Revision Grade 7 Term 3

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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7


1 The human body is made of different types of cells.

(a) Look at the diagram of a ciliated cell.

Name structures A, B and C.


(b) A red blood cell is adapted to carry oxygen in the human body.

Describe two ways a red blood cell is adapted to carry oxygen in the human body.

Give an explanation for each adaptation.






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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

2 The diagram shows a species of butterfly.

Tick () the correct box which gives a description of the word species.

The butterflies breed together and all their offspring are female.

The butterflies breed together but do not produce offspring.

The butterflies breed together and produce fertile offspring.

The butterflies breed together and produce offspring that are not fertile.

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3 Pierre and Blessy test five substances, A, B, C, D and E, with three different indicators.

They use these indicators:

• blue litmus
• methyl orange
• thymolphthalein.

Pierre and Blessy use this information about the different indicators to sort the substances into
acidic, neutral or alkaline.

indicator acidic neutral alkaline

blue litmus red blue blue
methyl orange red yellow yellow
thymolphthalein colourless colourless blue

Here are their results.

blue litmus blue red blue blue red
methyl orange yellow red yellow yellow red
thymolphthalein blue colourless blue colourless colourless

Sort the substances A, B, C, D and E into three groups: acidic, neutral and alkaline.

Put the letter of each substance into the correct circle.


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4 Hazard symbols warn about the dangers of a substance.

Draw a line to match each hazard symbol to its correct description.


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5 The particle model is used to represent whether substances are elements, compounds or

Look at the particle models for different substances V, W, X, Y and Z.

(a) Put ticks () in the table to show which description each particle model represents.

One has been done for you.

particle model

one compound

one element 

mixture of two elements

a mixture of a compound and an element

mixture of two compounds


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(b) One of the particle models represents the gas carbon dioxide.

Describe how to test for carbon dioxide.


observation for a positive result


(c) One of the particle models represents the gas hydrogen.

Describe how to test for hydrogen.


observation for a positive result


6 Safia investigates the effect of the number of earthworms on the rate of decay of dead leaves.

• measures the mass of some dead leaves
• places the dead leaves in a container
• adds five earthworms
• measures the mass of the dead leaves after one week
• repeats with a different number of earthworms.

(a) Write down two control variables in her investigation.


(b) What is the independent variable in her investigation?


(c) What is the dependent variable in her investigation?


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7 Mike and Oliver investigate the current flowing in different series circuits.

(a) Here is series circuit 1.

Component X measures the current.

(i) Name component X.


(ii) What is the unit for current?


(b) Mike and Oliver move component X to make series circuit 2.

What happens to the reading of component X in circuit 2 compared to circuit 1?

Use ideas about electrons to explain your answer.


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(c) Mike and Oliver add a lamp to series circuit 2 to make series circuit 3.

What happens to the reading of component X in circuit 3 compared to circuit 2?

Explain your answer.


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8 Lily and Mia are discussing living and non-living organisms.

(a) Lily and Mia both think that a lion is a living organism.

They are both correct.

Give two reasons why a lion is a living organism.


(b) Lily thinks that a virus is a living organism.

Mia does not agree with Lily.

Explain why Lily and Mia both think they are correct.


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9 Carlos investigates echoes.

• stands outside his school
• measures the distance between himself and the school
• claps his hands
• records the time it takes for him to hear the echo
• repeats this at different distances from the school.

(a) Why does Carlos hear an echo when he claps his hands?


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(b) Here are his results.

distance between Carlos and the time taken to hear an echo

school in metres in seconds

170 1.0

255 1.5

340 2.0

425 3.5

510 3.0

595 3.5

(i) Plot the data on the grid:

• choose a suitable scale for the x-axis
• label the x-axis
• plot all the results.


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(ii) Which one of the results is anomalous?


(iii) Draw a straight line of best fit for the results you have plotted.

Ignore the anomalous result. [1]

(iv) Describe the trend shown in the graph.


(c) Carlos stands 200 m from the school.

(i) Use the graph to find the time it takes for Carlos to hear the echo.


(ii) Use your answer to (c)(i) to calculate the time it takes the echo to travel from the school
to Carlos.


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10 The graph shows the tide times for a town on the coast over a period of two days.

