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Accelerating the
pa ce of precisi on medicine C¤.
kCiJ:i@ ,:mcr10 Europe' Prfn1en
egrach r 20I 251 4A P The Ho

nsi1 l'etM Po Jy m er -HRP IH C Detection

u p er Se
New & lmprol'cd S Systems
F o r M an ua l and Open• .. n,

• Staining Pr oc ed ur e to all Su pe r Se ns itive

IHC protoco , ~ee the l is applicable
C at al og No. __pti_o_n_-::--_ _7 JP The followingP Manual Two-Step Detection Systems ~l s.
----D_e_sc_·n_·.:: I/, Polymer-HR manual fo r mo~e de
r;:~~~::-=:==::-:---+- Ready-To-Use, New & Improved Su pe r n /· Quality Control section an d the user
at any po mt du nn g
60 Polymer-HRP Detec
Se ns iti ve ™ sections to dr y out , sue .
slides • Do not allowantis d staining procedur
P/ DA B reh ydrat ion ng solution at a ratio of
HR Su pe r B wo rki
QD420-YIK. EN Ki t,
Ready-To-U se, Ne w Im pro ved
• Always use fre shly prep are d DA
substrate buffer.
50 0 slides ™ Po lym er- HR P Detection ul) of DA B ch romogen pe r 1 ml of
Sensitive ~:--~---=-----,, ,,,,,,.. J drop (40
..HRP....Ne ..;,..;;,...;;'ID;..;.AB
prove d Super . - Ri ns e
:::::-::-:-:-:::=~ --1r-K i__ ;,·t,:..
Ready-To-U se, w & Im
te ct i~ on ~~. - St ep - .. Incubation J 2 min, DI
QD4 -X AK EN lym er- HR P De om AJ coho
de s - - --- ~ Sensitivel·M Po 1Omin at Ro
wa ter 5 min
1000 sli
Kit, HRP/DAB Dewax • Temperature (R T)
Ready-To-Use, Ne
w & Im pro ve d Su .
pe r
See primary DI water x3
QD440-XAKEN er- HR P De tection An tigen Re trieval ant ibod_ X da tasheet
1000 slides Sensitive™ Po lym PBS wash buffer
Kit, HRP M 5 min at RT x3
Ready-To-Use. Ne
w, & Im pro ve d XvizT Peroxide Block
sli de s De tec tio n Kit for Xmatrx Po we r BJ oc k'M 5m in at
20 0
w & Im pro ve d Xviz™ See primary PBS wash buffer x3
QDSSO-YCDEN Ready-To-Use, Ne tibod y tas he et
Detection Kit for Xm
atrx Elite Primary An antibod_X da PBS wash buffer x3
20 0 slides pro ve d Super 10 mi n at RT _
.. PBS wash buffer x3
w & Im ha nc er"
QD410-YAXEN Ready-To -U se, Ne Super En
de s Se ns iti ve ™ Po lymer-HRP Detectio HR P 20 m in at RT wa ter 5 mi n -
. 20 0 sli .i.: · Poly- DJ
i6000 - - - - - - - - 5- 10 min at RT
S stem --te_
_s_y_s-= ms_ -
. Substrate Solution DI water 5 mi n,
.;..'-~,_;_~be-used--=---on-o v
1 mi n at RT alc oh ol 2 m in
e er- HR P : NI A
:"'"Intended Us nsitiveTM· Polym
tro Di ag no sti c Use. Su pe r Se enic de tectio n of .:· Mount and Coverslip NI A tor y de fa ul t pr oto co l
.~- For In Vi
ned fo r the chrom
og to th e fac
ms are desig , -
··-Detection Syste lgG and :. : ple as e re fe r
cti on s wi ll, mo us e and/or rabbit sp ec ifi .
J_ c · No!e: Fo r au to~ ati ~n --- -----=:-
tib od y bin din g rea hly sen sit ive an d _ so ft\ \ a~
antigen-an ies to achieve hig ;fru
_ _nt
~ -on rn,
tib od -~ - - __,-- .
ma ry an - __7 .
M pri
-saum•ng. ---~ ~-

