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rele No. 9200995 & OFFICE OF THE

9200519-26 Ext : 3 12 erllEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER GEPCO
Fa'< No. 9200 122 565/A MODEL TOWN GUJRAN WALA

Notification No. b9 J ,5 ~ ~ f
g- 3 Dated: 17 - 03 -201 5

f "':I- oJ o ~(,D~
,~. 0.3-15'

I am directed to refer to the approval of the Transport Policy by the Board of

Directors GEPCO in its 48 111 meeting held on 13.03.20 15 (Agenda Item No.4). The

GEPCO Transport Policy stands notified (copy attached).

DNAs above I/ /oJ j,)

Cop) to:-
1. P.A. to hief Executive Officer GEPCO.
2. All Chief Engineers (under GEPCO).
3. All Managers I P.Ds./ Deputy Managers I Asstt: Managers
(Under GEPCO).
4. Addi: Director General (IS) GEPCO Gujranwala for placing this
Notification at GEPCO Web Site




Pa g •. l I l~


1. Purpose of the Policy

1.1. The Gujranwala Electric Power Company Limited ("GEPCO") has

formulated this Transport Policy (herein after referred to as the
"Policy") in order to reduce its transport related expenditure to an
acceptable low level and monetization of transport for its officers.

1.2. The objectives of the Policy include:

a) to increase the effectiveness and quality of services rendered by

the officers now possessing fuel efficient and reliable vehicles by
virtue of this policy;

b) to curtail un-necessary transport expenditure and to restrict I limit

the running and maintenance expenditure of these vehicles;

c) to eliminate the misuse of official vehicl es;

d) to overcome the shortage of vehicles and drivers;

e) to provide a regular mechanism for replacement of old vehicles

with new ones after every five years; and

f) to observe the austerity measures regarding monetisation of


2. Regulatory Framework

2.1 The policy derives its mandate from Government of Pakistan's policy
bearing No. 6/7/201 1-CPC dated 12. 12.2011 for monetization of
transport facility.

2.2 The policy overrides any law, rule or regulation for the time being in
force relating to the vehicles and transport expenditure.

2.3 In this policy unless the context provides otherwise, a reference to

masculine includes feminine and to a singular includes plu ral.

3. Title and Commencement

3 .1 The Policy shall be called as "GEPCO Transport Policy".

3.2 The Policy shall come into force from the date of its approval by the
Board of Directors of the GEPCO.

4. Definitions

In this Policy, unless there ts anything repugnant m the subject or


a) "Ancillary benefits" means the benefits to be coupled with the

allotment of vehicles to an officer.

b) "BOD" means the Board of Directors of GEPCO.

c) "Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer


d) "GEPCO" means Gujranwala Electric Power Company,

Limited, Gujranwala.

e) "Maintenance charges" means maintenance charges as per

Clause 9 of this transport policy.

t) "Notice" means any notice issued under this transport policy.

g) "Officer" means regular officer of GEPCO serving in BPS 17 to


h) "POL charges" means fixed monthly amount for expenses of

Petrol, Oil and Lubricants of the vehicle as per Clause 9 of this
transport policy.

i) "Pool" means pool of vehicles maintained by GEPCO.

j) "Pool vehicle" means any vehicle of the GEPCO's pool.

Pa g l 3 I l~

k) "Scheme(s)" means various Schemes chalked out for provision

of vehicle(s) under this Policy.

I) "Settlement value" means an amount higher of the A or B


A is the market value of the vehicle endorsed by the Transport

Committee; and

B is the amount representing Cost less Accumulated depreciation

where Accumulated Depreciation shall be computed by apply ing
depreciation rate @ 15 % for the first year and 10 % for second
and subsequent years on reducing balance method. The term Cost
shall include Cost of purchase of vehicle plus all app licable
Federal and Provincial Taxes but excluding withholding Income

m) "Transport Committee" means Transport Committee set up

under Clause 6 of this policy.

11) "Transport Policy" or "Policy" means this Transport Policy of


o) "Rules" means any Rules framed under this policy from time to

5. Scope of the Policy

5 .1 This policy is applicable to and mandatory for all regular officers of the
GEPCO who are serving in BPS-17 to BPS-20, having a minimum
service of five years.