(a) There are four high tides on the graph, A, B, C and D.

Put the high tides in order from the highest height of the sea to the lowest height of the sea.


(b) Rajiv thinks that low tides are exactly 12 hours apart.

Is Rajiv correct?

Use the graph to explain your answer.


(c) What is the difference in the height of the sea between high tide at 4.39 am and low tide at
11.06 am?


(d) Explain what causes high tides.


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1 Put the structures in order from largest to smallest.

organ system cell organ tissue



2 Mia uses a simple experiment to show some of the processes which occur during the water cycle.

(a) Write down three processes in the water cycle which Mia’s experiment shows.


(b) Write down one other process which occurs during the water cycle.


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3 Oliver has a piece of grey magnesium.

He heats the magnesium in air.

The magnesium reacts with oxygen to make a compound.

The compound is a white powder.

(a) Name the compound made.


(b) When magnesium reacts with oxygen there is a chemical reaction.

Suggest how Oliver knows a chemical reaction has occurred.


(c) (i) Oxygen gas is an element.

In the box draw a particle model to describe oxygen gas.

Use О as a particle of oxygen.


(ii) The solid compound formed in the reaction contains a magnesium particle and an
oxygen particle.

In the box draw a particle model to describe the solid compound.

Use О as a particle of oxygen and as a particle of magnesium.


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4 Yuri finds some information on the internet about organisms which live in the Amazon rainforest.

Trees produce fruit and nuts.

Jaguars eat tapirs.
Boa constrictors eat sloths.
Macaws, monkeys, agoutis, tapirs and sloths eat the fruit and nuts on the
Monkeys are eaten by eagles.

(a) Yuri uses the information to write a food web.

Complete his food web.


monkey macaw agouti

fruit and nuts on the trees


(b) What do the arrows in the food web show?


(c) How many primary consumers are there in this food web?


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(d) There are decomposers in the rainforest.

(i) Name an example of a decomposer.


(ii) What do decomposers feed on?


5 Metals are electrical conductors.

State three other physical properties of most metals.


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6 Energy can be transferred from one form into another form.

(a) A light source transfers 20 J of energy into 4 J of light and some heat energy.

(i) Calculate how much energy is transferred into heat energy.

J [1]

(ii) Describe what happens to this heat energy.


(b) A microphone transfers sound energy into 120 J of electrical energy and 30 J of heat energy.

Calculate how much sound energy is transferred.

J [1]

(c) Look at the pictures.

Complete the energy transfer for each picture.

energy 2

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7 Read the information about different species of penguin.

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(a) Look at the dichotomous key.

Use the information and the dichotomous key to identify the four different species of penguin.

penguin A

penguin B

penguin C

penguin D

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(b) The four different species of penguin have been sorted into two groups using their height.

What other information can be used to sort the penguins into these two groups?


(c) What piece of equipment is used to measure the height of the penguins?


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8 Air contains a mixture of gases.

The pie chart shows the percentages of the different gases in clean dry air.

(a) Look at the pie chart.

(i) Name gas A.


(ii) Name gas B.


(iii) Gas C is a mixture of gases. Name one of these gases.


(b) Large areas of rainforest are being cleared by deforestation.

The trees are burnt after they have been cut down.

This increases the percentage of one gas in the surrounding air.

Which gas?


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9 Ahmed investigates electrical conductors and electrical insulators.

Here is his equipment.

(a) He draws his equipment using electrical symbols.

He forgets to draw one of the electrical symbols.

Complete his diagram.


(b) Ahmed tests different objects.

Here are his results.

object electrical conductor electrical insulator

metal fork  
wooden spoon  

Ahmed uses his results to write a conclusion.

Complete his conclusion.

The metal fork is an electrical conductor because it allows particles called

to flow through it. [1]

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10 Tick () the correct box to show the position of the Moon during a lunar eclipse.


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11 Jamila and Angelique investigate a type of chemical reaction.


• adds 5 cm3 of hydrochloric acid to sodium hydroxide solution

• measures the pH of the solution using a pH probe
• adds another 5 cm3 of hydrochloric acid and measures the pH again
• continues until she has added 40 cm3 of hydrochloric acid.

Here are her results.

