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Expert Answer

Facility- Childcare clinic

Description- The facility is very important to child care because the caring child is a very

difficult task for parents as well as the medical officer.

1- The facility is a child care unit which belongs to the local health care program; the facility is

providing basic information and extensive health care support o the child and their mother. As

we know, a few hours after child birth are very important for the child as well as a lady, the child

care unit provides primary support and immunization to increase the expectancy of the child.

2- The facility is using by adult couple and parents who want to ensure about the health of their

children, actually, the unit is open for all but it targets the first time pregnant ladies and their

caretakers. The childcare facility is a very important part of the public health service and

government spending huge money to ensure the quality of health service.

3- As a part of public health service, the facility should be full of basic amenities, as well as

emergency response units, the facility should also ensure to aware the society about child’s

health and immunizations. Public health survey suggested that health care is a resource to

develop a productive society.

The selection of this facility led us to understand the public health scenario as well as

government expenditure in public health service. The health service is a very important part of

social security as good governance. This subject targets multiples aspects of society. So I took

this facility for description.


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