Penuh Warna Ceria Lucu Presentasi Tugas Kelompok

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Adverbs are additional words that provide a clearer and more

detailed description of a verb, adjective or other adverb (Adverb

adalah kata keterangan atau kata tambahan yang memberikan
gambaran lebih jelas dan detail untuk verb (kata kerja), adjective
(kata sifat), atau adverb yang lainnya).

Adverbs have function to explain verbs, adjectives, sentences,

noun phrases, or other adverbs (adverb berfungsi untuk
menjelaskan kata kerja, kata sifat, sentence, noun phrase, atau
adverb yang lainnya).
Examples of adverbs of time to Example as a sentences :
answer "when" include yesterday, He collapsed and died yesterday.
An adverb of time is this morning, this afternoon, (Dia pingsan dan meninggal
an adverb of time to tonight, at 7 p.m., etc. kemarin.)
I read a narrative text titled
explain when or how An example of an adverb of time Cinderella before going to bed.
long an action to explain the time an event (Saya membaca teks naratif
occurs.This time occurs before or after another berjudul Cinderella sebelum tidur.)
event is before, after. From Monday to Thursday, he
statement usually attended training initiated by Skill
answers the So, examples of adverbs of time to Academy
explain duration are for a moment, (Dari Senin hingga Kamis, Ia
questions when since yesterday, during the week, mengikuti pelatihan yang
(when) and how long from Sunday to Monday, and many diselenggarakan oleh Skill
(duration). more. Academy.)
Contoh dalam kalimat :
Contoh adverb of time untuk
He collapsed and died yesterday.
Adverb of time adalah menjawab “kapan” di antaranya (Dia pingsan dan meninggal
keterangan waktu untuk adalah yesterday, this morning, kemarin.)
menjelaskan kapan atau this afternoon, tonight, at 7 p.m., I read a narrative text titled
etc. Cinderella before going to bed.
berapa lama suatu
Contoh adverb of time untuk (Saya membaca teks naratif
tindakan terjadi. menerangkan waktu kejadian berjudul Cinderella sebelum tidur.)
sebelum atau sesudah adanya From Monday to Thursday, he
keterangan waktu ini biasa kejadian lain adalah before, after. attended training initiated by Skill
menjawab pertanyaan Kalau contoh adverb of time untuk Academy
when (kapan) dan how menerangkan durasi yaitu for a (Dari Senin hingga Kamis, Ia
moment, since yesterday, during mengikuti pelatihan yang
long(durasi). diselenggarakan oleh Skill
the week, from Sunday to Monday,
dan masih banyak lagi.
Adverb whose job is to tell someone about how something happened, aka answering
the question how?

To find the adverb of manner it usually has the ending -ly. Examples of adverbs of
manner are badly, happily, sadly, slowly, quickly, and others.

But, not all of them end in -ly. There are also other adverbs of manner, examples of
which are well, hard, and fast.

You can place the adverb of manner at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence.
However, especially for well, hard, fast and bad, they can only occupy the initial
position of the sentence.
Adverb yang bertugas untuk memberitahu seseorang tentang bagaimana sesuatu
dapat terjadi, alias menjawab pertanyaan how?

Untuk menemukan adverb of manner biasanya memiliki akhiran -ly. Contoh adverb of
manner yaitu badly, happily, sadly, slowly, quickly, dan lain-lain.

Tapi, nggak semuanya berakhiran -ly ya. Ada juga adverb of manner yang lain, contoh
katanya adalah well, hard, and fast.

Adverb of manner bisa kamu letakkan di bagian awal, tengah, atau akhir kalimat.
Tapi, khusus untuk well, hard, fast, dan badly hanya bisa menempati posisi awal
kalimat saja.
Example as a sentence :
Randy paints my face badly.
(Randy melukis wajahku dengan buruk.)
Sadly, Fadly broke up with his girlfriend.
(Sayangnya, Fadly putus dengan pacarnya.)
The turtle slowly ran.
(Kura-kura itu berlari perlahan.)
Adverb of degree is an adverb that we can use to tell
someone about the level or intensity of something that is
1 happening. In this case, the intensity referred to is, for
example, "how much" or "to what extent" something is done
(level or extent).

