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Version 1


Guideline for PSSE Stability Modeling of Inverter-Based DER ≥ 5 MW

to Meet National Grid SRD for Western RI DER ASO 3
(applicable to PSSE V34)

The following generic renewable energy system modules from the PSS/E Rev 34.8.1 Standard Library
models shall be used to represent the transient stability characteristics of the inverter-based DERs.

1.) Renewable Energy Generator/Converter Model:


2.) Renewable Energy Electrical Model:


3.) Power Plant Controller model:

 REPC_A -- (for Stand-Alone PV, Stand-Alone BESS, and DC coupled PV+BESS)
 PLNTBU1 + REAX4BU1 – (For AC coupled PV+BESS)

The sections below provide guidelines for parameterizing these generic PSS/E renewable energy system
models to comply with various performance requirements outlined in the Source Requirements
Document (SRD) for the Western RI DER ASO 3 Study (refer to National Grid SRD_Western RI ASO3.pdf).

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Version 1

REGC_B Model Guidelines - Model parameters are to be provided in per unit of machine MVA base.
Typical Value
Parameter Description or range of Comments
RateFlag switch;
RateFlag 0: rate limit on active current, 0 or 1 Inverter specific
1: rate limit on active power
Needs to be consistent with the PQFlag of
associated REEC_D model

Set to 0 (Q Priority), if providing dynamic

PQ priority Flag;
PQ Priority voltage support in the mandatory operation
0: Q priority, 0 or 1
Flag region of attached SRD document
1: P priority
Set to 1 (P Priority), if not providing dynamic
voltage support in the mandatory operation
region of attached SRD document
Lag time constant emulating current
Tg 0.017 to 0.03 Cannot be zero
regulator response time. [s]
Lag time constant representing delay
Te 0.01 to 0.017 Should generally not set this to zero
in converter firing controls. [s].
Lag time constant representing the lag
Tfltr in the terminal voltage measurement 0.02 to 0.05 Can be set to zero
transducer [s]
Ramp rate for active current recovery needs
Rate limit on active power recovery to be at least 2 p.u/s since IEEE 1547
rate after a large voltage dip, or requires DERs to restore output to at least
Rrpwr 2 to 20
sudden change in active power 80% within 0.4 seconds. Please provide the
command. [p.u/s] inverter’s actual ramp rate.

Re is a Loadflow model parameter, not a

stability model parameter. Please provide
Re Equivalent source resistance. [p.u] 0 to 0.02
separately in the load flow model.
Re is typically set to zero
Xe is a Loadflow model parameter, not a
stability model parameter
Xe Equivalent source reactance. [p.u] 0.05 to 0.3
Please provide separately in the load flow
Rate limit on reactive current recovery Parameter value is irrelevant because initial
after a fault if the initial reactive reactive current is always zero (DER not
Iqrmax 1 to 999
current is positive (injecting into the allowed to control voltage under normal
grid). operating conditions (i.e. “steady state)
Rate limit on reactive current recovery Parameter value irrelevant because initial
after a fault if the initial reactive reactive current is always zero (DER not
Iqrmin -1 to -999
current is negative (absorbing from allowed to control voltage under normal
the grid). operating conditions (i.e. “steady state)
Needs to be consistent with the associated
REEC_D model
Imax Maximum converter current limit [p.u] 1.0 to 1.5
Please provide inverter’s maximum current
*Typical values are provided only for guidance and should not be interpreted as a strict range of

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Version 1

REEC_D Model Guidelines - Model parameters are to be provided in per unit of machine MVA base.
Typical Value
Parameter Description or range of Comments
• 1 if power factor control
Set to 0. DERs not allowed to control
PFFLAG • 0 if Q control (which can be controlled 0 or 1
voltage under normal operating conditions.
by an external signal)
• 1 if Q control Set to 0 or 1. VFLAG value is irrelevant if
VFLAG 0 or 1
• 0 if voltage control QFLAG is set to zero
• 1 if voltage or Q control Set to 0. DERs not allowed to control
QFLAG 0 or 1
• 0 if constant pf or Q control voltage under normal operating conditions
• 1 if active current command has speed
Set to 0. No speed dependency for PV or
PFLAG dependency 0 or 1
• 0 for no dependency
Needs to be consistent with PQFlag of
associated REGC_B model

