearted purposeful  Educational procedure by which
activity,proceeding in a social the students obtain first hand
environment information by observing
 Project can be individual or places,objects,phenomena or
group activities and processes in their
 Problem solving attittude natural setting to further learning
 Group work in field trip
 They develop social skills among

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