The following are examples of adverbs of degree:

Very, very much: Fully, highly, totally, absolutely, completely,
2 excessively, intensely
Very much: Very much, positively, really, truly, simply, moderately,
Not much: Hardly, barely
Adverb of degree adalah kata keterangan yang dapat kita
gunakan untuk memberitahu seseorang mengenai sebuah
1 tingkatan atau intensitas sesuatu yang terjadi. Dalam hal ini,
intensitas yang dimaksud contohnya kayak “seberapa
banyak” atau “sejauh mana” sesuatu dilakukan (level or

Berikut contoh adverb of degree:

Sangat sangat banyak: Fully, highly, totally, absolutely,
2 completely, excessively, intensely
Sangat banyak: Very much, positively, really, truly, simply,
moderately, noticeably
Tidak banyak: Hardly, barely
Example as a sentence:
Wheat bread is highly recommended for helping someone lose weight.
3 (Roti gandum sangat dianjurkan untuk membantu seseorang menurunkan
berat badan.)
She truly loves you just the way you are.
(Dia benar-benar mencintaimu apa adanya.)

Other examples of adverbs of degree are too, quite, and enough. But, the
first thing you should highlight is “too” which has two meanings, Too can
have the meaning of “two” or “too.”
4 Can I bring my cat too?
(Bisakah saya membawa kucing saya juga?)
Rasya run too quickly.
(Rasya berlari terlalu cepat.)
Berikut contoh kalimatnya :
Wheat bread is highly recommended for helping someone lose weight.
3 (Roti gandum sangat dianjurkan untuk membantu seseorang menurunkan
berat badan.)
She truly loves you just the way you are.
(Dia benar-benar mencintaimu apa adanya.)

Contoh lain dari adverb of degree adalah too, quite, dan enough. Tapi, hal
pertama yang harus kamu highlight adalah “too” yang memiliki dua arti,
Too bisa memiliki arti “juga” atau “terlalu.”
4 Can I bring my cat too?
(Bisakah saya membawa kucing saya juga?)
Rasya run too quickly.
(Rasya berlari terlalu cepat.)
Enough enough, this word has two functions, namely:
Functions as an adverb, for example:
The water is hot enough for me to swim.
(Airnya cukup panas untuk saya berenang.)
5 Functions as a determiner (explaining a noun), for example:
My parents have enough money for me to take an MBA in Bandung
Institute Technology.
(Orang tua saya memiliki cukup uang untuk saya mengambil gelar MBA di
Institut Teknologi Bandung).
Kalau enough artinya adalah “cukup”, kata ini memiliki dua fungsi, yaitu:
Berfungsi sebagai adverb, contoh:
The water is hot enough for me to swim.
(Airnya cukup panas untuk saya berenang.)
5 Berfungsi sebagai determiner (menjelaskan noun), contoh:
My parents have enough money for me to take an MBA in Bandung
Institute Technology.
(Orang tua saya memiliki cukup uang untuk saya mengambil gelar
MBA di Institut Teknologi Bandung.)
Examples :
This adverb shows the Fortunately the rain stopped
level of belief or hope, you Examples of modality before she was going out.
can use the adverb of adverbs include likely, (Untungnya hujan berhenti
modality. The appropriate perhaps, perhaps, sebelum dia keluar.)
question sentences to use possibly, unlikely, He didn’t come to my party,
to answer this sentence maybe he was tired because
hopefully, probably, and
are how do you feel, what of his office tasks.
fortunately. (Dia tidak datang ke pestaku,
do you feel, and what is
mungkin dia lelah karena
your feeling.
tugas kantornya.)
Contoh dalam kalimat :
Adverb ini memperlihatkan Contoh kata Fortunately the rain stopped
tingkat suatu keyakinan keterangan modality before she was going out.
atau harapan, kamu bisa (Untungnya hujan berhenti
menggunakan adverb of antara lain likely, sebelum dia keluar.)
modality. Kalimat tanya maybe, perhaps, He didn’t come to my party,
yang tepat digunakan possibly, unlikely, maybe he was tired because
untuk menjawab kalimat hopefully, probably, of his office tasks.
ini adalah how do you feel, dan fortunately. (Dia tidak datang ke pestaku,
what you feel, dan what is mungkin dia lelah karena
your feel. tugas kantornya.)
The adverb of frequency is an adverb to express how often
something is done or occurs. It also plays a role in showing the
activities we routinely do now or in the past.
Adverbs of frequency are divided into two types, namely definite and
indefinite. Definite is an adverb that describes the frequency of an
event more specifically than indefinite.

