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Office Functions _v.

Name of Office/ Division: Curriculum Implementation Division

Strand/Governance level: Schools Division Office

Statement of Purpose

The Curriculum Implementation Division continuously improves the management of curriculum implementation in the schools and
learning centers towards the achievement of quality basic education.

Outcomes Outcomes Indicators

• Schools and learning centers can implement the curriculum • Percentage of schools and learning centers implemented the
effectively and efficiently curriculum effectively and efficiently

• Schools and Learning Centers can continuously improve

• Percentage of schools & learning centers that have attained the
management of instruction for the attainment of desired learning
desired learning outcomes

Key Results Areas Objectives Outputs Output Indicators

Instructional Supervision To ensure the effective and efficient • Instructional Supervisory Plans • Number of implemented
and Management implementation of Basic Education approved Instructional
Curriculum, Programs/Projects/ Supervisory Plans
Activities (PPAs), and Special • Instructional Supervisory • Number of submitted analyzed
Curricular programs (SCPs) Reports Instructional Supervisory
through regular instructional Reports
supervision and monitoring • M&E Systems and Tools • Number of monitored schools
implementing the Basic
• Consolidated Results of M&E Education Curriculum, SCPs
and Analyses and learning centers in
compliance to quality standards
• Number of schools
implementing needs based
curricular PPAs (Programs,

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Office Functions _v.3

Key Results Areas Objectives Outputs Output Indicators

Projects, Activities) compliant to
• Number of M&E results
• CID MEA reports • Number of CID MEA Reports
consolidated and submitted to
the top management
To capacitate School Heads and • Training Needs Assessment • Number of capacitated school
teachers in the curriculum • Individual Plan for Professional heads
implementation of Basic Education Development (IPPD) • Number of conducted trainings
and Special Curricular Programs • School Plan for Professional
(SCPs) in collaboration with the Development (SPPD)
HRD/SGOD • Master Plan for Professional
Development (MPPD)
• Training Proposal, Training
Design and Activity Completion
• Job-Embedded Learning (JEL) • Number of employees
Contract implemented Job-Embedded
Learning contract
• Report on the submitted Re- • Number of monitored
entry Action Plan (REAP) implemented REAP
• Coaching and Mentoring Plan • Number of Coaching and
Mentoring plan implemented
• Number of school heads and
teachers under approved
Coaching and Mentoring
• Number of school heads and
teachers coached and mentored

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Office Functions _v.3

Key Results Areas Objectives Outputs Output Indicators

To conduct basic and/or action • Basic and/or Action Research • Number of approved basic
research or innovations on and curriculum innovations and/or action researches or
curriculum /instructional curriculum innovations
management and supervision implemented in school levels
• Number of proposed and
completed Basic and/or Action
Research and curriculum
Assessment of Learning To ensure effective implementation • FGDs and Needs-Assessment • Number of conducted approved
of the management of learning Accomplishment Reports FGDs/ Orientations/ Re-
assessment in schools and learning Orientations/Coaching/
centers for better learning outcomes Mentoring sessions
• Compendium of instructional • Number of Schools and LCs
interventions/ best practices implementing and utilizing the
based on analyzed Quarterly Consolidated Quarterly
Assessment results per learning Assessment Result/Analysis
• Report on instructional Report per learning area
interventions implemented in • Number on instructional
schools/LCs interventions implemented in
To lead in the development of • Inventory/list of • Number of developed
contextualized assessment tools to Localized/contextualized localized/contextualized
diagnose learners and determine assessment tools (diagnostic, assessment tools
their mastery level in the different and summative, tests)
learning areas
Learning Resources To conduct needs assessment on • Inventory of learning resources • Number of book inventory of
Management and type/kind of learning resources to needs learning resources needs
Development be developed updated

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Office Functions _v.3

Key Results Areas Objectives Outputs Output Indicators

• Division Learning Resource • Approved and implemented
Technical Assistance Plan DLR TA Plan
To lead in the development and • Developed quality assured and • Number of developed quality-
quality assurance of contextualized validated contextualized assured and validated
learning resources by learning area learning resources contextualized learning
for schools and learning centers resources
To lead in the uploading of the • Uploaded and published • Number of uploaded and
validated and finalized contextualized LRs in the official published contextualized LRs in
contextualized learning resources LR Portal the LR portal
in the official LR Portal
To monitor and evaluate the • M & E Tool in the utilization of • Updated M&E tool
utilization of learning resources contextualized learning
based on needs and standards. resources
• Consolidated Monitoring and • Number of utilized LRs based
evaluation reports on utilization on the M&E report
of LRs
Technical Assistance on To provide technical assistance to • Consolidated TA Needs • Number of schools and LCs
Curriculum school heads, and instructional Assessment Report with TA needs
Implementation managers on curriculum and • Approved TA Plan assessment/analysis report
special curricular programs • TA contract/agreement • Number of submitted
(SCPs)/programs, projects, • TA Accomplishment report accomplished TA Plans
activities (PPAs) implementation • Number of school heads,
for the improvement of teachers, and instructional
instructional leadership managers provided with TA
competence, learning resource along their identified needs
management, learning delivery, • Number of approved TA Plans
and assessment of learning

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Office Functions _v.3

Key Results Areas Objectives Outputs Output Indicators

To provide Technical Assistance • TA Needs Assessment Report • TA Plan submitted and stamped
(TA) on classroom management to on Classroom Management received
school heads, teachers, and • Consolidated TA plan result
instructional managers, inclusive of arrayed and analyzed
the development skills, • Number of TA accomplishment
instructional competence, and reports submitted to the
action research appropriate office
To provide technical assistance in • Proposed and Completed Basic • Number of school heads and
the conduct of basic and/or action and/or Action Research and teachers provided with TA
research on curriculum curriculum innovations on action research and
management and instructional curriculum innovations across
supervision subject areas/grade levels
• Identified needs on Curriculum • Number of Curriculum
management and Instructional management and Instructional
supervision for basic and/or supervision need included in
action research basic and/or action research
Office Administration To establish and maintain systems ● Operations Manual and/or ● Streamlined Processes/Services
and Performance and processes geared towards Citizens Charter and Procedures as declared in the
Management administrative effectiveness and ● Document Tracking System Operations Manual and Citizen
efficiency Charter
● Operational document tracking
● Administrative and Financial ● Number of pertinent forms and
Reports documents accomplished and
stamped received on time by the
appropriate offices.
To promote a culture of ● List of employees given rewards ● Number of recognition
excellence, innovation, and and recognition initiatives conducted
collaboration ● CCSS rating received

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Office Functions _v.3

● Report on actions taken relative

to the Citizen/Client Satisfaction
Survey (CCSS) Results, if any
● Report on Actions taken relative ● Number of satisfied clients/
to the CCSS results (if there’s customers based on feedback
any) received
To conduct periodic monitoring ● IPCRF/OPCRF Accomplishments ● Percentage of achievement of
and evaluation of office/staff ● Capacitated staff IPCRF/OPCRF
performance for the provision of ● Training Completion/Terminal ● Number of personnel who
relevant learning and development Reports attended learning and
programs ● Summary of developmental development programs
needs as reflected in the ● Approved Annual Learning and
OPCRF/IPCRF Development Plan for teaching
and non-teaching personnel
● Report on performance coaching ● Number of performance coaching
activity conducted
● Number of Performance reviews

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