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(a) What is the pH of the sodium hydroxide solution at the start of the experiment?

pH [1]

(b) What does the pH tell you about the sodium hydroxide solution?

Tick () the correct box.

it is acidic it is alkaline

it is neutral it is magnetic

(c) Which type of chemical reaction is Jamila investigating?


(d) Jamila concludes that she needs to add 15 cm3 of hydrochloric acid to make the pH of the
solution pH7.

Is Jamila correct?

Explain your answer.


(e) Angelique repeats the experiment.

She uses an indicator instead of the pH probe to measure the pH of the solution.

Which indicator does she use?


(f) Jamila says using the pH probe rather than an indicator will give better results.

Why is Jamila correct?


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12 Blessy makes a model of the structure of the Earth using coloured modelling clay.

(a) Write down two strengths of using this model to show the structure of the Earth.


(b) There are limitations with Blessy’s model.

Write down three limitations of her model.


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13 Chen and Priya are using a Slinky (spring) to model a sound wave.

Priya attaches the other end of the Slinky to a piece of card.

Chen moves one end of the Slinky backwards and forwards.

(a) What does Chen’s moving hand model?


(b) The Slinky models the movement of air particles in a sound wave.

(i) Name the region labelled X.


(ii) Name the region labelled Y.


(c) Describe how the particles in a sound wave move.


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1 Look at the diagram of an animal cell.

(a) Write down the name of structure A.


(b) Write down the function of structure A.


(c) Write down the name of structure B.


(d) Write down the function of structure B.


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2 Look at the particle models for elements X, Y and Z.

= one atom of X = one atom of Y = one atom of Z


(a) Write down two characteristics of an element.


(b) Element X reacts with element Z.

Look at the particle model of the substance made.

Circle the type of substance made.

compound mixture
Explain your answer.

(c) Draw a particle model for a mixture of elements X and Y.


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3 Mike makes an electrical circuit.

lamp 1 lamp 2

(a) Mike wants to turn the lamps on and off.

Which component does he add to his electrical circuit?


(b) Mike wants to add a buzzer to his electrical circuit.

Draw the electrical symbol for a buzzer.


(c) Lamp 1 and lamp 2 are in a series circuit.

Lamp 1 stops working.

Explain why lamp 2 also stops working.


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4 Look at the diagram of the Earth, Sun and Moon.





(a) The Earth orbits the Sun.

Name the force that keeps the Earth in its orbit.


(b) Explain what happens during a solar eclipse.

You may use the diagram to explain your answer.


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5 Mia investigates the rate of decomposition of slices of apple.

• puts one slice of apple into each of the three dishes
• keeps the dishes at different temperatures
• records the mass of each slice of apple every day for five days.

at 4°C at 20°C at 30°C

(a) Write down the independent variable in this investigation.


(b) Mia wants her investigation to be a fair test.

Identify three control variables for her investigation.


(c) Mia measures the mass of each slice of apple every day for five days.

She uses this information to calculate the rate of decomposition.

(i) Which two pieces of equipment does Mia use to make these measurements?

and [1]

(ii) Describe how Mia uses these measurements to calculate the rate of decomposition.


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6 Copper carbonate is a green solid.

When copper carbonate is heated a black solid called copper oxide is made.

Carbon dioxide is also made.

(a) Write down the names of the reactant and the products in this reaction.



(b) A chemical reaction takes place when copper carbonate is heated.

Write down two observations that show a chemical reaction takes place.


(c) Which chemical is used to test for carbon dioxide?


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7 Carlos investigates the energy stored in an elastic band.

Here is his method.

• stretches the elastic band to a length of 10 cm
• lets go of the elastic band
• measures the distance the elastic band travels
• repeats this experiment two more times.

elastic band

Carlos then measures the distances travelled when the elastic band is stretched to different

He stretches the elastic band to lengths of 12 cm, 14 cm and 16 cm.

Look at the results.

distance the elastic band travels

length of the in cm
elastic band
in cm 1st 2nd 3rd
experiment experiment experiment

10 78 46 80

12 120 125 124 123

14 220 220 215 218

16 380 370 400 383

(a) Energy is stored in the stretched elastic band.

There is an energy change when Carlos lets go of the elastic band.