Set to 0 (Q Priority), if providing dynamic

P/Q priority flag for current limit:
voltage support in the mandatory operation
PQFLAG • 0 for Q priority 0 or 1
region of attached SRD document
• 1 for P priority
Set to 1 (P Priority), if not providing dynamic
voltage support in the mandatory operation
region of attached SRD document
Setting is irrelevant, since Qflag set to 0.
• 1 for current compensation
VcmpFlag: 0 or 1 DERs not allowed to control voltage under
• 0 for reactive droop compensation
normal operating conditions.
Set to 0.88pu, if providing dynamic voltage
support in the low voltage, mandatory
operation region of attached SRD document
low voltage threshold to activate
Vdip (pu) reactive current injection <0.90
Set to < 0.50, if not providing dynamic
voltage support in the low voltage,
mandatory operation region of attached
SRD document
Set above 1.2 so as not to provide dynamic
Voltage above which reactive current
Vup (pu) > 1.10 voltage support in the continuous operation
injection logic is activated
region of attached SRD document
Inverter specific. Needs to be the same as
Trv (s) Voltage filter time constant 0.02 to 0.05
Tfltr in REGC_B model.

Voltage error dead band lower

dbd1 (pu) -0.1 to 0
threshold (≤0) Enter inverter specific values if inverter is
providing dynamic voltage support in in the
Voltage error dead band upper low voltage, mandatory operation region of
dbd2 (pu) 0 to 0.1 attached SRD document.
threshold (≥0)
Reactive current injection gain during
Kqv (pu) 0 to 10 Otherwise, parameter values are irrelevant.
over and undervoltage conditions
Upper limit on reactive current injection
Iqh1 (pu), 1 to 1.1

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Typical Value
Parameter Description or range of Comments
Lower limit on reactive current injection
Iql1 (pu), -1.1 to 1
User defined reference (if 0, model
Vref0 (pu), 0.95 to 1.05
initializes it to initial terminal voltage)
Value to which reactive-current
Iqfrz command is frozen after a voltage-dip 0
Time for which reactive-current
command is frozen after a voltage-dip
Thld [s]; if positive then Iqcmd is frozen to its 0
final value during the voltage-dip; if
negative then Iqcmd is frozen to Iqfrz
Time for which Ipcmdbl (value of Ipcmd
Thld2 before limit) is frozen after the voltage 0 inverter specific
dip is over (s)
Filter time constant for electrical power
Tp 0.01 to 0.1 inverter specific
The maximum value of the incoming Set to 0. Inverter not allowed to control
QMax 0.4 to 1.0
Qext or Vext [p.u] voltage under normal operating conditions
The minimum value of the incoming Set to 0. Inverter not allowed to control
QMin -1.0 to -0.4
Qext or Vext [p.u] voltage under normal operating conditions
VMAX Maximum limit for voltage control [p.u] 1.05 to 1.1
VMIN Minimum limit for voltage control [p.u] 0.9 to 0.95
Reactive power regulator proportional
Kqp N/A
gain (p.u) Parameter values are irrelevant, since QFlag
Reactive power regulator integral gain set to 0. DERs not allowed to control
Kqi N/A
(p.u) voltage under normal operating conditions
Voltage regulator proportional gain
Kvp N/A
Kvi Voltage regulator integral gain (p.u) N/A
Parameter value irrelevant, since VFlag set
Vbias User-defined bias (p.u) normally 0
to 1.
Tiq Time constant on delay for block s4 (s) 0.02 – 0.05 inverter specific
Power reference maximum ramp rate
dPmax >0 Must be greater than 0
Power reference minimum ramp rate
dPmin <0 Must be less than 0
PMAX Maximum power limit (p.u) 1
PMIN Minimum power limit (p.u) 0
Maximum limit on total converter
Imax 1.0 to 1.5 Must match Imax value in REGC_B model
current (p.u)
Tpord Power filter time constant (s) 0.02 to 0.05
Enter Inverter specific values if inverter
10 pairs of values defining the voltage employs Voltage Dependent Limits for
VDL vq-iq N/A
dependent reactive-current limits [p.u] reactive current. Otherwise, set all VDL vq-iq
data to zero
Enter Inverter specific values if inverter
10 pairs of values defining the voltage employs Voltage Dependent Limits for active
VDL vp-ip N/A
dependent active-current limits [p.u] current. Otherwise, set all VDL vp-ip data to

