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Kongsberg Marit im e

K- Chief 700 Maint enance Course based on RBus -

St ep I I
Course I D 16- 02- 003
Not e: Please see Ent ry requirem ent

Kongsberg Maritime Marine Automation System

Alternative routes for K-Chief 700 Obj e ct ive

maintenance training
>> Step I
Course ID 16-01-001 Provide participants with a basic understanding of the
5 days
K-Chief 700 system. The participants should be able to
>> Intensive – SPBus >> Intensive – RBus operate the system, and use it as a tool for fault-finding
Course ID: Course ID:
>> Step II – SPBus >> Step II – RBus 16-01-004 16-02-005 after completing the course.
Course ID: Course ID: 8 days 8 days
16-01-002 16-02-003
5 days 5 days Ta r ge t a u die n ce

Electronic technicians, electricians, and maintenance

personnel onboard.

Con t e n t s of cou r se

• Introduction to K-Chief 700

• System overview
• Main system components
• Hardware module descriptions
• Loop typicals
• Serial line theory
• I/O configuration
• Maintenance of hardware
• Troubleshooting through practical exercises

356676/ A
© Kongsberg Marit im e AS – January 2008.
Spe cia l in for m a t ion Ve n u e s
The course is relevant for RBus solutions (AIM 8.x) only. • Kongsberg Maritime AS, Kongsberg/Horten, Norway
• Kongsberg Maritime Ltd., Aberdeen, UK
En t r y r e qu ir e m e n t s • Kongsberg Maritime Inc., Houston, USA
K-Chief 700 Course - Step I, Course ID 16-01-001. • Kongsberg Maritime Training do Brasil, Macae, Bazil
• Kongsberg Maritime Middle East DMCCO, Dubai. UAE
Te a ch in g m e t h od • Kongsberg Maritime Pte. Ltd., Singapore
The training will be a combination of theoretical lessons • Kongsberg Maritime Korea Ltd., Busan, Korea
and practical exercises. Focus will be on hardware design, • Kongsberg Maritime China Ltd., Shanghai, China
location of components, system fault-finding, and mainte-
nance. Each participant will be using a stand-alone operator
station and simulated process stations during the course. For
more practical exercises a separate lab including all the typi-
cal hardware components will be used.

Te a ch in g m e diu m
The course documentation is written in English and the
course will be held in English, unless otherwise agreed.

D u r a t ion
5 days

N o. of Pa r t icipa n t s
Maximum 6

Book in g Ca n ce lla t ion / post pon e m e n t

Please cont act : has t o be in writ ing.

The Course Coordinat or
Kongsberg Marit im e AS Fee
Kirkegaardsveien 45, Carpus Cancellat ion/ post ponem ent m ore t han four ( 4)
P.O. Box 483, 3601 Kongsberg - Norway weeks before st art ing dat e of course: None
Tel.: + 47 32 28 50 00, Fax: + 47 32 28 50 10
e- m ail: km .t Cancellat ion/ post ponem ent from t wo ( 2) t o four ( 4)
weeks before st art ing dat e of course:
50% of course price
Con fi r m a t ion

The course coordinat or confi rm s t he enrolm ent in Cancellat ion/ post ponem ent less t han t wo ( 2) weeks
writ ing, which is t hen considered binding. before st art ing dat e of course: 100% of course price

W ORLD CLASS – t h r ou gh pe ople , t e ch n ology a n d de dica t ion Kongsberg Marit im e AS

P.O. Box 483
N- 3601 Kongsberg, Norway
E- m ail: km .t Telephone: + 47 32 28 50 00

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