Complete the diagram to suggest the types of energy released.

stored energy +

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(b) Name the equipment Carlos uses to measure the distance the elastic band travels.


(c) (i) One of the results is anomalous.

Circle the anomalous result in the table.


(ii) Look at the results when the elastic band is stretched to a length of 10 cm.

Calculate the average distance the elastic band travels.

Write your answer in the table.


(iii) Carlos thinks the result is anomalous because he pointed the elastic band
upwards and not sideways.

Suggest why this will make the result anomalous.


8 Complete these sentences about the water cycle.

Heat from the Sun causes water in seas, rivers and lakes to .

Clouds form when water vapour in the air .

Water falling as rain is called .

Some of this water filters into the Earth’s surface.

This water is called .


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9 Look at the diagrams of the four arthropods, A, B, C and D.



Use the key to identify each arthropod.

1a has two claws go to 2

1b does not have claws go to 3

2a has a segmented tail Orconectes punctimanus

2b does not have a segmented tail Cancer pagurus

3a has wings Schistocerca gregaria

3b does not have wings Enantiulus armatus

Write the letter of the correct arthropod next to its name.

Orconectes punctimanus

Cancer pagurus

Schistocerca gregaria

Enantiulus armatus

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10 Angelique has bottles of four different solutions, W, X, Y and Z.

The bottles have lost their names.

She tests each solution with Universal Indicator.

Here are her results.

solution colour when Universal Indicator added

W green

X yellow

Y purple

Z red

(a) Draw a line to match the correct solution to its name.

solution name

sodium hydroxide
W (strongly alkaline)

distilled water

citric acid
(weakly acidic)

hydrochloric acid
(strongly acidic)


(b) Which hazard label is put onto a bottle containing a corrosive liquid?

Tick () the correct box.


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11 Ahmed finds this information about six substances.

substance property

A high boiling point

B low melting point

C gas at room temperature

D shiny

E magnetic

F ductile

(a) Use these properties to sort the six substances into metals and non-metals.

One has been done for you.

metal non-metal


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(b) Ahmed investigates the electrical conductivity of three metals, X, Y and Z.

Here is his equipment.


Here are his results.

metal brightness of lamp

X dim

Y bright

Z bright

Ahmed concludes that metals Y and Z are better electrical conductors than metal X.

Suggest an improvement to Ahmed’s experiment to find out which is the better electrical
conductor, Y or Z.

Explain your suggestion.




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12 This question is about sound.

(a) Describe how sound travels through a material.


(b) Look at the bar chart.

It shows the speed of sound through different materials.

speed of sound
in m / s 3000
glass aluminium air

(i) Suggest why sound travels quicker through glass than through air.


(ii) Predict the speed of sound through water.


Explain your answer.


(iii) Sound does not travel in a vacuum.

Explain why.


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1 Look at the diagrams of different cells.




(a) Four of the cells are animal cells.

Write down the letters of the four animal cells.


(b) Write down two reasons why these cells are animal cells and not plant cells.


(c) Microorganisms are made of cells.

How many cells does a typical microorganism contain?


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2 Steel is an alloy.

It contains carbon and iron.

(a) Complete the sentence by ticking () the correct box.

Steel is .

an atom

an element

a compound

a mixture

(b) Look at the particle models for steel and iron.

carbon atom iron atom

steel iron

Explain, using the particle model, why steel is harder than iron.


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3 Pierre and Priya investigate air resistance.

They have a ball and a feather.

ball feather

Pierre drops the ball and the feather from the same height.

Priya times how long it takes for the ball and the feather to reach the ground.

They repeat their experiment three times.

Here are their results.

time taken to reach the ground

in seconds average time taken to
object reach the ground
experiment experiment experiment in seconds
1 2 3

ball 2.6 2.4 2.5 2.5

feather 25 23 24 24

(a) Explain their results.

Use ideas about air resistance.


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(b) Pierre makes this prediction,

‘If we repeat the investigation in a vacuum the ball and the feather will
both take the same time to reach the ground.’

Tick () to show if Pierre is correct.

Yes No

Explain your answer.


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4 Look at the diagram.

It shows the position of the Sun, the Earth and the tides.