munohistoe !1l•lca• J t ;
Li m ita tio ns ki t Jo t
su bs tit ut ed ac rc m
um m ar y an d Expl
stiy a:H Q: is a
rec om me nd ed th at re ag en ts no t be re su lt is so lel y th e
immunohistocbemi It is of the staining
de tec tio n by cif ic ep ito pe s of the Interp retati on ld be co nf in ne d
ti tibody binds to spe numbers. results sh ou
where in the pri ma ry an
is de tec ted . by a ch rom ogen.
po nsibi lity of the user. Experimental uc t or pr oc ed ure.
an d that bin din g stems use a res dia gnostic prod
tigen of int ere st te. cbo n Sy y-e sta blish ed ist
nsitiveTM Po lym er-
by a medicall d pa th ol og
ioG en ex Su pe r Se mp lex teebn~Jogy rformed by a qualifie
n-b iotin pro pri eta ry mi cro po Jy me r~ an tib od y Evaluation must be pe
on-streptavidi ng wherein an io r to im mu no sta
in in g
mi nim ize background staini ~ are bo un d to lhe
nd lin g and processing pr g an d
fier an d a po lymer:fIR!' reag~ AB ). Impro pe r tis su e ha
s. Variations in em be dd in
hancerlam pli minobenzidine (D on sis ten t res ult in res ul ts.
rimary antibod y and vic:uaiiud by dia can lead to inc
the tissue ma y Jead to
. . the na tur e of da se ac tiv ity
fixation or do peroxi
torage an d Handlin t use after the printed exp1rallon date. do geno us pe ro xid ase activity or ps eu no n- sp ec ifi c sta ining
En ult in
tore at 2-BoC. Do no sue biotin ma y res nt ain in g
,. erythrocytes and tis ste m em pl oyed. Tissues co
tec tio n sy po sit iv e
• · 'ty Jeadinbegfte ba sed on the de
en (H Bs Ag) ma y gi ve a fal se
anngemcJ ce An tig counterstaining
en t
ctr ea tmsue fixation can have ad verse eff ec ts
ic Hepatitis B Surfa systems. Im pr op er
utine tis
. Recovery of
antigens can ~ yt with horserad ish pe ro xid as e
retation of results.
false-ne ga tiv e staining
etreatment P intenS it)'
un tin g ma y co mpromise the interp
lis he d us ing An tigen Retrieval ~r i~ Re trieva l and mo
mp t A nt
tig en Re trieval pretreatmen rra ctor for 1'1'oubJcshootlng tio n
estion . An
staining. BioG en ex . a e BioGenex De tec
reduces background for each ub les ho oting section in th sy ste m
g a wi de pH range, .as ~so~uan R~fer to the tro
ed iaJ ac tio ns on de tec tio n
lutions coverinTo determine wh ich on
Kits user manu al fo r rem Te ch ni ca l Su pp on
some antigens. co nt ac t Bi oG en ex
fe r to th e an tib od y datasheet. related issues, or su pp or t@ bi og en ex .co m or
an tib od y, re rtm en t at 1- 80 0- 421-4149 or staining.
Depa to re po rt unusua l
'muJtaneousJy with
all patJent your local distributor
Q ua lit y Co nt ro l lhe kit m id ~,wdel,
n slU ve an d n~ g• ':m ~: :,n ;:: := ,, forof reaseat across
Ru po
es . tent volume
ip ed m en s. FolJow a consis
antibody exactly. Use Revision No. E
' Detection S~tems
Re lease Da te 31-Mar-2022
Ca te2 or y 932-QD4()(),, KBN
60 a
4-1490, suppon@biogeaex.com. www.biopnex.co
Document No. cl: +J (800)
21-4149, Fax: +1 (510) 82

411JO Jufo Rold. SuJte JOOB & 200B.

Fremont. CA 9453 8, 1i
X /B io G e n e x _ isio n medicine
CE Emergo Europe, P,inseueg,ach(