Examples of definite adverbs of frequency are once, twice, three

times, every day, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly with the writing
position in the middle or end of the sentence.

Examples of indefinites are frequently, hardly ever, never,

occasionally, often, rarely, regularly, scarcely, rarely, sometimes, and
usually which are usually placed at the beginning or middle of a
Adverb of frequency adalah kata keterangan untuk mengungkapkan seberapa
sering sesuatu dilakukan atau terjadi. Serta berperan juga untuk menunjukkan
kegiatan yang rutin kita lakukan pada masa sekarang atau di waktu lampau.

adverb of frequency terbagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu definite dan indefinite.
Definite merupakan kata keterangan yang menjelaskan frekuensi sebuah
peristiwa dengan lebih spesifik dibandingkan indefinite.

Contoh definite adverb of frequency adalah once, twice, three times, every day,
daily, weekly, monthly, dan yearly dengan posisi penulisan pada tengah atau
akhir kalimat.

Contoh indefinite adalah frequently, hardly ever, never, occasionally, often,

rarely, regularly, scarcely, seldom, sometimes, and usually yang biasa diletakkan
pada awal atau tengah kalimat.
Examples of its application in sentences:

Alfi usually eats a slice of bread in the morning.

(Alfi biasanya makan satu lembar roti di pagi hari.)

Rara goes to school three times a week.

(Rara pergi ke sekolah tiga kali seminggu.)

Our cat was bitten twice by the same dog.

(Kucing kami digigit dua kali oleh anjing yang sama.)
Contoh dalam kalimat :

Alfi usually eats a slice of bread in the morning.

(Alfi biasanya makan satu lembar roti di pagi hari.)

Rara goes to school three times a week.

(Rara pergi ke sekolah tiga kali seminggu.)

Our cat was bitten twice by the same dog.

(Kucing kami digigit dua kali oleh anjing yang sama.)
Example :
We can stop here for lunch.(Kita
Adverb of place is an adverb of As a direction or shows the bisa berhenti di sini untuk makan
place to explain where an event direction of a movement. siang.)
occurred, aka to respond to the Examples are up, down, North, My apartment is close to campus.
question where? South, backwards, and aroun (Apartemenku dekat dengan kampus.)

Have 3 function : As a distance, that tell the Just walk to the south and you’ll find
As a location or place where an distance from one location to the restaurant.
event occurs. Examples of words: another. Examples: nearby, close, (Cukup berjalan ke selatan dan kamu
here, there, outside, inside, apart, and away. akan menemukan restorannya.)
somewhere, nowhere, and
adverb of place adalah kata As a direction atau Contoh :
keterangan tempat untuk menunjukkan arah dari suatu We can stop here for lunch.(Kita
menerangkan di mana sebuah pergerakan. Contohnya yaitu bisa berhenti di sini untuk makan
peristiwa terjadi, alias untuk up, down, North, South, siang.)
menanggapi pertanyaan where? backwards, dan around. My apartment is close to campus.
(Apartemenku dekat dengan kampus.)

Mempunyai tiga fungsi :

As a location atau tempat as a distance, yaitu Just walk to the south and you’ll find
terjadinya sebuah peristiwa. memberitahu jarak dari satu the restaurant.
Contoh katanya: here, there, lokasi ke lokasi lain. Contoh: (Cukup berjalan ke selatan dan kamu
outside, inside, somewhere, nearby, close, apart, dan akan menemukan restorannya.)
nowhere, dan anywhere. away.
Adverb of Focus is a focus adverb used to
draw attention to a particular part of a clause.
Several types of Adverb of Focus :
1. Added information
Use adverb like also and as well, example :
Tom is coming to the party and is also bringing
(Tom akan datang ke pesta dan juga
membawa James.)
Adverb of Focus adalah kata keterangan fokus
yang digunakan untuk menarik perhatian ke
bagian tertentu dari sebuah klausa.
1. Menambahkan Informasi
Menggunakan adverb seperti also dan as
welL, contoh :
Tom is coming to the party and is also bringing
(Tom akan datang ke pesta dan juga
membawa James.)
2. Limiting information
Examples of words are alone, but, exactly,
exclusively, just, solely, not only, only, precisely,
purely, simply, and solely. Example of

Just Devi is coming to my party.

(Hanya Devi yang datang ke pestaku.)
2.Membatasi informasi
Contoh katanya adalah alone, but, exactly,
exclusively, just, merely, not only, only,
precisely, purely, simply, dan solely.