(a) Complete the diagram by showing the position of the Moon.

high tide

orbit of the
Sun low tide Earth low tide

high tide



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(b) Look at the diagram.

It shows the Earth with extremely high tides.


orbit of the Moon

extremely high tide

low tide Earth low tide

extremely high tide

Complete the diagram to show the position of the Sun and the position of the Moon when
there is an extremely high tide.

Explain your answer.


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5 Chen uses his toy train to model the flow of electricity in an electrical circuit.

Chen pushes the train around the track.

(a) Draw a line to match the part of the model to the correct part of the electrical circuit.

part of the model electrical circuit

train wire

track battery

Chen electrons


(b) (i) Write down one strength of Chen’s model.


(ii) Write down two limitations of Chen’s model.


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6 Oliver investigates the current in an electrical circuit.



Ammeter A1 measures the current as 4 amps.

(a) Write down the measurement on ammeter A2.

amps [1]

(b) Oliver adds another lamp to the electrical circuit.



Describes what happens to the measurement on ammeter A1.

Explain your answer.

measurement on A1



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7 Look at the three food chains for a desert.

cactus rat hawk microorganisms

cactus grasshopper lizard hawk microorganisms

cactus rat tarantula snake microorganisms

(a) Use the food chains to make a food web.


(b) There is a disease which kills all the grasshoppers in the desert.

Predict what happens to the number of lizards in the desert.

Explain your answer.


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(c) (i) What is the role of the microorganisms in a food web?


(ii) Explain why microorganisms are important in a habitat.


8 Jamila mixes two colourless solutions.

(a) (i) Complete these sentences.

The two solutions react to make a white solid.

The solid made does not dissolve in water because it is .

This solid is called a .


(ii) A reaction takes place when Jamila mixes the two solutions.

Describe one piece of evidence that shows a reaction takes place.


(b) What is the name of this type of chemical reaction?


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9 Blessy slowly adds sodium hydroxide solution to dilute hydrochloric acid in a beaker.

As she adds the sodium hydroxide solution to the acid, Blessy measures the pH of the mixture in
the beaker.

Look at the graph of her results.









0 10 20 30 40 50

volume of sodium hydroxide solution added

in cm3

(a) Sodium hydroxide solution is an alkali.

Write down the name of the type of reaction that happens when sodium hydroxide solution
reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid.


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(b) Explain why the pH increases as the sodium hydroxide solution is added to the dilute
hydrochloric acid.


(c) What is the volume of sodium hydroxide solution added when the pH is 7.0?

cm3 [1]

(d) Blessy wants to know if her results are reliable.

Describe what Blessy does to get reliable results.

Explain how she will know if the results are reliable.




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10 The mountain zebra belongs to the species, Equus zebra.

(a) Define the term species.


(b) Growth is one characteristic of living organisms.

Write down three other characteristics of the living organisms shown in the pictures.


(c) A virus makes the mountain zebra become ill.

Mia thinks a virus is a living organism.

Tick () to show if Mia is correct.

Yes No

Explain your answer.


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11 The combustion of gasoline in a car engine makes harmful gases.

Catalytic converters are fitted to cars to lower the mass of these harmful gases released into
the atmosphere.

Look at the graph.





mass of harmful
gases released 10
in g

no two-way three-way
catalytic catalytic catalytic
converter converter converter

A three-way catalytic converter is more effective than a two-way catalytic converter at lowering
the mass of harmful gases released.

Calculate how much more effective the three-way catalytic converter is compared to the two-way
catalytic converter.

Show your working.


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12 Hassan stands in the entrance of a tunnel and shouts his name into the tunnel.

A few seconds later he hears his name again.

Explain why.


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13 Safia and Pierre use boxes and pieces of cloth to model how fold mountains are formed.

Look at the diagram.


pieces of cloth

(a) Safia and Pierre push the boxes towards each other.

Use your scientific knowledge to predict what happens to the pieces of cloth.


(b) (i) What do the boxes in the model represent?


(ii) What do the pieces of cloth in the model represent?


(c) Suggest one way Safia and Pierre could improve their model.


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14 Read the hypothesis about how planets are formed.

About 4500 million years ago the Solar System was just gas and dust.

Small bits of gas and dust began to group together to form asteroids.

