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Full name: Nguyen Viet Khang

Class: 4C
School: Tien Phong B Primary School
Topic 1:
Question 1: Share your feelings about a book that has inspired and guided you
towards a positive lifestyle, consciously building a healthy cultural living
environment, being socially responsible, and arousing aspirations contribute and
develop the country.
In May, I fell more in love with the capital through the book "Tell the
ancient story of Thang Long - Hanoi"

Respected teachers and fellow students, my name is Nguyen Viet Khang,

a student in class 4C at Tien Phong B Primary School.
"Even if I travel to all four corners of the earth, my heart still longs for Hanoi."
Indeed, Hanoi is very beautiful and simple. The capital city of Hanoi has many
unique sightseeing spots and mouth-watering cuisine that captivates the soul.
"Tell the ancient story of Thang Long - Hanoi" is a book that has inspired and
guided me towards a positive lifestyle, consciously building a healthy cultural
living environment, being responsible to society, arousing my thirst. Desire to
contribute and develop the country. It is an interesting work about Hanoi that I
have read many times when I have free time in the school library.
The book has 187 pages and is 14.5 x 20.5cm in size, very pretty and
convenient to use. Evaluated and published by Hanoi Publishing House in 2010,
compiled by history professor Le Van Lan and Hanoi Party Committee
Propaganda Department.

The author's cover is arranged very reasonably and prominently: on a red-

brown background are the words "Tell the ancient story of Thang Long,
Hanoi", in the middle of the cover is the Khue Van Cac symbol and the image
of the sacred Dragon flying up. reminds us of new knowledge, wanting to learn
about the cultural and historical beauty of Thang Long - a heroic and cultural
Thang Long.
The book is a collection of stories and small stories about the people and
places of Thang Long - Hanoi for more than 1,000 years. The stories start from
the pre-Thang Long period, to the capital settlement and development of Thang
Long, highlighting the cultural and historical values of the people and the land
of thousands of years of civilization.

I was most impressed at the beginning of the book about the birth of the
Vietnamese people. According to the god of Ron Rong Mountain - To Lich
River Saint, around the beginning of the Common Era, a group of Ancient
Vietnamese people walked along the Mother River, looking for a place to settle.
Living in the middle of a muddy plain, from afar they saw the high Ron Rong
Mountain range and a branch of the mother river winding around the mountain,
providing convenient waterways for travel and a source of cool water for
drinking and drinking, so they decided to establish a village. The first village
elder, head of Huong Long Do, of the To family, named Lich. He was a kind
and kind person, so he was respected by the Huong people until he was a
hundred years old, when he appeared to bless the villagers. The winding river
meandering around Huong Long Do is called To Lich River. Now, it is the heart
of the Hoang Thanh - Thang Long relic area.

Furthermore, I am even more proud, because this place has the largest
archaeological excavations in Southeast Asia, revealing a very rich and diverse
complex of relics and relics. Ashes mixed in the ruins are foundations, pillars,
brick walls, drainage systems... Those messy archeologies show us a brilliant art
that is not only in idea but also in splendid presence. In the color of blue,
opaque white or yellow glaze with elegant lotus petals, the regal dragon shapes
of the Thang Long capital during the Ly - Tran dynasties.

The final part of the book tells the story of Thang Long's heroic spirit.
The author recorded 7 stories about real people and real events that contributed
their efforts to the cause of preserving and protecting Thang Long. It is an
inevitable sacred task that if we encounter a challenge with the enemy's
weapons, we will have to proceed with armed struggle. Those heroic sacrifices
have truly created a facet for the priceless treasure trove of assets and spiritual
heritage of the thousand-year-old imperial capital of Thang Long and Hanoi.

Through 35 stories with gentle, flexible language, historical researcher Le

Van Lan has led readers to Thang Long with legends, stories, and events that
help us understand and love the land more. and the people of Thang Long -
Hanoi, a legendary, shimmering, fanciful Thang Long with legends and stories
that opens up in the reader's mind an imaginative space full of emotions.

The book has helped me understand and love the land I live in more.
Loving our country more and being proud of our nation, we realize that we are
very lucky to be born and raised in this land rich in history and prosperity.
Studying, promoting reading culture in the community and trying harder to be
worthy of being the future owner of the land of Thang Long - Hanoi, is what we
are striving for.

Each book is like a glowing precious gem, like a beautiful flower that
quietly spreads its fragrance, preserving the quintessence of wisdom for

I hope that through this book introduction, everyone will be equipped with
useful knowledge to better understand the capital city with its rich and unique
historical and cultural traditions imbued with the soul of the Vietnamese people.
And if you are curious to learn and discover the golden history of the legendary
Thang Long - Hanoi, let's read the book "Tell the ancient story of Thang Long
- Hanoi" Through mass media or through the Thang Long - Hanoi bookshelf in
the school library!
The propaganda session to introduce my book comes to an end.
Wishing teachers and friends a new week with lots of joy, happiness and good
I sincerely thank the teachers and students for listening attentively!
Question 2: Please develop an action plan to develop a reading culture for
yourself or the community? (State the goals, beneficiaries, content of work
performed, and results achieved).
Nothing can replace reading culture." For me, that is the goal and motto
during the time I study and practice under my beloved school. Therefore, to
promote the reading culture movement in school, I would like to develop an
action plan to develop reading culture for myself and my friends around me as

- Raise self-consciousness in reading, propagandize the benefits of reading for
my fellow students around me. From there, there is a spirit of self-discipline in
reading books, enriching knowledge in study and life.
- Learn to love and appreciate books; understand that "nothing can replace
reading culture". Although life is increasingly modern and mass media is
increasingly developed and abundant, reading is still a beautiful cultural trait
that needs to be preserved and spread.

* Beneficiaries:
- My-Self: I will benefit from expanding knowledge, developing reading and
writing skills, as well as enhancing thinking and creativity.
- Community: Community members, especially children and adolescents, will
be encouraged to participate in reading and create a fun and beneficial reading

* Content of work performed:

- Create a reading space:
+ Together, let's create comfortable and inviting spaces for reading, whether it's
a cozy corner in the home or a dedicated area in the community center or school
+ Make sure the reading space is well-lit, quiet, and has a variety of books and
reading documents.
- Develop diverse reading documents:
Build a diverse book collection that caters to different age groups, interests, and
reading levels that includes books from a variety of genres, authors, and cultures
to promote inclusivity and openness opinion.
- Promote reading events and activities:
+ Organize book clubs, reading challenges, author talks, and storytelling
sessions to engage readers and foster a sense of community.
+ Organize literary events such as book fairs, poetry contests or writing
workshops to celebrate the joy of reading and creativity.
- Using technology and digital resources:
+ Provides access to e-books, audiobooks, and online reading platforms to suit
different reading preferences and lifestyles.
+ Leverage social media and digital platforms to share book recommendations,
host virtual book discussions, and connect with readers online.
- Celebrate reading achievements:
+ Recognize and reward members reading achievements through certificates of
merit and medals.
+ Showcase readers' achievements through newsletters, bulletin boards, or
social media to inspire others and create a culture of recognition.

* Achievements:
- Cultivate reading habits for everyone
- Many good books have been replicated in the community
- I will have the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and thinking.
- The community will have a positive reading environment, creating joy
and personal development for all members.
- The encouragement and spread of reading will bring positive cultural
influences in the community.

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