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o Project Scope of work

The project scope of work consists of four modules:

1. Module 1: Single equipment’s and system of equipment’s technical specification

2. Module 2: Saudi code development

3. Module 3: Saudi code database set-up and activation

4. Module 4: Water sector facilities/assets “identification cards” preparation

▪ Module 1: Single equipment’s and system of equipment’s technical

specification development

The contractor will be in charge of developing the technical specifications of all single
equipment’s and systems of equipment’s that are part of Process (e.g. RO pressure vessel) and
Balance of Plant (BOP) systems/elements (e.g. backwash pump, instrument air distribution
network) across all value chain steps (as defined in dimension 1, section 3.3).

To complete this task, the contractor is required to follow the below steps:

A. Review and validate the list of single equipment’s and system of equipment’s included in
Appendix 6 [Data categorization framework]

B. Conduct a study on standards & technical specifications of the interface equipment’s and
systems of equipment’s between the Water Sector entities and non-Water Sector
entities (e.g. Electrical Transformer between Water & Power entities) to specify the
standards & technical specifications to be referred to in the Saudi Code for these
interface equipment’s and systems of equipment’s.

C. Develop the equipment coding system by:

i. Baselining the existing equipment coding system within each operating entity.
ii. Conducting a benchmark on the best practices for defining the equipment
coding systems.
iii. Aligning with the stakeholders on the most suitable system in the Saudi context.

D. For each single equipment and/or system of equipment’s included in the list, identify all
the standards and technical specifications currently in use in the Water Sector in the

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E. Recommend to the MEWA Project committee the minimum levels of vital parameters,
that single and system of equipment’s must have in future uses when the technical
specifications will be integrated in the Saudi Code.

F. Review international and national technical specifications and standards and identify the
ones that must be associated, used and / or included in the final draft of the technical
specifications for each specific single equipment and system in order to:
i. Apply value engineering
ii. Avoid overspecification and related overspend
iii. Identify minimum quality levels and minimum acceptance levels avoiding
system quality, life-cycle and availability issues

G. Follow the process designed in Appendix 7 [Methodology for developing technical

standards for Saudi code], to obtain approval for the technical specifications for each
specific single equipment.

H. Confirm the association of the approved specifications for each specific single equipment
and system with Water Value Chain steps (as defined in Dimension 1, section 3.3), in
order to consolidate the attributes (can be leveraged in section 3.4.3, when developing
the Saudi Code Database) and to develop cross-references to be included in the codes.

Points from D to H must be repeated for each element included in the list validated in point A

▪ Module 2: Saudi code development

In this module, the contractor is expected to develop the Saudi code content incorporating
required / approved technical specifications.
In the context of the Saudi code development, technical specifications can be segmented into
two categories:
1- Category 1: Technical specifications of single equipment’s and system of equipment’s
(e.g. class, configuration, material, efficiency vibrations, etc.) – identified in module 1
2- Category 2: Technical specifications covering life-cycle aspects, and not strictly related
to equipment’s (e.g. technical specifications for the design, construction, installation
activities, O&M, etc.).
Technical specifications (Category 2) shall be developed alongside the Saudi code overall
development, as part of this module. The selection process shall be similar to Category 1 (steps
detailed in 3.4.1).

To develop the Saudi code, the contractor is required to follow the below steps:

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A. Review and validate the structure outlined in
i. Appendix 1.: Saudi Code for Water Technical Standards – Production code

ii. Appendix 2.: Saudi Code for Water Technical Standards – Transmission &
Storage code structure

iii. Appendix 3.: Saudi Code for Water Technical Standards – Distribution code

iv. Appendix 4.: Saudi Code for Water Technical Standards – Collection code

v. Appendix 5.: Saudi Code for Water Technical Standards – Treatment & Reuse
code structure

B. Review international and national technical specifications and guidelines and identify
the ones that must be associated with the water life cycle asset management sections
of the Saudi code, and included in the final draft

C. Develop technical specifications for the water life cycle aspects, as per dimension 2
(3.3.1) and as per the five Saudi code structures reviewed and validated (step A)

D. For each Life-cycle section identified in Saudi code structures (Design & Planning,
Construction, Commissioning and OMI) the contractor shall develop the content with
the technical specifications identified (step C) and shall identify and mention cross-

E. Follow the process designed in Appendix 7 [Methodology for developing technical

standards for Saudi code], to obtain approval for the technical specifications and the
overall Saudi code

Points from A to E must be repeated for each Saudi code structure (Production, Transmission &
Storage, Distribution, Collection, Treatment & Reuse).

