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Artificial Intelligence[AI] is the basis for mimicking
human intelligence processes through the creation and application
of algorithms built into a dynamic computing environment.In simple
words,”AI is trying to make computers think and act like human
“John McCarthy” is the founder
and also known as the father of AI.He defines it as
“The science and engineering of making intelligent
AI’s Impactful Domains:-
Artificial intelligence is being used in various fields and industries,and its
applications continue to expand.Some of them which I think important are:-

1.Finance and Banking:-AI is used for fraud detection,credit scoring,algorithmic

trading,risk assessment,customer service chatbots and virtual financial advisors.
2.Retail and E-Commerce:-AI is used for personalized product
recommendations,demand forecasting,inventory management,chatbots for
customer support and virtual shopping assistants.
3.Customer Service:-AI powered chatbots and virtual assistants are widely
used for handling customer inquiries,providing 24/7 support and automated
repetitive tasks.
4.Transportation:-AI is used in autonomous vehicles, traffic management
system,route optimization,predictive maintenance for transportation
infrastructure and smart transportation solutions.
5.Cybersecurity:-AI is used for threat detention,anomaly
detection,behavioural analysis,malware detection and network security.

These were some major commercial related ares where

Artificial intelligence is used the most and in an effective manner.
Positive Impact of AI on HRM:-
1.Efficient Recruitment Process:- AI automates and streamlines the
recruitment process,saving time and effort.AI powered tools can analyze
candidate profiles and identify the most suitable candidate for specific
2.Enhanced Candidate Sourcing:- AI algorithms can search and analyze
vast amounts of data ftom multiple sources to identify potential
candidates who match specific job requirement.
3.Bias Reduction:- AI can help minimize bias in recruitment and talet
management processes.By removing human biases and relying on factual
basis,AI assures fair evaluation based on their qualifications,skills and etc.
4.Personalized Employee Development:- AI powered systems,through
various data sources,can provide personalized recommendations for
training and development.The enable HR departments to design specified
learning programs that address individual needs and support professional
5.Employees Engagement and Retention:- AI based tools can analyze
employee engagement levels and performance data to identify patterns
and factors influencing employees retention.This information helps HR
officials develop strategies to improve employee engagement and create
positive work environment.
6.Data-Driven Decision Making:- AI enables HR professionals to gather
and analyze vast amounts of employee data including performance
metrics,feedback and engagement surveys.This data-driven approach
helps in making informed decision related to performance management
and workforce planning
Negative Impact of AI on HRM:-
1.Job Displacement:- One of the most significant concerns is the potential for
job displacement or increased unemployment.As AI technology advances
certain tasks which are performed traditionally can be automated,leading to
reduced demand for certain roles.
2.Bias and Discrimination:- AI systems are only aa unbiased as the data they
are trained on.If the data used to train AI models is biased or reflects
historical discrimination,then there is chance that AI reflects these biases.Ex:-AI
based resume screening tools may unintentionally discriminate between
gender,race and etc.
3.Lack of Human Connection:- HRM involves building relationships,providing
support and addressing employee’s needs.Relying heavily on AI systems can
potentially diminish human connection and lead to decreased employee
4.Inaccurate Decision Making:- Although,AI can analyze vast amounts of data
quickly,it may not make always the right decision.As the decisions are purely
based on data provided,sometimes data also may be inaccurate.So depending
solely on AI’s for hiring,performance evaluation and etc,may lead to more
negative outcomes to HR officials.
5.Overreliance and Skill gaps:- Overreliance on AI systems can reduce the
development of essential HR skills among HR professionals.Similarly,if the
employees also become too dependent on AI systems,they may not possess the
necessary skills to assess situations critically or exercise human judgment when
6.Privacy and Data security:- HR departments handle a vast amount of
sensitive employees data.When AI is provided this data,it also increases the risk
of data breaches,unauthorized access and privacy violations,if appropriate
security measures are not in place.
Overall,AI has the potential to revolutionize
Human Resources Management practices,improve
organizational outcomes and enhance the
employee experience.But,it is also true that it
requires careful implementation and continuous
monitoring to ensure its responsible and effective
use in the work place.

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