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Typical Value
Parameter Description or range of Comments
rc Current-compensation resistance [p.u] 0 to 0.02
Xc Current-compensation reactance [p.u] 0.01 to 0.12 Parameter values are irrelevant, since QFlag
Filter time constant for voltage set to 0. DERs not allowed to control
Tr1 0.02 to 0.05
measurement. Can be set to “zero”. [s] voltage under normal operating conditions
Kc Reactive-current compensation gain 0.01 to 0.05
set to 0 for a generator,
Ke Scaling on Ipmin; 0 to 1 set to a value between 0 and 1 for a storage
device, as appropriate
Set to 0.50 p.u to correctly model
Voltage below which the converter is
vblkl 0.50 p.u Momentary Cessation low voltage threshold
blocked (i.e. Iq = Ip = 0)
per attached SRD document
Set to 1.10 p.u to correctly model
Voltage above which the converter is
vblkh 1.1 p.u Momentary Cessation high voltage
blocked (i.e. Iq = Ip = 0)
threshold per attached SRD document
The time delay following blocking of the
Time delay after release from converter
Tblk_delay converter after which the converter is 0.04 to 0.1
blocking due to Momentary cessation.
released from being blocked

*Typical values are provided only for guidance and should not be interpreted as a strict range of numbers.
Where N/A is listed, this indicates that there is no typical range to be provided.

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Version 1

REPC_A Model Guidelines – To be used for stand-Alone PV, stand-Alone BESS, and DC coupled
Model parameters are to be provided in per unit of machine MVA base.

Typical Value
Parameter Description or range of Comments
VCFLAG Droop flag for Voltage control 0 or 1 Set to 0 or 1. Irrelevant if RefFlag is set to 0
Set to 0. No voltage control allowed for
RefFlag Flag for Voltage or Q control 0 or 1
continuous operation.
Set to 1, Enable frequency response, per
Fflag Frequency Control Flag 0 or 1
attached SRD document
Voltage and reactive power filter
tfltr 0.02 to 0.05
time constant, sec.
Volt/VAr regulator proportional
kp -
gain, p.u.
Volt/VAr regulator integral gain,
ki -
Plant controller Q output lead time
tft 0
constant, sec.
Plant controller Q output lag time
tfv 0.02 to 0.15
constant, sec.
Voltage for freezing Volt/VAr Parameter values are irrelevant, DERs not
vfrz 0.00 to 0.90 allowed to control voltage under normal
regulator integrator, p.u.
Line drop compensation operating conditions
rc 0.0
resistance, p.u.
Line drop compensation reactance,
xc 0.0
kc Reactive droop gain, p.u. -
emax Maximum Volt/VAr error, p.u. -999
emin Minimum Volt/VAr error, p.u. 999
Lower threshold for reactive power
Dbd1 <=0
control deadband (<=0)
Upper threshold for reactive power
Dbd1 >=0
control deadband (>=0)
Maximum plant reactive power Set to 0. No voltage control allowed for
Qmax 0.00 to 0.43
command, p.u. continuous operation
Minimum plant reactive power Set to 0. No voltage control allowed for
Qmin -0.43 to 0.00
command, p.u. continuous operation.
Real power control proportional
kpg - PPC specific
gain, p.u.
Real power control integral gain,
kig - PPC specific
Active power filter time constant,
tp 0.02 to 0.05 PPC specific
Frequency deadband downside, Set to - 0.0006 p.u. 0.036 Hz deadband is
fdbd1 -0.01 to 0.00
p.u. required per attached SRD (0.036Hz/60Hz)