5.2 If the service o f an officer is less than five years, he will file his
application to the Transport Committee. The Transport Committee will
evaluate the application considering the nature of job assigned to such
officer and will decide the fate of his application.

5.3 In case Transport Committee decides to accept the application, such

officer shall be required to furnish sufficient security in the form of a
surety bond to the satisfaction of the Transport Committee for securing
the vehicle.

6. Appointment of Transport Committee

6. L The Transport Committee shall consist of fo llowing two officers of

GEPCO as its members and a Chairperson:

1. Finance Director GEPCO (Chairman)

11. Manager Admin GEPCO (Member)
111. Deputy Manager Transport GEPCO (Member)

6.2 The above officers will take charge as chairman and member(s) of the
Transport Committee in their capacity as officers working in GEPCO on
the same designation and every incoming officer, taking charge of the
posts I designation, will assume the role as a member or chairman of the
Transport Committee, as the case may be.

6.3 The Transport Conm1ittee shall have the powers to implement and to
decide the matters relating to applicability of this policy.

6.4 The Transport Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of

any provision I matter relating to this Policy.

7. Functions of the Transport Committee

The functions of the Transport Committee shall include:

7. l To submit a quarterly report to CEO, assessing compliance with this

Policy and its impact in achieving its benefits and goals.

7 .2 The CEO shall submit the above report to the BOD as and when

7.3 To perform any other function consistent with this Policy as may be
conferred by the CEO fr ti to time.

Pa g L 5 11.!l

8. Schemes of the Transport Policy

8.1 The GEPCO will launch scheme for the purpose of providing vehicles to
officers under this Transport Policy.

8.2 Following shall be the entitlement criteria for the purpose sanctioning of
vehicles under this transport policy:

Scheme BPS Vehicle Category

Locally Assembled Motor Cars having engine

A 17
capacity up to l ,000 CC.
Locally Assembled Motor Cars having engme
B 18 capacity up to 1,300 CC restricted to the XLI variant
or equivalent.
Locally Assembled Motor Cars having engme
c 19 capacity up to 1,300 CC restricted to the GLI variant
or equivalent.
Locally Assembled Motor Cars having engine
D 20 capacity up to 1,300 cc restricted to the GLI
Automatic Transmission variant or equivalent.

8.3 For the limited purpose of determination of entitlement of vehicle under

this Policy, the BPS in second column of above table shall mean the post
but not the scale thus the upgraded officers shall have entitlement
according to their substantive BPS.

8.4 On the date of promulgation of this policy, the vehicles already allotted I
possessed by the officers could be opted for retention at settlement value
as defined in this Policy instead of a new one. All other terms and
conditions including ancillary benefits under this Policy shall apply

9. Qualification Criteria & Terms and Conditions of Scheme A to D

9 .1 Maintaining of GP Fund Account will be a condition precedent for

availing the benefits of this transport policy.

9.2 A GEPCO officer, serving in BPS-17 to 20 and having minimum service

of five years hall be deemed eligible for this Policy. In case of lesser
e pr visions of Clause 5 of this Transport Policy shall apply.
oh ]> .1 t: c 61 l~

9 .3 The vehicle shall be purchased once the Transport Committee approves

the case of GEPCO officer and such officer undertakes to execute the
agreement and other required documents, attached herewith as Schedule
A of this Transport Policy.

9 .4 The vehicle shall be purchased by GEPCO and the same shall be

registered in the name of GEPCO. The registration charges of the
vehicle including prevalent taxes shall be borne by GEPCO.

9.5 Th e vehicle shall be kept insured through insurance policy I Taka ful
Arrangement of an Insurance Company or Takaful Company during the
period of payment of monthly instalments by GEPCO officer. The
premium for insurance I takaful shall be paid by GEPCO.