▪ Module 3: Saudi code database set-up and activation

In this module, the contractor is required to implement a complementary solution or platform

and must conduct a site survey to determine the requirement of hardware and software
needed to put the system in operation, with the following high-level objectives:
A. Solution will have the capacity to store Saudi Code content generated by MEWA in an
index manner along with its associated enriched data [Insert format options]

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B. Solution should enable external MEWA clients to have access to Saudi Code content
through a web or app enabled portal
C. Solution shall be linked to the payment gateway currently utilized by MEWA to control
the purchase of Saudi Code content
D. Solution should also manage the end-to-end stage gate process for the Saudi Codes
from the inception, thought the approval processes
E. Solution should also have reporting capabilities to be able to track content
consumptions, and workflow status

• General functionalities expected for the solution:

The contractor is responsible for the development & implementation on the below general
A. The interface will be in both English and Arabic
B. Solution must have user management capabilities to be able to create and manage
users with different roles and access rights
C. Solution must include a back-end to manage content, work flows, admin rights, security
D. Solution must be able to store and index different input formats: documents, images,
E. Solution should include reporting capabilities to measure platform usage and
F. Solution should follow brand guidelines that are in line with the client’s website:
G. Solution should make use of the current infrastructure, security and applications
available in MEWA

• Front End minimal functional requirements for the solution:

The contractor is responsible for the development & implementation of the below minimal
user requirements on the front end to support the access of the external MEWA clients:
A. Solution should have the option to choose if client wants to log in as a guest or as a
B. Solution should include the options for the client to set-up a new account [information
to set-up the account to be drafted and shared with MEWA project team for validation,
e.g. email, first name, last name, company, password]
C. Solution should include the ability to provide different membership status, based on
this plans, benefits, and access to information should be able to be configured (options
to be aligned with MEWA project team during the project for approval)
D. Solution should include option to provide specific feedback
E. The documents stored in the solution database should have the options of classifying
the info different categories of Saudi Code, for example:
i. Production

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ii. Transmission & Storage
iii. Distribution
iv. Collection
v. Treatment & Reuse

F. Solution should include user friendly search capabilities based on how the data is
stored and indexed.
G. Solution should allow for a user flow that follows an user friendly sections and purchase
process, for example:
i. The user is given the option to select Saudi Code chapter / section of preference
ii. The user is given the option to preview selected code / chapter / section
iii. The user is given the option to purchase Saudi Code (full and / or specific
iv. Solution shall have the ability to provide different purchase receipt options (e.g.
eCopy, hard copy, email)

• Back End minimal functional requirements for the solution:

The contractor is responsible for the development & implementation of the below minimal
user requirements on the back end to support the management of the solution:
A. Solution should include the ability to differentiate and manage different user profiles,
for example but not limited to:
i. Master admin: database operations control, maintenance, back-up and
recovery. Master admin can grant / revoke authorization permissions and add
admin to the account.
ii. Admin: database operations control, maintenance, back-up and recovery.
iii. Power user: database data management & preparation
iv. User: database use (with an account)
v. Guest: database use (without an account)
B. Solution storage should include the ability to store, index and enrich the documents
with external data from other entities [Insert list of potential databases, incl. examples
of data to be used to enrich Saudi Code] in an automated manner (where relevant)
C. Solution is expected to have holistic and configurable reporting capabilities to allow
creation of reports to manage the content status, usage and systems performance
D. Solution back-end should also provide search functionalities to facilitate admin
E. Solution back-end should include the functionality to update the Saudi Code content as
well as the approval workflows with different levels of approval before publishing it

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F. Content should be stored in an easy to search format, however once published it would
be easily downloaded (full document vs specific chapters to be aligned with MEWA
team during the project for approval)

• Implementation & support:

The contractor is responsible for the below implementation & support activities:
A. Provide the resources that work with the MEWA IT team for the solution deployment
B. Provide user and admin manuals
C. Design and execute Systems Integration Testing
D. If solution has bespoke components or developments, design and execute User
Acceptance Tests to comply with MEWA requirements
E. Include a minimum period of O&M support with the price
F. Provide training and hand over both for front end as well as back end
G. Include in the price as permanent licenses all licenses for the solution

• Integration & hosting:

The contractor is responsible to ensure integration of the developed solution with MEWA IT
infrastructure, existing tools & solutions, including but not limited to the below:
A. Solution to be hosted on the MEWA datacenters
B. Content or user information may not leave the KSA territory to comply with national
security guidelines
C. Solution should consider MEWA & Water Sector entities security practices
D. Solution should be in line with the infrastructure practices followed in MEWA
E. Solution should integrate with the available platforms for the sake of keeping data
consistent across the MEWA environment

▪ Module 4: Water sector facilities/assets “identification cards”


• “Identification cards” definition:

In this module, the contractor is required to develop water sector assets “Identification cards”.
The Identification cards shall create a correspondence between the functional data of the
assets and the information relating to their operation.

The identification cards for water facilities/assets across the whole Water value chain
(Production, Transmission & Storage, Distribution, Collection, treatment, and reuse) shall
include a set of parameters to be developed taking into account specificities of the assets (per
value chain step).

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For reference (example), the below parameters are shared as minimum requirements
(illustrative only):

A. Nature of the plant: production plants, storage tanks, pumping stations, transmission

lines, etc.

B. Facility/asset primary function

C. Facility/asset type of use: Permanent, seasonal, for emergency, etc.

D. Brief description of operations and operating parameters

E. Quality, health, and safety standards

F. Facility/assets main features: size, scope, dimensions

G. Qualification certificates required for product approval

H. Facility/asset drawings

I. Facility status of development and modernization description (with specifications)

J. Facility/asset capacity

K. Adopted technology process

L. Water quality and standards

M. Facility/asset average supply and installation costs and prices

• “Identification cards” completion:

To complete “identification cards”, the contractor shall collect data from relevant operating
entities, through site visits for each site to collect required data. This should at least include:
• SWCC plants: 32 cities
• Transmission systems: 7 cities
• Distribution networks and Sewerage systems: 7 cities
SIO system: 6 cities

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