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Typical Value
Parameter Description or range of Comments
Set to 0.0006 p.u. 0.036 hz deadband is
fdbd2 Frequency deadband upside, p.u. 0.00 to 0.01
required per attached SRD (0.036Hz/60Hz)
Maximum power error in droop
femax -999
regulator, p.u.
Minimum power error in droop
femin 999
regulator, p.u.
Maximum plant active power
pmax 1
command, p.u.
Set to 0 if Stand-Alone PV.
Set to -1 if stand-alone BESS.

If DC coupled PV+BESS
Minimum plant active power
pmin 0 or -1 Set to negative of BESS MW rating,
command, p.u. in p.u of PV MW rating, if PV MW
rating larger than BESS MW rating

Otherwise, set to – 1.
Plant controller P output lag time
tg 0.02 to 0.15 PPC specific
constant, sec.
Reciprocal of down regulation Set to 20. 5% droop setting is required per
ddn 0.00 to 33.33
droop, p.u. attached SRD document.
Set to 20 if stand-alone BESS or DC Coupled
PV+BESS. 5% droop setting is required per
Reciprocal of up regulation droop,
dup 0.00 to 33.33 attached SRD document.
Otherwise, set to 0.

*Typical values are provided only for guidance and should not be interpreted as a strict range of numbers.
Where N/A is listed, this indicates that there is no typical range to be provided.

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PLNTBU1 Model Guidelines – To be used for AC coupled PV+BESS

Note: REAX4BU1 Model is also required to be used with PLNTBU1 (see later in document)
Model parameters are to be provided in per unit of system MVA base (100 MVA).

Typical Value
Parameter Description or range of Comments
VCFLAG Droop flag for Voltage control 0 or 1 Set to 0 or 1. Irrelevant if RefFlag is set to 0
Set to 0. No voltage control allowed for
RefFlag Flag for Voltage or Q control 0 or 1
continuous operation.
Set to 1, Enable frequency response, per
Fflag Freqency Control Flag 0 or 1
attached SRD document
Voltage and reactive power filter
tfltr 0.02 to 0.05
time constant, sec.
Volt/VAr regulator proportional
kp -
gain, p.u.
Volt/VAr regulator integral gain,
ki -
Plant controller Q output lead time
tft 0
constant, sec.
Plant controller Q output lag time
tfv 0.02 to 0.15
constant, sec.
Voltage for freezing Volt/VAr Parameter values are irrelevant, DERs not
vfrz 0.00 - 0.90
regulator integrator, p.u. allowed to control voltage under normal
Line drop compensation operating conditions
rc 0.0
resistance, p.u.
Line drop compensation reactance,
xc 0.0
kc Reactive droop gain, p.u. -
emax Maximum Volt/VAr error, p.u. -999
emin Minimum Volt/VAr error, p.u. 999
Lower threshold for reactive power
Dbd1 <=0
control deadband (<=0)
Upper threshold for reactive power
Dbd1 >=0
control deadband (>=0)
Maximum plant reactive power Set to 0. No voltage control allowed for
Qmax 0.00 to 0.43
command, p.u. continuous operation
Minimum plant reactive power Set to 0. No voltage control allowed for
Qmin -0.43 to 0.00
command, p.u. continuous operation.
Real power control proportional
kpg - PPC specific
gain, p.u.
Real power control integral gain,
kig - PPC specific
Active power filter time constant,
tp 0.02 to 0.05 PPC specific
Frequency deadband downside, Set to - 0.0006 p.u. 0.036 hz deadband is
fdbd1 -0.01 to 0.00
p.u. required per attached SRD (0.036Hz/60Hz)
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Version 1

