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Eur J Pediatr (2005) 164: 705–707

DOI 10.1007/s00431-005-1709-9


Edith Schober Æ Reinhard W. Holl Æ Matthias Grabert

Angelika Thon Æ Birgit Rami Æ Thomas Kapellen
Ora Seewi Æ Thomas Reinehr

Diabetes mellitus type 2 in childhood and adolescence in Germany

and parts of Austria
Received: 27 January 2005 / Accepted: 1 May 2005 / Published online: 13 July 2005
Ó Springer-Verlag 2005

existing diabetes patients in this age group in Ger-

Introduction many.
A rise in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus
(T2 DM) in adolescence and childhood has been ob-
served in North America, especially in minority pop- Method
ulations such as the American Indians, during the past
decades [2]. Few epidemiological data on the incidence Data [gender, date of birth, date of diabetes mani-
of the disease in young people exist in Europe [1, 4, 5]. festation, weight, height, body mass index (BMI),
To obtain an estimate of the magnitude of this prob- insulin requirements and HbA1c] from 25,706 diabetic
lem in Germany, we tried to evaluate the prevalence of patients longitudinally documented in 179 diabetic
T2 DM in people under the age of 20 years using the centres in Germany and parts of Austria in a stan-
DPV-Wiss database, a database covering half of the dardized quality control database were included in the
analysis. Since 1991, participants have been asked to
characterize their patients according to the diagnostic
criteria of the American Diabetes Association (ADA)
as either type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1 DM), T2 DM,
This article was written on behalf of the DPV-Wiss Initiative of the type 3 diabetes [other specific types of diabetes, such
German Working Group for Pediatric Diabetology as cystic fibrosis-related diabetes mellitus (CFRDM)],
E. Schober (&) Æ B. Rami
or gestational diabetes. Diagnosis of T2 DM was
University Children’s Hospital, based on clinical case definition, using overweight at
Waehringer Guertel 18–20, diagnosis, a positive family history of T2 DM, evi-
1090 Vienna, Austria dence of insulin resistance and lack of ketonuria at
E-mail: onset as indications for assignment.
Tel.: +43-1-404003232
Fax: +43-1-404003238
R. W. Holl Æ M. Grabert
ZIBMT and Department of Paediatrics, Results
University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
A. Thon Fewer than 1% (n=227) were diagnosed as having
University Children’s Hospital, T2 DM. Those patients were significantly older at
Hanover, Germany
manifestation and more often female than type 1 dia-
T. Kapellen betic patients were (Table 1).
University of Leipzig, Type 2 diabetic patients showed a higher prevalence
Hospital for Children and Adolescents,
Leipzig, Germany of dyslipidaemia (43% vs 24%, P<0.01) and hy-
pertension (28% vs 10%, P<0.01) than did type 1 dia-
O. Seewi betic patients. More than 25% of the type 2 diabetic
University Children’s Hospital,
Cologne, Germany patients were on insulin treatment.
The annual rate of diagnosis and registration in the
T. Reinehr
Children’s Hospital, Datteln,
DPV database has increased for T2 DM since 1996,
University of Witten/Herdecke, compared with the more stable frequency of T1 DM.
Witten/Herdecke, Germany The major increase for T2 DM was observed in the age

Table 1 Clinical characteristics

of patients <20 years of age Characteristic Diabetes type 1 Diabetes type 2 P
with diabetes type 1 and type 2
documented in the DPV Number (%) 24,871 (96.8) 227 ( 0.9 ) <0.01
database (SD standard Male patients (%) 52 32 <0.01
deviation, SDS standard Age at diagnosis (years ) (mean + SD) 8.23+4.1 13.0 +3.4 <0.01
deviation score, NS not BMI SDS (mean + SD) 0.45+0.95 1.90+1.25 <0.01
significant) Height SDS (mean + SD) 0.10+1.09 0.20+1.59 NS
HbA1C (mean + SD) 8.7+2.5 7.4+2.5 <0.01