9 .6 A GEPCO officer entitled for Scheme A - D (given in Para 8.2 of th is

policy) shall also be entitled for following ancillary benefits on monthly
basis subject to the mode and manner of the payment as decided by the
Transport Committee:

9.6.1 Scheme-A

i. A sum equivalent to 200 Litres of fuel per month against POL

charges to an officer performing field duties;

ii. A sum equivalent to 100 Litres of fuel per month against POL
charges to an officer performing office duties;

111. A sum of Rs. 5,000/- per month against maintenance charges

from the date of handing over of the vehicle under this Policy,
subject to an annual increase of Rs. 500/-;

iv. A sum of Rs. 12,000/- per month against driver' s salary \vith
annual increase of Rs. 500/-.

v. During the period of five years, one time replacement of tyres I

tubes and battery shall be allowed but not before the completion
oftwo ear.

9.6.2 Scheme-B

i. A sum equivalent to 250 Litres of fuel per month against POL

charges to an officer performing field duties;

ii. A sum equivalent to 150 Litres of fue l per month against POL
charges to an offi cer performing offi ce duties;

iii. A sum of Rs. 8,000/- per month against maintenance charges

from the date of handing over of the vehicle under this Policy,
subj ect to an annual increase of Rs. 800/-;

iv. A sum of Rs. 15,000/- per month against driver's salary with
annual increase equivalent to Rs. 500/-.

v. During the period of fi ve years, one time rep lacement of tyres I

tubes and battery shall be allowed but not before the completion
of two years.

9.6.3 Scheme - C & D

1. A sum equivalent to 300 Litres of fuel per month against POL

charges to an officer performing fie ld duties;

ii. A sum equivalent to 200 Litres of fuel per month against POL
charges to an officer perfonning office duties;

iii. A sum of Rs. 8,000/- per month against maintenance charges

from the date of handing over of the vehicle under this Policy,
subj ect to an annual increase of Rs. 800/-;

iv. A sum of Rs. 18,000/- per month against driver's salary with
annual increase equ ivalent to Rs. 500/-.

v. During the period of five years, one time replacement of tyres I

tubes and battery shall be allowed but not before the completion
of two years.

9.7 The payments of these monthly lump sum amounts shall be considered
as payment of actual expenses of GEPCO for all intents and purposes
and these payments shall not be considered a value addition to the
salary of any such officer.

10. Payment Amount, Mode & Manner

10.1 A GEPCO officer entitled for Scheme A - D (given in Para 8.2 of this
policy) shall be required to pay, by way of deduction from his salary, to
GEPCO a sum equal to the 60 % of the cost of vehicle (including all
Federal and Provincial taxes but excluding cost of registration and
prevailing withholding income taxes) in sixty equal mon1hly

10 .2 The first deduction shall be made from the salary of the month in which
handing over of the vehicle is made.

11. Official use of the vehicle

11.1 A GEPCO officer provided with a vehicle under this policy shall always
prefer its use for official purposes. The priority of use of vehicle for
official purpose over its personal use is a sine qua none for the
continuation of the benefits under this Policy.

11 .2 An officer shall not pennit another person to make use of his or her
vehicle for official or private purposes in the absence of such officer,
apart from a licenced driver designated in this behalf by the officer.
However, an immediate fam ily member (including only the spouse,
father, mother, son and daughter) of such officer, holding a proper
driving license may be permitted by such officer to use the vehicle
during the period when such vehicle is not required by the officer for
performance of his official duties.

11.3 The consistent private use of the vehicle, when s uch vehicle is required
to be used for official duty I assignment, will be reported to Transport
Committee. The Transport Committee shall issue a warning in writing to
such officer and in case of continuation of such misuse of the vehicle,
the matter shall be referred to an Independent Inquiry Committee
constituted by the CEO comprising of at least three members. Such
independent inquiry committee shall decide the matter after providing
an opportunity of hearing to such officer.
11. 4 If the lndepend l~ Inquiry Committee concludes that the vehicle
provided un th is/Policy or any other pool or departmental I pro.1ect
J> •q,• l 9 I 1!l.

vehicle has been misused by such officer, the Independent Inquiry

Committee may propose following actions against such officer:

a) a Minor Penalty ; or
b) a Major Penalty.

11.5 No superior authority or officer of the GEPCO, in any circumstances,

shall be authorised to direct any GEPCO officer to surrender or hand
over the vehicle provided under this policy for any purpose, whatsoever.