Typical Value
Parameter Description or range of Comments
Set to 0.0006 p.u. 0.036 Hz deadband is
fdbd2 Frequency deadband upside, p.u. 0.00 to 0.01
required per attached SRD (0.036Hz/60Hz)
Maximum power error in droop
femax -999
regulator, p.u.
Minimum power error in droop
femin 999
regulator, p.u.
Maximum plant active power Set to greater of either PV or BESS MW
pmax N/A
command, p.u. rating, in p.u of 100 MVA base
Minimum plant active power Set to negative of BESS MW rating, in p.u of
pmin N/A
command, p.u. 100 MVA base
Plant controller P output lag time
tg 0.02 to 0.15 PPC specific
constant, sec.
Reciprocal of down regulation Set to 20. 5% droop setting is required per
ddn 0.00 to 33.33
droop, p.u. attached SRD document.
Set to 20. 5% droop setting is required per
Reciprocal of up regulation droop,
dup 0.00 to 33.33 attached SRD document.
Set to 0. All p.u values in PLNTBU1 model
MVA_P Plant Controller MVA base N/A are to be provided on system (100 MVA)

*Typical values are provided only for guidance and should not be interpreted as a strict range of numbers.
Where N/A is listed, this indicates that there is no typical range to be provided.

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REAX4BU1 Model Guidelines – To be used in conjunction with PLNTBU1 for AC coupled PV+BESS

Note: one REAX4BU1 model is required for each PV or BESS unit that are AC coupled.
Model parameters are to be provided in per unit of machine MVA base.

Typical Value
Parameter Description or range of Comments
Tw1 (s), Measurement time constant N/A Inverter specific
Kw1 (pu on Irrelevant, since DERs not allowed to control
Gain for signal in reactive path -
MBASE), voltage under normal operating conditions
Kp1(pu on
Gain for signal in real path N/A
Wmax (pu), Maximum value of W01 - Irrelevant, since DERs not allowed to control
Wmin (pu), Minimum value of W01 - voltage under normal operating conditions
Pmax (pu), Maximum value of P01 1 1 if either PV unit or BESS unit
0 if PV unit
Pmin (pu), Minimum value of P01 0 or -1
-1 if BESS unit

*Typical values are provided only for guidance and should not be interpreted as a strict range of numbers.
Where N/A is listed, this indicates that there is no typical range to be provided.

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VTGTPAT and FRQTPAT Model Guidelines - Voltage and Frequency Trip Settings

The following parameters for voltage and frequency trip relay PSS/E models need to be used to
represent the required inverter trip settings specified in the attached SRD document.

Parameter Model Value Description

Trip for voltages below 0.88
pu for more than 3 seconds
VL VTGTPAT 0.5 Trip for voltages below 0.5
VU VTGTPAT 999 pu for more than 1.1
TP VTGTPAT 1.1 seconds
Trip for voltages above 1.1
pu for more than 2 seconds
VL VTGTPAT 0 Trip for voltages above 1.2
VU VTGTPAT 1.2 pu for more than 0.16
TP VTGTPAT 0.16 seconds
FL FRQTPAT 58.5 Trip for frequency below
FU FRQTPAT 999 58.5 Hz for more than 300
TP FRQTPAT 300 seconds
FL FRQTPAT 56.5 Trip for frequency below
FU FRQTPAT 999 56.5 Hz for more than 0.16
TP FRQTPAT 0.16 seconds
FL FRQTPAT 0 Trip for frequency above 62
FU FRQTPAT 62 Hz for more than 0.16
TP FRQTPAT 0.16 seconds
FL FRQTPAT 0 Trip for frequency above
FU FRQTPAT 61.2 61.2 Hz for more than 300
TP FRQTPAT 300 seconds

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REGC_B Block Diagram [Source: PSS/E]

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REEC_D Block Diagram [Source: PSS/E]

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REEC_D Block Diagram – Continued:

State Transition Diagram for dynamic voltage support during high or low voltage conditions

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REPC_A Block Diagram [Source: PSS/E]

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PLNTBU1 Block Diagram [Source: PSS/E]

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REAX4BU1 Block Diagram [Source: PSS/E]

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