group older than 10 years, from 0.8% in 1996 to 3.3% in Heidberg; Hamm Kinderklinik; Hanau Kinderklinik; Hannover
2003 (P<0.001). Henriettenstift Innere; Hannover Kinderklinik MHH; Hannover
Kinderklinik auf der Bult; Heidelberg Uni-Kinderklinik; Heiden-
heim Kinderklinik; Heilbronn Innere Klinik; Herford Kinderkli-
nik; Hermeskeis Kinderpraxis; Herzberg Kreiskrankenhaus Innere;
Discussion Hildesheim Kinderarztpraxis; Hildesheim Kinderklinik; Hin-
richsegen-Bruckmühl Diabetikerjugendhaus; Homburg Uni-Kin-
derklinik Saarland; Itzehoe Kinderklinik; Jena Uni-Kinderklinik;
This is the first prospective report on T2 DM in children Kaiserslautern-Westpfalzklinikum Kinderklinik; Karlsburg Dia-
and adolescents in Germany based on a large cohort of betesfachklinik; Karlsruhe Städtische Kinderklinik; Kassel Kin-
diabetic patients. Of the newly diagnosed diabetic pa- derklinik Park Schönfeld; Kassel Städtische Kinderklinik; Kempen
Heilig Geist Innere; Kiel Städtische Kinderklinik; Koblenz Kem-
tients in the age group under 20 years, 0.9% suffer from perhof 1. Med. Klinik; Koblenz Kinderklinik Kemperhof; Kon-
T2 DM, a prevalence comparable to that in Great stanz Innere Klinik; Krefeld Innere Klinik; Köln Uni-Kinderklinik;
Britain [1], Austria [5] and France [4] but much lower Landshut Kinderklinik; Leipzig Uni-Kinderklinik; Lingen Kin-
than in the USA [2] or Japan [3]. derklinik St. Bonifatius; Lippstadt Evangelische Kinderklinik;
Ludwigsburg Kinderklinik; Ludwigshafen Kinderklinik St.Anna-
Improved awareness and reporting might have con- Stift; Lübeck Uni-Kinderklinik; Lübeck Uni-Klinik Innere Medi-
tributed to the observed increase, but, on the other hand, zin; Lüdenscheid Kinderklinik; Magdeburg Uni-Kinderklinik;
there was a clear increase in the risk factor obesity in our Mannheim Innere; Mannheim Uni-Kinderklinik; Marburg Uni-
region during the preceding decades [6]. Whether Kinderklinik; Mechernich Kinderklinik; Minden Kinderklinik;
European populations will face a similar steep increase Moers Kinderklinik; Mutterstadt Kinderarztpraxis; Mönchen-
gladbach Kinderklinik Rheydt Elisabethkrankenhaus; München
as the USA is unclear. Paediatricians need to be aware von Haunersche Kinderklinik; München-Harlaching Kinderklinik;
that T1 DM is not the only form of diabetes in children. München-Schwabing Kinderklinik; Münster Uni-Kinderklinik;
T2 DM should be considered in obese children with a Münster Kinderarztpraxis; Neukirchen Kinderklinik Kohlhof;
family history positive for T2 DM, especially in girls and Neuss Lukaskrankenhaus Kinderklinik; Neuwied Kinderklinik
Elisabeth; Nürnberg Cnopfsche Kinderklinik; Nürnberg Kinder-
in ethnic at-risk groups. klinik Klinikum Süd; Oberhausen Kinderklinik; Offenbach/Main
Kinderklinik; Oldenburg Kinderklinik; Osnabrück Kinderklinik;
Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from the Paderborn St. Vincenz Kinderklinik; Passau Kinderklinik; Pforz-
German Ministry of Health, the German Diabetes Foundation, the heim Kinderklinik; Praxis Wagner, Saaldorf-Surheim; Ravensburg
German Diabetes Association, the Dr. Dr. Buerger-Buesing Kinderklink St. Nikolaus; Regensburg Kinderklinik St. Hedwig;
Foundation and Novo Nordisk Pharma GmbH. We thank the Remscheid Kinderklinik; Rendsburg Kinderklinik; Rosenheim
following centres for participating in the study: Aachen Kinder- Kinderklinik; Rotenburg/Wümme Kinderklinik; Saalfeld Thürin-
klinik RWTH; Ahlen St. Franziskus Kinderklinik; Aue Helios genklinik Kinderklinik; Saarbrücken Kinderklinik Winterberg;
Kinderklinik; Augsburg Kinderklinik Zentralklinikum; Aurich Saarlouis Kinderklinik; Schw. Gmünd Margaritenhospital Kin-
Kinderklinik; Bad Hersfeld Kinderklinik; Bad Oeynhausen Dia- derklinik; Schweinfurt Kinderklinik; Siegen Kinderklinik; Singen-
betesfachklinik; Berlin Kinderklinik Lindenhof; Berlin Klinik St. Hegauklinik Kinderklinik; Sinsheim Innere; Spaichingen Innere;
Hedwig Innere; Berlin Virchow-Kinderklinik; Berlin Hellersdorf Stade Kinderklinik; Stuttgart Olgahospital Kinderklinik; Suhl
Innere; Bielefeld Kinderklinik Gilead; Bonn Uni-Kinderklinik; Kinderklinik; Sylt Rehaklinik; Trier Kinderklinik der Borromäer-
Bottrop Kinderklinik; Bottrop Knappschaftskrankenhaus Innere; innen; Ulm Uni-Kinderklinik; Vechta Kinderklinik; Viersen Kin-
Bremen Kinderklinik Nord; Bremen Kinderklinik St. Jürgenst- derklinik; Waiblingen Kinderklinik; Waldshut Kinderpraxis
rasse; Bremen Epidemiologieprojekt; Bremerhaven Kinderklinik; Biberbau; Weiden Kinderklinik; Weingarten Kinderarztpraxis;
Bruckmühl Internist Praxis; Celle Kinderklinik; Chemnitz Kin- Wien Uni-Kinderklinik; Wiesbaden Horst-Schmidt-Kinderklini-
derklinik; Coesfeld Kinderklinik; Darmstadt Kinderklinik Prinz ken; Wiesbaden Kinderklinik DKD; Witten-Herdecke Kinderkli-
Margareth; Datteln Kinderklinik; Deggendorf Kinderarztpraxis; nik; Worms Kinderklinik; Wuppertal Kinderklinik.
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Kinderklinik; Dortmund Kinderklinik; Dortmund St. Josefshos-
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