MGT1102E_Debate_GROUP 04

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Group 4

Student’s name Student’s ID

Vo Thi Kim Ngan 225044578
Vu Thai Ka Thy 225044551
Nguyen Thi Thu Thao 225048786
Tran Bao Ngoc 225040462
Bui Duy Anh 225991206
Vu Hoang Dat 225991249

General Assessment of Group 02’s Presentation

Group 02's presentation on the topic of Chapters 7 and 8: Persuading Consumers and From Print
and Broadcast to Social Media and Mobile Advertising, was very well-prepared and thorough,
capturing all the necessary details. Our group will detail what was presented by Group 02.
Group 02's presentation took the idea of Sunlight for Men, a very unique and somewhat trendy
idea. The group clearly presented the Insight and Big Idea and executed it very well. The slides
were minimalistic, visually appealing, and, most importantly, contained all the necessary content
with plenty of images to help the audience visualize what was being presented. I was impressed
with the leader of the group who presented in English very well, with a confident and composed
demeanor. The other two female presenters also did well, interacting with the audience, though
they occasionally glanced at the slides too much. I noticed that although the group had five
members, only three presented. Overall, the group did very well.
Detailed evaluation of each part presented by the group: First impressions at the beginning of the
presentation The group aimed to change the stereotype that housework is for women, which
served as an impactful start to their presentation. They seamlessly integrated and provided
comprehensive background information on Sunlight for Men and applied the content from
chapters 7 and 8 harmoniously. However, the Feedback and Effectiveness part of the presentation
was not very clear, making it difficult for everyone to grasp what was being presented.
Regarding the Introduction: The group clearly presented the background and led into the issue,
trends, and current context to propose a solution. The Big Idea was cleverly integrated with the
term dumbbell to imply “Housework is not everyone’s business,” a unique way to help the
audience understand the issue the group was addressing. Regarding the Campaign
Communication Model: The group mentioned the main tools they wanted to use to convey their
message, but the presentation did not delve deeply into the reasons for choosing these tools. The
group showed that Sunlight used these tools in two phases of the campaign. However, using
images instead of video ads did not demonstrate a deeper understanding as well as videos would
have. The explanations were too general and did not leave a strong impression.
Regarding the Message Structure: The group did well in associating the dumbbell with
masculinity and incorporating arguments. Group 1 also cleverly and humorously presented the
tagline and explained its meaning. In the Framing section, the group only mentioned a more
balanced partnership and potentially more free time. They should have highlighted other benefits
such as changing old stereotypes, fostering family bonding, or serving as a better way to educate
children. The group did not clearly explain why this is a balanced partnership, which could be
further elaborated, for example, by sharing the household burden with women, enhancing family
bonds, and creating a cleaner environment. In the One or Two-Sided section, the group discussed
the campaign's drawbacks but did not go into the product’s weaknesses. It would be better if they
researched what these weaknesses are compared to other products.
Regarding Social Media: In the Influencer on Social Network/KOLs endorsements section, the
group mentioned several well-known influencers and KOLs like Công Vinh - Thủy Tiên, Bùi
Tiến Dũng, Karik, and Trang Lou but did not explain their roles in these campaigns. It would be
better to analyze their roles and why Sunlight chose them for the campaign. However, group 04
asked about this, and group 02 provided satisfactory explanations, such as Công Vinh - Thủy
Tiên being a famous couple representing a family image, or Bùi Tiến Dũng being a modern,
strong man fitting Sunlight’s image. In the Social Engagement section, the group cited an image
from the film “Gạo nếp gạo tẻ” featuring Sunlight, highlighting Sunlight’s impact on married
women by reminding their husbands to do dishes. This was a clever and relevant integration. For
the Sunlight Challenge photo contest, it would have been better to include some participation
numbers or specific examples.
Regarding Feedback and Effectiveness: The presenter did not deliver this part very well, but the
content was relatively complete. The Sales Effects mentioned a promotion of Buy 1 Sunlight
3.8kg get 1 free Sunlight for Men, leading our group to question whether this product is sold or is
just a promotional gift to push sales for another product.
The Results section effectively showcased the campaign’s achievements through specific figures.
The group highlighted the campaign’s success with numbers, demonstrating the campaign’s
effectiveness and feasibility.
Furthermore, the group could have enhanced their presentation by incorporating more interactive
elements, such as short video clips or live demonstrations. This would not only engage the
audience more but also provide a clearer understanding of how the campaign would be executed
in real life. Additionally, the use of real-life testimonials or case studies could have added a layer
of authenticity and relatability to the campaign, making it more convincing to the audience.
In conclusion: Group 02 detailed and clearly presented their content, although there were some
minor errors and the presentation was somewhat disjointed at times. The group also answered
questions well, articulating their viewpoints effectively. The group met the requirements of the
topic and provided a comprehensive view of the Sunlight for Men campaign. This reflects
thorough preparation and a deep understanding of the content they researched.
This expanded evaluation provides an overview of Group 02's presentation, highlighting the
strengths and areas needing improvement. Additionally, it is important to recognize the efforts of
the entire group. Even though not all members presented, it is likely that everyone contributed to
the research, preparation, and design of the presentation. Acknowledging the behind-the-scenes
work can provide a more holistic view of the group’s collaborative effort. Further improvement
in delivery and a deeper dive into certain areas will surely help in future presentations.

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