Contoh kalimat:
Just Devi is coming to my party.
(Hanya Devi yang datang ke pestaku.)
3. Some limit information
There is also information that you want to limit, but
sometimes it is not completely limited, such as the
adverbs chiefly, especially, mainly, mostly,
especially, particularly, in particular, predominantly,
primarily, at least, for the most part, and by and
large. Example of sentences:
Dira wants to eat everything on the menu in this
restaurant, especially pizza.
(Aku ingin makan semua menu di restoran ini,
terutama pizza.)
3. Sebagian membatasi informasi
Ada juga nih informasi yang ingin dibatasi, tapi
terkadang nggak terbatas sepenuhnya, seperti
adverbchiefly, especially, mainly ,mostly, notably,
particularly, in particular, predominantly, primarily,
at least, for the most part, dan by and large.
Contoh kalimat:
Dira wants to eat everything on the menu in this
restaurant, especially pizza.
(Aku ingin makan semua menu di restoran ini,
terutama pizza.)
4. Conveying negative statements
Words that you can use is none/nor.
Example :

Neither Lala nor Sinta turned up at the

graduation party.
(Baik Lala maupun Sinta tidak muncul di
pesta kelulusan.)
4.Menyampaikan pernyataan negatif

kata yang bisa digunakan adalah none/nor.

Contoh kalimat:

Neither Lala nor Sinta turned up at the

graduation party.
(Baik Lala maupun Sinta tidak muncul di pesta
5. Focus on choices
When you want to focus on two choices, the
suitable adverb is either/or. Example sentence :

You can either bring Marsha or Fahri to my

birthday party.
(Kamu dapat membawa Marsha atau Fahri ke
pesta ulang tahun saya.)
5.Fokus pada pilihan

Ketika kamu ingin fokus pada dua pilihan, maka

adverb yang cocok adalah either/or. Contoh
kalimatnya :

You can either bring Marsha or Fahri to my

birthday party.
(Kamu dapat membawa Marsha atau Fahri ke
pesta ulang tahun saya.)
6. Expressing surprise

using the word "even". Example:

Even Laras was at the party!

(Bahkan Laras ada di pesta!)
6.Mengekspresikan rasa terkejut

Menggunakan kata "even". Contoh :

Even Laras was at the party!

(Bahkan Laras ada di pesta!)
I went to Malang to visit my boyfriend.
(Saya pergi ke Malang untuk mengunjungi
pasangan saya.)
She didn’t come to the classbecause he was
stuck in the traffic jam.
(Dia tidak datang ke kelas karena dia
terjebak dalam kemacetan lalu lintas.)

which are included in the

adverbs of purpose are to,
for, because, so, so that, and

Adverb of purpose is an adverb

to explain the purpose or
reason why an event occurs or
is carried out.
I went to Malang to visit my boyfriend.
(Saya pergi ke Malang untuk mengunjungi
pasangan saya.)
She didn’t come to the classbecause he was
stuck in the traffic jam.
(Dia tidak datang ke kelas karena dia
terjebak dalam kemacetan lalu lintas.)

yang termasuk ke dalam

adverb of purpose adalah to,
for, because, so, so that, dan

Adverb of purpose adalah kata

keterangan untuk menjelaskan
tujuan atau alasan mengapa suatu
peristiwa terjadi atau dilakukan.
The adverb of purpose is usually placed at the end of the sentence. However,
you can also put it at the beginning of a sentence, provided you have to include a
comma to separate the main clause from the derivative clause.
Example :
To improve his Digital Marketing skill, he bought a class in Skill Academy.
(Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan Pemasaran Digitalnya, ia membeli kelas
di Skill Academy.)
To upgrade my English speaking skills, I joined an English Academy course.
(Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris saya, saya
mengikuti kursus English Academy.)
Penempatan adverb of purpose biasanya ada di akhir kalimat. Tapi, kamu juga
bisa meletakkannya di awal kalimat, dengan syarat harus memasukkan comma
untuk memisahkan klausa utama dengan klausa turunan.

To improve his Digital Marketing skill, he bought a class in Skill Academy.
(Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan Pemasaran Digitalnya, ia membeli kelas
di Skill Academy.)
To upgrade my English speaking skills, I joined an English Academy course.
(Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris saya, saya
mengikuti kursus English Academy.)

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