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What is VMware?

Name:Sonali Singh

Roll No.:2200290130164

VMware Workstation is a popular desktop virtualization application that allows users

to run multiple virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical computer. Here are some
key features and uses of VMware Workstation:

1. Multiple OS Support: You can run various operating systems simultaneously

on your desktop, such as Windows, Linux, macOS, and others, each in its own
isolated virtual machine.
2. Testing and Development: It's widely used by software developers and
testers to create and test applications in different environments without
needing separate physical machines for each configuration.
3. Isolation and Snapshots: Each virtual machine operates independently,
providing isolation from the host system and other VMs. You can also take
snapshots of VMs at different states, making it easy to revert to a previous
configuration if needed.
4. Networking Features: VMware Workstation allows you to configure network
settings for virtual machines, including NAT, bridged networking, and custom
network configurations.
5. Compatibility and Integration: It supports a wide range of virtual machine
formats, making it easy to import and export VMs between VMware products
and other virtualization platforms.
6. Advanced Features: The Pro version of VMware Workstation includes
additional features like remote connections to VMs, integration with VMware
vSphere for managing remote virtual machines, and support for virtualization
on powerful hardware configurations.

Overall, VMware Workstation is a versatile tool for virtualization, suitable for

developers, testers, IT professionals, and anyone who needs to work with multiple
operating systems on a single machine.

Installation Screenshots:

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