Gravity pulled some of the asteroids together to form planets.

Many asteroids are still found between Mars and Jupiter.

(a) Write down one reason why some scientists think this hypothesis may not be correct.


(b) Write down two reasons why some scientists think this hypothesis is correct.


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1 This question is about cells.

(a) Draw a straight line to match each part of a cell to its correct function.

part of a cell function

controls the movement of substances

into and out of the cell

cell membrane

contains genetic information and

controls what happens inside the cell


jelly-like substance, where

chemical reactions happen


where most respiration reactions



(b) Look at the diagram of a plant palisade cell.



cell wall

cell membrane

Describe how the palisade cell is specialised to allow it to photosynthesise.


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(c) Euglena is a single-celled organism.

Look at the diagram of an euglena.


eye spot



cell membrane

Explain why euglena is difficult to classify as either a plant cell or an animal cell.


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2 This question is about materials.

Draw a straight line to match each material to its correct description.

material description

a pure substance containing

the same type of atom


a pure substance containing different

types of atoms bonded together


a mixture containing two different

types of metal atoms


an impure substance containing

the same type of atom

a substance containing atoms

that are free to move


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3 Sound is reflected by hard surfaces.

(a) What is the name given to a reflected sound?


(b) A ship is using sound to calculate the distance to the seabed.

The ship produces a sound.

The sound travels to the seabed and is reflected back to the ship.




In water, sound travels a distance of 1500 m in one second.

The reflected sound is detected after 4 seconds.

Calculate the distance from the bottom of the ship to the seabed.

m [2]

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4 The solid outer layer of the Earth is made up of large tectonic plates.

Look at the diagram showing a model of what happens when two tectonic plates meet.

(a) Write down the name of the two parts of the Earth that form this solid outer layer.


(b) Write down three different events that happen near the boundaries of tectonic plates.


(c) Describe the strengths and limitations of this model about the movement of tectonic plates.


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5 The incomplete dichotomous key shows different features of vertebrates.

Write words from the list in the boxes to complete the key.

amphibian bird fish mammal reptile


fur no fur


feathers no feathers


dry scaly skin moist skin


scales no scales

....................................... .......................................


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6 Chen tests some chemicals with Universal Indicator.

His results are shown on a pH chart.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

lemon vinegar bath floor paint

juice salts cleaner stripper

Use the pH chart to answer the questions.

(a) Write down the pH of vinegar.


(b) Paint stripper is tested with Universal Indicator.

Write down the colour of the Universal Indicator after the test.


(c) Pure water is neutral.

Write down the pH of a neutral solution.


(d) Which chemical in the pH chart is the most acidic?


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7 Energy is transferred from one form into another.

(a) The diagram shows a television.

Complete the energy transfer for the television.

.......................................... energy

.......................................... energy .......................................... energy

.......................................... energy


(b) A car transfers chemical energy in gasoline (petrol) into thermal energy, sound energy
and kinetic energy only.

The car transfers 100 J of chemical energy into 70 J of thermal energy and 10 J of sound

(i) Calculate how much chemical energy is transferred into kinetic energy.

J [1]

(ii) Describe what happens to the sound and thermal energy.


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8 Look at the table showing the percentage by volume of different gases in clean, dry air.

gas percentage by volume


Complete the table with the name of the missing gas and the missing percentage.

9 Donkeys mate and produce new generations of donkeys.

Horses mate and produce new generations of horses.

A male donkey and a female horse mate and produce a mule.

Mules mate but do not produce offspring.

Tick (✓) to show which of the animals are species.

donkey horse mule

Explain your answer.


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10 Safia investigates chemical reactions.

(a) Safia adds two colourless solutions together.

She sees that a white solid is made.

Name the process that happens when this white solid is made from the two solutions.

Circle the correct answer.

alloying decomposition melting precipitation [1]

(b) Safia now adds sodium hydroxide solution to dilute hydrochloric acid.

Sodium hydroxide solution is an alkali.

What happens to the pH of the dilute hydrochloric acid as the sodium hydroxide solution is

Explain your answer.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

11 Blessy collects some information about gravity on different planets in the Solar System.

(a) What is gravity?