20, 1514AP Tlte ffague. 't1fe

Accelerating the pac e of prec

Bib liog rap hy ects off mmunohistochemi11try,

Precautions Ramos-Vara, J. A., Technical Asp
ose d to them should b h8 d !.
Spe cim ens and aJJ materials exp
1 5).
e r" ~ed . • Vet. Pathol. 42, 405 -42 6 (200
as if cap able of tran smi ttin g infection and disposed o With . Dep artm ent of ~ea Jth and Human Ser vi~ Pub lk Health
. U.S
• A ·d • •
rob1al contaminat ion of 1 trol and Prevennon and National
pro per precauttons. vm nuc nts Service, Centers for Disease Con
c stai ning. We ar suitable ~geona MicrobiologicaJ and Biornediad
to min imi ze non -spe cifi
· ette reagents by mouthrers A .l Institutes of Health. Biosafety in
• ent. N eve r pip
· Eq utpm il 199<J. Web edition available
Protec tive . . • void Laboratories. Fourth Edition, Apr
c1~ ens with s~n and mucous files/4th%20BMBL.pdf
contac t o f reafgen an spe
d at http://www.cdc.gov/od/ohs/pdf
ents or spe cim ens com e mto
contact 'th . Decontamination of Laboratory
membranes. I reag wi
. 2. Centers for Disease Control
h 'th .. s amo unt s of water. de Salts. Center for Disease
sensitive area, was w1 cop iou
.. Sin k Drains to Remove Azi
ety Management, No. CDC-22,
Control Manuai Guide - Saf
sodium azide at concentration Atlanta, .Oeorgia. April 30, 197
6. __ _
Som e reagents in this kit contain hazardou:· Human Services (NIOSH),
iqn L~ de is not classified_as a ent of Hea lth and
_ _ _ofJess--1han 0.1 %. Sod pro per handling· protocol§ 3. U.S. Departm
e haz ard, Publication No. 78-
• chemical at these concentrations
, but RockviUe, MD . Explosive azid
sified as a possible carcinogen
should be observed. DAB is clas 127, 1976. ogy: A Practical Approach to
n contact. For more information 4. Elias, JM. , ImmunohistopathoJ
and can cause skin init atio n upo
and waste disposal, Material Diagnosis. AS CP Press, Chicag
o, 1990.
on product hazards, precautions antigen retrieval procedure:
upon req ues t Dispose of unused 5. Tacha, DE., et al., Mo difi ed
Safety Dat a Sheets are available , ave ovens. J. Histotechnol.
Stat e and Federal Regulations. calibration technique for microw
reagents according to Local,
_ 17:365, (1994). p~
plied Retrieval technique: a novel ap
Reagents Available but Not Sup y reagents and 6. Shi, SR., et al., Antigen
routine ly proc esse d nssue
our mos
Thi s section lists t pop ular anc illar to immunohistochemistry on
tained in some but not all of sections. Cel l Vision. 2:6-22, (199
supplies, including reagents con
erials and Reagents Provided
these kits, as laid out in the Mat Catalog for details and a
le on p3. See the Bio Gen ex
s available.
lete listing of the reagents and size
• Please refer to the BioGenex
Antibodies Catalo for details.
• Phosphate Buffered Saline (PB
H 7.6 (HK
ts for Prim a~y ' • Com mon
bodies • Enh anc ed
091 )
Ant ibod y Diluent (HK
Com mon Ant ibod y
941 )
I 56 ,y- Tem pera ture
Lim itat ion
~- Use By Date

Dilu ent (HK

• Peroxide Blo ck (HK l 11)
In Vitro
Protein Blo cks • Power Blo ck (HK 083 ) Batch Code
124) Diagnostic
• Liquid DAB Chromogen (HK
Medical Device
Chromogen Solution • Stable DAB Substrate Buffer
Components (HK520) Representative
• Pepsin (EK000) in the
Enzymes for • Trypsin (EKOO 1) Non-Sterile
Tissue Digestion • Protease XXIV (EK002 Community
• Plea se refe r to the Bio Gen ex
Antigen Retrieval
Catalo for details.
Solutions Consult
• Mouse Negative Control (HKJ
19) Instructions for
Negative Controls • Rabbit Ne ative Control (HK408
) Use
• Hematox lin (HKIOO )
• Aqueous Mounting Media (HK
eou s r··.
• SuperMount® Permanent Aqu
Me dium (HK 079 )
.. Mo unt ing Me dia - Mounting
• XMount Permanent Mounting
Medium (HX035) es. All righ ts reserved
j r O 2020, Bio Gen ex IAb ora tori
r-------i:.~o;:p:;_ t~iP;;:Ju=s~™~P~o~si~tiLve---;:C:::-h-ar _
_g_ed _

Microscope Slides (XT002)

Other Ancillary B • I
Supplies 2,_xr_o_1_3'_ j

.___ _ _ _ _ __,J_•...:.:..
Cateeory Detection Systent~ r Revision No. 3 J-Mar-2022
Document No. 932-QD400.«>KEN aelelse Date . encx.com. www.biogenex.con
49 e . +1 (510) 824-1490, support@b1og
200E, Fremont, CA 94538' Tel·• +J 00} 42J-41 • ,:-U:
""4 881 0 Kaw Road, Suite lOOE &

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