Dr. Abdul Latif Week1

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© Fundamental & Inter-Disciplinary Studies 2020

 ‘Worldview’ is an English translation of the German term

 It is rendered in Arabic as

‫للوجود‬ ‫اإلسالم‬ ‫رؤية‬


A comprehensive set of propositions about various aspects of the


A worldview is the way the people within a specified culture live,

act, think, work and relate. It is a “map” or culture’s social,
religious, economic and political views and relationships


1. Helps to know peoples and cultures comprehensively

2. Helps us to interact with nature, individuals, peoples, nations,
cultures and civilizations
3. Helps us to correct our own values, perspectives, attitudes and
4. Helps us to formulate theories of politics, sociology, culture, etc

 A worldview contains answers regarding broad questions of "life

understanding." These questions are lifetime concerns and
sources of anxiety. They involve fundamental matters,
expressed in the form of queries. Here are some examples of
ongoing human concerns:

 How far out does the universe go? Did it have a beginning and
will it have an end?
 How was it that we humans came about here on earth?
 Does life have a purpose? If it does, what can give meaning to
my life?
 Does my daily conduct matter in the long run?
 What happens to me at my death?
 What is good and what is bad? How can I know the good and
the bad?
 How should I be treating others?
 How can I know?


 Worldview influences all aspects of life

 Some worldviews such as Islam cover all
aspects of life including the personal, social,
economic, political, cultural, civilization
besides dealing with spiritual, moral, and
Aqidah issues.
 But there are other worldviews which focus
only on spiritual, material, social, or economic
aspects of human life.
 Any worldview should be able to answer the
ultimate questions not necessary correct
answers but at least consistent.


Religious Non-religious

Revealed and Revealed but Man-made

preserved corrupted

Atheism Materialism SECULARISM Rationalism scientism


Philosophical Religious Scientific

worldview worldview worldview


 It is based on the premises and findings of science,

 Science is the source of all explanations pertaining to the issues
of creation, life, men, and other issues
 Based on 4 important foundations:
 Materialism, logical positivism, empiricism, skepticism

A belief contending that sense

perceptions are the only admissible
basis of human knowledge and thought





3. ________


 Because it is based on experiment and empirical research, its

findings are more exact and authentic and they can be verified
through using statistic, mathematics, and measurement.

 However, these exact results only apply to a certain part of our

existence, the physical world. The scientific worldview cannot
give us exact and authentic knowledge or interpretation of the
metaphysical world.




 Therefore, the scientific worldview is not capable of providing

comprehensive and consistent explanation of the entire world.

 The Scientific worldview is very important, because it allows

human reason to exercise its ability and to produce knowledge
in many fields.



 The Scientific worldview also allows man to

discover many laws and pattern of God in the

 However, the scientific worldview passes its

limitation when it gives human senses and
reason a role beyond their capacities. In
scientific worldview, Aql and senses become
the only source of knowledge that can be
accepted; any other source including revelation
cannot be accepted.



 However, the scientific worldview failed to

protect man and nature from destruction. One
of the main reasons of this attitude of scientific
worldview is because it undermines the moral,
ethical, and religious factors.

 According to the scientific worldview, the only

sources of knowledge are reason, experiment,
nature, senses, and human experience. It does
not consider revealed knowledge as a source of
knowledge that can provide guidance to
people and answer their questions. In this
sense, the scientific worldview was unable to
discover the sense and role of morality in
human life.




 Therefore, the scientific worldview failed to give meaning to life

and existence. It only gives power of controlling nature, but it
lacks the sense of meaning to our life. Therefore, the scientific
worldview should adopt new approaches which involve values,
moralities, and ethics in the process of scientific research.



 It derives from philosophy and its means to deal with

fundamental questions of life.
 It uses logical reasoning, deduction, induction, mathematic and
speculation. khusus umum

 The Philosophical worldview is more wider in its scope than the

scientific worldview. It deals with issues of philosophical and
metaphysical world.



 It attempts to give a meaning to creation and life. It

does not have the exactness of sciences but it instills in ourselves
a sense and meaning.
 Its results and findings are not precise and measurable like
scientific worldview’s but they open new ways for human
beings to think beyond their physical world.




 It is more comprehensive than the scientific worldview, because

it deals with physical and metaphysical realties.

 If scientific worldview deals only with certain part of the

universe, the Philosophical worldview deals with the entire
existence and the universe.



Source of Knowledge
1. Senses

2. Reason

3. ______________

Advantageous & disadvantageous



 There is a universal spirit, god, deity or divine entity

 This divinity has established an eternal moral order that, in part
at least, can be known to human beings
 People have the duty to follow eternal moral dictates
 This human conduct has long-term (beyond individual death)




1. The Religious worldview considers both the world of seen and

unseen (ghayb). It is comprehensive in its perception of the world. It
does not undermine any dimension of reality and existence
2. Its basis is on the scripture or ‘sacred’, revealed or non-revealed text.
3. It is more stable than the scientific and philosophical worldview, in
terms of having certain and unchangeable principles of belief and
ethical system.
4. The Religious worldview in general imparts to our life the sense of
responsibility, meaning, and purpose. This means that life and the
existence has meaning and purpose. Therefore, it makes our life as a
responsibility towards God, and towards other creatures.



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