(b) Look at the information Blessy collects.

relative mass relative gravity

(Earth = 1) (Earth = 1)

Mercury 0.06 0.4

Mars 0.1 0.4

Venus 0.8 0.9

Earth 1 1.0

Uranus 15 0.9

Neptune 17 1.1

Saturn 95 0.9

Jupiter 318 2.4

(i) Write down the name of the planet that has the greatest gravity.


(ii) Write down a conclusion about the relationship between mass of planet and gravity.

Include information from the table in your answer.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

12 A research chemist investigates some compounds.

She wants to dissolve them in water and test the pH of the solution.

Look at the table showing the compounds she uses and their hazard symbols.

compound hazard symbol description of hazard

sulfuric acid ………………………..…………

hazardous to the
potassium nitrate

ethanol ………………………..…………

mercury nitrate ………………………..…………

Complete the table to describe the hazard for each compound.

One has been done for you.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

13 Oliver investigates electricity.

He makes an electrical circuit using different materials to complete the circuit.


+ –

material cell

He records his observations.

Look at his results.

material does the

lamp light?
iron yes
steel yes

plastic no

wood no

rubber no

graphite yes

aluminium yes

(a) Write down all the materials in the table that conduct electricity.


(b) Write down the name of the particles that flow through conductors.


(c) Write down the word used to describe materials that do not conduct electricity.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

14 Look at the incomplete food web.







The grasshopper feeds on grass.

The lizard feeds on the grasshopper.

The hawk feeds on the snake, the rabbit, the grasshopper and the lizard.

(a) Draw arrows to complete the food web. [2]

(b) The hawk is a top predator and is not eaten by other predators.

Write down two ways that energy from the hawk is returned to the grass.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7


1 There are seven characteristics of living organisms.

(a) Complete Mia’s quiz.

One question has been done for you.

The characteristics of living organisms

1. What is the process of getting rid of waste?


2. What is the process of increasing the size or mass of an organism?


3. What is the process of making more of the same type organism?


4. What is the process of detecting changes in the surroundings?


5. What is the process of getting energy from food?



(b) Write down one reason why viruses could be considered non-living.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

2 Look at the diagrams showing the particles in a solid and a gas.

a solid a gas

(a) Gases are easily compressed (squashed) but solids are not easily compressed.

Explain why.


(b) Solids keep their own shape but gases fill the container they are put in.

Explain why.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

3 Carlos tests some gases.

The table shows the tests Carlos uses and his results.

result for
gas A gas B gas C

put a lighted splint splint burns burns with a

into the gas splint goes out
brighter squeaky pop
pass the gas limewater stays limewater stays limewater turns
through limewater colourless colourless cloudy
put a glowing
splint into the gas splint relights splint goes out splint goes out

Identify gases A, B and C.

Gas A is .

Gas B is .

Gas C is .

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4 Pierre investigates current in a series circuit.

He uses the electrical circuit shown in the diagram.

(a) Draw the circuit diagram for Pierre’s circuit.

Use the correct symbols for each component.


(b) Pierre adds a component to the circuit to measure current.

Write down the name of this component.


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(c) Pierre adds lamps to the circuit and records the current each time.

Look at the table of his results.

number of

1 12

2 9

3 7

4 5

5 2

Write down the unit for current in the table. [1]

(d) Draw a line graph of his results.

You should:

• label the axes

• plot the results
• draw a straight line of best fit.



...................................... 8

...................................... 6

0 1 2 3 4 5




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(e) Describe the relationship between the number of lamps and the current in the circuit.


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5 Hassan makes a model to show the water cycle.


• pours hot water into a beaker

• covers the top of the beaker with a plastic sheet
• places some ice cubes on top of the plastic sheet
• observes for five minutes.

ice cubes

plastic sheet

elastic band

hot water

(a) (i) Droplets of water form on the underside of the plastic sheet.

Name the process that forms these droplets of water.


(ii) Hassan repeats the experiment.

He replaces the hot water with cold water.

Fewer water droplets are formed on the underside of the plastic sheet.

Write down two reasons why fewer water droplets are formed.


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(b) Write down two ways Hassan’s model does not show the complete water cycle.


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6 This question is about the human respiratory system.

