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Discussion Board 4 | Textual Analysis (Popular Culture & Gender in Media)

Guidelines for Your Response

Please, write a paragraph (at least 4 sentences) for each component of the prompt for a total of three
paragraphs. You may write a few sentences more if necessary to fully answer each piece of the
Guidelines for Your (1) Comment on a Peer's Post
In addition to answering the prompt, you are also responsible for reading and writing a one
paragraph comment on another student's post. You select which post you would like to engage with.
Your comments must be well articulated, considerate, explained, and respectful. Remember, you
must bring something new to the conversation. Simply repeating your response, "dis/liking", or
regurgitating theirs will not count toward your participation points for the activity. Enter the
conversation with your unique perspective .
Assignment : Discussion Board | Module 4 Gender in Media
Response Prompt:
 First Paragraph: Context | Introduce your selected media text. Whether you select a social
media post, song, book, tv show, film, video game, news event, journal article, introduce your
text by briefly describing details about the image (what you see or visualize in the case of a
non-visual media text), dialogue (what you hear), and the basic premise (narrative). Include
relevant details about the main characters, the plot, and any production knowledge you wish
to add. Finally, clearly describe what you like best about the text. Why is this text of value to
you (researcher positionality)?
 Second Paragraph: Lens | Select either Hegemonic Masculinity or Objectification Theory
as your lens: Introduce the term, hegemonic masculinity -or- objectification theory, by
defining it in your own words. Thoroughly explain the chosen concept by referencing
material from the course (lecture content, readings, films, clips, etc.).
 Third Paragraph: Analyze | Metanarrative: What is your interpretation of the text through
your selected lens (either hegemonic masculinity -or- objectification theory)? Provide your
rationale for the ways in which your selected media text perpetuates or resists hegemonic
masculinity -or- objectification.
 Comment | Positive Social Change: Comment on one other student's post with a one
paragraph (at least 4 sentences) response. Based upon your classmate's analysis, would you
recommend this text to a child emerging into adolescence (11-13 years old)? Do you think the
representation (re-presentation) is something that is beneficial to a young person's wellbeing
as they develop their identity? Why? Introduce additional aspects of course material if
helpful in discussing your point of view. Should you disagree with a peer, please remember
to express yourself as a scholar.

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