11 .6 The official utilisation period for a vehicle provided under this policy
shall be a period of 60 months. It is only after the lapse of 60 months,
subj ect to the provisions of this Policy, that an officer shall be entitled
for a new vehicle under this Policy.

11.7 The use of pool transport I vehicles shall only be authorised with the
pennission of the Transport Committee for a short time on the occurring
of the fo llowing events:

a. If the allocated vehicle under this policy has met an accident and
is not available with the officer due to its repair requirements;

b. If the allocated vehicle under this policy is stolen and such theft
has been reported to local police and an FIR of the same has been

c. If the allocated vehicle has been taken in custody by any law

enforcement agency;

11.8 If an officer is found to have used the pool transport for official or
personal use, without the prior written permission of the Transport
Committee shall tantamount to misconduct by the officer. Such instance
of misconduct shall be referred to the Transport Committee. The
Transport Comm ittee shall decide the matter after providing an
opportunity of hearing to the concerned officer.

11.9 No extra payment for fuel I POL charges shall be paid to any officer.

11.10 In case of official outstation journey using the vehicle provided under
this policy, the officer shall be entitled to claim taxi fare set out as per
rules. )

i'ug<' 10 1l:l

12. Promotion, Transfer, Deputation, Long Leave, Resignation,

Removal from service, Death I disability or Medical Invalidation of
an Officer

12.1 In case of promotion, transfer I posting outside GEPCO, deputation,

long leave, resignation, removal I dismissal from service, death I
disability or medical invalidation of an officer before the expiry of the
period mentioned in clause 11.6, the officer or his legal heirs shall be
bound to retain the vehicle by immediate payment of settlement value of
the vehicle as reduced by the total amount paid by the officer. The
transfer charges including taxes, if any, of the vehicle from GEPCO to
such officer shall be borne by the officer or his legal hei rs.

12.2 Without prejudice to Clause 12.1 above, if the officer or his legal heirs
express their financial inability to retain the vehicle, the Transport
Committee shall dispose of the vehicle and from the consideration
received an amount already paid by the officer shall be refunded to the
officer or his legal heirs provided that the refund or a portion of it shall
only be made if the amount realised is more than the component B of
settlement value as defi ned in sub-clause (I) of Clause 4 of the Policy.

13. Accidents & Snatching or theft of Vehicle

13 .1 In case of an accident, the officer shall report the accident to the Police
having jurisdiction, Insurance Company and the Transport Committee as
soon as possible. The expenditure on repairs shall be borne by the
Insurance Company and any shortfall shall be met by the officer.

13.2 If a payment is paid by GEPCO to any person, whosoever by force of

law, the officer shall indemnify GEPCO of any such payment.

13 .3 The officer, whose vehicle is declared total loss or unrecoverable, shall

apply to the Transport Committee for purchase and allocation of new

14. Responsibility for the vehicle

14. l The overall responsibility for the safeguarding of a vehicle issued to an

officer and any accessories therein rests with the officer concerned.

14 .2 The officer or the driver retained by him must exercise proper care in
the use and handlin the ehicle.

Pag 11 1 1 ~


14.3 An officer or anyone to whom he handed over the vehicle, if found to

have used the vehicle recklessly, negligently and if such negligence and
recklessness has caused any damage to any third party, the
compensation or damages of such third party will be liability of the

14.4 All traffic fines and road taxes except annual token fee, toll charges, fees
shall be paid by the officer and no reimbursements shall be made.

14.5 If the vehicle is impounded by any authority for having been used in any
criminal or unlawful activity, the officer shall not be provided with any
other vehicle and non-availability of the vehicle in such circumstances
will not be an admissible explanation for non-performing of his duties
towards GEPCO.

14.5 No officer shall be authorised to use green number plate on vehicle

provided to him after its transfer in his name.

15. Appeals

The appeal against any decision of the Transport Committee shall lie
with the CEO.

16. Review of policy

This policy may be reviewed as and when required by the BOD.

17. Contraventions

Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of

this policy may be subjected to disciplinary action as per GEPCO rules
of employment. ~;

1' il g . 12 I l;l.

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