Draw a straight line to match each description to its correct diagram.

description diagram

group of cells working together

to do the same function

group of tissues working together

to do the same function

group of organs working together


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

7 Lily investigates forces.


• drops a stone and a feather at the same time in a tube of air

• drops the same stone and feather at the same time in a vacuum.



air vacuum

Write down what Lily observes.

Explain her observations.

Use ideas about forces.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

8 The Earth and the Moon are held in orbit in the Solar System.

(a) Name the force that holds the Earth in orbit around the Sun.


(b) Tidal forces occur on Earth because of the positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon.

Look at diagrams A, B, C and D showing four different positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon.

Sun Earth Moon Sun



Sun Moon Earth Sun




Which diagram shows the positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon that gives the greatest tidal

Explain your answer.




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(c) Look at the diagram showing the Moon orbiting the Earth and light rays from the Sun.

Sun X C

Moon’s orbit


A person stands at point X on the Earth.

At which position on the Moon’s orbit would the person see a total lunar eclipse?

Circle the correct position.


Explain your answer.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

9 Organisms have important jobs in ecology.

Look at the section through a composter.

large pieces of dead plant material such as leaves

newer material

older material

compost made of small particles rich in minerals

(a) (i) What process causes the change from the newer material to the older material
inside the composter?


(ii) Write down the type of organism that causes this change.


(b) Jamila investigates how temperature changes inside two different composters.


• uses one pile of dead plant material

• divides the pile into two equal masses of dead plant material
• places one sample into composter A and the other sample into composter B
• measures the temperature in each composter every 10 days.

(i) Write down the piece of equipment Jamila uses to measure the temperature.


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(ii) Here is Jamila’s results table.

temperature inside the composter

in oC
composter A composter B
in days

0 25 25

10 69 29

20 52 35

30 41 42

40 31 50

Explain why Jamila is not able to conclude which composter has the higher maximum


(iii) Suggest how Jamila changes the investigation to be certain which composter has the
higher maximum temperature.


(iv) Explain why it is a good idea for Jamila to repeat her investigation.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

10 Angelique investigates what happens when some powders are heated.



Look at her results.

colour before colour after other

powder observations
heating heating

D pink black none

E white white none

F white white gas given off

Which powder or powders react when heated?

Explain how you know.


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Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

11 Rajiv makes a model to show how we hear sounds.

grains of rice

elastic band

rubber sheet



• places a rubber sheet over a cup

• holds the rubber sheet in place using an elastic band
• places grains of uncooked rice on the top of the rubber sheet
• claps his hands near to the cup.

Describe what Rajiv sees when he claps his hands.

Explain why this happens.




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12 Chen and Aiko investigate the properties of metals and non-metals.

They look at some data about element X.

property property of element X

appearance dull

density low

ductility poor

electrical conductivity good

malleability brittle

melting point high

solubility in water insoluble

state at room temperature solid

(a) Chen makes this hypothesis,

‘Element X is a metal because it has the properties of a metal.’

Write down two pieces of evidence that support his hypothesis.

(b) Aiko makes this hypothesis,

‘Element X is a non-metal because it has the properties of a non-metal.’

Write down two pieces of evidence that support her hypothesis.


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The Periodic Table of Elements

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2
H He
hydrogen helium
Key 1 4
3 4 atomic number 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be atomic symbol B C N O F Ne
lithium beryllium name boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon
7 9 relative atomic mass 11 12 14 16 19 20

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon
23 24 27 28 31 32 35.5 40

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton

91 of 91
39 40 45 48 51 52 55 56 59 59 64 65 70 73 75 79 80 84

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon
85 88 89 91 93 96 – 101 103 106 108 112 115 119 122 128 127 131

55 56 57–71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
lanthanoids W
Cs Ba Hf Ta Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
caesium barium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon
133 137 178 181 184 186 190 192 195 197 201 204 207 209 – – –

87 88 89–103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
francium radium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium copernicium nihonium flerovium moscovium livermorium tennessine oganesson
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

lanthanoids La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium
139 140 141 144 – 150 152 157 159 163 165 167 169 173 175

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

actinoids Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
actinium thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium
– 232 231 238 – – – – – – – – – – –
Science Revision Pack/Grade 7

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