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1. The science of studying the aspect of nature in a fundamental way in terms of

elementary principles and laws is called what. A. Physiology B. Physics C.
Physiotherapy D. Molecular Physics
2. What is the fundamental units of length, mass and time? A. m, kg, s B. l, m, t C.
m/s, m3, t D. km, m, h
3. The following are fundamental quantities except; A. length B. time C. velocity D.
4. Which of the following is the correct dimension of Force? A. MLT -2 B. MLT C. MLT3
5. Which of these instruments is used for measuring distance? A. vernier callipers B.
hydrometer C. measuring cylinder D. weighing balance.
6. A motorist travels from a town A to a town B, 145km distance in 3hr45mins. What
is his average speed in km/hr? A. 38.7km/hr B. 308.7km/hr C. 3.87km/hr D. 0.387km/hr
7. Convert 2hrs to minutes. A. 200mins B. 120mins C. 65mins D.90mins
8. The following are examples of time measuring devices expect A. ticker-taper timer
B. stopwatch C. sand clock D. bell
9. Which of the following is a quantity of matter? A. mass B. length C. time D.
10. The heart’s blood pressure increases as the heartbeat increases. A. true B. false C.
none of the above D. all of the above.
11. A body of mass 5kg will weigh how much?(take g=10m/s2) A. 15N B. 50N C. 5kg D.
12. How many hours are in a day? A. 25hrs B. 24hrs C. 3600hrs D. 60hrs.
13. Convert 125kg to grammes. A. 0.125g B. 1250g C. 125000g D.1.25g
14. If 60sec make 1mins, how many minutes makes 30secs? A. 90mins B. 0.5min C.
2mins D. 30mins
15. The followings are example of derived quantities except A. velocity B. volume C.
acceleration D. temperature.
16. The S.I unit of power is A. Watts B. Newton C. metre D. Joules
17. If 16J of energy is used for 4sec, what is the power dissipated? A. 64W B. 4J C. 4W
D. 64J/s
A car traveling with initial velocity 5m/s, increases its velocity to 15m/s in 5sec.
18. Calculates its acceleration. A. 2m/s2 B. 3m/s2 C. 1m/s2 D. 20m/s
19. If the total distance by the car above is 162.5m in 15sec, calculates its average
speed. A. 177.5m/s B. 147.5m/s C. -35m/s D. 10.83m/s
20. Which of the following is also called the hour glass? A. stopwatch B. simple
pendulum C. ticker-taper timer D. sand-clock

1. Define Position, Distance and Displacement.

b. In a tabular form differentiate between distance and displacement
c. Give 2 instruments used in measuring distance.

2. A train moving at 30km/h accelerates to a speed of 50km/h in 3os. Find;

i. The average accelerations in m/s2
ii. The distance travelled in meters during the period of acceleration.

3. If the weight of Ayobami is 65N, what will be his mass if g=10m/s 2

b. In tabular form, state at least 3 differences between mass and weight.

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